# /etc/make-live.conf - configuration file for make-live(8) # make-live does work out of the box. However, if you want to customize it, # you can edit the variables below. Look make-live.conf(8) for more information. # Root directory (Default: `pwd`/debian-live) #LIVE_ROOT="`pwd`/debian-live" # Image type (Default: iso) #LIVE_TYPE="iso" # Bootstrap architecture (Default: auto-detected) #LIVE_ARCHITECTURE="i386" # Boot parameters (Default: empty) #LIVE_BOOTAPPEND="" # Chroot directory (Default: ${LIVE_ROOT}/chroot) #LIVE_CHROOT="${LIVE_ROOT}/chroot" # Configuration file (Default: /etc/make-live.conf) #LIVE_CONFIG="/etc/make-live.conf" # Debian distribution (Default: sid) #LIVE_DISTRIBUTION="sid" # Image filesystem (Default: squashfs for iso, plain for net) #LIVE_FILESYSTEM="squashfs" # Bootstrap flavour (Default: standard) #LIVE_FLAVOUR="standard" # User command (Default: empty) #LIVE_HOOK="" # Chroot includes (Default: empty) #LIVE_INCLUDE_CHROOT="" # Image includes (Default: empty) #LIVE_INCLUDE_IMAGE="" # Kernel flavour (Default: auto-detected) #LIVE_KERNEL="" # Debian mirror (Default: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/) #LIVE_MIRROR="http://ftp.debian.org/debian/" # Debian security mirror (Default: http://security.debian.org/) #LIVE_MIRROR_SECURITY="http://security.debian.org/" # Packages (Default: empty) LIVE_PACKAGES="cdebootstrap less locales screen sudo vim" # Package list (Default: empty) #LIVE_PACKAGE_LIST="" # Chroots ftp_proxy (Default: empty) #LIVE_PROXY_FTP="" # Chroots http_proxy (Default: empty) #LIVE_PROXY_HTTP="" # Debian section (Default: main) #LIVE_SECTION="main" # Netboot server (Default: #LIVE_SERVER_ADDRESS="" # Netboot path (Default: /srv/debian-live/chroot) #LIVE_SERVER_PATH="" # Image templates (Default: /usr/share/make-live/templates) #LIVE_TEMPLATES="/usr/share/make-live/templates"