0fSPECIAL BOOT PARAMETERS - INSTALLATION SYSTEM07                                 09F807

You can use the following boot parameters at the 0fboot:07 prompt,
in combination with the boot method (see <09F307>). These parameters
control how the installer works.
RESULT                                  PARAMETER07
Verbose debugging                       0fDEBCONF_DEBUG=507
Debug boot sequence                     0fBOOT_DEBUG=2|307
Disable framebuffer                     0ffb=false07
Don't start PCMCIA                      0fhw-detect/start_pcmcia=false07
Force static network config             0fnetcfg/disable_dhcp=true07
Set keyboard map                        0fbootkbd=es07
Use Braille tty                         0fbrltty=driver,device,texttable07
Use high contrast accessibility theme   0ftheme=dark07
Use special tasks                       0ftasks="kde-desktop, standard"07

For example:
  boot: install fb=false

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