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authorMark Bryars <>2012-05-04 22:19:13 +0100
committerMark Bryars <>2012-05-04 22:19:13 +0100
commite756c7948078bd5109c5b8a0f252851efc4532d6 (patch)
tree39c4c6d660d7c377989e1adc1492ec198cdaa084 /doc
Imported Upstream version 0.13
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 3752 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Internetworking Over NBMA Yakov Rekhter
+<draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt> Joel Halpern
+Expiration Date: November 1999 Institutional Venture Partners
+ May 1998
+ NHRP for Destinations off the NBMA Subnetwork
+ draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt
+1. Status of this Memo
+ This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
+ all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. Internet-Drafts are working
+ documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
+ and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
+ working documents as Internet-Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+ and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+ time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
+ material or to cite them other than as ``work in progress.''
+ The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
+ The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
+2. Abstract
+ The NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) [1] specifies a
+ mechanism that allows a source station (e.g., a host or a router) on
+ an NBMA subnetwork to find the NBMA subnetwork address of a
+ destination station when the destination station is connected to the
+ NBMA subnetwork. For the case where the destination station is off
+ the NBMA subnetwork the mechanism described in [1] allows a node to
+ determine the NBMA subnetwork address of an egress router from the
+ NBMA subnetwork that is ``nearest'' to the destination station. If
+ used to locate an egress router wherein the destination station is
+ directly behind the egress router, the currently documented NHRP
+ behaviors are sufficient. However, as documented elsewhere [2],
+ there are cases where if used between routers for generalized
+ transit, NHRP can produce loops.
+Joel Halpern [Page 1]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+ This document describes extensions to the NBMA Next Hop Resolution
+ Protocol (NHRP) [1] that allow a node to acquire and maintain the
+ information about the egress router without constraining the
+ destination(s) to be directly connected to the egress router.
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [3].
+4. NHRP Target Information
+ The mechanism described in this document allows a node to find an
+ egress router for either a single destination, or a set of
+ destinations (where the set is expressed as a single address prefix).
+ Since a single destination is just a special case of a set of
+ destinations, for the rest of the document we will always talk about
+ a set of destinations, and will refer to this set as an ``NHRP
+ target''.
+ The NHRP target is carried in the NHRP Request, Reply, and Purge
+ messages as an address prefix (using the Prefix Length field of the
+ NHRP Client Information Extension). In order to ensure correctness,
+ a target may be replaced by an identical target with a longer prefix
+ length. This replacement may be done at an intermediate or
+ responding NHS. Other than this increase of prefix length, no NHS
+ shall modify the NHRP target information in an NHRP message.
+ In general a router may maintain in its Forwarding Information Base
+ (FIB) routes whose Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) that
+ exhibits a subset relation. Such routes are called overlapping
+ routes. To expand upon this, entries in a FIB are often related, with
+ one entry being a prefix of another entry. The longer prefix
+ therefore covers a set of routes that are a subset of the shorter
+ prefix. To provide correct forwarding in the presence of such
+ overlapping (or nested) routes this document constrains an NHRP
+ target by requiring that all the destinations covered by the target
+ must form a subset of the NLRI of at least one route in the
+ Forwarding Information Base (FIB) of the router that either
+ originates, or propagates an NHRP Request. That is, there must be at
+ least one route in the FIB which is a prefix of (or equal to) the
+ target of the request. For the rest of the document we'll refer to
+ this as the ``first NHRP target constraint''. A station can
+ originate an NHRP Request, and a router can propagate an NHRP Request
+ only if the NHRP target of the Request does not violate the first
+Joel Halpern [Page 2]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+ NHRP target constraint.
+ If a received NHRP request does not meet this ``first NHRP target
+ constraint'' when received, the receiving router has two choices. It
+ may answer the request, defining itself as the egress. This is
+ compatible with the base NHRP specification, and preserves the
+ ``first NHRP target constraint''. Alternatively, the router may
+ lengthen the received prefix until the first constraint is met. The
+ prefix is lengthened until the target falls within (or becomes equal
+ to) a FIB entry.
+ A route (from a local FIB) whose NLRI forms a minimal superset of all
+ the destinations covered by the NHRP target is called an ``NHRP
+ forwarding route''. This is the longest FIB entry that covers the
+ entire target. Observe that by definition the set of destinations
+ covered by an NHRP target always exhibits a subset relation to the
+ set of destinations covered by the NHRP forwarding route associated
+ with the target.
+ This document further constrains origination/propagation of NHRP
+ Requests by prohibiting the NHRP target (carried by a Request) to
+ form a superset of the destinations covered by any of the routes in
+ the local FIB. Remembering that there are nested FIB entries, this
+ constraint says that there must not be a FIB entry which is itself a
+ subset of the target of the NHRP request. If there were, there would
+ be some destinations within the request which would be forwarded
+ differently then others, preventing a single answer from being
+ correct. The constraint applies both to the station that originates
+ an NHRP Request and to the routers that propagate the Request. For
+ the rest of the document we'll refer to this constraint as the
+ ``second NHRP target constraint''. A station can originate an NHRP
+ Request, and a router can propagate an NHRP Request only if the NHRP
+ target of the Request does not violate the second NHRP target
+ constraint. The second NHRP target constraint guarantees that
+ forwarding to all the destinations covered by the NHRP target would
+ be accomplished via a single (common) route, and this route would be
+ the NHRP forwarding route for the target.
+ Again, if a received NHRP request does not meet the ``second NHRP
+ target constraint'', the router may either respond to the request,
+ providing its own NBMA address, or it may lengthen the prefix in the
+ request so as to meet the second constraint.
+Joel Halpern [Page 3]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+5. NHRP Requester and Terminator Processing
+ The issue being addressed with the behaviors being mandated in this
+ document is to ensure that sufficient information is present and
+ processed to avoid NHRP shortcuts causing packet forwarding loops.
+ In order to do this, the requester and responder of the request must
+ undertake certain work, and any "border routers" in the forwarding
+ path must also perform certain additional work beyond checking the
+ target consistency with the FIB during request processing. This
+ border work suffices to detect any changes that would cause the path
+ selection to have failed the target constraints.
+ The work performed by the requester and responder consists of two
+ kinds of work. One set is requester only work, and is required in
+ order to determine where the protocol boundaries are. The other set
+ is the route monitoring work.
+5.1. NHRP IGP information
+ The primary cause of NHRP forwarding loops is the loss of information
+ at a routing protocol boundary. Normally, such boundaries are
+ detected by the router at the boundary. However, it is possible for
+ IGP boundaries to overlap. Therefore, NHRP requesting Routers MUST
+ include the NHRP IGP Information extension (as defined in section 9).
+ This extension indicates what IGP the originator of the request uses.
+ A requesting router must always include this extension, since it is
+ not possible to tell a priori whether the eventual resolution of the
+ request will be a host or a router.
+ Because the entire BGP domain is consider one routing domain, the
+ extension also contains an indication as to whether the originator
+ was a BGP speaker.
+5.2. NHRP Requestor and Responder monitoring
+ NHRP requestors and responders are required to monitor routing to
+ maintain correct shortcut information.
+ Once a router that originates an NHRP Request acquires the shortcut
+ next hop information, it is essential for the router to be able to
+ detect any changes that would affect the correctness of this
+ information. The following measures are intended to provide the
+ correctness.
+ Both ends of a shortcut have to monitor the status of the route that
+Joel Halpern [Page 4]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+ was associated with the shortcut (the NHRP forwarding route). If the
+ status changes at the router that generated the NHRP Reply, this
+ router should send a Purge message, so that the NHRP Requester would
+ issue another NHRP. If the status changes at the Requester, the
+ Requester must issue another NHRP. This ensures that when both ends
+ of a shortcut are up, any changes in routing that impact forwarding
+ to any of the destinations in the NHRP target would result in a
+ revalidation (via NHRP) of the shortcut. Note that in addition to
+ sending purges/reverifies in response to routing changes which
+ directly effect the NHRP target, there is one other case.
+ A router MUST perform the appropriate purge/reverification process if
+ it receives routing updates that cause an issued NHRP request to
+ violate either of the target constraints defined earlier. This is
+ possible at an NHRP originator, and is more likely at border devices.
+ Once a shortcut is established, the Requester needs to have some
+ mechanism(s) to ensure that the other end of the shortcut is alive.
+ Among the possible mechanisms are: (a) indications from the Data Link
+ layer, (b) presence of traffic in the reverse direction that comes
+ with the Link Layer address of the other end, (c) keepalives sent by
+ the other end. This is intended to suppress black holes, when the
+ next hop router in the shortcut (the router that generated Reply)
+ goes down.
+ A requester should establish a shortcut only after the requester
+ determines that the information provided by NHRP is fairly stable.
+ This is necessary in order to avoid initiating shortcuts that are
+ based on transients in the routing information, and thus would need
+ to be revalidated almost immediately anyway. Thus, a router may wait
+ to use NHRP information if the underlying routing information has
+ recently changed. If the routing protocol being used has a notion of
+ stability, it should be used. Information in a transient or
+ holddown state SHOULD NOT be used, and requests which need to be
+ processed based on such information SHOULD be discarded.
+Joel Halpern [Page 5]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+6. Border Processing of NHRP Request
+ Processing of an NHRP Request is covered by two sets of rules: the
+ first set for IGP related processing, and the second set for BGP
+ related processing. The rules for IGP processing relate to
+ determining where the IGP borders are (in particular in the case of
+ overlapping IGPs), and then for what must happen at said borders.
+6.1. Border Determination
+ When a router receives a request, and determines that it is not the
+ NBMA exit router, it must perform a series of checks before
+ forwarding the request.
+ When a router receives such a Request, the router uses the NHRP
+ target and the NHRP IGP information to check whether (a) the first
+ and the second NHRP target constraints are satisfied, (b) the router
+ it is in the same routing domain as the originator of the Request,
+ and if yes, then whether (c) it is a border router for that domain.
+ When the NHRP target is checked against the forwarding database, a
+ determination must be made as to whether either of the target
+ constraints has been violated. If they are violated, then the router
+ MAY either
+ o Extend the prefix so as to meet the constraints.
+ o reply to the request indicating that it is the destination
+ o return an error indicating which constraint was violated.
+ If the NHRP forwarding route indicates a next hop that is not on the
+ same NBMA as the interface on which the Request was received, the
+ router sends back an NHRP Reply and terminates the query.
+ If a router receives a request without IGP information, then it was
+ originated within this domain by a host. If the router is an AS
+ Border Router (i.e. running BGP), and if the forwarding path exits
+ the AS, then it must behave as a border router for this request.
+ Otherwise, for requests without IGP information, the router is not a
+ border router.
+ For requests with IGP information, the router compares the forwarding
+ information against the IGP in the request. If the forwarding entry
+ indicates that the next hop is to exit the AS (an AS Border Router),
+ then check the BGP behaviors below.
+Joel Halpern [Page 6]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+ When the IGP the next hop was learned from is the same IGP as
+ indicated in the request, then the NHS simply forwards the request.
+ [Of course, as per NHRP, it is free to respond indicating it is the
+ termination of the shortcut, for example when the Router/NHS is a
+ firewall.]
+ When the IGP the next hop was learned from is different from that
+ listed in the NHRP request, then this NHS is a border router for this
+ request.
+6.2. Border Behavior
+ In all cases, a border router has two choices. It MAY terminate and
+ respond to the request, responding with its IP and NBMA address.
+ Alternatively, it MAY perform border propagation.
+6.2.1. Reorigination
+ Upon receiving an NHRP request for which the NHS is a border router,
+ if it chooses to propagate the request, it MUST originate a new NHRP
+ request. This request will have a locally generated request
+ identifier, and the same NHRP target information as in the received
+ request. The NHRP IGP Information will be the correct indication for
+ the outgoing interface, with BGP indication if the received request
+ had the BGP indication, or if this transition crosses the AS border.
+ All other extensions are copied from the incoming request to the new
+ request.
+6.2.2. Response Propagation
+ When an NHRP response is received for a propagated request, the
+ information is copies from the received request, and passed on in a
+ new NHRP response, responding to the originally received request.
+ The prefix length in the received response is copied to the new
+ response. All extensions except the NHRP IGP Information are copied
+ to the new response.
+ In addition, the border router saves state about this information
+ exchange. The saved state includes the NHRP target from the
+ response, with the NHRP prefix length that resulted from the
+ exchange. It also includes the both the original requester, and the
+ identity of the responder. These are used to generate appropriate
+ reverification and purges whenever routing changes in a way that
+ could effect the resolution.
+Joel Halpern [Page 7]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+6.3. Border Information
+ Sometimes the routing protocol will have provided the border router
+ with enough information to generate a response to an incoming NHRP
+ request. In particular, the border router may have information about
+ IP prefix to NBMA address bindings. If such information is present,
+ it may be used by a border router to produce an NHRP response without
+ actually propagating the request. In such a case, that information
+ must be monitored for stability to maintain the correctness of the
+ shortcut.
+7. BGP Operation
+ While the NHRP mechanism described above is mostly constrained to the
+ routers within a single routing domain, the same mechanisms can be
+ used for shortcuts that span multiple domains. In doing so, one
+ wants to produce as little additional overhead in the BGP space as
+ possible.
+ Therefore, we will treat the space over which BGP runs as a single
+ routing domain. Care must be taken to propagate information across
+ the individual AS without error, and to indicate that one has
+ properly entered the BGP space.
+ Additional complexity in handling multi-domain shortcuts arise if
+ routing information gets aggregated at the border routers (which
+ certainly happens in practice). Since BGP is the major protocol that
+ is used to exchange routing information across multiple routing
+ domains, we'll restrict our proposal to the case where the routing
+ information exchange across domains' boundaries is controlled by BGP.
+ If both the source and the destination domains are on a common NBMA
+ network, and the path between these two domains is also fully within
+ the same NBMA network, then we have only three routing domains to
+ deal with: source routing domain, BGP routing domain, and destination
+ routing domain. If the destination domain is not on the same NBMA as
+ the source domain, then we need to deal only with two domains - the
+ source and the BGP. Note that we treat all routers that participate
+ in a single (common) instance of BGP as a single BGP routing domain,
+ even if these routers participate in different intra-domain routing
+ protocols, or in different instances of the same intra-domain routing
+ protocol. There are three aspects to consider.
+ (a) how a border router in the domain that the originator of
+ the Request is in handles the Request (crossing IGP/BGP
+ boundary),
+Joel Halpern [Page 8]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+ (b) how the Request is handled across the BGP domain, and
+ finally
+ (c) how a border router in the domain where the NHRP target is
+ in handles the Request (crossing BGP/IGP boundary).
+7.1. Handling NHRP Request at the source domain border router
+ When a border router receives an NHRP Request originated from within
+ its own (IGP) routing domain, the border router determines the NHRP
+ forwarding route for the NHRP target carried by the Request. If the
+ router already has the shortcut information for the forwarding route,
+ then the router uses this information to construct a Reply to the
+ source of the NHRP Request. Otherwise, the router originates its own
+ NHRP Request. The Request contains exactly the same NHRP target, as
+ was carried by the original Request; The NHRP IGP Information will
+ indicate that the request was generated by BGP, and will indicate the
+ IGP of the BGP AS being entered. While it is assumed that a BGP
+ transit AS will generally use only one IGP, the IGP information (and
+ border processing) is included to allow all cases. The newly
+ originated Request is sent to the next hop of the NHRP forwarding
+ route. Once the border router receives a Reply to its own Request,
+ the border router uses the next hop information from the Reply to
+ construct its own Reply to the source of the original NHRP Request.
+ If the border router later on receives a Purge message for the NHRP
+ forwarding route, the border router treats this event as if there was
+ a local change in the NHRP forwarding route (even if the there was no
+ changes in the route).
+ This is exactly the same behavior as all other border cases, and is
+ described here for completeness.
+7.2. Handling NHRP Request within the BGP domain
+ Routers within an AS will check the IGP, and perform appropriate
+ processing based on the IGP match. In general, this will result in
+ normal forwarding of the NHRP request.
+ Therefore, the significant cases occur at the BGP speaking routers.
+ There are two conditions to check for, early exit of the NBMA, and
+ reachability aggregation. Both of these conditions apply to
+ Autonomous systems that do not contain the NHRP target.
+Joel Halpern [Page 9]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+7.2.1. NBMA exit
+ The BGP router in deciding where to send the NHRP request will
+ determine what the correct exit from the autonomous system is. It
+ will determine if that exit is within the NBMA. If it is not within
+ the NBMA, then the router MUST respond to the NHRP request,
+ indicating its own IP and NBMA addresses as the correct termination
+ of the shortcut. This is because the actual NBMA border device is
+ not in a position to monitor the topology properly.
+ BGP routers within an NBMA which are supporting R2R NHRP SHOULD be
+ configured to know where the NBMA border is. In the absence of such
+ configuration, requests from other router SHOULD be terminated at the
+ BGP router, since it can not tell what will be crossing the border.
+ A BGP router supporting R2R NHRP may be configured to assume that all
+ of its neighbors are within the NBMA, and therefore not perform such
+ early termination.
+7.2.2. Reachability Aggregation
+ BGP routers aggregate reachability. If the router aggregates
+ reachability that includes the NHRP target, only this router has the
+ visibility to some of the topology changes that can affect the
+ correctness of the route. Therefore, this router is a border router
+ for this NHRP request.
+ It must originate a new request, place the correct information in the
+ request, receive the response, and generate the correct response
+ towards the requester. This aggregating router must also monitor
+ routing in case of changes which affect the request.
+ If the router later on receives a Purge message for the NHRP
+ forwarding route, the router treats this event as if there was a
+ change in the NHRP forwarding route (even if the there was no changes
+ in the route).
+ It should be noted that this conditions applies if the router COULD
+ aggregate relevant routing information, even if it currently does
+ not.
+Joel Halpern [Page 10]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+7.3. Handling NHRP Request at the destination domain border router
+ When a border router receives an NHRP Request from a BGP speaker, and
+ the border router determines that all the destinations covered by the
+ NHRP target of the Request are within the (IGP) domain of that border
+ router, the border router determines the NHRP forwarding route for
+ the NHRP target carried by the Request. The newly formed Request
+ contains exactly the same NHRP target as the received Request; the
+ NHRP IGP Information indicates the IGP this router is using to select
+ the route to the destination. The newly originated Request is sent
+ to the next hop of the NHRP forwarding route. Once the border router
+ receives a Reply to its own Request, the border router uses the next
+ hop information from the Reply to construct its own Reply to the
+ source of the original NHRP Request.
+ If the border router later on receives a Purge message for the NHRP
+ forwarding route, the border router treats this event as if there was
+ a change in the NHRP forwarding route (even if the there was no
+ changes in the route).
+8. More state, less messages
+ It should be possible to reduce the number of Purge messages and
+ subsequent NHRP messages (caused by the Purge messages) by
+ maintaining more state on the border routers at the source and
+ destination domains, and the BGP routers that perform aggregation
+ along the path from the source to the destination.
+ Specifically, on these routers it would be necessary to keep the
+ information about all the NHRP targets for which the routers maintain
+ the shortcut information. This way when such a router determines
+ that the NHRP forwarding route (for which the router maintains the
+ shortcut information) changes due to some local routing changes, the
+ router could check whether these local changes impact forwarding to
+ the destinations covered by the NHRP targets. For the targets that
+ are impacted by the changes the router would send Purge messages.
+ Note that this mechanism (maintaining NHRP targets) precludes the use
+ of Address Prefix Extension - the shortcut will be determined only
+ for the destinations covered by the NHRP target (so, if the target is
+ a single IP address, then the shortcut would be determined only for
+ this address).
+Joel Halpern [Page 11]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+9. NHRP IGP Information Extension Format
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ 0-3 |C|u| Type = 9 | Length = 4 |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ 4-7 | flags |b| Reserved | IGP ID |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ C "Compulsory." If clear, and the NHS does not recognize the
+ type code, the extension maybe safely be ignored. For
+ the IGP Information extension, this bit is clear.
+ u Unused and must be set to zero
+ Type The extension type code. For the IGP Information
+ extension, this is 9.
+ Length the length in octets of the value. For this extension,
+ this is 4.
+ flags Other than the "b" flag, these are reserved, SHALL be set
+ to 0 on transmission, and SHALL be ignored on reception.
+ b This flag indicates whether the request (or a predecessor
+ thereof) was originated by a BGP speaker. Set (to 1) to
+ indicate that the BGP speaker has operated on this.
+ Clear (to 0) if not.
+ IGP ID This field indicates the IGP used by the request
+ originator. The currently defined values are:
+ 1 = RIP
+ 2 = RIPv2
+ 3 = OSPF
+ 4 = Dual IS-IS
+Joel Halpern [Page 12]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+10. IANA Considerations
+ This document defines an enumerated field for identifying IGPs in
+ router-to-router NHRP requests. Since there may be additional IGPs
+ in use, a procedure is needed for allocating additional values. The
+ IANA shall allocate values for this field as needed. Specifically,
+ when requested a value shall be allocated for an IGP for any layer 3
+ protocol for which there is a clear and stable definition of the
+ protocol. An RFC is the best example of such stability. Vendor
+ published specifications are also acceptable. The IANA should avoid
+ issuing two values for the same protocol. However, it is not
+ incumbent upon the IANA to determine if two similar protocols are
+ actually the same.
+11. Open issues
+ The mechanisms described in this document assume that certain routers
+ along a path taken by an NHRP Request would be required to maintain
+ state associated with the NHRP forwarding route associated with the
+ NHRP target carried by the Request. However, it is quite clear that
+ the router(s) may also lose this state. Further study of the impact
+ of losing the state is needed before advancing the use of NHRP for
+ establishing shortcuts among routers beyond Proposed Standard.
+ The mechanisms described in this document may result in a situation
+ where a router would be required to maintain NHRP peering with
+ potentially a fairly large number of other routers. Further study is
+ needed to understand the implications of this on the scalability of
+ the approach where NHRP is used to establish shortcuts among routers.
+ This document doesn't have a proof that the mechanisms described here
+ result in loop-free steady state forwarding when NHRP is used to
+ establish shortcuts among routers, however, a counterexample has not
+ yet been found. Further analysis should be done as part of advancing
+ beyond Proposed Standard.
+Joel Halpern [Page 13]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+12. Security Considerations
+ Security is provided in the base NHRP protocol, using hop-by-hop
+ authentication. There is no change to the fundamental security
+ capabilities provided therein when these extensions are used. It
+ should be noted that the assumption of transitive trust that is the
+ basis of such security may well be significantly weaker in an inter-
+ domain environment, and administrators of border routers should take
+ this into consideration. The hop-by-hop security model is used by
+ NHRP originally because there is no end-to-end security association
+ between the requesting and responding NHRP entities. In this
+ environment there is the additional facet that intermediate NHS are
+ modifying the prefix length field of the CIE, thus changing the end-
+ to-end information.
+13. References
+ [1] J. Luciani, D. Katz, D. Piscitello, B. Cole, N. Doraswamy.,
+ "NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol", RFC-2332, USC/Information
+ Sciences Institute, April 1998.
+ [2] D. Cansever., "NHRP Protocol Applicability Statement", RFC-2333,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, April 1998
+ [3] S. Bradner., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
+ Levels", RFC-2119, USC/Information Sciences Institute, March 1997.
+14. Acknowledgements
+ The authors wish to Thank Curtis Villamizer for his contributions
+ emphasizing both the importance of the looping cases, and some
+ examples of when loops can occur.
+15. Author Information
+Joel Halpern [Page 14]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-03.txt May 1998
+ Joel M. Halpern
+ Institutional Venture Partners
+ 3000 Sand Hill Road
+ Menlo Park, CA
+ Phone: (650) 926-5633
+ email:
+ Yakov Rekhter
+ cisco Systems, Inc.
+ 170 Tasman Dr.
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+ email:
+Joel Halpern [Page 15]
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+Network Working Group J. Luciani
+Request for Comments: 2332 Bay Networks
+Category: Standards Track D. Katz
+ cisco Systems
+ D. Piscitello
+ Core Competence, Inc.
+ B. Cole
+ Juniper Networks
+ N. Doraswamy
+ Bay Networks
+ April 1998
+ NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP)
+Status of this Memo
+ This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
+ Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
+ improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
+ Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
+ and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.
+ This document describes the NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP).
+ NHRP can be used by a source station (host or router) connected to a
+ Non-Broadcast, Multi-Access (NBMA) subnetwork to determine the
+ internetworking layer address and NBMA subnetwork addresses of the
+ "NBMA next hop" towards a destination station. If the destination is
+ connected to the NBMA subnetwork, then the NBMA next hop is the
+ destination station itself. Otherwise, the NBMA next hop is the
+ egress router from the NBMA subnetwork that is "nearest" to the
+ destination station. NHRP is intended for use in a multiprotocol
+ internetworking layer environment over NBMA subnetworks.
+ Note that while this protocol was developed for use with NBMA
+ subnetworks, it is possible, if not likely, that it will be applied
+ to BMA subnetworks as well. However, this usage of NHRP is for
+ further study.
+ This document is intended to be a functional superset of the NBMA
+ Address Resolution Protocol (NARP) documented in [1].
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 1]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ Operation of NHRP as a means of establishing a transit path across an
+ NBMA subnetwork between two routers will be addressed in a separate
+ document (see [13]).
+1. Introduction
+ SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this
+ document, are to be interpreted as described in [15].
+ The NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) allows a source station
+ (a host or router), wishing to communicate over a Non-Broadcast,
+ Multi-Access (NBMA) subnetwork, to determine the internetworking
+ layer addresses and NBMA addresses of suitable "NBMA next hops"
+ toward a destination station. A subnetwork can be non-broadcast
+ either because it technically doesn't support broadcasting (e.g., an
+ X.25 subnetwork) or because broadcasting is not feasible for one
+ reason or another (e.g., an SMDS multicast group or an extended
+ Ethernet would be too large). If the destination is connected to the
+ NBMA subnetwork, then the NBMA next hop is the destination station
+ itself. Otherwise, the NBMA next hop is the egress router from the
+ NBMA subnetwork that is "nearest" to the destination station.
+ One way to model an NBMA network is by using the notion of logically
+ independent IP subnets (LISs). LISs, as defined in [3] and [4], have
+ the following properties:
+ 1) All members of a LIS have the same IP network/subnet number
+ and address mask.
+ 2) All members of a LIS are directly connected to the same
+ NBMA subnetwork.
+ 3) All hosts and routers outside of the LIS are accessed via
+ a router.
+ 4) All members of a LIS access each other directly (without
+ routers).
+ Address resolution as described in [3] and [4] only resolves the next
+ hop address if the destination station is a member of the same LIS as
+ the source station; otherwise, the source station must forward
+ packets to a router that is a member of multiple LIS's. In multi-LIS
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 2]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ configurations, hop-by-hop address resolution may not be sufficient
+ to resolve the "NBMA next hop" toward the destination station, and IP
+ packets may have multiple IP hops through the NBMA subnetwork.
+ Another way to model NBMA is by using the notion of Local Address
+ Groups (LAGs) [10]. The essential difference between the LIS and the
+ LAG models is that while with the LIS model the outcome of the
+ "local/remote" forwarding decision is driven purely by addressing
+ information, with the LAG model the outcome of this decision is
+ decoupled from the addressing information and is coupled with the
+ Quality of Service and/or traffic characteristics. With the LAG
+ model any two entities on a common NBMA network could establish a
+ direct communication with each other, irrespective of the entities'
+ addresses.
+ Support for the LAG model assumes the existence of a mechanism that
+ allows any entity (i.e., host or router) connected to an NBMA network
+ to resolve an internetworking layer address to an NBMA address for
+ any other entity connected to the same NBMA network. This resolution
+ would take place regardless of the address assignments to these
+ entities. Within the parameters described in this document, NHRP
+ describes such a mechanism. For example, when the internetworking
+ layer address is of type IP, once the NBMA next hop has been
+ resolved, the source may either start sending IP packets to the
+ destination (in a connectionless NBMA subnetwork such as SMDS) or may
+ first establish a connection to the destination with the desired
+ bandwidth (in a connection-oriented NBMA subnetwork such as ATM).
+ Use of NHRP may be sufficient for hosts doing address resolution when
+ those hosts are directly connected to an NBMA subnetwork, allowing
+ for straightforward implementations in NBMA stations. NHRP also has
+ the capability of determining the egress point from an NBMA
+ subnetwork when the destination is not directly connected to the NBMA
+ subnetwork and the identity of the egress router is not learned by
+ other methods (such as routing protocols). Optional extensions to
+ NHRP provide additional robustness and diagnosability.
+ Address resolution techniques such as those described in [3] and [4]
+ may be in use when NHRP is deployed. ARP servers and services over
+ NBMA subnetworks may be required to support hosts that are not
+ capable of dealing with any model for communication other than the
+ LIS model, and deployed hosts may not implement NHRP but may continue
+ to support ARP variants such as those described in [3] and [4]. NHRP
+ is intended to reduce or eliminate the extra router hops required by
+ the LIS model, and can be deployed in a non-interfering manner with
+ existing ARP services [14].
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 3]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ The operation of NHRP to establish transit paths across NBMA
+ subnetworks between two routers requires additional mechanisms to
+ avoid stable routing loops, and will be described in a separate
+ document (see [13]).
+2. Overview
+2.1 Terminology
+ The term "network" is highly overloaded, and is especially confusing
+ in the context of NHRP. We use the following terms:
+ Internetwork layer--the media-independent layer (IP in the case of
+ TCP/IP networks).
+ Subnetwork layer--the media-dependent layer underlying the
+ internetwork layer, including the NBMA technology (ATM, X.25, SMDS,
+ etc.)
+ The term "server", unless explicitly stated to the contrary, refers
+ to a Next Hop Server (NHS). An NHS is an entity performing the
+ Next Hop Resolution Protocol service within the NBMA cloud. An NHS
+ is always tightly coupled with a routing entity (router, route
+ server or edge device) although the converse is not yet guaranteed
+ until ubiquitous deployment of this functionality occurs. Note
+ that the presence of intermediate routers that are not coupled with
+ an NHS entity may preclude the use of NHRP when source and
+ destination stations on different sides of such routers and thus
+ such routers may partition NHRP reachability within an NBMA
+ network.
+ The term "client", unless explicitly stated to the contrary, refers
+ to a Next Hop Resolution Protocol client (NHC). An NHC is an
+ entity which initiates NHRP requests of various types in order to
+ obtain access to the NHRP service.
+ The term "station" generally refers to a host or router which
+ contains an NHRP entity. Occasionally, the term station will
+ describe a "user" of the NHRP client or service functionality; the
+ difference in usage is largely semantic.
+2.2 Protocol Overview
+ In this section, we briefly describe how a source S (which
+ potentially can be either a router or a host) uses NHRP to determine
+ the "NBMA next hop" to destination D.
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 4]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ For administrative and policy reasons, a physical NBMA subnetwork may
+ be partitioned into several, disjoint "Logical NBMA subnetworks". A
+ Logical NBMA subnetwork is defined as a collection of hosts and
+ routers that share unfiltered subnetwork connectivity over an NBMA
+ subnetwork. "Unfiltered subnetwork connectivity" refers to the
+ absence of closed user groups, address screening or similar features
+ that may be used to prevent direct communication between stations
+ connected to the same NBMA subnetwork. (Hereafter, unless otherwise
+ specified, we use the term "NBMA subnetwork" to mean *logical* NBMA
+ subnetwork.)
+ Placed within the NBMA subnetwork are one or more entities that
+ implement the NHRP protocol. Such stations which are capable of
+ answering NHRP Resolution Requests are known as "Next Hop Servers"
+ (NHSs). Each NHS serves a set of destination hosts, which may or may
+ not be directly connected to the NBMA subnetwork. NHSs cooperatively
+ resolve the NBMA next hop within their logical NBMA subnetwork. In
+ addition to NHRP, NHSs may support "classical" ARP service; however,
+ this will be the subject of a separate document [14].
+ An NHS maintains a cache which contains protocol layer address to
+ NBMA subnetwork layer address resolution information. This cache can
+ be constructed from information obtained from NHRP Register packets
+ (see Section 5.2.3 and 5.2.4), from NHRP Resolution Request/Reply
+ packets, or through mechanisms outside the scope of this document
+ (examples of such mechanisms might include ARP[3] and pre-configured
+ tables). Section 6.2 further describes cache management issues.
+ For a station within a given LIS to avoid providing NHS
+ functionality, there must be one or more NHSs within the NBMA
+ subnetwork which are providing authoritative address resolution
+ information on its behalf. Such an NHS is said to be "serving" the
+ station. A station on a LIS that lacks NHS functionality and is a
+ client of the NHRP service is known as NHRP Client or just NHCs. If
+ a serving NHS is to be able to supply the address resolution
+ information for an NHC then NHSs must exist at each hop along all
+ routed paths between the NHC making the resolution request and the
+ destination NHC. The last NHRP entity along the routed path is the
+ serving NHS; that is, NHRP Resolution Requests are not forwarded to
+ destination NHCs but rather are processed by the serving NHS.
+ An NHC also maintains a cache of protocol address to NBMA address
+ resolution information. This cache is populated through information
+ obtained from NHRP Resolution Reply packets, from manual
+ configuration, or through mechanisms outside the scope of this
+ document.
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 5]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ The protocol proceeds as follows. An event occurs triggering station
+ S to want to resolve the NBMA address of a path to D. This is most
+ likely to be when a data packet addressed to station D is to be
+ emitted from station S (either because station S is a host, or
+ station S is a transit router), but the address resolution could also
+ be triggered by other means (a routing protocol update packet, for
+ example). Station S first determines the next hop to station D
+ through normal routing processes (for a host, the next hop may simply
+ be the default router; for routers, this is the "next hop" to the
+ destination internetwork layer address). If the destination's
+ address resolution information is already available in S's cache then
+ that information is used to forward the packet. Otherwise, if the
+ next hop is reachable through one of its NBMA interfaces, S
+ constructs an NHRP Resolution Request packet (see Section 5.2.1)
+ containing station D's internetwork layer address as the (target)
+ destination address, S's own internetwork layer address as the source
+ address (Next Hop Resolution Request initiator), and station S's NBMA
+ addressing information. Station S may also indicate that it prefers
+ an authoritative NHRP Resolution Reply (i.e., station S only wishes
+ to receive an NHRP Resolution Reply from an NHS serving the
+ destination NHC). Station S emits the NHRP Resolution Request packet
+ towards the destination.
+ If the NHRP Resolution Request is triggered by a data packet then S
+ may, while awaiting an NHRP Resolution Reply, choose to dispose of
+ the data packet in one of the following ways:
+ (a) Drop the packet
+ (b) Retain the packet until the NHRP Resolution Reply arrives
+ and a more optimal path is available
+ (c) Forward the packet along the routed path toward D
+ The choice of which of the above to perform is a local policy matter,
+ though option (c) is the recommended default, since it may allow data
+ to flow to the destination while the NBMA address is being resolved.
+ Note that an NHRP Resolution Request for a given destination MUST NOT
+ be triggered on every packet.
+ When the NHS receives an NHRP Resolution Request, a check is made to
+ see if it serves station D. If the NHS does not serve D, the NHS
+ forwards the NHRP Resolution Request to another NHS. Mechanisms for
+ determining how to forward the NHRP Resolution Request are discussed
+ in Section 3.
+ If this NHS serves D, the NHS resolves station D's NBMA address
+ information, and generates a positive NHRP Resolution Reply on D's
+ behalf. NHRP Resolution Replies in this scenario are always marked
+ as "authoritative". The NHRP Resolution Reply packet contains the
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 6]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ address resolution information for station D which is to be sent back
+ to S. Note that if station D is not on the NBMA subnetwork, the next
+ hop internetwork layer address will be that of the egress router
+ through which packets for station D are forwarded.
+ A transit NHS receiving an NHRP Resolution Reply may cache the
+ address resolution information contained therein. To a subsequent
+ NHRP Resolution Request, this NHS may respond with the cached, "non-
+ authoritative" address resolution information if the NHS is permitted
+ to do so (see Sections 5.2.2 and 6.2 for more information on non-
+ authoritative versus authoritative NHRP Resolution Replies). Non-
+ authoritative NHRP Resolution Replies are distinguished from
+ authoritative NHRP Resolution Replies so that if a communication
+ attempt based on non-authoritative information fails, a source
+ station can choose to send an authoritative NHRP Resolution Request.
+ NHSs MUST NOT respond to authoritative NHRP Resolution Requests with
+ cached information.
+ If the determination is made that no NHS in the NBMA subnetwork can
+ reply to the NHRP Resolution Request for D then a negative NHRP
+ Resolution Reply (NAK) is returned. This occurs when (a) no next-hop
+ resolution information is available for station D from any NHS, or
+ (b) an NHS is unable to forward the NHRP Resolution Request (e.g.,
+ connectivity is lost).
+ NHRP Registration Requests, NHRP Purge Requests, NHRP Purge Replies,
+ and NHRP Error Indications follow a routed path in the same fashion
+ that NHRP Resolution Requests and NHRP Resolution Replies do.
+ Specifically, "requests" and "indications" follow the routed path
+ from Source Protocol Address (which is the address of the station
+ initiating the communication) to the Destination Protocol Address.
+ "Replies", on the other hand, follow the routed path from the
+ Destination Protocol Address back to the Source Protocol Address with
+ the following exceptions: in the case of a NHRP Registration Reply
+ and in the case of an NHC initiated NHRP Purge Request, the packet is
+ always returned via a direct VC (see Sections 5.2.4 and 5.2.5); if
+ one does not exists then one MUST be created.
+ NHRP Requests and NHRP Replies do NOT cross the borders of a NBMA
+ subnetwork however further study is being done in this area (see
+ Section 7). Thus, the internetwork layer data traffic out of and
+ into an NBMA subnetwork always traverses an internetwork layer router
+ at its border.
+ NHRP optionally provides a mechanism to send a NHRP Resolution Reply
+ which contains aggregated address resolution information. For
+ example, suppose that router X is the next hop from station S to
+ station D and that X is an egress router for all stations sharing an
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 7]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ internetwork layer address prefix with station D. When an NHRP
+ Resolution Reply is generated in response to a NHRP Resolution
+ Request, the responder may augment the internetwork layer address of
+ station D with a prefix length (see Section A subsequent
+ (non-authoritative) NHRP Resolution Request for some destination that
+ shares an internetwork layer address prefix (for the number of bits
+ specified in the prefix length) with D may be satisfied with this
+ cached information. See section 6.2 regarding caching issues.
+ To dynamically detect subnetwork-layer filtering in NBMA subnetworks
+ (e.g., X.25 closed user group facility, or SMDS address screens), to
+ trace the routed path that an NHRP packet takes, or to provide loop
+ detection and diagnostic capabilities, a "Route Record" may be
+ included in NHRP packets (see Sections 5.3.2 and 5.3.3). The Route
+ Record extensions are the NHRP Forward Transit NHS Record Extension
+ and the NHRP Reverse Transit NHS Record Extension. They contain the
+ internetwork (and subnetwork layer) addresses of all intermediate
+ NHSs between source and destination and between destination and
+ source respectively. When a source station is unable to communicate
+ with the responder (e.g., an attempt to open an SVC fails), it may
+ attempt to do so successively with other subnetwork layer addresses
+ in the NHRP Forward Transit NHS Record Extension until it succeeds
+ (if authentication policy permits such action). This approach can
+ find a suitable egress point in the presence of subnetwork-layer
+ filtering (which may be source/destination sensitive, for instance,
+ without necessarily creating separate logical NBMA subnetworks) or
+ subnetwork-layer congestion (especially in connection-oriented
+ media).
+3. Deployment
+ NHRP Resolution Requests traverse one or more hops within an NBMA
+ subnetwork before reaching the station that is expected to generate a
+ response. Each station, including the source station, chooses a
+ neighboring NHS to which it will forward the NHRP Resolution Request.
+ The NHS selection procedure typically involves applying a destination
+ protocol layer address to the protocol layer routing table which
+ causes a routing decision to be returned. This routing decision is
+ then used to forward the NHRP Resolution Request to the downstream
+ NHS. The destination protocol layer address previously mentioned is
+ carried within the NHRP Resolution Request packet. Note that even
+ though a protocol layer address was used to acquire a routing
+ decision, NHRP packets are not encapsulated within a protocol layer
+ header but rather are carried at the NBMA layer using the
+ encapsulation described in Section 5.
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 8]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ Each NHS/router examines the NHRP Resolution Request packet on its
+ way toward the destination. Each NHS which the NHRP packet traverses
+ on the way to the packet's destination might modify the packet (e.g.,
+ updating the Forward Record extension). Ignoring error situations,
+ the NHRP Resolution Request eventually arrives at a station that is
+ to generate an NHRP Resolution Reply. This responding station
+ "serves" the destination. The responding station generates an NHRP
+ Resolution Reply using the source protocol address from within the
+ NHRP packet to determine where the NHRP Resolution Reply should be
+ sent.
+ Rather than use routing to determine the next hop for an NHRP packet,
+ an NHS may use other applicable means (such as static configuration
+ information ) in order to determine to which neighboring NHSs to
+ forward the NHRP Resolution Request packet as long as such other
+ means would not cause the NHRP packet to arrive at an NHS which is
+ not along the routed path. The use of static configuration
+ information for this purpose is beyond the scope of this document.
+ The NHS serving a particular destination must lie along the routed
+ path to that destination. In practice, this means that all egress
+ routers must double as NHSs serving the destinations beyond them, and
+ that hosts on the NBMA subnetwork are served by routers that double
+ as NHSs. Also, this implies that forwarding of NHRP packets within
+ an NBMA subnetwork requires a contiguous deployment of NHRP capable
+ routers. It is important that, in a given LIS/LAG which is using
+ NHRP, all NHSs within the LIS/LAG have at least some portion of their
+ resolution databases synchronized so that a packet arriving at one
+ router/NHS in a given LIS/LAG will be forwarded in the same fashion
+ as a packet arriving at a different router/NHS for the given LIS/LAG.
+ One method, among others, is to use the Server Cache Synchronization
+ Protocol (SCSP) [12]. It is RECOMMENDED that SCSP be the method used
+ when a LIS/LAG contains two or more router/NHSs.
+ During migration to NHRP, it cannot be expected that all routers
+ within the NBMA subnetwork are NHRP capable. Thus, NHRP traffic
+ which would otherwise need to be forwarded through such routers can
+ be expected to be dropped due to the NHRP packet not being
+ recognized. In this case, NHRP will be unable to establish any
+ transit paths whose discovery requires the traversal of the non-NHRP
+ speaking routers. If the client has tried and failed to acquire a
+ cut through path then the client should use the network layer routed
+ path as a default.
+ If an NBMA technology offers a group, an anycast, or a multicast
+ addressing feature then the NHC may be configured with such an
+ address (appropriate to the routing realm it participates in) which
+ would be assigned to all NHS serving that routing realm. This
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 9]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ address can then be used for establishing an initial connection to an
+ NHS to transmit a registration request. This address may not be used
+ for sending NHRP requests. The resulting VC may be used for NHRP
+ requests if and only if the registration response is received over
+ that VC, thereby indicating that one happens to have anycast
+ connected to an NHS serving the LIS/LAG. In the case of non-
+ connection oriented networks, or of multicast (rather than anycast)
+ addresses, the addres MUST NOT be used for sending NHRP resolution
+ requests.
+ When an NHS "serves" an NHC, the NHS MUST send NHRP messages destined
+ for the NHC directly to the NHC. That is, the NHRP message MUST NOT
+ transit through any NHS which is not serving the NHC when the NHRP
+ message is currently at an NHS which does serve the NHC (this, of
+ course, assumes the NHRP message is destined for the NHC). Further,
+ an NHS which serves an NHC SHOULD have a direct NBMA level connection
+ to that NHC (see Section 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 for examples).
+ With the exception of NHRP Registration Requests (see Section 5.2.3
+ and 5.2.4 for details of the NHRP Registration Request case), an NHC
+ MUST send NHRP messages over a direct NBMA level connection between
+ the serving NHS and the served NHC.
+ It may not be desirable to maintain semi-permanent NBMA level
+ connectivity between the NHC and the NHS. In this case, when NBMA
+ level connectivity is initially setup between the NHS and the NHC (as
+ described in Section 5.2.4), the NBMA address of the NHS should be
+ obtained through the NBMA level signaling technology. This address
+ should be stored for future use in setting up subsequent NBMA level
+ connections. A somewhat more information rich technique to obtain
+ the address information (and more) of the serving NHS would be for
+ the NHC to include the Responder Address extension (see Section
+ 5.3.1) in the NHRP Registration Request and to store the information
+ returned to the NHC in the Responder Address extension which is
+ subsequently included in the NHRP Registration Reply. Note also
+ that, in practice, a client's default router should also be its NHS;
+ thus a client may be able to know the NBMA address of its NHS from
+ the configuration which was already required for the client to be
+ able to communicate. Further, as mentioned in Section 4, NHCs may be
+ configured with the addressing information of one or more NHSs.
+4. Configuration
+ Next Hop Clients
+ An NHC connected to an NBMA subnetwork MAY be configured with the
+ Protocol address(es) and NBMA address(es) of its NHS(s). The
+ NHS(s) will likely also represent the NHC's default or peer
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ routers, so their NBMA addresses may be obtained from the NHC's
+ existing configuration. If the NHC is attached to several
+ subnetworks (including logical NBMA subnetworks), the NHC should
+ also be configured to receive routing information from its NHS(s)
+ and peer routers so that it can determine which internetwork layer
+ networks are reachable through which subnetworks.
+ Next Hop Servers
+ An NHS is configured with knowledge of its own internetwork layer
+ and NBMA addresses. An NHS MAY also be configured with a set of
+ internetwork layer address prefixes that correspond to the
+ internetwork layer addresses of the stations it serves. The NBMA
+ addresses of the stations served by the NHS may be learned via NHRP
+ Registration packets.
+ If a served NHC is attached to several subnetworks, the
+ router/route-server coresident with the serving NHS may also need
+ to be configured to advertise routing information to such NHCs.
+ If an NHS acts as an egress router for stations connected to other
+ subnetworks than the NBMA subnetwork, the NHS must, in addition to
+ the above, be configured to exchange routing information between
+ the NBMA subnetwork and these other subnetworks.
+ In all cases, routing information is exchanged using conventional
+ intra-domain and/or inter-domain routing protocols.
+5. NHRP Packet Formats
+ This section describes the format of NHRP packets. In the following,
+ unless otherwise stated explicitly, the unqualified term "request"
+ refers generically to any of the NHRP packet types which are
+ "requests". Further, unless otherwise stated explicitly, the
+ unqualified term "reply" refers generically to any of the NHRP packet
+ types which are "replies".
+ An NHRP packet consists of a Fixed Part, a Mandatory Part, and an
+ Extensions Part. The Fixed Part is common to all NHRP packet types.
+ The Mandatory Part MUST be present, but varies depending on packet
+ type. The Extensions Part also varies depending on packet type, and
+ need not be present.
+ The length of the Fixed Part is fixed at 20 octets. The length of
+ the Mandatory Part is determined by the contents of the extensions
+ offset field (ar$extoff). If ar$extoff=0x0 then the mandatory part
+ length is equal to total packet length (ar$pktsz) minus 20 otherwise
+ the mandatory part length is equal to ar$extoff minus 20. The length
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ of the Extensions Part is implied by ar$pktsz minus ar$extoff. NHSs
+ may increase the size of an NHRP packet as a result of extension
+ processing, but not beyond the offered maximum packet size of the
+ NBMA network.
+ NHRP packets are actually members of a wider class of address mapping
+ and management protocols being developed by the IETF. A specific
+ encapsulation, based on the native formats used on the particular
+ NBMA network over which NHRP is carried, indicates the generic IETF
+ mapping and management protocol. For example, SMDS networks always
+ use LLC/SNAP encapsulation at the NBMA layer [4], and an NHRP packet
+ is preceded by the following LLC/SNAP encapsulation:
+ [0xAA-AA-03] [0x00-00-5E] [0x00-03]
+ The first three octets are LLC, indicating that SNAP follows. The
+ SNAP OUI portion is the IANA's OUI, and the SNAP PID portion
+ identifies the mapping and management protocol. A field in the Fixed
+ Header following the encapsulation indicates that it is NHRP.
+ ATM uses either LLC/SNAP encapsulation of each packet (including
+ NHRP), or uses no encapsulation on VCs dedicated to a single protocol
+ (see [7]). Frame Relay and X.25 both use NLPID/SNAP encapsulation or
+ identification of NHRP, using a NLPID of 0x0080 and the same SNAP
+ contents as above (see [8], [9]).
+ Fields marked "unused" MUST be set to zero on transmission, and
+ ignored on receipt.
+ Most packet types (ar$op.type) have both internetwork layer
+ protocol-independent fields and protocol-specific fields. The
+ protocol type/snap fields (ar$pro.type/snap) qualify the format of
+ the protocol-specific fields.
+5.1 NHRP Fixed Header
+ The Fixed Part of the NHRP packet contains those elements of the NHRP
+ packet which are always present and do not vary in size with the type
+ of packet.
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 12]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | ar$afn | ar$pro.type |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | ar$pro.snap |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | ar$pro.snap | ar$hopcnt | ar$pktsz |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | ar$chksum | ar$extoff |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | ar$op.version | ar$op.type | ar$shtl | ar$sstl |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ ar$afn
+ Defines the type of "link layer" addresses being carried. This
+ number is taken from the 'address family number' list specified in
+ [6]. This field has implications to the coding of ar$shtl and
+ ar$sstl as described below.
+ ar$pro.type
+ field is a 16 bit unsigned integer representing the following
+ number space:
+ 0x0000 to 0x00FF Protocols defined by the equivalent NLPIDs.
+ 0x0100 to 0x03FF Reserved for future use by the IETF.
+ 0x0400 to 0x04FF Allocated for use by the ATM Forum.
+ 0x0500 to 0x05FF Experimental/Local use.
+ 0x0600 to 0xFFFF Protocols defined by the equivalent Ethertypes.
+ (based on the observations that valid Ethertypes are never smaller
+ than 0x600, and NLPIDs never larger than 0xFF.)
+ ar$pro.snap
+ When ar$pro.type has a value of 0x0080, a SNAP encoded extension is
+ being used to encode the protocol type. This snap extension is
+ placed in the ar$pro.snap field. This is termed the 'long form'
+ protocol ID. If ar$pro != 0x0080 then the ar$pro.snap field MUST be
+ zero on transmit and ignored on receive. The ar$pro.type field
+ itself identifies the protocol being referred to. This is termed
+ the 'short form' protocol ID.
+ In all cases, where a protocol has an assigned number in the
+ ar$pro.type space (excluding 0x0080) the short form MUST be used
+ when transmitting NHRP messages; i.e., if Ethertype or NLPID
+ codings exist then they are used on transmit rather than the
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 13]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ ethertype. If both Ethertype and NLPID codings exist then when
+ transmitting NHRP messages, the Ethertype coding MUST be used (this
+ is consistent with RFC 1483 coding). So, for example, the
+ following codings exist for IP:
+ SNAP: ar$pro.type = 0x00-80, ar$pro.snap = 0x00-00-00-08-00
+ NLPID: ar$pro.type = 0x00-CC, ar$pro.snap = 0x00-00-00-00-00
+ Ethertype: ar$pro.type = 0x08-00, ar$pro.snap = 0x00-00-00-00-00
+ and thus, since the Ethertype coding exists, it is used in
+ preference.
+ ar$hopcnt
+ The Hop count indicates the maximum number of NHSs that an NHRP
+ packet is allowed to traverse before being discarded. This field
+ is used in a similar fashion to the way that a TTL is used in an IP
+ packet and should be set accordingly. Each NHS decrements the TTL
+ as the NHRP packet transits the NHS on the way to the next hop
+ along the routed path to the destination. If an NHS receives an
+ NHRP packet which it would normally forward to a next hop and that
+ packet contains an ar$hopcnt set to zero then the NHS sends an
+ error indication message back to the source protocol address
+ stating that the hop count has been exceeded (see Section 5.2.7)
+ and the NHS drops the packet in error; however, an error
+ indication is never sent as a result of receiving an error
+ indication. When a responding NHS replies to an NHRP request, that
+ NHS places a value in ar$hopcnt as if it were sending a request of
+ its own.
+ ar$pktsz
+ The total length of the NHRP packet, in octets (excluding link
+ layer encapsulation).
+ ar$chksum
+ The standard IP checksum over the entire NHRP packet starting at
+ the fixed header. If the packet is an odd number of bytes in
+ length then this calculation is performed as if a byte set to 0x00
+ is appended to the end of the packet.
+ ar$extoff
+ This field identifies the existence and location of NHRP
+ extensions. If this field is 0 then no extensions exist otherwise
+ this field represents the offset from the beginning of the NHRP
+ packet (i.e., starting from the ar$afn field) of the first
+ extension.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ ar$op.version
+ This field indicates what version of generic address mapping and
+ management protocol is represented by this message.
+ 0 MARS protocol [11].
+ 1 NHRP as defined in this document.
+ 0x02 - 0xEF Reserved for future use by the IETF.
+ 0xF0 - 0xFE Allocated for use by the ATM Forum.
+ 0xFF Experimental/Local use.
+ ar$op.type
+ When ar$op.version == 1, this is the NHRP packet type: NHRP
+ Resolution Request(1), NHRP Resolution Reply(2), NHRP Registration
+ Request(3), NHRP Registration Reply(4), NHRP Purge Request(5), NHRP
+ Purge Reply(6), or NHRP Error Indication(7). Use of NHRP packet
+ Types in the range 128 to 255 are reserved for research or use in
+ other protocol development and will be administered by IANA as
+ described in Section 9.
+ ar$shtl
+ Type & length of source NBMA address interpreted in the context of
+ the 'address family number'[6] indicated by ar$afn. See below for
+ more details.
+ ar$sstl
+ Type & length of source NBMA subaddress interpreted in the context
+ of the 'address family number'[6] indicated by ar$afn. When an
+ NBMA technology has no concept of a subaddress, the subaddress
+ length is always coded ar$sstl = 0 and no storage is allocated for
+ the subaddress in the appropriate mandatory part. See below for
+ more details.
+ Subnetwork layer address type/length fields (e.g., ar$shtl, Cli Addr
+ T/L) and subnetwork layer subaddresses type/length fields (e.g.,
+ ar$sstl, Cli SAddr T/L) are coded as follows:
+ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ |0|x| length |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ The most significant bit is reserved and MUST be set to zero. The
+ second most significant bit (x) is a flag indicating whether the
+ address being referred to is in:
+ - NSAP format (x = 0).
+ - Native E.164 format (x = 1).
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ For NBMA technologies that use neither NSAP nor E.164 format
+ addresses, x = 0 SHALL be used to indicate the native form for the
+ particular NBMA technology.
+ If the NBMA network is ATM and a subaddress (e.g., Source NBMA
+ SubAddress, Client NBMA SubAddress) is to be included in any part of
+ the NHRP packet then ar$afn MUST be set to 0x000F; further, the
+ subnetwork layer address type/length fields (e.g., ar$shtl, Cli Addr
+ T/L) and subnetwork layer subaddress type/length fields (e.g.,
+ ar$sstl, Cli SAddr T/L) MUST be coded as in [11]. If the NBMA
+ network is ATM and no subaddress field is to be included in any part
+ of the NHRP packet then ar$afn MAY be set to 0x0003 (NSAP) or 0x0008
+ (E.164) accordingly.
+ The bottom 6 bits is an unsigned integer value indicating the length
+ of the associated NBMA address in octets. If this value is zero the
+ flag x is ignored.
+5.2.0 Mandatory Part
+ The Mandatory Part of the NHRP packet contains the operation specific
+ information (e.g., NHRP Resolution Request/Reply, etc.) and variable
+ length data which is pertinent to the packet type.
+ Mandatory Part Format
+ Sections 5.2.1 through 5.2.6 have a very similar mandatory part.
+ This mandatory part includes a common header and zero or more Client
+ Information Entries (CIEs). Section 5.2.7 has a different format
+ which is specified in that section.
+ The common header looks like the following:
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Src Proto Len | Dst Proto Len | Flags |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Request ID |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Source NBMA Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Source NBMA Subaddress (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Source Protocol Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Destination Protocol Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ And the CIEs have the following format:
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Code | Prefix Length | unused |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Maximum Transmission Unit | Holding Time |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Cli Addr T/L | Cli SAddr T/L | Cli Proto Len | Preference |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Client NBMA Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Client NBMA Subaddress (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Client Protocol Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ .....................
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Code | Prefix Length | unused |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Maximum Transmission Unit | Holding Time |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Cli Addr T/L | Cli SAddr T/L | Cli Proto Len | Preference |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Client NBMA Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Client NBMA Subaddress (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Client Protocol Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ The meanings of the fields are as follows:
+ Src Proto Len
+ This field holds the length in octets of the Source Protocol
+ Address.
+ Dst Proto Len
+ This field holds the length in octets of the Destination Protocol
+ Address.
+ Flags
+ These flags are specific to the given message type and they are
+ explained in each section.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ Request ID
+ A value which, when coupled with the address of the source,
+ provides a unique identifier for the information contained in a
+ "request" packet. This value is copied directly from an "request"
+ packet into the associated "reply". When a sender of a "request"
+ receives "reply", it will compare the Request ID and source address
+ information in the received "reply" against that found in its
+ outstanding "request" list. When a match is found then the
+ "request" is considered to be acknowledged.
+ The value is taken from a 32 bit counter that is incremented each
+ time a new "request" is transmitted. The same value MUST be used
+ when resending a "request", i.e., when a "reply" has not been
+ received for a "request" and a retry is sent after an appropriate
+ interval.
+ It is RECOMMENDED that the initial value for this number be 0. A
+ node MAY reuse a sequence number if and only if the reuse of the
+ sequence number is not precluded by use of a particular method of
+ synchronization (e.g., as described in Appendix A).
+ The NBMA address/subaddress form specified below allows combined
+ E.164/NSAPA form of NBMA addressing. For NBMA technologies without a
+ subaddress concept, the subaddress field is always ZERO length and
+ ar$sstl = 0.
+ Source NBMA Address
+ The Source NBMA address field is the address of the source station
+ which is sending the "request". If the field's length as specified
+ in ar$shtl is 0 then no storage is allocated for this address at
+ all.
+ Source NBMA SubAddress
+ The Source NBMA subaddress field is the address of the source
+ station which is sending the "request". If the field's length as
+ specified in ar$sstl is 0 then no storage is allocated for this
+ address at all.
+ For those NBMA technologies which have a notion of "Calling Party
+ Addresses", the Source NBMA Addresses above are the addresses used
+ when signaling for an SVC.
+ "Requests" and "indications" follow the routed path from Source
+ Protocol Address to the Destination Protocol Address. "Replies", on
+ the other hand, follow the routed path from the Destination Protocol
+ Address back to the Source Protocol Address with the following
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ exceptions: in the case of a NHRP Registration Reply and in the case
+ of an NHC initiated NHRP Purge Request, the packet is always returned
+ via a direct VC (see Sections 5.2.4 and 5.2.5).
+ Source Protocol Address
+ This is the protocol address of the station which is sending the
+ "request". This is also the protocol address of the station toward
+ which a "reply" packet is sent.
+ Destination Protocol Address
+ This is the protocol address of the station toward which a
+ "request" packet is sent.
+ Code
+ This field is message specific. See the relevant message sections
+ below. In general, this field is a NAK code; i.e., when the field
+ is 0 in a reply then the packet is acknowledging a request and if
+ it contains any other value the packet contains a negative
+ acknowledgment.
+ Prefix Length
+ This field is message specific. See the relevant message sections
+ below. In general, however, this fields is used to indicate that
+ the information carried in an NHRP message pertains to an
+ equivalence class of internetwork layer addresses rather than just
+ a single internetwork layer address specified. All internetwork
+ layer addresses that match the first "Prefix Length" bit positions
+ for the specific internetwork layer address are included in the
+ equivalence class. If this field is set to 0x00 then this field
+ MUST be ignored and no equivalence information is assumed (note
+ that 0x00 is thus equivalent to 0xFF).
+ Maximum Transmission Unit
+ This field gives the maximum transmission unit for the relevant
+ client station. If this value is 0 then either the default MTU is
+ used or the MTU negotiated via signaling is used if such
+ negotiation is possible for the given NBMA.
+ Holding Time
+ The Holding Time field specifies the number of seconds for which
+ the Next Hop NBMA information specified in the CIE is considered to
+ be valid. Cached information SHALL be discarded when the holding
+ time expires. This field must be set to 0 on a NAK.
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 19]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ Cli Addr T/L
+ Type & length of next hop NBMA address specified in the CIE. This
+ field is interpreted in the context of the 'address family
+ number'[6] indicated by ar$afn (e.g., ar$afn=0x0003 for ATM).
+ Cli SAddr T/L
+ Type & length of next hop NBMA subaddress specified in the CIE.
+ This field is interpreted in the context of the 'address family
+ number'[6] indicated by ar$afn (e.g., ar$afn=0x0015 for ATM makes
+ the address an E.164 and the subaddress an ATM Forum NSAP address).
+ When an NBMA technology has no concept of a subaddress, the
+ subaddress is always null with a length of 0. When the address
+ length is specified as 0 no storage is allocated for the address.
+ Cli Proto Len
+ This field holds the length in octets of the Client Protocol
+ Address specified in the CIE.
+ Preference
+ This field specifies the preference for use of the specific CIE
+ relative to other CIEs. Higher values indicate higher preference.
+ Action taken when multiple CIEs have equal or highest preference
+ value is a local matter.
+ Client NBMA Address
+ This is the client's NBMA address.
+ Client NBMA SubAddress
+ This is the client's NBMA subaddress.
+ Client Protocol Address
+ This is the client's internetworking layer address specified.
+ Note that an NHS may cache source address binding information from an
+ NHRP Resolution Request if and only if the conditions described in
+ Section 6.2 are met for the NHS. In all other cases, source address
+ binding information appearing in an NHRP message MUST NOT be cached.
+5.2.1 NHRP Resolution Request
+ The NHRP Resolution Request packet has a Type code of 1. Its
+ mandatory part is coded as described in Section and the
+ message specific meanings of the fields are as follows:
+ Flags - The flags field is coded as follows:
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 20]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ 0 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ |Q|A|D|U|S| unused |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Q
+ Set if the station sending the NHRP Resolution Request is a
+ router; clear if the it is a host.
+ A
+ This bit is set in a NHRP Resolution Request if only
+ authoritative next hop information is desired and is clear
+ otherwise. See the NHRP Resolution Reply section below for
+ further details on the "A" bit and its usage.
+ D
+ Unused (clear on transmit)
+ U
+ This is the Uniqueness bit. This bit aids in duplicate address
+ detection. When this bit is set in an NHRP Resolution Request
+ and one or more entries exist in the NHS cache which meet the
+ requirements of the NHRP Resolution Request then only the CIE in
+ the NHS's cache with this bit set will be returned. Note that
+ even if this bit was set at registration time, there may still be
+ multiple CIEs that might fulfill the NHRP Resolution Request
+ because an entire subnet can be registered through use of the
+ Prefix Length in the CIE and the address of interest might be
+ within such a subnet. If the "uniqueness" bit is set and the
+ responding NHS has one or more cache entries which match the
+ request but no such cache entry has the "uniqueness" bit set,
+ then the NHRP Resolution Reply returns with a NAK code of "13 -
+ Binding Exists But Is Not Unique" and no CIE is included. If a
+ client wishes to receive non- unique Next Hop Entries, then
+ the client must have the "uniqueness" bit set to zero in its NHRP
+ Resolution Request. Note that when this bit is set in an NHRP
+ Registration Request, only a single CIE may be specified in the
+ NHRP Registration Request and that CIE must have the Prefix
+ Length field set to 0xFF.
+ S
+ Set if the binding between the Source Protocol Address and the
+ Source NBMA information in the NHRP Resolution Request is
+ guaranteed to be stable and accurate (e.g., these addresses are
+ those of an ingress router which is connected to an ethernet stub
+ network or the NHC is an NBMA attached host).
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 21]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ Zero or one CIEs (see Section may be specified in an NHRP
+ Resolution Request. If one is specified then that entry carries the
+ pertinent information for the client sourcing the NHRP Resolution
+ Request. Usage of the CIE in the NHRP Resolution Request is
+ described below:
+ Prefix Length
+ If a CIE is specified in the NHRP Resolution Request then the
+ Prefix Length field may be used to qualify the widest acceptable
+ prefix which may be used to satisfy the NHRP Resolution Request.
+ In the case of NHRP Resolution Request/Reply, the Prefix Length
+ specifies the equivalence class of addresses which match the
+ first "Prefix Length" bit positions of the Destination Protocol
+ Address. If the "U" bit is set in the common header then this
+ field MUST be set to 0xFF.
+ Maximum Transmission Unit
+ This field gives the maximum transmission unit for the source
+ station. A possible use of this field in the NHRP Resolution
+ Request packet is for the NHRP Resolution Requester to ask for a
+ target MTU.
+ Holding Time
+ The Holding Time specified in the one CIE permitted to be
+ included in an NHRP Resolution Request is the amount of time
+ which the source address binding information in the NHRP
+ Resolution Request is permitted to cached by transit and
+ responding NHSs. Note that this field may only have a non-zero
+ value if the S bit is set.
+ All other fields in the CIE MUST be ignored and SHOULD be set to 0.
+ The Destination Protocol Address in the common header of the
+ Mandatory Part of this message contains the protocol address of the
+ station for which resolution is desired. An NHC MUST send the NHRP
+ Resolution Request directly to one of its serving NHSs (see Section 3
+ for more information).
+5.2.2 NHRP Resolution Reply
+ The NHRP Resolution Reply packet has a Type code of 2. CIEs
+ correspond to Next Hop Entries in an NHS's cache which match the
+ criteria in the NHRP Resolution Request. Its mandatory part is coded
+ as described in Section The message specific meanings of
+ the fields are as follows:
+ Flags - The flags field is coded as follows:
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 22]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ 0 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ |Q|A|D|U|S| unused |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Q
+ Copied from the NHRP Resolution Request. Set if the NHRP
+ Resolution Requester is a router; clear if it is a host.
+ A
+ Set if the next hop CIE in the NHRP Resolution Reply is
+ authoritative; clear if the NHRP Resolution Reply is non-
+ authoritative.
+ When an NHS receives a NHRP Resolution Request for authoritative
+ information for which it is the authoritative source, it MUST
+ respond with a NHRP Resolution Reply containing all and only
+ those next hop CIEs which are contained in the NHS's cache which
+ both match the criteria of the NHRP Resolution Request and are
+ authoritative cache entries. An NHS is an authoritative source
+ for a NHRP Resolution Request if the information in the NHS's
+ cache matches the NHRP Resolution Request criteria and that
+ information was obtained through a NHRP Registration Request or
+ through synchronization with an NHS which obtained this
+ information through a NHRP Registration Request. An
+ authoritative cache entry is one which is obtained through a NHRP
+ Registration Request or through synchronization with an NHS which
+ obtained this information through a NHRP Registration Request.
+ An NHS obtains non-authoritative CIEs through promiscuous
+ listening to NHRP packets other than NHRP Registrations which are
+ directed at it. A NHRP Resolution Request which indicates a
+ request for non-authoritative information should cause a NHRP
+ Resolution Reply which contains all entries in the replying NHS's
+ cache (i.e., both authoritative and non-authoritative) which
+ match the criteria specified in the request.
+ D
+ Set if the association between destination and the associate next
+ hop information included in all CIEs of the NHRP Resolution Reply
+ is guaranteed to be stable for the lifetime of the information
+ (the holding time). This is the case if the Next Hop protocol
+ address in a CIE identifies the destination (though it may be
+ different in value than the Destination address if the
+ destination system has multiple addresses) or if the destination
+ is not connected directly to the NBMA subnetwork but the egress
+ router to that destination is guaranteed to be stable (such as
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 23]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ when the destination is immediately adjacent to the egress router
+ through a non-NBMA interface).
+ U
+ This is the Uniqueness bit. See the NHRP Resolution Request
+ section above for details. When this bit is set, only one CIE is
+ included since only one unique binding should exist in an NHS's
+ cache.
+ S
+ Copied from NHRP Resolution Request message.
+ One or more CIEs are specified in the NHRP Resolution Reply. Each CIE
+ contains NHRP next hop information which the responding NHS has
+ cached and which matches the parameters specified in the NHRP
+ Resolution Request. If no match is found by the NHS issuing the NHRP
+ Resolution Reply then a single CIE is enclosed with the a CIE Code
+ set appropriately (see below) and all other fields MUST be ignored
+ and SHOULD be set to 0. In order to facilitate the use of NHRP by
+ minimal client implementations, the first CIE MUST contain the next
+ hop with the highest preference value so that such an implementation
+ need parse only a single CIE.
+ Code
+ If this field is set to zero then this packet contains a
+ positively acknowledged NHRP Resolution Reply. If this field
+ contains any other value then this message contains an NHRP
+ Resolution Reply NAK which means that an appropriate
+ internetworking layer to NBMA address binding was not available
+ in the responding NHS's cache. If NHRP Resolution Reply contains
+ a Client Information Entry with a NAK Code other than 0 then it
+ MUST NOT contain any other CIE. Currently defined NAK Codes are
+ as follows:
+ 4 - Administratively Prohibited
+ An NHS may refuse an NHRP Resolution Request attempt for
+ administrative reasons (due to policy constraints or routing
+ state). If so, the NHS MUST send an NHRP Resolution Reply
+ which contains a NAK code of 4.
+ 5 - Insufficient Resources
+ If an NHS cannot serve a station due to a lack of resources
+ (e.g., can't store sufficient information to send a purge if
+ routing changes), the NHS MUST reply with a NAKed NHRP
+ Resolution Reply which contains a NAK code of 5.
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 24]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ 12 - No Internetworking Layer Address to NBMA Address Binding
+ Exists
+ This code states that there were absolutely no internetworking
+ layer address to NBMA address bindings found in the responding
+ NHS's cache.
+ 13 - Binding Exists But Is Not Unique
+ This code states that there were one or more internetworking
+ layer address to NBMA address bindings found in the responding
+ NHS's cache, however none of them had the uniqueness bit set.
+ Prefix Length
+ In the case of NHRP Resolution Reply, the Prefix Length specifies
+ the equivalence class of addresses which match the first "Prefix
+ Length" bit positions of the Destination Protocol Address.
+ Holding Time
+ The Holding Time specified in a CIE of an NHRP Resolution Reply
+ is the amount of time remaining before the expiration of the
+ client information which is cached at the replying NHS. It is
+ not the value which was registered by the client.
+ The remainder of the fields for the CIE for each next hop are
+ filled out as they were defined when the next hop was registered
+ with the responding NHS (or one of the responding NHS's
+ synchronized servers) via the NHRP Registration Request.
+ Load-splitting may be performed when more than one Client Information
+ Entry is returned to a requester when equal preference values are
+ specified. Also, the alternative addresses may be used in case of
+ connectivity failure in the NBMA subnetwork (such as a failed call
+ attempt in connection-oriented NBMA subnetworks).
+ Any extensions present in the NHRP Resolution Request packet MUST be
+ present in the NHRP Resolution Reply even if the extension is non-
+ Compulsory.
+ If an unsolicited NHRP Resolution Reply packet is received, an Error
+ Indication of type Invalid NHRP Resolution Reply Received SHOULD be
+ sent in response.
+ When an NHS that serves a given NHC receives an NHRP Resolution Reply
+ destined for that NHC then the NHS must MUST send the NHRP Resolution
+ Reply directly to the NHC (see Section 3).
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 25]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+5.2.3 NHRP Registration Request
+ The NHRP Registration Request is sent from a station to an NHS to
+ notify the NHS of the station's NBMA information. It has a Type code
+ of 3. Each CIE corresponds to Next Hop information which is to be
+ cached at an NHS. The mandatory part of an NHRP Registration Request
+ is coded as described in Section The message specific
+ meanings of the fields are as follows:
+ Flags - The flags field is coded as follows:
+ 0 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ |U| unused |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ U
+ This is the Uniqueness bit. When set in an NHRP Registration
+ Request, this bit indicates that the registration of the protocol
+ address is unique within the confines of the set of synchronized
+ NHSs. This "uniqueness" qualifier MUST be stored in the NHS/NHC
+ cache. Any attempt to register a binding between the protocol
+ address and an NBMA address when this bit is set MUST be rejected
+ with a Code of "14 - Unique Internetworking Layer Address Already
+ Registered" if the replying NHS already has a cache entry for the
+ protocol address and the cache entry has the "uniqueness" bit
+ set. A registration of a CIE's information is rejected when the
+ CIE is returned with the Code field set to anything other than
+ 0x00. See the description of the uniqueness bit in NHRP
+ Resolution Request section above for further details. When this
+ bit is set only, only one CIE MAY be included in the NHRP
+ Registration Request.
+ Request ID
+ The request ID has the same meaning as described in Section
+ However, the request ID for NHRP Registrations which is
+ maintained at each client MUST be kept in non-volatile memory so
+ that when a client crashes and reregisters there will be no
+ inconsistency in the NHS's database. In order to reduce the
+ overhead associated with updating non-volatile memory, the actual
+ updating need not be done with every increment of the Request ID
+ but could be done, for example, every 50 or 100 increments. In
+ this scenario, when a client crashes and reregisters it knows to
+ add 100 to the value of the Request ID in the non-volatile memory
+ before using the Request ID for subsequent registrations.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ One or more CIEs are specified in the NHRP Registration Request.
+ Each CIE contains next hop information which a client is attempting
+ to register with its servers. Generally, all fields in CIEs enclosed
+ in NHRP Registration Requests are coded as described in Section
+ However, if a station is only registering itself with the
+ NHRP Registration Request then it MAY code the Cli Addr T/L, Cli
+ SAddr T/L, and Cli Proto Len as zero which signifies that the client
+ address information is to be taken from the source information in the
+ common header (see Section Below, further clarification is
+ given for some fields in a CIE in the context of a NHRP Registration
+ Request.
+ Code
+ This field is set to 0x00 in NHRP Registration Requests.
+ Prefix Length
+ This field may be used in a NHRP Registration Request to register
+ equivalence information for the Client Protocol Address specified
+ in the CIE of an NHRP Registration Request In the case of NHRP
+ Registration Request, the Prefix Length specifies the equivalence
+ class of addresses which match the first "Prefix Length" bit
+ positions of the Client Protocol Address. If the "U" bit is set
+ in the common header then this field MUST be set to 0xFF.
+ The NHRP Registration Request is used to register an NHC's NHRP
+ information with its NHSs. If an NHC is configured with the protocol
+ address of a serving NHS then the NHC may place the NHS's protocol
+ address in the Destination Protocol Address field of the NHRP
+ Registration Request common header otherwise the NHC must place its
+ own protocol address in the Destination Protocol Address field.
+ When an NHS receives an NHRP Registration Request which has the
+ Destination Protocol Address field set to an address which belongs to
+ a LIS/LAG for which the NHS is serving then if the Destination
+ Protocol Address field is equal to the Source Protocol Address field
+ (which would happen if the NHC put its protocol address in the
+ Destination Protocol Address) or the Destination Protocol Address
+ field is equal to the protocol address of the NHS then the NHS
+ processes the NHRP Registration Request after doing appropriate error
+ checking (including any applicable policy checking).
+ When an NHS receives an NHRP Registration Request which has the
+ Destination Protocol Address field set to an address which does not
+ belong to a LIS/LAG for which the NHS is serving then the NHS
+ forwards the packet down the routed path toward the appropriate
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ When an NHS receives an NHRP Registration Request which has the
+ Destination Protocol Address field set to an address which belongs to
+ a LIS/LAG for which the NHS is serving then if the Destination
+ Protocol Address field does not equal the Source Protocol Address
+ field and the Destination Protocol Address field does not equal the
+ protocol address of the NHS then the NHS forwards the message to the
+ appropriate NHS within the LIS/LAG as specified by Destination
+ Protocol Address field.
+ It is possible that a misconfigured station will attempt to register
+ with the wrong NHS (i.e., one that cannot serve it due to policy
+ constraints or routing state). If this is the case, the NHS MUST
+ reply with a NAK-ed Registration Reply of type Can't Serve This
+ Address.
+ If an NHS cannot serve a station due to a lack of resources, the NHS
+ MUST reply with a NAK-ed Registration Reply of type Registration
+ Overflow.
+ In order to keep the registration entry from being discarded, the
+ station MUST re-send the NHRP Registration Request packet often
+ enough to refresh the registration, even in the face of occasional
+ packet loss. It is recommended that the NHRP Registration Request
+ packet be sent at an interval equal to one-third of the Holding Time
+ specified therein.
+5.2.4 NHRP Registration Reply
+ The NHRP Registration Reply is sent by an NHS to a client in response
+ to that client's NHRP Registration Request. If the Code field of a
+ CIE in the NHRP Registration Reply has anything other than zero in it
+ then the NHRP Registration Reply is a NAK otherwise the reply is an
+ ACK. The NHRP Registration Reply has a Type code of 4.
+ An NHRP Registration Reply is formed from an NHRP Registration
+ Request by changing the type code to 4, updating the CIE Code field,
+ and filling in the appropriate extensions if they exist. The message
+ specific meanings of the fields are as follows:
+ Attempts to register the information in the CIEs of an NHRP
+ Registration Request may fail for various reasons. If this is the
+ case then each failed attempt to register the information in a CIE of
+ an NHRP Registration Request is logged in the associated NHRP
+ Registration Reply by setting the CIE Code field to the appropriate
+ error code as shown below:
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ CIE Code
+ 0 - Successful Registration
+ The information in the CIE was successfully registered with the
+ NHS.
+ 4 - Administratively Prohibited
+ An NHS may refuse an NHRP Registration Request attempt for
+ administrative reasons (due to policy constraints or routing
+ state). If so, the NHS MUST send an NHRP Registration Reply
+ which contains a NAK code of 4.
+ 5 - Insufficient Resources
+ If an NHS cannot serve a station due to a lack of resources,
+ the NHS MUST reply with a NAKed NHRP Registration Reply which
+ contains a NAK code of 5.
+ 14 - Unique Internetworking Layer Address Already Registered
+ If a client tries to register a protocol address to NBMA
+ address binding with the uniqueness bit on and the protocol
+ address already exists in the NHS's cache then if that cache
+ entry also has the uniqueness bit on then this NAK Code is
+ returned in the CIE in the NHRP Registration Reply.
+ Due to the possible existence of asymmetric routing, an NHRP
+ Registration Reply may not be able to merely follow the routed path
+ back to the source protocol address specified in the common header of
+ the NHRP Registration Reply. As a result, there MUST exist a direct
+ NBMA level connection between the NHC and its NHS on which to send
+ the NHRP Registration Reply before NHRP Registration Reply may be
+ returned to the NHC. If such a connection does not exist then the
+ NHS must setup such a connection to the NHC by using the source NBMA
+ information supplied in the common header of the NHRP Registration
+ Request.
+5.2.5 NHRP Purge Request
+ The NHRP Purge Request packet is sent in order to invalidate cached
+ information in a station. The NHRP Purge Request packet has a type
+ code of 5. The mandatory part of an NHRP Purge Request is coded as
+ described in Section The message specific meanings of the
+ fields are as follows:
+ Flags - The flags field is coded as follows:
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ 0 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ |N| unused |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ N
+ When set, this bit tells the receiver of the NHRP Purge Request
+ that the requester does not expect to receive an NHRP Purge
+ Reply. If an unsolicited NHRP Purge Reply is received by a
+ station where that station is identified in the Source Protocol
+ Address of the packet then that packet must be ignored.
+ One or more CIEs are specified in the NHRP Purge Request. Each CIE
+ contains next hop information which is to be purged from an NHS/NHC
+ cache. Generally, all fields in CIEs enclosed in NHRP Purge Requests
+ are coded as described in Section Below, further
+ clarification is given for some fields in a CIE in the context of a
+ NHRP Purge Request.
+ Code
+ This field is set to 0x00 in NHRP Purge Requests.
+ Prefix Length
+ In the case of NHRP Purge Requests, the Prefix Length specifies
+ the equivalence class of addresses which match the first "Prefix
+ Length" bit positions of the Client Protocol Address specified in
+ the CIE. All next hop information which contains a protocol
+ address which matches an element of this equivalence class is to
+ be purged from the receivers cache.
+ The Maximum Transmission Unit and Preference fields of the CIE are
+ coded as zero. The Holding Time should be coded as zero but there
+ may be some utility in supplying a "short" holding time to be
+ applied to the matching next hop information before that
+ information would be purged; this usage is for further study. The
+ Client Protocol Address field and the Cli Proto Len field MUST be
+ filled in. The Client Protocol Address is filled in with the
+ protocol address to be purged from the receiving station's cache
+ while the Cli Proto Len is set the length of the purged client's
+ protocol address. All remaining fields in the CIE MAY be set to
+ zero although the client NBMA information (and associated length
+ fields) MAY be specified to narrow the scope of the NHRP Purge
+ Request if requester desires. However, the receiver of an NHRP
+ Purge Request may choose to ignore the Client NBMA information if
+ it is supplied.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ An NHRP Purge Request packet is sent from an NHS to a station to
+ cause it to delete previously cached information. This is done when
+ the information may be no longer valid (typically when the NHS has
+ previously provided next hop information for a station that is not
+ directly connected to the NBMA subnetwork, and the egress point to
+ that station may have changed).
+ An NHRP Purge Request packet may also be sent from an NHC to an NHS
+ with which the NHC had previously registered. This allows for an NHC
+ to invalidate its registration with NHRP before it would otherwise
+ expire via the holding timer. If an NHC does not have knowledge of a
+ protocol address of a serving NHS then the NHC must place its own
+ protocol address in the Destination Protocol Address field and
+ forward the packet along the routed path. Otherwise, the NHC must
+ place the protocol address of a serving NHS in this field.
+ Serving NHSs may need to send one or more new NHRP Purge Requests as
+ a result of receiving a purge from one of their served NHCs since the
+ NHS may have previously responded to NHRP Resolution Requests for
+ that NHC's NBMA information. These purges are "new" in that they are
+ sourced by the NHS and not the NHC; that is, for each NHC that
+ previously sent a NHRP Resolution Request for the purged NHC NBMA
+ information, an NHRP Purge Request is sent which contains the Source
+ Protocol/NBMA Addresses of the NHS and the Destination Protocol
+ Address of the NHC which previously sent an NHRP Resolution Request
+ prior to the purge.
+ The station sending the NHRP Purge Request MAY periodically
+ retransmit the NHRP Purge Request until either NHRP Purge Request is
+ acknowledged or until the holding time of the information being
+ purged has expired. Retransmission strategies for NHRP Purge Requests
+ are a local matter.
+ When a station receives an NHRP Purge Request, it MUST discard any
+ previously cached information that matches the information in the
+ CIEs.
+ An NHRP Purge Reply MUST be returned for the NHRP Purge Request even
+ if the station does not have a matching cache entry assuming that the
+ "N" bit is off in the NHRP Purge Request.
+ If the station wishes to reestablish communication with the
+ destination shortly after receiving an NHRP Purge Request, it should
+ make an authoritative NHRP Resolution Request in order to avoid any
+ stale cache entries that might be present in intermediate NHSs (See
+ section 6.2.2.). It is recommended that authoritative NHRP
+ Resolution Requests be made for the duration of the holding time of
+ the old information.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+5.2.6 NHRP Purge Reply
+ The NHRP Purge Reply packet is sent in order to assure the sender of
+ an NHRP Purge Request that all cached information of the specified
+ type has been purged from the station sending the reply. The NHRP
+ Purge Reply has a type code of 6.
+ An NHRP Purge Reply is formed from an NHRP Purge Request by merely
+ changing the type code in the request to 6. The packet is then
+ returned to the requester after filling in the appropriate extensions
+ if they exist.
+5.2.7 NHRP Error Indication
+ The NHRP Error Indication is used to convey error indications to the
+ sender of an NHRP packet. It has a type code of 7. The Mandatory
+ Part has the following format:
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Src Proto Len | Dst Proto Len | unused |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Error Code | Error Offset |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Source NBMA Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Source NBMA Subaddress (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Source Protocol Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Destination Protocol Address (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Contents of NHRP Packet in error (variable length) |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Src Proto Len
+ This field holds the length in octets of the Source Protocol
+ Address.
+ Dst Proto Len
+ This field holds the length in octets of the Destination Protocol
+ Address.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ Error Code
+ An error code indicating the type of error detected, chosen from
+ the following list:
+ 1 - Unrecognized Extension
+ When the Compulsory bit of an extension in NHRP packet is set,
+ the NHRP packet cannot be processed unless the extension has
+ been processed. The responder MUST return an NHRP Error
+ Indication of type Unrecognized Extension if it is incapable of
+ processing the extension. However, if a transit NHS (one which
+ is not going to generate a reply) detects an unrecognized
+ extension, it SHALL ignore the extension.
+ 3 - NHRP Loop Detected
+ A Loop Detected error is generated when it is determined that
+ an NHRP packet is being forwarded in a loop.
+ 6 - Protocol Address Unreachable
+ This error occurs when a packet it moving along the routed path
+ and it reaches a point such that the protocol address of
+ interest is not reachable.
+ 7 - Protocol Error
+ A generic packet processing error has occurred (e.g., invalid
+ version number, invalid protocol type, failed checksum, etc.)
+ 8 - NHRP SDU Size Exceeded
+ If the SDU size of the NHRP packet exceeds the MTU size of the
+ NBMA network then this error is returned.
+ 9 - Invalid Extension
+ If an NHS finds an extension in a packet which is inappropriate
+ for the packet type, an error is sent back to the sender with
+ Invalid Extension as the code.
+ 10 - Invalid NHRP Resolution Reply Received
+ If a client receives a NHRP Resolution Reply for a Next Hop
+ Resolution Request which it believes it did not make then an
+ error packet is sent to the station making the reply with an
+ error code of Invalid Reply Received.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ 11 - Authentication Failure
+ If a received packet fails an authentication test then this
+ error is returned.
+ 15 - Hop Count Exceeded
+ The hop count which was specified in the Fixed Header of an
+ NHRP message has been exceeded.
+ Error Offset
+ The offset in octets into the original NHRP packet in which an
+ error was detected. This offset is calculated starting from the
+ NHRP Fixed Header.
+ Source NBMA Address
+ The Source NBMA address field is the address of the station which
+ observed the error.
+ Source NBMA SubAddress
+ The Source NBMA subaddress field is the address of the station
+ which observed the error. If the field's length as specified in
+ ar$sstl is 0 then no storage is allocated for this address at all.
+ Source Protocol Address
+ This is the protocol address of the station which issued the Error
+ packet.
+ Destination Protocol Address
+ This is the protocol address of the station which sent the packet
+ which was found to be in error.
+ An NHRP Error Indication packet SHALL NEVER be generated in response
+ to another NHRP Error Indication packet. When an NHRP Error
+ Indication packet is generated, the offending NHRP packet SHALL be
+ discarded. In no case should more than one NHRP Error Indication
+ packet be generated for a single NHRP packet.
+ If an NHS sees its own Protocol and NBMA Addresses in the Source NBMA
+ and Source Protocol address fields of a transiting NHRP Error
+ Indication packet then the NHS will quietly drop the packet and do
+ nothing (this scenario would occur when the NHRP Error Indication
+ packet was itself in a loop).
+ Note that no extensions may be added to an NHRP Error Indication.
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 34]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+5.3 Extensions Part
+ The Extensions Part, if present, carries one or more extensions in
+ {Type, Length, Value} triplets.
+ Extensions have the following format:
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ |C|u| Type | Length |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Value... |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ C
+ "Compulsory." If clear, and the NHS does not recognize the type
+ code, the extension may safely be ignored. If set, and the NHS
+ does not recognize the type code, the NHRP "request" is considered
+ to be in error. (See below for details.)
+ u
+ Unused and must be set to zero.
+ Type
+ The extension type code (see below). The extension type is not
+ qualified by the Compulsory bit, but is orthogonal to it.
+ Length
+ The length in octets of the value (not including the Type and
+ Length fields; a null extension will have only an extension header
+ and a length of zero).
+ When extensions exist, the extensions list is terminated by the Null
+ TLV, having Type = 0 and Length = 0.
+ Extensions may occur in any order, but any particular extension type
+ may occur only once in an NHRP packet unless explicitly stated to the
+ contrary in the extensions definition. For example, the vendor-
+ private extension may occur multiple times in a packet in order to
+ allow for extensions which do not share the same vendor ID to be
+ represented. It is RECOMMENDED that a given vendor include no more
+ than one Vendor Private Extension.
+ An NHS MUST NOT change the order of extensions. That is, the order
+ of extensions placed in an NHRP packet by an NHC (or by an NHS when
+ an NHS sources a packet) MUST be preserved as the packet moves
+ between NHSs. Minimal NHC implementations MUST only recognize, but
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ not necessarily parse, the Vendor Private extension and the End Of
+ Extensions extension. Extensions are only present in a "reply" if
+ they were present in the corresponding "request" with the exception
+ of Vendor Private extensions. The previous statement is not intended
+ to preclude the creation of NHS-only extensions which might be added
+ to and removed from NHRP packets by the same NHS; such extensions
+ MUST not be propagated to NHCs.
+ The Compulsory bit provides for a means to add to the extension set.
+ If the bit is set in an extension then the station responding to the
+ NHRP message which contains that extension MUST be able to understand
+ the extension (in this case, the station responding to the message is
+ the station that would issue an NHRP reply in response to a NHRP
+ request). As a result, the responder MUST return an NHRP Error
+ Indication of type Unrecognized Extension. If the Compulsory bit is
+ clear then the extension can be safely ignored; however, if an
+ ignored extension is in a "request" then it MUST be returned,
+ unchanged, in the corresponding "reply" packet type.
+ If a transit NHS (one which is not going to generate a "reply")
+ detects an unrecognized extension, it SHALL ignore the extension. If
+ the Compulsory bit is set, the transit NHS MUST NOT cache the
+ information contained in the packet and MUST NOT identify itself as
+ an egress router (in the Forward Record or Reverse Record
+ extensions). Effectively, this means, if a transit NHS encounters an
+ extension which it cannot process and which has the Compulsory bit
+ set then that NHS MUST NOT participate in any way in the protocol
+ exchange other than acting as a forwarding agent.
+ The NHRP extension Type space is subdivided to encourage use outside
+ the IETF.
+ 0x0000 - 0x0FFF Reserved for NHRP.
+ 0x1000 - 0x11FF Allocated to the ATM Forum.
+ 0x1200 - 0x37FF Reserved for the IETF.
+ 0x3800 - 0x3FFF Experimental use.
+ IANA will administer the ranges reserved for the IETF as described in
+ Section 9. Values in the 'Experimental use' range have only local
+ significance.
+5.3.0 The End Of Extensions
+ Compulsory = 1
+ Type = 0
+ Length = 0
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ When extensions exist, the extensions list is terminated by the End
+ Of Extensions/Null TLV.
+5.3.1 Responder Address Extension
+ Compulsory = 1
+ Type = 3
+ Length = variable
+ This extension is used to determine the address of the NHRP
+ responder; i.e., the entity that generates the appropriate "reply"
+ packet for a given "request" packet. In the case of an NHRP
+ Resolution Request, the station responding may be different (in the
+ case of cached replies) than the system identified in the Next Hop
+ field of the NHRP Resolution Reply. Further, this extension may aid
+ in detecting loops in the NHRP forwarding path.
+ This extension uses a single CIE with the extension specific meanings
+ of the fields set as follows:
+ The Prefix Length fields MUST be set to 0 and ignored.
+ CIE Code
+ 5 - Insufficient Resources
+ If the responder to an NHRP Resolution Request is an egress point
+ for the target of the address resolution request (i.e., it is one
+ of the stations identified in the list of CIEs in an NHRP
+ Resolution Reply) and the Responder Address extension is included
+ in the NHRP Resolution Request and insufficient resources to
+ setup a cut-through VC exist at the responder then the Code field
+ of the Responder Address Extension is set to 5 in order to tell
+ the client that a VC setup attempt would in all likelihood be
+ rejected; otherwise this field MUST be coded as a zero. NHCs MAY
+ use this field to influence whether they attempt to setup a cut-
+ through to the egress router.
+ Maximum Transmission Unit
+ This field gives the maximum transmission unit preferred by the
+ responder. If this value is 0 then either the default MTU is used
+ or the MTU negotiated via signaling is used if such negotiation is
+ possible for the given NBMA.
+ Holding Time
+ The Holding Time field specifies the number of seconds for which
+ the NBMA information of the responser is considered to be valid.
+ Cached information SHALL be discarded when the holding time
+ expires.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ "Client Address" information is actually "Responder Address"
+ information for this extension. Thus, for example, Cli Addr T/L is
+ the responder NBMA address type and length field.
+ If a "requester" desires this information, the "requester" SHALL
+ include this extension with a value of zero. Note that this implies
+ that no storage is allocated for the Holding Time and Type/Length
+ fields until the "Value" portion of the extension is filled out.
+ If an NHS is generating a "reply" packet in response to a "request"
+ containing this extension, the NHS SHALL include this extension,
+ containing its protocol address in the "reply". If an NHS has more
+ than one protocol address, it SHALL use the same protocol address
+ consistently in all of the Responder Address, Forward Transit NHS
+ Record, and Reverse Transit NHS Record extensions. The choice of
+ which of several protocol address to include in this extension is a
+ local matter.
+ If an NHRP Resolution Reply packet being forwarded by an NHS contains
+ a protocol address of that NHS in the Responder Address Extension
+ then that NHS SHALL generate an NHRP Error Indication of type "NHRP
+ Loop Detected" and discard the NHRP Resolution Reply.
+ If an NHRP Resolution Reply packet is being returned by an
+ intermediate NHS based on cached data, it SHALL place its own address
+ in this extension (differentiating it from the address in the Next
+ Hop field).
+5.3.2 NHRP Forward Transit NHS Record Extension
+ Compulsory = 1
+ Type = 4
+ Length = variable
+ The NHRP Forward Transit NHS record contains a list of transit NHSs
+ through which a "request" has traversed. Each NHS SHALL append to
+ the extension a Forward Transit NHS element (as specified below)
+ containing its Protocol address. The extension length field and the
+ ar$chksum fields SHALL be adjusted appropriately.
+ The responding NHS, as described in Section 5.3.1, SHALL NOT update
+ this extension.
+ In addition, NHSs that are willing to act as egress routers for
+ packets from the source to the destination SHALL include information
+ about their NBMA Address.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ This extension uses a single CIE per NHS Record element with the
+ extension specific meanings of the fields set as follows:
+ The Prefix Length fields MUST be set to 0 and ignored.
+ CIE Code
+ 5 - Insufficient Resources
+ If an NHRP Resolution Request contains an NHRP Forward Transit
+ NHS Record Extension and insufficient resources to setup a cut-
+ through VC exist at the current transit NHS then the CIE Code
+ field for NHRP Forward Transit NHS Record Extension is set to 5
+ in order to tell the client that a VC setup attempt would in all
+ likelihood be rejected; otherwise this field MUST be coded as a
+ zero. NHCs MAY use this field to influence whether they attempt
+ to setup a cut-through as described in Section 2.2. Note that
+ the NHRP Reverse Transit NHS Record Extension MUST always have
+ this field set to zero.
+ Maximum Transmission Unit
+ This field gives the maximum transmission unit preferred by the
+ transit NHS. If this value is 0 then either the default MTU is
+ used or the MTU negotiated via signaling is used if such
+ negotiation is possible for the given NBMA.
+ Holding Time
+ The Holding Time field specifies the number of seconds for which
+ the NBMA information of the transit NHS is considered to be valid.
+ Cached information SHALL be discarded when the holding time
+ expires.
+ "Client Address" information is actually "Forward Transit NHS
+ Address" information for this extension. Thus, for example, Cli Addr
+ T/L is the transit NHS NBMA address type and length field.
+ If a "requester" wishes to obtain this information, it SHALL include
+ this extension with a length of zero. Note that this implies that no
+ storage is allocated for the Holding Time and Type/Length fields
+ until the "Value" portion of the extension is filled out.
+ If an NHS has more than one Protocol address, it SHALL use the same
+ Protocol address consistently in all of the Responder Address,
+ Forward NHS Record, and Reverse NHS Record extensions. The choice of
+ which of several Protocol addresses to include in this extension is a
+ local matter.
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 39]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ If a "request" that is being forwarded by an NHS contains the
+ Protocol Address of that NHS in one of the Forward Transit NHS
+ elements then the NHS SHALL generate an NHRP Error Indication of type
+ "NHRP Loop Detected" and discard the "request".
+5.3.3 NHRP Reverse Transit NHS Record Extension
+ Compulsory = 1
+ Type = 5
+ Length = variable
+ The NHRP Reverse Transit NHS record contains a list of transit NHSs
+ through which a "reply" has traversed. Each NHS SHALL append a
+ Reverse Transit NHS element (as specified below) containing its
+ Protocol address to this extension. The extension length field and
+ ar$chksum SHALL be adjusted appropriately.
+ The responding NHS, as described in Section 5.3.1, SHALL NOT update
+ this extension.
+ In addition, NHSs that are willing to act as egress routers for
+ packets from the source to the destination SHALL include information
+ about their NBMA Address.
+ This extension uses a single CIE per NHS Record element with the
+ extension specific meanings of the fields set as follows:
+ The CIE Code and Prefix Length fields MUST be set to 0 and ignored.
+ Maximum Transmission Unit
+ This field gives the maximum transmission unit preferred by the
+ transit NHS. If this value is 0 then either the default MTU is
+ used or the MTU negotiated via signaling is used if such
+ negotiation is possible for the given NBMA.
+ Holding Time
+ The Holding Time field specifies the number of seconds for which
+ the NBMA information of the transit NHS is considered to be valid.
+ Cached information SHALL be discarded when the holding time
+ expires.
+ "Client Address" information is actually "Reverse Transit NHS
+ Address" information for this extension. Thus, for example, Cli Addr
+ T/L is the transit NHS NBMA address type and length field.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ If a "requester" wishes to obtain this information, it SHALL include
+ this extension with a length of zero. Note that this implies that no
+ storage is allocated for the Holding Time and Type/Length fields
+ until the "Value" portion of the extension is filled out.
+ If an NHS has more than one Protocol address, it SHALL use the same
+ Protocol address consistently in all of the Responder Address,
+ Forward NHS Record, and Reverse NHS Record extensions. The choice of
+ which of several Protocol addresses to include in this extension is a
+ local matter.
+ If a "reply" that is being forwarded by an NHS contains the Protocol
+ Address of that NHS in one of the Reverse Transit NHS elements then
+ the NHS SHALL generate an NHRP Error Indication of type "NHRP Loop
+ Detected" and discard the "reply".
+ Note that this information may be cached at intermediate NHSs; if
+ so, the cached value SHALL be used when generating a reply.
+5.3.4 NHRP Authentication Extension
+ Compulsory = 1 Type = 7 Length = variable
+ The NHRP Authentication Extension is carried in NHRP packets to
+ convey authentication information between NHRP speakers. The
+ Authentication Extension may be included in any NHRP "request" or
+ "reply" only.
+ The authentication is always done pairwise on an NHRP hop-by-hop
+ basis; i.e., the authentication extension is regenerated at each
+ hop. If a received packet fails the authentication test, the station
+ SHALL generate an Error Indication of type "Authentication Failure"
+ and discard the packet. Note that one possible authentication failure
+ is the lack of an Authentication Extension; the presence or absence
+ of the Authentication Extension is a local matter.
+ Header Format
+ The authentication header has the following format:
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Reserved | Security Parameter Index (SPI)|
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Src Addr... |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Authentication Data... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Security Parameter Index (SPI) can be thought of as an index into a
+ table that maintains the keys and other information such as hash
+ algorithm. Src and Dst communicate either offline using manual keying
+ or online using a key management protocol to populate this table. The
+ sending NHRP entity always allocates the SPI and the parameters
+ associated with it.
+ Src Addr a variable length field is the address assigned to the
+ outgoing interface. The length of the addr is obtained from the
+ source protocol length field in the mandatory part of the NHRP
+ header. The tuple <spi, src addr> uniquely identifies the key and
+ other parameters that are used in authentication.
+ The length of the authentication data field is dependent on the hash
+ algorithm used. The data field contains the keyed hash calculated
+ over the entire NHRP payload. The authentication data field is zeroed
+ out before the hash is calculated.
+ SPI and Security Parameters Negotiation
+ SPI's can be negotiated either manually or using an Internet Key
+ Management protocol. Manual keying MUST be supported. The following
+ parameters are associated with the tuple <SPI, src>- lifetime,
+ Algorithm, Key. Lifetime indicates the duration in seconds for which
+ the key is valid. In case of manual keying, this duration can be
+ infinite. Also, in order to better support manual keying, there may
+ be multiple tuples active at the same time (Dst being the same).
+ Algorithm specifies the hash algorithm agreed upon by the two
+ entities. HMAC-MD5-128 [16] is the default algorithm. Other
+ algorithms MAY be supported by defining new values. IANA will assign
+ the numbers to identify the algorithm being used as described in
+ Section 9.
+ Any Internet standard key management protocol MAY so be used to
+ negotiate the SPI and parameters.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ Message Processing
+ At the time of adding the authentication extension header, src looks
+ up in a table to fetch the SPI and the security parameters based on
+ the outgoing interface address. If there are no entries in the table
+ and if there is support for key management, the src initiates the key
+ management protocol to fetch the necessary parameters. The src
+ constructs the Authentication Extension payload and calculates the
+ hash by zeroing authentication data field. The result replaces in the
+ zeroed authentication data field. The src address field in the
+ payload is the IP address assigned to the outgoing interface.
+ If key management is not supported and authentication is mandatory,
+ the packet is dropped and this information is logged.
+ On the receiving end, dst fetches the parameters based on the SPI and
+ the ip address in the authentication extension payload. The
+ authentication data field is extracted before zeroing out to
+ calculate the hash. It computes the hash on the entire payload and if
+ the hash does not match, then an "abnormal event" has occurred.
+ Security Considerations
+ It is important that the keys chosen are strong as the security of
+ the entire system depends on the keys being chosen properly and the
+ correct implementation of the algorithms.
+ The security is performed on a hop by hop basis. The data received
+ can be trusted only so much as one trusts all the entities in the
+ path traversed. A chain of trust is established amongst NHRP entities
+ in the path of the NHRP Message . If the security in an NHRP entity
+ is compromised, then security in the entire NHRP domain is
+ compromised.
+ Data integrity covers the entire NHRP payload. This guarantees that
+ the message was not modified and the source is authenticated as well.
+ If authentication extension is not used or if the security is
+ compromised, then NHRP entities are liable to both spoofing attacks,
+ active attacks and passive attacks.
+ There is no mechanism to encrypt the messages. It is assumed that a
+ standard layer 3 confidentiality mechanism will be used to encrypt
+ and decrypt messages. It is recommended to use an Internet standard
+ key management protocol to negotiate the keys between the neighbors.
+ Transmitting the keys in clear text, if other methods of negotiation
+ is used, compromises the security completely.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ Any NHS is susceptible to Denial of Service (DOS) attacks that cause
+ it to become overloaded, preventing legitimate packets from being
+ acted upon properly. A rogue host can send request and registration
+ packets to the first hop NHS. If the authentication option is not
+ used, the registration packet is forwarded along the routed path
+ requiring processing along each NHS. If the authentication option is
+ used, then only the first hop NHS is susceptible to DOS attacks
+ (i.e., unauthenticated packets will be dropped rather than forwarded
+ on). If security of any host is compromised (i.e., the keys it is
+ using to communicate with an NHS become known), then a rogue host can
+ send NHRP packets to the first hop NHS of the host whose keys were
+ compromised, which will then forward them along the routed path as in
+ the case of unauthenticated packets. However, this attack requires
+ that the rogue host to have the same first hop NHS as that of the
+ compromised host. Finally, it should be noted that denial of service
+ attacks that cause routers on the routed path to expend resources
+ processing NHRP packets are also susceptable to attacks that flood
+ packets at the same destination as contained in an NHRP packet's
+ Destination Protocol Address field.
+5.3.5 NHRP Vendor-Private Extension
+ Compulsory = 0
+ Type = 8
+ Length = variable
+ The NHRP Vendor-Private Extension is carried in NHRP packets to
+ convey vendor-private information or NHRP extensions between NHRP
+ speakers.
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Vendor ID | Data.... |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Vendor ID
+ 802 Vendor ID as assigned by the IEEE [6]
+ Data
+ The remaining octets after the Vendor ID in the payload are
+ vendor-dependent data.
+ This extension may be added to any "request" or "reply" packet and it
+ is the only extension that may be included multiple times. If the
+ receiver does not handle this extension, or does not match the Vendor
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ ID in the extension then the extension may be completely ignored by
+ the receiver. If a Vendor Private Extension is included in a
+ "request" then it must be copied to the corresponding "reply".
+6. Protocol Operation
+ In this section, we discuss certain operational considerations of
+6.1 Router-to-Router Operation
+ In practice, the initiating and responding stations may be either
+ hosts or routers. However, there is a possibility under certain
+ conditions that a stable routing loop may occur if NHRP is used
+ between two routers. In particular, attempting to establish an NHRP
+ path across a boundary where information used in route selection is
+ lost may result in a routing loop. Such situations include the loss
+ of BGP path vector information, the interworking of multiple routing
+ protocols with dissimilar metrics (e.g, RIP and OSPF), etc. In such
+ circumstances, NHRP should not be used. This situation can be
+ avoided if there are no "back door" paths between the entry and
+ egress router outside of the NBMA subnetwork. Protocol mechanisms to
+ relax these restrictions are under investigation.
+ In general it is preferable to use mechanisms, if they exist, in
+ routing protocols to resolve the egress point when the destination
+ lies outside of the NBMA subnetwork, since such mechanisms will be
+ more tightly coupled to the state of the routing system and will
+ probably be less likely to create loops.
+6.2 Cache Management Issues
+ The management of NHRP caches in the source station, the NHS serving
+ the destination, and any intermediate NHSs is dependent on a number
+ of factors.
+6.2.1 Caching Requirements
+ Source Stations
+ Source stations MUST cache all received NHRP Resolution Replies
+ that they are actively using. They also must cache "incomplete"
+ entries, i.e., those for which a NHRP Resolution Request has been
+ sent but those for which an NHRP Resolution Reply has not been
+ received. This is necessary in order to preserve the Request ID
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ for retries, and provides the state necessary to avoid triggering
+ NHRP Resolution Requests for every data packet sent to the
+ destination.
+ Source stations MUST purge expired information from their caches.
+ Source stations MUST purge the appropriate cached information upon
+ receipt of an NHRP Purge Request packet.
+ When a station has a co-resident NHC and NHS, the co-resident NHS
+ may reply to NHRP Resolution Requests from the co-resident NHC with
+ information which the station cached as a result of the co-resident
+ NHC making its own NHRP Resolution Requests as long as the co-
+ resident NHS follows the rules for Transit NHSs as seen below.
+ Serving NHSs
+ The NHS serving the destination (the one which responds
+ authoritatively to NHRP Resolution Requests) SHOULD cache protocol
+ address information from all NHRP Resolution Requests to which it
+ has responded if the information in the NHRP Resolution Reply has
+ the possibility of changing during its lifetime (so that an NHRP
+ Purge Request packet can be issued). The internetworking to NBMA
+ binding information provided by the source station in the NHRP
+ Resolution Request may also be cached if and only if the "S" bit is
+ set, the NHRP Resolution Request has included a CIE with the
+ Holding Time field set greater than zero (this is the valid Holding
+ Time for the source binding), and only for non-authoritative use
+ for a period not to exceed the Holding Time.
+ Transit NHSs
+ A Transit NHS (lying along the NHRP path between the source station
+ and the responding NHS) may cache source binding information
+ contained in NHRP Resolution Request packets that it forwards if
+ and only if the "S" bit is set, the NHRP Resolution Request has
+ included a CIE with the Holding Time field set greater than zero
+ (this is the valid Holding Time for the source binding), and only
+ for non-authoritative use for a period not to exceed the Holding
+ Time.
+ A Transit NHS may cache destination information contained in NHRP
+ Resolution Reply CIE if only if the D bit is set and then only for
+ non-authoritative use for a period not to exceed the Holding Time
+ value contained in the CIE. A Transit NHS MUST NOT cache source
+ binding information contained in an NHRP Resolution Reply.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ Further, a transit NHS MUST discard any cached information when the
+ prescribed time has expired. It may return cached information in
+ response to non-authoritative NHRP Resolution Requests only.
+6.2.2 Dynamics of Cached Information
+ NBMA-Connected Destinations
+ NHRP's most basic function is that of simple NBMA address
+ resolution of stations directly attached to the NBMA subnetwork.
+ These mappings are typically very static, and appropriately chosen
+ holding times will minimize problems in the event that the NBMA
+ address of a station must be changed. Stale information will cause
+ a loss of connectivity, which may be used to trigger an
+ authoritative NHRP Resolution Request and bypass the old data. In
+ the worst case, connectivity will fail until the cache entry times
+ out.
+ This applies equally to information marked in NHRP Resolution
+ Replies as being "stable" (via the "D" bit).
+ Destinations Off of the NBMA Subnetwork
+ If the source of an NHRP Resolution Request is a host and the
+ destination is not directly attached to the NBMA subnetwork, and
+ the route to that destination is not considered to be "stable," the
+ destination mapping may be very dynamic (except in the case of a
+ subnetwork where each destination is only singly homed to the NBMA
+ subnetwork). As such the cached information may very likely become
+ stale. The consequence of stale information in this case will be a
+ suboptimal path (unless the internetwork has partitioned or some
+ other routing failure has occurred).
+6.3 Use of the Prefix Length field of a CIE
+ A certain amount of care needs to be taken when using the Prefix
+ Length field of a CIE, in particular with regard to the prefix length
+ advertised (and thus the size of the equivalence class specified by
+ it). Assuming that the routers on the NBMA subnetwork are exchanging
+ routing information, it should not be possible for an NHS to create a
+ black hole by advertising too large of a set of destinations, but
+ suboptimal routing (e.g., extra internetwork layer hops through the
+ NBMA) can result. To avoid this situation an NHS that wants to send
+ the Prefix Length MUST obey the following rule:
+ The NHS examines the Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI)
+ associated with the route that the NHS would use to forward towards
+ the destination (as specified by the Destination internetwork layer
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 47]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ address in the NHRP Resolution Request), and extracts from this
+ NLRI the shortest address prefix such that: (a) the Destination
+ internetwork layer address (from the NHRP Resolution Request) is
+ covered by the prefix, (b) the NHS does not have any routes with
+ NLRI which form a subset of what is covered by the prefix. The
+ prefix may then be used in the CIE.
+ The Prefix Length field of the CIE should be used with restraint, in
+ order to avoid NHRP stations choosing suboptimal transit paths when
+ overlapping prefixes are available. This document specifies the use
+ of the prefix length only when all the destinations covered by the
+ prefix are "stable". That is, either:
+ (a) All destinations covered by the prefix are on the NBMA network,
+ or
+ (b) All destinations covered by the prefix are directly attached to
+ the NHRP responding station.
+ Use of the Prefix Length field of the CIE in other circumstances is
+ outside the scope of this document.
+6.4 Domino Effect
+ One could easily imagine a situation where a router, acting as an
+ ingress station to the NBMA subnetwork, receives a data packet, such
+ that this packet triggers an NHRP Resolution Request. If the router
+ forwards this data packet without waiting for an NHRP transit path to
+ be established, then when the next router along the path receives the
+ packet, the next router may do exactly the same - originate its own
+ NHRP Resolution Request (as well as forward the packet). In fact
+ such a data packet may trigger NHRP Resolution Request generation at
+ every router along the path through an NBMA subnetwork. We refer to
+ this phenomena as the NHRP "domino" effect.
+ The NHRP domino effect is clearly undesirable. At best it may result
+ in excessive NHRP traffic. At worst it may result in an excessive
+ number of virtual circuits being established unnecessarily.
+ Therefore, it is important to take certain measures to avoid or
+ suppress this behavior. NHRP implementations for NHSs MUST provide a
+ mechanism to address this problem. One possible strategy to address
+ this problem would be to configure a router in such a way that NHRP
+ Resolution Request generation by the router would be driven only by
+ the traffic the router receives over its non-NBMA interfaces
+ (interfaces that are not attached to an NBMA subnetwork). Traffic
+ received by the router over its NBMA-attached interfaces would not
+ trigger NHRP Resolution Requests. Such a router avoids the NHRP
+ domino effect through administrative means.
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+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+7. NHRP over Legacy BMA Networks
+ There would appear to be no significant impediment to running NHRP
+ over legacy broadcast subnetworks. There may be issues around
+ running NHRP across multiple subnetworks. Running NHRP on broadcast
+ media has some interesting possibilities; especially when setting up
+ a cut-through for inter-ELAN inter-LIS/LAG traffic when one or both
+ end stations are legacy attached. This use for NHRP requires further
+ research.
+8. Discussion
+ The result of an NHRP Resolution Request depends on how routing is
+ configured among the NHSs of an NBMA subnetwork. If the destination
+ station is directly connected to the NBMA subnetwork and the routed
+ path to it lies entirely within the NBMA subnetwork, the NHRP
+ Resolution Replies always return the NBMA address of the destination
+ station itself rather than the NBMA address of some egress router.
+ On the other hand, if the routed path exits the NBMA subnetwork, NHRP
+ will be unable to resolve the NBMA address of the destination, but
+ rather will return the address of the egress router. For
+ destinations outside the NBMA subnetwork, egress routers and routers
+ in the other subnetworks should exchange routing information so that
+ the optimal egress router may be found.
+ In addition to NHSs, an NBMA station could also be associated with
+ one or more regular routers that could act as "connectionless
+ servers" for the station. The station could then choose to resolve
+ the NBMA next hop or just send the packets to one of its
+ connectionless servers. The latter option may be desirable if
+ communication with the destination is short-lived and/or doesn't
+ require much network resources. The connectionless servers could, of
+ course, be physically integrated in the NHSs by augmenting them with
+ internetwork layer switching functionality.
+9. IANA Considerations
+ IANA will take advice from the Area Director appointed designated
+ subject matter expert, in order to assign numbers from the various
+ number spaces described herein. In the event that the Area Director
+ appointed designated subject matter expert is unavailable, the
+ relevant IESG Area Director will appoint another expert. Any and all
+ requests for value assignment within a given number space will be
+ accepted when the usage of the value assignment documented. Possible
+ forms of documentantion include, but is not limited to, RFCs or the
+ product of another cooperative standards body (e.g., the MPOA and
+ LANE subworking group of the ATM Forum).
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 49]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ [1] Heinanen, J., and R. Govindan, "NBMA Address Resolution Protocol
+ (NARP)", RFC 1735, December 1994.
+ [2] Plummer, D., "Address Resolution Protocol", STD 37, RFC 826,
+ November 1982.
+ [3] Laubach, M., and J. Halpern, "Classical IP and ARP over ATM", RFC
+ 2225, April 1998.
+ [4] Piscitello,, D., and J. Lawrence, "Transmission of IP datagrams
+ over the SMDS service", RFC 1209, March 1991.
+ [5] Protocol Identification in the Network Layer, ISO/IEC TR
+ 9577:1990.
+ [6] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC 1700,
+ October 1994.
+ [7] Heinanen, J., "Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation
+ Layer 5", RFC 1483, July 1993.
+ [8] Malis, A., Robinson, D., and R. Ullmann, "Multiprotocol
+ Interconnect on X.25 and ISDN in the Packet Mode", RFC 1356, August
+ 1992.
+ [9] Bradley, T., Brown, C., and A. Malis, "Multiprotocol Interconnect
+ over Frame Relay", RFC 1490, July 1993.
+ [10] Rekhter, Y., and D. Kandlur, ""Local/Remote" Forwarding Decision
+ in Switched Data Link Subnetworks", RFC 1937, May 1996.
+ [11] Armitage, G., "Support for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM
+ Networks", RFC 2022, November 1996.
+ [12] Luciani, J., Armitage, G., and J. Halpern, "Server Cache
+ Synchronization Protocol (SCSP) - NBMA", RFC 2334, April 1998.
+ [13] Rekhter, Y., "NHRP for Destinations off the NBMA Subnetwork",
+ Work In Progress.
+ [14] Luciani, J., et. al., "Classical IP and ARP over ATM to NHRP
+ Transition", Work In Progress.
+ [15] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
+ Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 50]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+ [16] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed Hashing
+ for Message Authentication", RFC 2104, February 1997.
+ We would like to thank (in no particular order) Thomas Narten of IBM
+ for his comments in the role of Internet AD, Juha Heinenan of Telecom
+ Finland and Ramesh Govidan of ISI for their work on NBMA ARP and the
+ original NHRP draft, which served as the basis for this work.
+ Russell Gardo of IBM, John Burnett of Adaptive, Dennis Ferguson of
+ ANS, Andre Fredette of Bay Networks, Joel Halpern of Newbridge, Paul
+ Francis of NTT, Tony Li, Bryan Gleeson, and Yakov Rekhter of cisco,
+ and Grenville Armitage of Bellcore should also be acknowledged for
+ comments and suggestions that improved this work substantially. We
+ would also like to thank the members of the ION working group of the
+ IETF, whose review and discussion of this document have been
+ invaluable.
+Authors' Addresses
+ James V. Luciani Dave Katz
+ Bay Networks cisco Systems
+ 3 Federal Street 170 W. Tasman Dr.
+ Mail Stop: BL3-03 San Jose, CA 95134 USA
+ Billerica, MA 01821 Phone: +1 408 526 8284
+ Phone: +1 978 916 4734 EMail:
+ EMail:
+ David Piscitello Bruce Cole
+ Core Competence Juniper Networks
+ 1620 Tuckerstown Road 3260 Jay St.
+ Dresher, PA 19025 USA Santa Clara, CA 95054
+ Phone: +1 215 830 0692 Phone: +1 408 327 1900
+ EMail: EMail:
+ Naganand Doraswamy
+ Bay Networks, Inc.
+ 3 Federal Street
+ Mail Stop: Bl3-03
+ Billerica, MA 01801
+ Phone: +1 978 916 1323
+ EMail:
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 51]
+RFC 2332 NBMA NHRP April 1998
+Full Copyright Statement
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.
+ This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
+ others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
+ or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
+ and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
+ kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
+ included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
+ document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
+ the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
+ Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
+ developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
+ copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
+ followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
+ English.
+ The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
+ revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
+ This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
+Luciani, et. al. Standards Track [Page 52]