.TH OPENNHRP 8 "20 May 2009" "" "OpenNHRP Documentation" .SH NAME opennhrpctl \- opennhrp administrative control tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B opennhrpctl .BI "[\-a " admin\-socket "]" " command " "[" "arguments" "]..." .SH DESCRIPTION .B opennhrpctl is an utility to control .BR opennhrp (8) daemon operation. A UNIX socket is used for communication between .B opennhrpctl and .BR opennhrp (8). Administration priviledges for a non-root user can be granted by modifying the permissions and ownership of the socket. The following commands are available: .BI "[cache] show [" selector "]..." .RS Show contents of next hop cache (configured and resolved entries). .RE .BI "[cache] flush [" selector "]..." .RS Clear all non-permanent entries which match the selector specifiers. .RE .BI "[cache] purge [" selector "]..." .RS Purge entries from NHRP cache: cached entries are removed and permanent entries are forced down, up and finally reregistered. .RE .BI "[cache] lowerdown [" selector "]..." .RS Purge entries from NHRP cache with indication that lower layer failed: e.g. IPsec daemon detected dead-peer or received INITIIAL-CONTACT notification. .RE .BI "route show [" selector "]..." .RS Show the contents of locally cached kernel routing information (outbound routing base to do route lookups excluding active shortcut routes). .RE .B "interface show" .RS Show the contents of interface configuration table, and the cached information from kernel (like protocol and NBMA IP addresses in use currently). .RE .BI "redirect purge [" protocol-address "/" prefix-length "]" .RS Clear redirection cache from all entries matching the specified address. .RE .BI "update nbma " nbma-address " " protocol-address .RS This command can be used from .BR opennhrp-script "(8)" to inform .BR opennhrp daemon of the real .IR protocol-address of dynamically discovered NHS. .RE The following selectors can be used to limit which cache entries will be effected: .BI nbma " nbma-address" .RS Matches entries where the remote has NBMA address .IR nbma-address . .RE .BI protocol " protocol-address" "[/" "prefix-length" "]" .RS Matches entries where the remote has protocol address .IR protocol-address " with at least prefix length " prefix-length . .RE .BI local-nbma " nbma-address" .RS Matches entries from local interface which owns the NBMA address .IR nbma-address . .RE .BI local-protocol " protocol-address" .RS Matches entries only from local interface which owns the protocol address .IR protocol-address . .RE .BI interface " interface-name" .br .BI iface " interface-name" .br .BI dev " interface-name" .RS Search entries only from local interface with name .IR interface-name . .RE .RE .SH FILES .I /var/run/opennhrp.socket .RS .BR opennhrp "(8) control socket" .RE .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR opennhrp (8) .SH AUTHORS Timo Teras