/* nhrp_address.c - NHRP address conversion functions * * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Timo Teräs <timo.teras@iki.fi> * * This software is licensed under the MIT License. * See MIT-LICENSE.txt for additional details. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <arpa/nameser.h> #include <linux/ip.h> #include <ares.h> #include <ares_version.h> #include "afnum.h" #include "nhrp_address.h" #include "nhrp_packet.h" #include "nhrp_common.h" struct nhrp_resolver { ares_channel channel; struct ev_prepare prepare; struct ev_timer timeout; struct ev_io fds[4]; }; static struct nhrp_resolver resolver; static void ares_timeout_cb(struct ev_timer *w, int revents) { struct nhrp_resolver *r = container_of(w, struct nhrp_resolver, timeout); ares_process(r->channel, NULL, NULL); } static void ares_prepare_cb(struct ev_prepare *w, int revents) { struct nhrp_resolver *r = container_of(w, struct nhrp_resolver, prepare); struct timeval *tv, tvbuf; tv = ares_timeout(r->channel, NULL, &tvbuf); if (tv != NULL) { r->timeout.repeat = tv->tv_sec + tv->tv_usec * 1e-6; ev_timer_again(&r->timeout); } else { ev_timer_stop(&r->timeout); } } static void ares_io_cb(struct ev_io *w, int revents) { ares_socket_t rfd = ARES_SOCKET_BAD, wfd = ARES_SOCKET_BAD; if (revents & EV_READ) rfd = w->fd; if (revents & EV_WRITE) wfd = w->fd; ares_process_fd(resolver.channel, rfd, wfd); } static void ares_socket_cb(void *data, ares_socket_t fd, int readable, int writable) { struct nhrp_resolver *r = (struct nhrp_resolver *) data; int i, fi = -1, events = 0; if (readable) events |= EV_READ; if (writable) events |= EV_WRITE; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(r->fds); i++) { if (r->fds[i].fd == fd) break; if (fi < 0 && r->fds[i].fd == 0) fi = i; } if (events) { if (i >= ARRAY_SIZE(r->fds)) { NHRP_BUG_ON(fi == -1); i = fi; } else { ev_io_stop(&r->fds[fi]); } ev_io_set(&r->fds[i], fd, events); ev_io_start(&r->fds[i]); } else if (i < ARRAY_SIZE(r->fds)) { ev_io_stop(&r->fds[i]); ev_io_set(&r->fds[i], 0, 0); } } static int bitcmp(const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, int len) { int bytes, bits, mask, r; bytes = len / 8; bits = len % 8; if (bytes != 0) { r = memcmp(a, b, bytes); if (r != 0) return r; } if (bits != 0) { mask = (0xff << (8 - bits)) & 0xff; return ((int) (a[bytes] & mask)) - ((int) (b[bytes] & mask)); } return 0; } uint16_t nhrp_protocol_from_pf(uint16_t pf) { switch (pf) { case PF_INET: return ETHPROTO_IP; } return 0; } uint16_t nhrp_pf_from_protocol(uint16_t protocol) { switch (protocol) { case ETHPROTO_IP: return PF_INET; } return PF_UNSPEC; } uint16_t nhrp_afnum_from_pf(uint16_t pf) { switch (pf) { case PF_INET: return AFNUM_INET; } return AFNUM_RESERVED; } uint16_t nhrp_pf_from_afnum(uint16_t afnum) { switch (afnum) { case AFNUM_INET: return PF_INET; } return PF_UNSPEC; } int nhrp_address_parse(const char *string, struct nhrp_address *addr, uint8_t *prefix_len) { uint8_t tmp; int r; /* Try IP address format */ r = sscanf(string, "%hhd.%hhd.%hhd.%hhd/%hhd", &addr->addr[0], &addr->addr[1], &addr->addr[2], &addr->addr[3], prefix_len ? prefix_len : &tmp); if ((r == 4) || (r == 5 && prefix_len != NULL)) { addr->type = PF_INET; addr->addr_len = 4; addr->subaddr_len = 0; if (r == 4 && prefix_len != NULL) *prefix_len = 32; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int nhrp_address_parse_packet(uint16_t protocol, size_t len, uint8_t *packet, struct nhrp_address *src, struct nhrp_address *dst) { int pf; struct iphdr *iph; pf = nhrp_pf_from_protocol(protocol); switch (protocol) { case ETHPROTO_IP: if (len < sizeof(struct iphdr)) return FALSE; iph = (struct iphdr *) packet; if (src != NULL) nhrp_address_set(src, pf, 4, (uint8_t *) &iph->saddr); if (dst != NULL) nhrp_address_set(dst, pf, 4, (uint8_t *) &iph->daddr); break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #if ARES_VERSION_MAJOR > 1 || ARES_VERSION_MINOR > 4 static void ares_address_cb(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, struct hostent *he) #else static void ares_address_cb(void *arg, int status, struct hostent *he) #endif { struct nhrp_address_query *query = (struct nhrp_address_query *) arg; struct nhrp_address addr[16]; int i; if (status == ARES_SUCCESS) { for (i = 0; he->h_addr_list[i] != NULL && i < ARRAY_SIZE(addr); i++) nhrp_address_set(&addr[i], AF_INET, he->h_length, (uint8_t *) he->h_addr_list[i]); } else i = -1; NHRP_BUG_ON(query->callback == NULL); query->callback(query, i, &addr[0]); query->callback = NULL; } void nhrp_address_resolve(struct nhrp_address_query *query, const char *hostname, nhrp_address_query_callback callback) { if (query->callback != NULL) { nhrp_error("Trying to resolve '%s', but previous query " "was not finished yet", hostname); return; } query->callback = callback; ares_gethostbyname(resolver.channel, hostname, AF_INET, ares_address_cb, query); } void nhrp_address_resolve_cancel(struct nhrp_address_query *query) { /* The kills all active queries; not just the one * given as parameter. But as those will be retried later * anyway, it is not a problem for now. */ if (query->callback != NULL) ares_cancel(resolver.channel); } void nhrp_address_set_type(struct nhrp_address *addr, uint16_t type) { addr->type = type; addr->addr_len = addr->subaddr_len = 0; } int nhrp_address_set(struct nhrp_address *addr, uint16_t type, uint8_t len, uint8_t *bytes) { if (len > NHRP_MAX_ADDRESS_LEN) return FALSE; addr->type = type; addr->addr_len = len; addr->subaddr_len = 0; if (len != 0) memcpy(addr->addr, bytes, len); return TRUE; } int nhrp_address_set_full(struct nhrp_address *addr, uint16_t type, uint8_t len, uint8_t *bytes, uint8_t sublen, uint8_t *subbytes) { if (len + sublen > NHRP_MAX_ADDRESS_LEN) return FALSE; addr->type = type; addr->addr_len = len; addr->subaddr_len = 0; if (len != 0) memcpy(addr->addr, bytes, len); if (sublen != 0) memcpy(&addr->addr[len], subbytes, sublen); return TRUE; } int nhrp_address_cmp(const struct nhrp_address *a, const struct nhrp_address *b) { if (a->type > b->type) return 1; if (a->type < b->type) return -1; if (a->addr_len > b->addr_len || a->subaddr_len > b->subaddr_len) return 1; if (a->addr_len < b->addr_len || a->subaddr_len < b->subaddr_len) return -1; return memcmp(a->addr, b->addr, a->addr_len + a->subaddr_len); } int nhrp_address_prefix_cmp(const struct nhrp_address *a, const struct nhrp_address *b, int prefix) { if (a->type > b->type) return 1; if (a->type < b->type) return -1; if (a->addr_len * 8 < prefix) return 1; if (b->addr_len * 8 < prefix) return 1; return bitcmp(a->addr, b->addr, prefix); } int nhrp_address_is_multicast(const struct nhrp_address *addr) { switch (addr->type) { case PF_INET: if ((addr->addr[0] & 0xf0) == 0xe0) return TRUE; break; } return FALSE; } int nhrp_address_is_any_addr(const struct nhrp_address *addr) { switch (addr->type) { case PF_UNSPEC: return TRUE; case PF_INET: if (memcmp(addr->addr, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4) == 0) return TRUE; break; } return FALSE; } unsigned int nhrp_address_hash(const struct nhrp_address *addr) { unsigned int hash = 5381; int i; for (i = 0; i < addr->addr_len; i++) hash = hash * 33 + addr->addr[i]; return hash; } void nhrp_address_set_network(struct nhrp_address *addr, int prefix) { int i, bits = 8 * addr->addr_len; for (i = prefix; i < bits; i++) addr->addr[i / 8] &= ~(0x80 >> (i % 8)); } void nhrp_address_set_broadcast(struct nhrp_address *addr, int prefix) { int i, bits = 8 * addr->addr_len; for (i = prefix; i < bits; i++) addr->addr[i / 8] |= 0x80 >> (i % 8); } int nhrp_address_is_network(const struct nhrp_address *addr, int prefix) { int i, bits = 8 * addr->addr_len; for (i = prefix; i < bits; i++) if (addr->addr[i / 8] & (0x80 >> (i % 8))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } const char *nhrp_address_format(const struct nhrp_address *addr, size_t buflen, char *buffer) { switch (addr->type) { case PF_UNSPEC: snprintf(buffer, buflen, "(unspecified)"); break; case PF_INET: snprintf(buffer, buflen, "%d.%d.%d.%d", addr->addr[0], addr->addr[1], addr->addr[2], addr->addr[3]); break; default: snprintf(buffer, buflen, "(proto 0x%04x)", addr->type); break; } return buffer; } int nhrp_address_match_cie_list(struct nhrp_address *nbma_address, struct nhrp_address *protocol_address, struct list_head *cie_list) { struct nhrp_cie *cie; list_for_each_entry(cie, cie_list, cie_list_entry) { if (nhrp_address_cmp(&cie->nbma_address, nbma_address) == 0 && nhrp_address_cmp(&cie->protocol_address, protocol_address) == 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int nhrp_address_init(void) { struct ares_options ares_opts; int i; memset(&ares_opts, 0, sizeof(ares_opts)); ares_opts.sock_state_cb = &ares_socket_cb; ares_opts.sock_state_cb_data = &resolver; ares_opts.timeout = 2; ares_opts.tries = 3; if (ares_init_options(&resolver.channel, &ares_opts, ARES_OPT_SOCK_STATE_CB | ARES_OPT_TIMEOUT | ARES_OPT_TRIES) != ARES_SUCCESS) return FALSE; ev_timer_init(&resolver.timeout, ares_timeout_cb, 0.0, 0.0); ev_prepare_init(&resolver.prepare, ares_prepare_cb); ev_prepare_start(&resolver.prepare); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(resolver.fds); i++) ev_init(&resolver.fds[i], ares_io_cb); return TRUE; } void nhrp_address_cleanup(void) { int i; ev_timer_stop(&resolver.timeout); ev_prepare_stop(&resolver.prepare); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(resolver.fds); i++) ev_io_stop(&resolver.fds[i]); ares_destroy(resolver.channel); }