/* nhrp_interface.c - NHRP configuration per interface * * Copyright (C) 2007 Timo Teräs * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * See http://www.gnu.org/ for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nhrp_common.h" #include "nhrp_interface.h" #include "nhrp_address.h" #define NHRP_INDEX_HASH_SIZE (1 << 6) static struct list_head name_list = LIST_INITIALIZER(name_list); static struct hlist_head index_hash[NHRP_INDEX_HASH_SIZE]; static char *env(const char *key, const char *value) { char *buf; buf = malloc(strlen(key)+strlen(value)+2); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; sprintf(buf, "%s=%s", key, value); return buf; } static char *envu32(const char *key, uint32_t value) { char *buf; buf = malloc(strlen(key)+16); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; sprintf(buf, "%s=%u", key, value); return buf; } void nhrp_interface_cleanup(void) { struct nhrp_interface *iface, *n; list_for_each_entry_safe(iface, n, &name_list, name_list_entry) { list_del(&iface->name_list_entry); hlist_del(&iface->index_list_entry); free(iface); } } void nhrp_interface_hash(struct nhrp_interface *iface) { int iidx = iface->index & (NHRP_INDEX_HASH_SIZE - 1); list_del(&iface->name_list_entry); list_add(&iface->name_list_entry, &name_list); hlist_del(&iface->index_list_entry); hlist_add_head(&iface->index_list_entry, &index_hash[iidx]); } int nhrp_interface_foreach(nhrp_interface_enumerator enumerator, void *ctx) { struct nhrp_interface *iface; int rc; list_for_each_entry(iface, &name_list, name_list_entry) { rc = enumerator(ctx, iface); if (rc != 0) return rc; } return 0; } struct nhrp_interface *nhrp_interface_get_by_name(const char *name, int create) { struct nhrp_interface *iface; list_for_each_entry(iface, &name_list, name_list_entry) { if (strcmp(iface->name, name) == 0) return iface; } if (!create) return NULL; iface = calloc(1, sizeof(struct nhrp_interface)); iface->holding_time = NHRP_DEFAULT_HOLDING_TIME; iface->route_table = RT_TABLE_MAIN; strncpy(iface->name, name, sizeof(iface->name)); list_init(&iface->peer_list); list_init(&iface->mcast_list); list_add(&iface->name_list_entry, &name_list); hlist_add_head(&iface->index_list_entry, &index_hash[0]); return iface; } struct nhrp_interface *nhrp_interface_get_by_index(unsigned int index, int create) { struct nhrp_interface *iface; struct hlist_node *n; int iidx = index & (NHRP_INDEX_HASH_SIZE - 1); hlist_for_each_entry(iface, n, &index_hash[iidx], index_list_entry) { if (iface->index == index) return iface; } return NULL; } struct nhrp_interface *nhrp_interface_get_by_nbma(struct nhrp_address *addr) { struct nhrp_interface *iface; list_for_each_entry(iface, &name_list, name_list_entry) { if (!(iface->flags & NHRP_INTERFACE_FLAG_CONFIGURED)) continue; if (nhrp_address_cmp(addr, &iface->nbma_address) == 0) return iface; if (iface->nbma_address.type == PF_UNSPEC && !iface->link_index) return iface; } return NULL; } struct nhrp_interface *nhrp_interface_get_by_protocol(struct nhrp_address *addr) { struct nhrp_interface *iface; list_for_each_entry(iface, &name_list, name_list_entry) { if (nhrp_address_cmp(addr, &iface->protocol_address) == 0) return iface; } return NULL; } int nhrp_interface_run_script(struct nhrp_interface *iface, char *action) { const char *argv[] = { nhrp_script_file, action, NULL }; char *envp[6]; pid_t pid; int i = 0; pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) return FALSE; if (pid > 0) return TRUE; envp[i++] = "NHRP_TYPE=INTERFACE"; envp[i++] = env("NHRP_INTERFACE", iface->name); envp[i++] = envu32("NHRP_GRE_KEY", iface->gre_key); envp[i++] = NULL; execve(nhrp_script_file, (char **) argv, envp); exit(1); } struct nhrp_peer *nhrp_interface_find_peer(struct nhrp_interface *iface, const struct nhrp_address *nbma) { unsigned int key = nhrp_address_hash(nbma) % NHRP_INTERFACE_NBMA_HASH_SIZE; struct nhrp_peer *peer; struct hlist_node *n; hlist_for_each_entry(peer, n, &iface->nbma_hash[key], nbma_hash_entry) { if (nhrp_address_cmp(nbma, &peer->next_hop_address) == 0) return peer; } return NULL; }