/* opennhrp.c - OpenNHRP main routines * * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Timo Teräs * * This software is licensed under the MIT License. * See MIT-LICENSE.txt for additional details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nhrp_common.h" #include "nhrp_peer.h" #include "nhrp_interface.h" const char *nhrp_version_string = "OpenNHRP " OPENNHRP_VERSION #ifdef NHRP_NO_NBMA_GRE " (no NBMA GRE support)" #endif ; const char *nhrp_admin_socket = OPENNHRP_ADMIN_SOCKET; const char *nhrp_pid_file = "/var/run/opennhrp.pid"; const char *nhrp_config_file = "/etc/opennhrp/opennhrp.conf"; const char *nhrp_script_file = "/etc/opennhrp/opennhrp-script"; int nhrp_verbose = 0; int nhrp_running = FALSE; static int pid_file_fd; void nhrp_hex_dump(const char *name, const uint8_t *buf, int bytes) { int i, j; int left; fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", name); for (i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", buf[i]); if (i % 0x10 == 0x0f) { fprintf(stderr, " "); for (j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%c", isgraph(buf[i+j-0xf]) ? buf[i+j-0xf]: '.'); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } left = i % 0x10; if (left != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%*s ", 3 * (0x10 - left), ""); for (j = 0; j < left; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%c", isgraph(buf[i+j-left]) ? buf[i+j-left]: '.'); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } static void handle_signal_cb(struct ev_signal *w, int revents) { struct nhrp_peer_selector sel; switch (w->signum) { case SIGUSR1: nhrp_peer_dump_cache(); break; case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: ev_unloop(EVUNLOOP_ALL); break; case SIGHUP: memset(&sel, 0, sizeof(sel)); sel.type_mask = NHRP_PEER_TYPEMASK_REMOVABLE; nhrp_peer_foreach(nhrp_peer_remove_matching, NULL, &sel); break; } } static int hook_signal[] = { SIGUSR1, SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM }; static ev_signal signal_event[ARRAY_SIZE(hook_signal)]; static void signal_init(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hook_signal); i++) { ev_signal_init(&signal_event[i], handle_signal_cb, hook_signal[i]); ev_signal_start(&signal_event[i]); } } static int read_word(FILE *in, int *lineno, size_t len, char *word) { int ch, i, comment = 0; ch = fgetc(in); while (1) { if (ch == EOF) return FALSE; if (ch == '#') comment = 1; if (!comment && !isspace(ch)) break; if (ch == '\n') { (*lineno)++; comment = 0; } ch = fgetc(in); } for (i = 0; i < len-1 && !isspace(ch); i++) { word[i] = ch; ch = fgetc(in); if (ch == EOF) break; if (ch == '\n') (*lineno)++; } word[i] = 0; return TRUE; } static int load_config(const char *config_file) { #define NEED_INTERFACE() if (iface == NULL) { rc = 2; break; } peer = NULL; #define NEED_PEER() if (peer == NULL || peer->type == NHRP_PEER_TYPE_LOCAL_ADDR) { rc = 3; break; } static const char *errors[] = { "syntax error", "missing keyword", "keyword valid only for 'interface' definition", "keyword valid only for 'map' definition", "invalid address", "dynamic-map requires a network address", "bad multicast destination", "keyword valid only for 'interace' and 'shortcut-target' definition", }; struct nhrp_interface *iface = NULL; struct nhrp_peer *peer = NULL; struct nhrp_address paddr; char word[32], nbma[32], addr[32]; FILE *in; int lineno = 1, rc = -1; in = fopen(config_file, "r"); if (in == NULL) { nhrp_error("Unable to open configuration file '%s'.", config_file); return FALSE; } while (read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(word), word)) { if (strcmp(word, "interface") == 0) { if (!read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(word), word)) { rc = 1; break; } iface = nhrp_interface_get_by_name(word, TRUE); if (iface != NULL) iface->flags |= NHRP_INTERFACE_FLAG_CONFIGURED; peer = NULL; } else if (strcmp(word, "shortcut-target") == 0) { NEED_INTERFACE(); if (!read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(addr), addr)) { rc = 1; break; } peer = nhrp_peer_alloc(iface); peer->type = NHRP_PEER_TYPE_LOCAL_ADDR; peer->afnum = AFNUM_RESERVED; if (!nhrp_address_parse(addr, &peer->protocol_address, &peer->prefix_length)) { rc = 4; break; } peer->protocol_type = nhrp_protocol_from_pf(peer->protocol_address.type); nhrp_peer_insert(peer); nhrp_peer_put(peer); } else if (strcmp(word, "dynamic-map") == 0) { NEED_INTERFACE(); read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(addr), addr); read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(nbma), nbma); peer = nhrp_peer_alloc(iface); peer->type = NHRP_PEER_TYPE_STATIC_DNS; if (!nhrp_address_parse(addr, &peer->protocol_address, &peer->prefix_length)) { rc = 4; break; } if (!nhrp_address_is_network(&peer->protocol_address, peer->prefix_length)) { rc = 5; break; } peer->protocol_type = nhrp_protocol_from_pf( peer->protocol_address.type); peer->nbma_hostname = strdup(nbma); peer->afnum = nhrp_afnum_from_pf( peer->next_hop_address.type); nhrp_peer_insert(peer); nhrp_peer_put(peer); } else if (strcmp(word, "map") == 0) { NEED_INTERFACE(); read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(addr), addr); read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(nbma), nbma); peer = nhrp_peer_alloc(iface); peer->type = NHRP_PEER_TYPE_STATIC; if (!nhrp_address_parse(addr, &peer->protocol_address, &peer->prefix_length)) { rc = 4; break; } peer->protocol_type = nhrp_protocol_from_pf( peer->protocol_address.type); if (!nhrp_address_parse(nbma, &peer->next_hop_address, NULL)) peer->nbma_hostname = strdup(nbma); peer->afnum = nhrp_afnum_from_pf(peer->next_hop_address.type); nhrp_peer_insert(peer); nhrp_peer_put(peer); } else if (strcmp(word, "register") == 0) { NEED_PEER(); peer->flags |= NHRP_PEER_FLAG_REGISTER; } else if (strcmp(word, "cisco") == 0) { NEED_PEER(); peer->flags |= NHRP_PEER_FLAG_CISCO; } else if (strcmp(word, "holding-time") == 0) { read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(word), word); if (peer != NULL && peer->type == NHRP_PEER_TYPE_LOCAL_ADDR) { peer->holding_time = atoi(word); } else if (iface != NULL) { iface->holding_time = atoi(word); peer = NULL; } else { rc = 7; } } else if (strcmp(word, "cisco-authentication") == 0) { struct nhrp_buffer *buf; struct nhrp_cisco_authentication_extension *auth; NEED_INTERFACE(); read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(word), word); buf = nhrp_buffer_alloc(strlen(word) + sizeof(uint32_t)); auth = (struct nhrp_cisco_authentication_extension *) buf->data; auth->type = NHRP_AUTHENTICATION_PLAINTEXT; memcpy(auth->secret, word, strlen(word)); iface->auth_token = buf; } else if (strcmp(word, "route-table") == 0) { NEED_INTERFACE(); read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(word), word); iface->route_table = atoi(word); } else if (strcmp(word, "shortcut") == 0) { NEED_INTERFACE(); iface->flags |= NHRP_INTERFACE_FLAG_SHORTCUT; } else if (strcmp(word, "redirect") == 0) { NEED_INTERFACE(); iface->flags |= NHRP_INTERFACE_FLAG_REDIRECT; } else if (strcmp(word, "non-caching") == 0) { NEED_INTERFACE(); iface->flags |= NHRP_INTERFACE_FLAG_NON_CACHING; } else if (strcmp(word, "shortcut-destination") == 0) { NEED_INTERFACE(); iface->flags |= NHRP_INTERFACE_FLAG_SHORTCUT_DEST; } else if (strcmp(word, "multicast") == 0) { NEED_INTERFACE(); read_word(in, &lineno, sizeof(word), word); if (strcmp(word, "dynamic") == 0) { iface->mcast_mask = \ BIT(NHRP_PEER_TYPE_STATIC) | BIT(NHRP_PEER_TYPE_DYNAMIC_NHS) | BIT(NHRP_PEER_TYPE_DYNAMIC); } else if (strcmp(word, "nhs") == 0) { iface->mcast_mask = \ BIT(NHRP_PEER_TYPE_STATIC) | BIT(NHRP_PEER_TYPE_DYNAMIC_NHS); } else if (nhrp_address_parse(word, &paddr, NULL)) { iface->mcast_numaddr++; iface->mcast_addr = realloc(iface->mcast_addr, iface->mcast_numaddr * sizeof(struct nhrp_address)); iface->mcast_addr[iface->mcast_numaddr-1] = paddr; } else { rc = 6; break; } } else { rc = 0; break; } } fclose(in); if (rc >= 0) { nhrp_error("Configuration file %s in %s:%d, near word '%s'", errors[rc], config_file, lineno, word); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void remove_pid_file(void) { if (pid_file_fd != 0) { close(pid_file_fd); pid_file_fd = 0; remove(nhrp_pid_file); } } static int open_pid_file(void) { if (strlen(nhrp_pid_file) == 0) return TRUE; pid_file_fd = open(nhrp_pid_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (pid_file_fd < 0) goto err; fcntl(pid_file_fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); if (flock(pid_file_fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) < 0) goto err_close; return TRUE; err_close: close(pid_file_fd); err: nhrp_error("Unable to open/lock pid file: %s.", strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } static int write_pid(void) { char tmp[16]; int n; if (pid_file_fd >= 0) { if (ftruncate(pid_file_fd, 0) < 0) return FALSE; n = sprintf(tmp, "%d\n", getpid()); if (write(pid_file_fd, tmp, n) != n) return FALSE; atexit(remove_pid_file); } return TRUE; } static int daemonize(void) { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) return FALSE; if (pid > 0) exit(0); if (setsid() < 0) return FALSE; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) return FALSE; if (pid > 0) exit(0); if (chdir("/") < 0) return FALSE; umask(0); if (freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin) == NULL || freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout) == NULL || freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr) == NULL) { nhrp_error("Unable reopen standard file descriptors"); goto err; } ev_default_fork(); return TRUE; err: close(pid_file_fd); pid_file_fd = 0; return FALSE; } int usage(const char *prog) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: opennhrp [-a admin-socket] [-c config-file] [-s script-file]\n" " [-p pid-file] [-d] [-v]\n" " opennhrp -V\n" "\n" "\t-a admin-socket\tspecify management interface socket\n" "\t-c config-file\tread configuration from config-file\n" "\t-s script-file\tuse specified script-file for event handling\n" "\t-p pid-file\tspecify pid-file\n" "\t-d\t\tfork to background after startup\n" "\t-v\t\tverbose logging\n" "\t-V\t\tshow version number and exit\n" "\n"); return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct nhrp_address any; int i, daemonmode = 0; nhrp_address_set_type(&any, AF_UNSPEC); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strlen(argv[i]) != 2 || argv[i][0] != '-') return usage(argv[0]); switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'c': if (++i >= argc) return usage(argv[0]); nhrp_config_file = argv[i]; break; case 's': if (++i >= argc) return usage(argv[0]); nhrp_script_file = argv[i]; break; case 'a': if (++i >= argc) return usage(argv[0]); nhrp_admin_socket = argv[i]; break; case 'p': if (++i >= argc) return usage(argv[0]); nhrp_pid_file = argv[i]; break; case 'd': daemonmode = 1; break; case 'v': nhrp_verbose = 1; break; case 'V': puts(nhrp_version_string); return 0; default: return usage(argv[0]); } } srandom(time(NULL)); if (!log_init()) return 1; if (!open_pid_file()) return 1; nhrp_info("%s starting", nhrp_version_string); ev_default_loop(0); signal_init(); server_init(); if (!nhrp_address_init()) return 3; if (!load_config(nhrp_config_file)) return 4; if (!kernel_init()) return 5; if (!admin_init(nhrp_admin_socket)) return 6; if (!forward_init()) return 7; if (daemonmode && !daemonize()) { nhrp_error("Failed to daemonize. Exit."); return 8; } write_pid(); nhrp_running = TRUE; ev_loop(0); nhrp_running = FALSE; forward_cleanup(); kernel_stop_listening(); nhrp_peer_cleanup(); kernel_cleanup(); nhrp_interface_cleanup(); nhrp_rate_limit_clear(&any, 0); nhrp_address_cleanup(); ev_default_destroy(); return 0; }