path: root/doc/src/biblio.html
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authorRene Mayrhofer <>2007-01-30 12:25:57 +0000
committerRene Mayrhofer <>2007-01-30 12:25:57 +0000
commit9790537d64272aed35fda336ef18fac1fccd960d (patch)
tree4954aeddf9e8d7c2a3b282b686e9c7d764dc6ec2 /doc/src/biblio.html
parentdd191aff56ffe1b3fc996a6ca94d829eaff9762b (diff)
- New upstream release.
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- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">
- <title>FreeS/WAN bibliography</title>
- <meta name="keywords"
- content="Linux, IPsec, VPN, security, FreeSWAN, bibliography">
- <!--
- Written by Sandy Harris for the Linux FreeS/WAN project
- Freely distributable under the GNU General Public License
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- RCS ID: $Id: biblio.html,v 1.1 2004/03/15 20:35:24 as Exp $
- Last changed: $Date: 2004/03/15 20:35:24 $
- Revision number: $Revision: 1.1 $
- CVS revision numbers do not correspond to FreeS/WAN release numbers.
- -->
-<h1><a name="biblio">Bibliography for the Linux FreeS/WAN project</a></h1>
-<p>For extensive bibliographic links, see the <a
-href="">Collection of
-Computer Science Bibliographies</a></p>
-<p>See our <a href="web.html">web links</a> for material available online.</p>
-<a name="adams">Carlisle Adams and Steve Lloyd <cite>Understanding Public Key
-</a>Macmillan 1999 ISBN 1-57870-166-x
-<p>An overview, mainly concentrating on policy and strategic issues rather
-than the technical details. Both authors work for <a
-href="glossary.html#PKI">PKI</a> vendor <a
-<a name="">Albitz, Liu &amp; Loukides <cite>DNS &amp; BIND</cite> 3rd
-</a> O'Reilly 1998 ISBN 1-56592-512-2
-<p>The standard reference on the <a href="glossary.html#DNS">Domain Name
-Service</a> and <a href="glossary.html#BIND">Berkeley Internet Name
-<a name="anderson">Ross Anderson</a>, <cite>Security Engineering - a Guide to
-Building Dependable Distributed Systems</cite><br>
-Wiley, 2001, ISBN 0471389226
-<p>Easily the best book for the security professional I have seen.
-<strong>Highly recommended</strong>. See the <a
-href="">book web page</a>.</p>
-<p>This is quite readable, but Schneier's <a href="#secrets">Secrets and
-Lies</a> might be an easier introduction.</p>
-<a name="puzzle">Bamford <cite>The Puzzle Palace, A report on NSA, Americas's
-most Secret Agency</cite><br>
-Houghton Mifflin 1982 ISBN 0-395-31286-8</a>
-Bamford <cite>Body of Secrets</cite>
-<p>The sequel.</p>
-<a name="bander">David Bander</a>, <cite>Linux Security Toolkit</cite><br>
-IDG Books, 2000, ISBN: 0764546902
-<p>This book has a short section on FreeS/WAN and includes Caldera Linux on
-<a name="CZR">Chapman, Zwicky &amp; Russell</a>, <cite>Building Internet
-O'Reilly 1995 ISBN 1-56592-124-0
-<a name="">Cheswick and Bellovin</a> <cite>Firewalls and
-Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker</cite><br>
-Addison-Wesley 1994 ISBN 0201633574
-<p>A fine book on firewalls in particular and security in general from two of
-AT&amp;T's system adminstrators.</p>
-<p>Bellovin has also done a number of <a href="web.html#papers">papers</a> on
-IPsec and co-authored a <a href="intro.html#applied">paper</a> on a large
-FreeS/WAN application.</p>
-<a name="comer">Comer <cite>Internetworking with TCP/IP</cite><br>
-Prentice Hall</a>
- <li>Vol. I: Principles, Protocols, &amp; Architecture, 3rd Ed. 1995
- ISBN:0-13-216987-8</li>
- <li>Vol. II: Design, Implementation, &amp; Internals, 2nd Ed. 1994
- ISBN:0-13-125527-4</li>
- <li>Vol. III: Client/Server Programming &amp; Applications
- <ul>
- <li>AT&amp;T TLI Version 1994 ISBN:0-13-474230-3</li>
- <li>BSD Socket Version 1996 ISBN:0-13-260969-X</li>
- <li>Windows Sockets Version 1997 ISBN:0-13-848714-6</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
-<p>If you need to deal with the details of the network protocols, read either
-this series or the <a href="#stevens">Stevens and Wright</a> series before
-you start reading the RFCs.</p>
-<a name="diffie">Diffie and Landau</a> <cite>Privacy on the Line: The
-Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption</cite><br>
-MIT press 1998 ISBN 0-262-04167-7 (hardcover) or 0-262-54100-9<br>
-<a name="d_and_hark">Doraswamy and Harkins <cite>IP Sec: The New Security
-Standard for the Internet, Intranets and Virtual Private Networks</cite><br>
-Prentice Hall 1999 ISBN: 0130118982</a>
-<a name="EFF"> Electronic Frontier Foundation <cite>Cracking DES: Secrets of
-Encryption Research, Wiretap Politics and Chip Design</cite><br>
-</a> O'Reilly 1998 ISBN 1-56592-520-3
-<p>To conclusively demonstrate that DES is inadequate for continued use, the
-<a href="glossary.html#EFF">EFF</a> built a machine for just over $200,000
-that breaks DES encryption in under five days on average, under nine in the
-worst case.</p>
-<p>The book provides details of their design and, perhaps even more
-important, discusses why they felt the project was necessary. Recommended for
-anyone interested in any of the three topics mentioned in the subtitle.</p>
-<p>See also the <a href=""> EFF page on
-this project </a> and our discussion of <a
-href="politics.html#desnotsecure">DES insecurity</a>.</p>
-Martin Freiss <cite>Protecting Networks with SATAN</cite><br>
-O'Reilly 1998 ISBN 1-56592-425-8<br>
-translated from a 1996 work in German
-<p>SATAN is a Security Administrator's Tool for Analysing Networks. This book
-is a tutorial in its use.</p>
-Gaidosch and Kunzinger<cite> A Guide to Virtual Private Networks</cite><br>
-Prentice Hall 1999 ISBN: 0130839647
-<a name="Garfinkel">Simson Garfinkel</a> <cite>Database Nation: the death of
-privacy in the 21st century</cite><br>
-O'Reilly 2000 ISBN 1-56592-653-6
-<p>A thoughtful and rather scary book.</p>
-<a name="PGP">Simson Garfinkel</a> <cite>PGP: Pretty Good Privacy</cite><br>
-O'Reilly 1995 ISBN 1-56592-098-8
-<p>An excellent introduction and user manual for the <a
-href="glossary.html#PGP">PGP</a> email-encryption package. PGP is a good
-package with a complex and poorly-designed user interface. This book or one
-like it is a must for anyone who has to use it at length.</p>
-<p>The book covers using PGP in Unix, PC and Macintosh environments, plus
-considerable background material on both the technical and political issues
-around cryptography.</p>
-<p>The book is now seriously out of date. It does not cover recent
-developments such as commercial versions since PGP 5, the Open PGP standard
-or GNU PG..</p>
-<a name="practical">Garfinkel and Spafford</a> <cite>Practical Unix
-O'Reilly 1996 ISBN 1-56592-148-8
-<p>A standard reference.</p>
-<p>Spafford's web page has an excellent collection of<a
-href=""> crypto and security
-<a name="Kahn">David Kahn</a> <cite>The Codebreakers: the Comprehensive
-History of Secret Communications from Ancient Times to the Internet</cite><br>
-second edition Scribner 1996 ISBN 0684831309
-<p>A history of codes and code-breaking from ancient Egypt to the 20th
-century. Well-written and exhaustively researched. <strong>Highly
-recommended</strong>, even though it does not have much on computer
-David Kahn <cite>Seizing the Enigma, The Race to Break the German U-Boat
-codes, 1939-1943</cite><br>
-Houghton Mifflin 1991 ISBN 0-395-42739-8
-<a name="kirch">Olaf Kirch</a> <cite>Linux Network Administrator's
-O'Reilly 1995 ISBN 1-56592-087-2
-<p>Now becoming somewhat dated in places, but still a good introductory book
-and general reference.</p>
-<a name="LinVPN">Kolesnikov and Hatch</a>, <cite>Building Linux Virtual
-Private Networks (VPNs)</cite><br>
-New Riders 2002
-<p>This has had a number of favorable reviews, including <a
-one</a> on Slashdot. The book has a <a
-href="">web site</a>.</p>
-<a name="RFCs">Pete Loshin <cite>Big Book of IPsec RFCs</cite><br>
-Morgan Kaufmann 2000 ISBN: 0-12-455839-9</a>
-<a name="crypto">Steven Levy <cite>Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the
-Government -- Saving Privacy in the Digital Age</cite></a><br>
-Penguin 2001, ISBN 0-670--85950-8
-<p><strong>Highly recommended</strong>. A fine history of recent (about
-1970-2000) developments in the field, and the related political
-controversies. FreeS/WAN project founder and leader John Gilmore appears
-several times.</p>
-<p>The book does not cover IPsec or FreeS/WAN, but this project is very much
-another battle in the same war. See our discussion of the <a
-<a name="GTR">Matyas, Anderson et al.</a> <cite>The Global Trust
-Northgate Consultants Ltd 1998 ISBN: 0953239705<br>
-hard cover edition MIT Press 1999 ISBN 0262511053
-<p>From<a href="">
-their web page:</a></p>
- This book is a register of the fingerprints of the world's most important
- public keys; it implements a top-level certification authority (CA) using
- paper and ink rather than in an electronic system.</blockquote>
-<a name="handbook">Menezies, van Oorschot and Vanstone <cite>Handbook of
-Applied Cryptography</cite></a><br>
-CRC Press 1997<br>
-ISBN 0-8493-8523-7
-<p>An excellent reference. Read <a href="#schneier">Schneier</a> before
-tackling this.</p>
-Michael Padlipsky <cite>Elements of Networking Style</cite><br>
-Prentice-Hall 1985 ISBN 0-13-268111-0 or 0-13-268129-3
-<p>Probably <strong>the funniest technical book ever written</strong>, this
-is a vicious but well-reasoned attack on the OSI "seven layer model" and all
-that went with it. Several chapters of it are also available as RFCs 871 to
-<a name="matrix">John S. Quarterman</a> <cite>The Matrix: Computer Networks
-and Conferencing Systems Worldwide</cite><br>
-Digital Press 1990 ISBN 155558-033-5<br>
-Prentice-Hall ISBN 0-13-565607-9
-<p>The best general treatment of computer-mediated communication we have
-seen. It naturally has much to say about the Internet, but also covers UUCP,
-Fidonet and so on.</p>
-<a name="ranch">David Ranch</a> <cite>Securing Linux Step by Step</cite><br>
-SANS Institute, 1999
-<p><a href="">SANS</a> is a respected organisation, this
-guide is part of a well-known series, and Ranch has previously written the
-useful <a
-OS</a> guide to securing Linux, so my guess would be this is a pretty good
-book. I haven't read it yet, so I'm not certain. It can be ordered online
-from <a href="">SANS</a>.</p>
-<p>Note (Mar 1, 2002): a new edition with different editors in the works.
-Expect it this year.</p>
-<a name="schneier">Bruce Schneier</a> <cite>Applied Cryptography, Second
-John Wiley &amp; Sons, 1996<br>
-ISBN 0-471-12845-7 hardcover<br>
-ISBN 0-471-11709-9 paperback
-<p>A standard reference on computer cryptography. For more recent essays, see
-the <a href="">author's company's web site</a>.</p>
-<a name="secrets">Bruce Schneier</a><cite> Secrets and Lies</cite><br>
-Wiley 2000, ISBN 0-471-25311-1
-<p>An interesting discussion of security and privacy issues, written with
-more of an "executive overview" approach rather than a narrow focus on the
-technical issues. <strong>Highly recommended</strong>.</p>
-<p>This is worth reading even if you already understand security issues, or
-think you do. To go deeper, follow it with Anderson's <a
-href="#anderson">Security Engineering</a>.</p>
-<a name="VPNbook">Scott, Wolfe and Irwin <cite>Virtual Private
-2nd edition, O'Reilly 1999 ISBN: 1-56592-529-7
-<p>This is the only O'Reilly book, out of a dozen I own, that I'm
-disappointed with. It deals mainly with building VPNs with various
-proprietary tools -- <a href="glossary.html#PPTP">PPTP</a>, <a
-href="glossary.html#SSH">SSH</a>, Cisco PIX, ... -- and touches only lightly
-on IPsec-based approaches.</p>
-<p>That said, it appears to deal competently with what it does cover and it
-has readable explanations of many basic VPN and security concepts. It may be
-exactly what some readers require, even if I find the emphasis
-<a name="LASG">Kurt Seifried <cite>Linux Administrator's Security
-<p>Available online from <a
-href="">Security Portal</a>. It has fairly
-extensive coverage of IPsec.</p>
-<a name="Smith">Richard E Smith <cite>Internet Cryptography</cite><br>
-</a>ISBN 0-201-92480-3, Addison Wesley, 1997
-<p>See the book's <a
-href="">home page</a></p>
-<a name="neal">Neal Stephenson <cite>Cryptonomicon</cite></a><br>
-Hardcover ISBN -380-97346-4, Avon, 1999.
-<p>A novel in which cryptography and the net figure prominently.
-<strong>Highly recommended</strong>: I liked it enough I immediately went out
-and bought all the author's other books.</p>
-<p>There is also a paperback edition. Sequels are expected.</p>
-<a name="stevens">Stevens and Wright</a> <cite>TCP/IP Illustrated</cite><br>
- <li>Vol. I: The Protocols 1994 ISBN:0-201-63346-9</li>
- <li>Vol. II: The Implementation 1995 ISBN:0-201-63354-X</li>
- <li>Vol. III: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the UNIX Domain
- Protocols 1996 ISBN: 0-201-63495-3</li>
-<p>If you need to deal with the details of the network protocols, read either
-this series or the <a href="#comer">Comer</a> series before you start reading
-the RFCs.</p>
-<a name="Rubini">Rubini</a> <cite>Linux Device Drivers</cite><br>
-O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc. 1998 ISBN 1-56592-292-1
-<a name="Zeigler">Robert Zeigler</a> <cite>Linux Firewalls</cite><br>
-Newriders Publishing, 2000 ISBN 0-7537-0900-9
-<p>A good book, with detailed coverage of ipchains(8) firewalls and of many
-related issues.</p>