path: root/programs/_realsetup/
diff options
authorRene Mayrhofer <>2007-04-12 20:41:31 +0000
committerRene Mayrhofer <>2007-04-12 20:41:31 +0000
commit774a362e87feab25f1be16fbca08269ddc7121a4 (patch)
treecf71f4e7466468ac3edc2127125f333224a9acfb /programs/_realsetup/
parentc54a140a445bfe7aa66721f68bb0781f26add91c (diff)
Major new upstream release, just ran svn-upgrade for now (and wrote some
debian/changelong entries).
Diffstat (limited to 'programs/_realsetup/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 456 deletions
diff --git a/programs/_realsetup/ b/programs/_realsetup/
deleted file mode 100755
index 91b6e98d3..000000000
--- a/programs/_realsetup/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-# IPsec startup and shutdown command
-# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2001 Henry Spencer.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-# option) any later version. See <>.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-# for more details.
-# RCSID $Id:,v 1.10 2005/09/25 21:30:52 as Exp $
-me='ipsec setup' # for messages
-# Misc. paths (some of this should perhaps be overrideable from ipsec.conf).
-# make sure output of (e.g.) ifconfig is in English
-# check we were called properly
-if test " $IPSEC_confreadsection" != " setup"
- echo "$me: $0 must be called by ipsec_setup" >&2
- exit 1
-# defaults for "config setup" items
- if test " $IPSECinterfaces" = " %none" ; then IPSECinterfaces= ; fi
-# IPSECforwardcontrol "no"
-# IPSECsyslog "daemon.error"
-# IPSECklipsdebug "none"
-# IPSECplutodebug "none"
-# IPSECdumpdir "" (no dump)
-# IPSECmanualstart ""
-# IPSECpluto "yes"
-# IPSECprepluto ""
-# IPSECpostpluto ""
-# IPSECfragicmp "yes"
-# IPSEChidetos "yes"
-# IPSECpkcs11module ""
-# IPSECoverridemtu ""
-# Shall we trace?
-for i in $IPSEC_setupflags
- case "$i" in
- "--showonly") execute="false" ; display=true ;;
- "--show") display=true ;;
- esac
-if $display
- echo " " PATH="$PATH"
-perform() {
- if $display
- then
- echo " " "$*"
- fi
- if $execute
- then
- eval "$*"
- fi
-# function to set up manually-keyed connections
-manualconns() {
- if test " $IPSECmanualstart" != " "
- then
- for tu in $IPSECmanualstart
- do
- perform ipsec manual --up $tu
- done
- fi
- # search for things to "ipsec manual --up": auto == "manual"
- eval `ipsec _confread --varprefix MANUALSTART --search auto manual`
- if test " $MANUALSTART_confreadstatus" != " "
- then
- echo "auto=manual search: $MANUALSTART_confreadstatus"
- echo "unable to determine what conns to manual --up; none done"
- elif test " $MANUALSTART_confreadnames" != " "
- then
- for tu in $MANUALSTART_confreadnames
- do
- perform ipsec manual --up $tu
- done
- fi
-# for no-stdout logging:
-LOGONLY="logger -p $IPSECsyslog -t ipsec_setup"
-# What an ugly string.
-# Must be a string, not a function, because it is nested
-# within another sequence (for plutorun).
-# Luckily there are NO substitutions in it.
-KILLKLIPS='ifl=` ifconfig | sed -n -e "/^ipsec/s/ .*//p" ` ;
- test "X$ifl" != "X" &&
- for i in $ifl ;
- do
- ifconfig $i down ;
- ipsec tncfg --detach --virtual $i ;
- done ;
- test -r /proc/net/ipsec_klipsdebug && ipsec klipsdebug --none ;
- ipsec eroute --clear ;
- ipsec spi --clear ;
- for alg in aes serpent twofish blowfish sha2 ;
- do
- lsmod 2>&1 | grep "^ipsec_$alg" > /dev/null && rmmod ipsec_$alg ;
- done ;
- lsmod 2>&1 | grep "^ipsec" > /dev/null && rmmod ipsec'
-if test -f $kamepfkey
- if ip xfrm state > /dev/null 2>&1 ;
- then
- ip xfrm state flush ;
- ip xfrm policy flush ;
- elif type setkey > /dev/null 2>&1 ;
- then
- setkey -F ;
- setkey -FP ;
- fi'
-# do it
-case "$1" in
- start|--start|_autostart)
- # First, does it seem to be going already?
- perform test ! -f $lock "||" "{" \
- echo "\"$IPSEC_NAME IPsec apparently already running, start aborted\"" ";" \
- exit 1 ";" \
- "}"
- # announcement
- # (Warning, changes to this log message may affect barf.)
- version="`ipsec --version | awk 'NR == 1 { print $(3) }' | sed -e 's/^U\(.*\)\/K(.*/\1/'`"
- case "$1" in
- start|--start) perform echo "\"Starting $IPSEC_NAME IPsec $version...\"" ;;
- _autostart) perform echo "\"Restarting $IPSEC_NAME IPsec $version...\"" ;;
- esac
- # preliminaries
- perform rm -f $lock
- for f in /dev/random /dev/urandom
- do
- perform test -r $f "||" "{" \
- echo "\"...unable to start $IPSEC_NAME IPsec, no $f!\"" ";" \
- exit 1 ";" \
- "}"
- done
- # the meaning of $$ at a different runtime is questionable!
- perform echo '$$' ">" $lock
- perform test -s $lock "||" "{" \
- echo "\"...unable to create $lock, aborting start!\"" ";" \
- rm -f $lock ";" \
- exit 1 ";" \
- "}"
- perform ">" $info
- # here we go
- perform ipsec _startklips \
- --info $info \
- --debug "\"$IPSECklipsdebug\"" \
- --omtu "\"$IPSECoverridemtu\"" \
- --fragicmp "\"$IPSECfragicmp\"" \
- --hidetos "\"$IPSEChidetos\"" \
- --rpfilter "\"$IPSECrp_filter\"" \
- --log "\"$IPSECsyslog\"" \
- $IPSECinterfaces "||" \
- "{" rm -f $lock ";" exit 1 ";" "}"
- perform test -f $ipsecversion "||" \
- test -f $kamepfkey "||" "{" \
- echo "\"OOPS, should have aborted! Broken shell!\"" ";" \
- exit 1 ";" \
- "}"
- # misc pre-Pluto setup
- perform test -d `dirname $subsyslock` "&&" touch $subsyslock
- if test " $IPSECforwardcontrol" = " yes"
- then
- perform grep '"^0"' $ipforward ">" /dev/null "&&" "{" \
- echo "\"enabling IP forwarding:\"" "|" $LOGONLY ";" \
- echo "\"ipforwardingwas=$fw\"" ">>" $info ";" \
- echo 1 ">" $ipforward ";" \
- "}"
- fi
- manualconns
- plutorestartoncrash=""
- case "$IPSECplutorestartoncrash" in
- true|[yY]|yes|restart) plutorestartoncrash="--plutorestartoncrash true";;
- false|[nN]|no|die) plutorestartoncrash="--plutorestartoncrash false" ;;
- esac
- # Pluto
- case "$1" in
- start|--start) re= ;;
- _autostart) re=--re ;;
- esac
- if test " $IPSECpluto" != " no"
- then
- perform ipsec _plutorun $re \
- --debug "\"$IPSECplutodebug\"" \
- --uniqueids "\"$IPSECuniqueids\"" \
- --nocrsend "\"$IPSECnocrsend\"" \
- --strictcrlpolicy "\"$IPSECstrictcrlpolicy\"" \
- --cachecrls "\"$IPSECcachecrls\"" \
- --nat_traversal "\"$IPSECnat_traversal\"" \
- --keep_alive "\"$IPSECkeep_alive\"" \
- --force_keepalive "\"$IPSECforce_keepalive\"" \
- --disable_port_floating "\"$IPSECdisable_port_floating\"" \
- --virtual_private "\"$IPSECvirtual_private\"" \
- --crlcheckinterval "\"$IPSECcrlcheckinterval\"" \
- --pkcs11module "\"$IPSECpkcs11module\"" \
- --pkcs11keepstate "\"$IPSECpkcs11keepstate\"" \
- --pkcs11proxy "\"$IPSECpkcs11proxy\"" \
- --dump "\"$IPSECdumpdir\"" \
- --opts "\"$IPSECplutoopts\"" \
- --stderrlog "\"$IPSECplutostderrlog\"" \
- --wait "\"$IPSECplutowait\"" \
- --pre "\"$IPSECprepluto\"" \
- --post "\"$IPSECpostpluto\"" \
- --log "\"$IPSECsyslog\"" $plutorestartoncrash \
- --pid "\"$plutopid\"" "||" "{" \
- $KILLKLIPS ";" \
- rm -f $lock ";" \
- exit 1 ";" \
- "}"
- fi
- # done!
- perform echo "\"...$IPSEC_NAME IPsec started\"" "|" $LOGONLY
- ;;
- stop|--stop|_autostop) # _autostop is same as stop
- # Shut things down.
- perform echo "\"Stopping $IPSEC_NAME IPsec...\""
- perform \
- if test -r $lock ";" \
- then \
- status=0 ";" \
- . $info ";" \
- else \
- echo "\"stop ordered, but IPsec does not appear to be running!\"" ";" \
- echo "\"doing cleanup anyway...\"" ";" \
- status=1 ";" \
- fi
- if test " $IPSECforwardcontrol" = " yes"
- then
- perform test "\"X\$ipforwardingwas\"" = "\"X0\"" "&&" "{" \
- echo "\"disabling IP forwarding:\"" "|" $LOGONLY ";" \
- echo 0 ">" $ipforward ";" \
- "}"
- fi
- perform test -f $plutopid "&&" "{" \
- if ps -p '`' cat $plutopid '`' ">" /dev/null ";" \
- then \
- ipsec whack --shutdown "|" grep -v "^002" ";" \
- sleep 1 ";" \
- if test -s $plutopid ";" \
- then \
- echo "\"Attempt to shut Pluto down failed! Trying kill:\"" ";" \
- kill '`' cat $plutopid '`' ";" \
- sleep 5 ";" \
- fi ";" \
- else \
- echo "\"Removing orphaned $plutopid:\"" ";" \
- fi ";" \
- rm -f $plutopid ";" \
- "}"
- perform $KILLKLIPS
- perform test -d `dirname $subsyslock` "&&" rm -f $subsyslock
- perform rm -f $info $lock
- perform echo "...$IPSEC_NAME IPsec stopped" "|" $LOGONLY
- perform exit \$status
- ;;
- status|--status)
- if test " $IPSEC_setupflags" != " "
- then
- echo "$me $1 does not support $IPSEC_setupflags"
- exit 1
- fi
- if test -f $info
- then
- hasinfo=yes
- fi
- if test -f $lock
- then
- haslock=yes
- fi
- if test -f $subsyslock
- then
- hassublock=yes
- fi
- if test -s $plutopid
- then
- if ps -p `cat $plutopid` >/dev/null
- then
- plutokind=normal
- elif ps -C pluto >/dev/null
- then
- plutokind=illicit
- fi
- elif ps -C pluto >/dev/null
- then
- plutokind=orphaned
- else
- plutokind=no
- fi
- if test -r /proc/net/ipsec_eroute
- then
- if test " `wc -l </proc/net/ipsec_eroute`" -gt 0
- then
- eroutes=yes
- fi
- fi
- if test -r $ipsecversion
- then
- klips=yes
- elif test -r $modules
- then
- klips=maybe
- else
- klips=none
- fi
- if test "$haslock"
- then
- echo "IPsec running"
- # might not be a subsystem lock dir, ignore that issue
- if test "$plutokind" = "normal" -a "$klips" = "yes" -a "$hasinfo"
- then
- echo "pluto pid `cat $plutopid`"
- exit 0
- fi
- echo "but..."
- if test "$plutokind" != "normal"
- then
- echo "$plutokind Pluto running!"
- fi
- if test ! "$hasinfo"
- then
- echo "$info file missing!"
- fi
- case $klips in
- maybe) echo "KLIPS module is not loaded!" ;;
- none) echo "no KLIPS in kernel!" ;;
- esac
- if test "$eroutes"
- then
- echo "some eroutes exist"
- fi
- exit 1
- else
- echo "IPsec stopped"
- if test ! "$hassublock" -a ! "$hasinfo" -a "$plutokind" = "no" \
- -a ! "$eroutes"
- then
- exit 0
- fi
- echo "but..."
- if test "$hassublock"
- then
- echo "has subsystem lock ($subsyslock)!"
- fi
- if test "$hasinfo"
- then
- echo "has $info file!"
- fi
- if test "$plutokind" != "normal"
- then
- echo "$plutokind Pluto is running!"
- fi
- if test "$eroutes"
- then
- echo "some eroutes exist!"
- fi
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- --version)
- if test " $IPSEC_setupflags" != " "
- then
- echo "$me $1 does not support $IPSEC_setupflags"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "$me $IPSEC_VERSION"
- exit 0
- ;;
- --help)
- if test " $IPSEC_setupflags" != " "
- then
- echo "$me $1 does not support $IPSEC_setupflags"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Usage: $me {--start|--stop|--restart|--status}"
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: $me {--start|--stop|--restart|--status}" >&2
- exit 2
-exit 0