path: root/programs/pluto/kernel_pfkey.c
diff options
authorRene Mayrhofer <>2006-05-22 05:12:18 +0000
committerRene Mayrhofer <>2006-05-22 05:12:18 +0000
commitaa0f5b38aec14428b4b80e06f90ff781f8bca5f1 (patch)
tree95f3d0c8cb0d59d88900dbbd72110d7ab6e15b2a /programs/pluto/kernel_pfkey.c
parent7c383bc22113b23718be89fe18eeb251942d7356 (diff)
Import initial strongswan 2.7.0 version into SVN.
Diffstat (limited to 'programs/pluto/kernel_pfkey.c')
1 files changed, 938 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/programs/pluto/kernel_pfkey.c b/programs/pluto/kernel_pfkey.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76bfbaf9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/pluto/kernel_pfkey.c
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+/* pfkey interface to the kernel's IPsec mechanism
+ * Copyright (C) 1997 Angelos D. Keromytis.
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 D. Hugh Redelmeier.
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Herbert Xu.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version. See <>.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * RCSID $Id: kernel_pfkey.c,v 1.8 2006/02/04 00:01:22 as Exp $
+ */
+#ifdef KLIPS
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/queue.h>
+#include <freeswan.h>
+#include <pfkeyv2.h>
+#include <pfkey.h>
+#include "constants.h"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "kernel.h"
+#include "kernel_pfkey.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "whack.h" /* for RC_LOG_SERIOUS */
+#include "demux.h"
+#include "nat_traversal.h"
+#include "alg_info.h"
+#include "kernel_alg.h"
+static int pfkeyfd = NULL_FD;
+typedef u_int32_t pfkey_seq_t;
+static pfkey_seq_t pfkey_seq = 0; /* sequence number for our PF_KEY messages */
+static pid_t pid;
+#define NE(x) { x, #x } /* Name Entry -- shorthand for sparse_names */
+static sparse_names pfkey_type_names = {
+ { 0, sparse_end }
+#ifdef NEVER /* not needed yet */
+static sparse_names pfkey_ext_names = {
+ { 0, sparse_end }
+#endif /* NEVER */
+#undef NE
+ pid = getpid();
+ /* open PF_KEY socket */
+ pfkeyfd = socket(PF_KEY, SOCK_RAW, PF_KEY_V2);
+ if (pfkeyfd == -1)
+ exit_log_errno((e, "socket() in init_pfkeyfd()"));
+#ifdef NEVER /* apparently unsupported! */
+ if (fcntl(pfkeyfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0)
+ exit_log_errno((e, "fcntl(O_NONBLOCK) in init_pfkeyfd()"));
+ if (fcntl(pfkeyfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) != 0)
+ exit_log_errno((e, "fcntl(FD_CLOEXEC) in init_pfkeyfd()"));
+ DBG_log("process %u listening for PF_KEY_V2 on file descriptor %d", (unsigned)pid, pfkeyfd));
+/* Kinds of PF_KEY message from the kernel:
+ * - response to a request from us
+ * + ACK/NAK
+ * + Register: indicates transforms supported by kernel
+ * + SPI requested by getspi
+ * - Acquire, requesting us to deal with trapped clear packet
+ * - expiration of of one of our SAs
+ * - messages to other processes
+ *
+ * To minimize the effect on the event-driven structure of Pluto,
+ * responses are dealt with synchronously. We hope that the Kernel
+ * produces them synchronously. We must "read ahead" in the PF_KEY
+ * stream, saving Acquire and Expiry messages that are encountered.
+ * We ignore messages to other processes.
+ */
+typedef union {
+ unsigned char bytes[PFKEYv2_MAX_MSGSIZE];
+ struct sadb_msg msg;
+ } pfkey_buf;
+/* queue of unprocessed PF_KEY messages input from kernel
+ * Note that the pfkey_buf may be partly allocated, reflecting
+ * the variable length nature of the messages. So the link field
+ * must come first.
+ */
+typedef struct pfkey_item {
+ struct pfkey_item *next;
+ pfkey_buf buf;
+ } pfkey_item;
+static pfkey_item *pfkey_iq_head = NULL; /* oldest */
+static pfkey_item *pfkey_iq_tail; /* youngest */
+static bool
+ fd_set readfds;
+ int ndes;
+ struct timeval tm;
+ tm.tv_sec = 0; /* don't wait at all */
+ tm.tv_usec = 0;
+ FD_ZERO(&readfds); /* we only care about pfkeyfd */
+ FD_SET(pfkeyfd, &readfds);
+ do {
+ ndes = select(pfkeyfd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tm);
+ } while (ndes == -1 && errno == EINTR);
+ if (ndes < 0)
+ {
+ log_errno((e, "select() failed in pfkey_get()"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (ndes == 0)
+ return FALSE; /* nothing to read */
+ passert(ndes == 1 && FD_ISSET(pfkeyfd, &readfds));
+ return TRUE;
+/* get a PF_KEY message from kernel.
+ * Returns TRUE is message found, FALSE if no message pending,
+ * and aborts or keeps trying when an error is encountered.
+ * The only validation of the message is that the message length
+ * received matches that in the message header, and that the message
+ * is for this process.
+ */
+static bool
+pfkey_get(pfkey_buf *buf)
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ /* len must be less than PFKEYv2_MAX_MSGSIZE,
+ * so it should fit in an int. We use this fact when printing it.
+ */
+ ssize_t len;
+ if (!pfkey_input_ready())
+ return FALSE;
+ len = read(pfkeyfd, buf->bytes, sizeof(buf->bytes));
+ if (len < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno == EAGAIN)
+ return FALSE;
+ log_errno((e, "read() failed in pfkey_get()"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if ((size_t) len < sizeof(buf->msg))
+ {
+ plog("pfkey_get read truncated PF_KEY message: %d bytes; ignoring message"
+ , (int) len);
+ }
+ else if ((size_t) len != buf->msg.sadb_msg_len * IPSEC_PFKEYv2_ALIGN)
+ {
+ plog("pfkey_get read PF_KEY message with length %d that doesn't equal sadb_msg_len %u * %u; ignoring message"
+ , (int) len
+ , (unsigned) buf->msg.sadb_msg_len
+ , (unsigned) IPSEC_PFKEYv2_ALIGN);
+ }
+ else if (!(buf->msg.sadb_msg_pid == (unsigned)pid
+ || (buf->msg.sadb_msg_pid == 0 && buf->msg.sadb_msg_type == SADB_ACQUIRE)
+ || (buf->msg.sadb_msg_type == SADB_REGISTER)
+ || (buf->msg.sadb_msg_pid == 0 && buf->msg.sadb_msg_type == SADB_X_NAT_T_NEW_MAPPING)
+ ))
+ {
+ /* not for us: ignore */
+ DBG_log("pfkey_get: ignoring PF_KEY %s message %u for process %u"
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names, buf->msg.sadb_msg_type)
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_seq
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_pid));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_log("pfkey_get: %s message %u"
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names, buf->msg.sadb_msg_type)
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_seq));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+/* get a response to a specific message */
+static bool
+pfkey_get_response(pfkey_buf *buf, pfkey_seq_t seq)
+ while (pfkey_get(buf))
+ {
+ if (buf->msg.sadb_msg_pid == (unsigned)pid
+ && buf->msg.sadb_msg_seq == seq)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Not for us: queue it. */
+ size_t bl = buf->msg.sadb_msg_len * IPSEC_PFKEYv2_ALIGN;
+ pfkey_item *it = alloc_bytes(offsetof(pfkey_item, buf) + bl, "pfkey_item");
+ memcpy(&it->buf, buf, bl);
+ it->next = NULL;
+ if (pfkey_iq_head == NULL)
+ {
+ pfkey_iq_head = it;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pfkey_iq_tail->next = it;
+ }
+ pfkey_iq_tail = it;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/* Process a SADB_REGISTER message from the kernel.
+ * This will be a response to one of ours, but it may be asynchronous
+ * (if kernel modules are loaded and unloaded).
+ * Some sanity checking has already been performed.
+ */
+static void
+klips_pfkey_register_response(const struct sadb_msg *msg)
+ /* Find out what the kernel can support.
+ * In fact, the only question at the moment
+ * is whether it can support IPcomp.
+ * So we ignore the rest.
+ * ??? we really should pay attention to what transforms are supported.
+ */
+ switch (msg->sadb_msg_satype)
+ {
+ break;
+#ifndef NO_KERNEL_ALG
+ kernel_alg_register_pfkey(msg, sizeof (pfkey_buf));
+ break;
+ /* ??? There ought to be an extension to list the
+ * supported algorithms, but RFC 2367 doesn't
+ * list one for IPcomp. KLIPS uses SADB_X_CALG_DEFLATE.
+ * Since we only implement deflate, we'll assume this.
+ */
+ can_do_IPcomp = TRUE;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+/* Processs a SADB_ACQUIRE message from KLIPS.
+ * Try to build an opportunistic connection!
+ * See RFC 2367 "PF_KEY Key Management API, Version 2" 3.1.6
+ * <base, address(SD), (address(P)), (identity(SD),) (sensitivity,) proposal>
+ * - extensions for source and data IP addresses
+ * - optional extensions for identity [not useful for us?]
+ * - optional extension for sensitivity [not useful for us?]
+ * - expension for proposal [not useful for us?]
+ *
+ * ??? We must use the sequence number in creating an SA.
+ * We actually need to create up to 4 SAs each way. Which one?
+ * I guess it depends on the protocol present in the sadb_msg_satype.
+ * For now, we'll ignore this requirement.
+ *
+ * ??? We need some mechanism to make sure that multiple ACQUIRE messages
+ * don't cause a whole bunch of redundant negotiations.
+ */
+static void
+process_pfkey_acquire(pfkey_buf *buf, struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1])
+ struct sadb_address *srcx = (void *) extensions[SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_SRC];
+ struct sadb_address *dstx = (void *) extensions[SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_DST];
+ int src_proto = srcx->sadb_address_proto;
+ int dst_proto = dstx->sadb_address_proto;
+ ip_address *src = (ip_address*)&srcx[1];
+ ip_address *dst = (ip_address*)&dstx[1];
+ ip_subnet ours, his;
+ err_t ugh = NULL;
+ /* assumption: we're only catching our own outgoing packets
+ * so source is our end and destination is the other end.
+ * Verifying this is not actually convenient.
+ *
+ * This stylized control structure yields a complaint or
+ * desired results. For compactness, a pointer value is
+ * treated as a boolean. Logically, the structure is:
+ * keep going as long as things are OK.
+ */
+ if (buf->msg.sadb_msg_pid == 0 /* we only wish to hear from kernel */
+ && !(ugh = src_proto == dst_proto? NULL : "src and dst protocols differ")
+ && !(ugh = addrtypeof(src) == addrtypeof(dst)? NULL : "conflicting address types")
+ && !(ugh = addrtosubnet(src, &ours))
+ && !(ugh = addrtosubnet(dst, &his)))
+ record_and_initiate_opportunistic(&ours, &his, src_proto, "%acquire");
+ if (ugh != NULL)
+ plog("SADB_ACQUIRE message from KLIPS malformed: %s", ugh);
+/* Handle PF_KEY messages from the kernel that are not dealt with
+ * synchronously. In other words, all but responses to PF_KEY messages
+ * that we sent.
+ */
+static void
+pfkey_async(pfkey_buf *buf)
+ struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1];
+ if (pfkey_msg_parse(&buf->msg, NULL, extensions, EXT_BITS_OUT))
+ {
+ plog("pfkey_async:"
+ " unparseable PF_KEY message:"
+ " %s len=%d, errno=%d, seq=%d, pid=%d; message ignored"
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names, buf->msg.sadb_msg_type)
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_len
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_errno
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_seq
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_pid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG(DBG_CONTROL | DBG_KLIPS, DBG_log("pfkey_async:"
+ " %s len=%u, errno=%u, satype=%u, seq=%u, pid=%u"
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names, buf->msg.sadb_msg_type)
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_len
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_errno
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_satype
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_seq
+ , buf->msg.sadb_msg_pid));
+ switch (buf->msg.sadb_msg_type)
+ {
+ kernel_ops->pfkey_register_response(&buf->msg);
+ break;
+ /* to simulate loss of ACQUIRE, delete this call */
+ process_pfkey_acquire(buf, extensions);
+ break;
+ process_pfkey_nat_t_new_mapping(&(buf->msg), extensions);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* ignored */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* asynchronous messages from our queue */
+static void
+ while (pfkey_iq_head != NULL)
+ {
+ pfkey_item *it = pfkey_iq_head;
+ pfkey_async(&it->buf);
+ pfkey_iq_head = it->next;
+ pfree(it);
+ }
+ /* Handle any orphaned holds, but only if no pfkey input is pending.
+ * For each, we initiate Opportunistic.
+ * note: we don't need to advance the pointer because
+ * record_and_initiate_opportunistic will remove the current
+ * record each time we call it.
+ */
+ while (orphaned_holds != NULL && !pfkey_input_ready())
+ record_and_initiate_opportunistic(&orphaned_holds->ours
+ , &orphaned_holds->his
+ , orphaned_holds->transport_proto
+ , "%hold found-pfkey");
+/* asynchronous messages directly from PF_KEY socket */
+static void
+ pfkey_buf buf;
+ if (pfkey_get(&buf))
+ pfkey_async(&buf);
+static bool
+pfkey_build(int error
+, const char *description
+, const char *text_said
+, struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1])
+ if (error == 0)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ loglog(RC_LOG_SERIOUS, "building of %s %s failed, code %d"
+ , description, text_said, error);
+ pfkey_extensions_free(extensions);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+/* pfkey_extensions_init + pfkey_build + pfkey_msg_hdr_build */
+static bool
+pfkey_msg_start(u_int8_t msg_type
+, u_int8_t satype
+, const char *description
+, const char *text_said
+, struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1])
+ pfkey_extensions_init(extensions);
+ return pfkey_build(pfkey_msg_hdr_build(&extensions[0], msg_type
+ , satype, 0, ++pfkey_seq, pid)
+ , description, text_said, extensions);
+/* pfkey_build + pfkey_address_build */
+static bool
+pfkeyext_address(u_int16_t exttype
+, const ip_address *address
+, const char *description
+, const char *text_said
+, struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1])
+ /* the following variable is only needed to silence
+ * a warning caused by the fact that the argument
+ * to sockaddrof is NOT pointer to const!
+ */
+ ip_address t = *address;
+ return pfkey_build(pfkey_address_build(extensions + exttype
+ , exttype, 0, 0, sockaddrof(&t))
+ , description, text_said, extensions);
+/* pfkey_build + pfkey_x_protocol_build */
+static bool
+pfkeyext_protocol(int transport_proto
+, const char *description
+, const char *text_said
+, struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1])
+ return (transport_proto == 0)? TRUE
+ : pfkey_build(
+ pfkey_x_protocol_build(extensions + SADB_X_EXT_PROTOCOL, transport_proto)
+ , description, text_said, extensions);
+/* Finish (building, sending, accepting response for) PF_KEY message.
+ * If response isn't NULL, the response from the kernel will be
+ * placed there (and its errno field will not be examined).
+ * Returns TRUE iff all appears well.
+ */
+static bool
+finish_pfkey_msg(struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1]
+, const char *description
+, const char *text_said
+, pfkey_buf *response)
+ struct sadb_msg *pfkey_msg;
+ bool success = TRUE;
+ int error;
+ error = pfkey_msg_build(&pfkey_msg, extensions, EXT_BITS_IN);
+ if (error != 0)
+ {
+ loglog(RC_LOG_SERIOUS, "pfkey_msg_build of %s %s failed, code %d"
+ , description, text_said, error);
+ success = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t len = pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_len * IPSEC_PFKEYv2_ALIGN;
+ DBG_log("finish_pfkey_msg: %s message %u for %s %s"
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_type)
+ , pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_seq
+ , description, text_said);
+ DBG_dump(NULL, (void *) pfkey_msg, len));
+ if (!no_klips)
+ {
+ ssize_t r = write(pfkeyfd, pfkey_msg, len);
+ if (r != (ssize_t)len)
+ {
+ if (r < 0)
+ {
+ log_errno((e
+ , "pfkey write() of %s message %u"
+ " for %s %s failed"
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names
+ , pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_type)
+ , pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_seq
+ , description, text_said));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ , "ERROR: pfkey write() of %s message %u"
+ " for %s %s truncated: %ld instead of %ld"
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names
+ , pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_type)
+ , pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_seq
+ , description, text_said
+ , (long)r, (long)len);
+ }
+ success = FALSE;
+ /* if we were compiled with debugging, but we haven't already
+ * dumped the KLIPS command, do so.
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if ((cur_debugging & DBG_KLIPS) == 0)
+ DBG_dump(NULL, (void *) pfkey_msg, len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Check response from KLIPS.
+ * It ought to be an echo, perhaps with additional info.
+ * If the caller wants it, response will point to space.
+ */
+ pfkey_buf b;
+ pfkey_buf *bp = response != NULL? response : &b;
+ if (!pfkey_get_response(bp, ((struct sadb_msg *) extensions[0])->sadb_msg_seq))
+ {
+ , "ERROR: no response to our PF_KEY %s message for %s %s"
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_type)
+ , description, text_said);
+ success = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_type != bp->msg.sadb_msg_type)
+ {
+ , "FreeS/WAN ERROR: response to our PF_KEY %s message for %s %s was of wrong type (%s)"
+ , sparse_name(pfkey_type_names, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_type)
+ , description, text_said
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names, bp->msg.sadb_msg_type));
+ success = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (response == NULL && bp->msg.sadb_msg_errno != 0)
+ {
+ /* KLIPS is signalling a problem */
+ , "ERROR: PF_KEY %s response for %s %s included errno %u: %s"
+ , sparse_val_show(pfkey_type_names, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_type)
+ , description, text_said
+ , (unsigned) bp->msg.sadb_msg_errno
+ , strerror(bp->msg.sadb_msg_errno));
+ success = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* all paths must exit this way to free resources */
+ pfkey_extensions_free(extensions);
+ pfkey_msg_free(&pfkey_msg);
+ return success;
+/* register SA types that can be negotiated */
+pfkey_register_proto(unsigned satype, const char *satypename)
+ struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1];
+ pfkey_buf pfb;
+ if (!(pfkey_msg_start(SADB_REGISTER
+ , satype
+ , satypename, NULL, extensions)
+ && finish_pfkey_msg(extensions, satypename, "", &pfb)))
+ {
+ /* ??? should this be loglog */
+ plog("no KLIPS support for %s", satypename);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kernel_ops->pfkey_register_response(&pfb.msg);
+ DBG_log("%s registered with kernel.", satypename));
+ }
+static void
+ pfkey_register_proto(SADB_SATYPE_AH, "AH");
+ pfkey_register_proto(SADB_SATYPE_ESP, "ESP");
+ can_do_IPcomp = FALSE; /* until we get a response from KLIPS */
+ pfkey_register_proto(SADB_X_SATYPE_COMP, "IPCOMP");
+ pfkey_register_proto(SADB_X_SATYPE_IPIP, "IPIP");
+static bool
+pfkey_raw_eroute(const ip_address *this_host
+ , const ip_subnet *this_client
+ , const ip_address *that_host
+ , const ip_subnet *that_client
+ , ipsec_spi_t spi
+ , unsigned int satype
+ , unsigned int transport_proto
+ , const struct pfkey_proto_info *proto_info UNUSED
+ , time_t use_lifetime UNUSED
+ , unsigned int op
+ , const char *text_said)
+ struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1];
+ ip_address
+ sflow_ska,
+ dflow_ska,
+ smask_ska,
+ dmask_ska;
+ int sport = ntohs(portof(&this_client->addr));
+ int dport = ntohs(portof(&that_client->addr));
+ networkof(this_client, &sflow_ska);
+ maskof(this_client, &smask_ska);
+ setportof(sport ? ~0:0, &smask_ska);
+ networkof(that_client, &dflow_ska);
+ maskof(that_client, &dmask_ska);
+ setportof(dport ? ~0:0, &dmask_ska);
+ if (!pfkey_msg_start(op & ERO_MASK, satype
+ , "pfkey_msg_hdr flow", text_said, extensions))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (op != ERO_DELETE)
+ {
+ if (!(pfkey_build(pfkey_sa_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_SA]
+ , spi /* in network order */
+ , 0, 0, 0, 0, op >> ERO_FLAG_SHIFT)
+ , "pfkey_sa add flow", text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkeyext_address(SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_SRC, this_host
+ , "pfkey_addr_s add flow", text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkeyext_address(SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_DST, that_host
+ , "pfkey_addr_d add flow", text_said
+ , extensions)))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pfkeyext_address(SADB_X_EXT_ADDRESS_SRC_FLOW, &sflow_ska
+ , "pfkey_addr_sflow", text_said, extensions))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!pfkeyext_address(SADB_X_EXT_ADDRESS_DST_FLOW, &dflow_ska
+ , "pfkey_addr_dflow", text_said, extensions))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!pfkeyext_address(SADB_X_EXT_ADDRESS_SRC_MASK, &smask_ska
+ , "pfkey_addr_smask", text_said, extensions))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!pfkeyext_address(SADB_X_EXT_ADDRESS_DST_MASK, &dmask_ska
+ , "pfkey_addr_dmask", text_said, extensions))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!pfkeyext_protocol(transport_proto
+ , "pfkey_x_protocol", text_said, extensions))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return finish_pfkey_msg(extensions, "flow", text_said, NULL);
+static bool
+pfkey_add_sa(const struct kernel_sa *sa, bool replace)
+ struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1];
+ return pfkey_msg_start(replace ? SADB_UPDATE : SADB_ADD, sa->satype
+ , "pfkey_msg_hdr Add SA", sa->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkey_build(pfkey_sa_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_SA]
+ , sa->spi /* in network order */
+ , sa->replay_window, SADB_SASTATE_MATURE
+ , sa->authalg, sa->encalg ? sa->encalg: sa->compalg, 0)
+ , "pfkey_sa Add SA", sa->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkeyext_address(SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_SRC, sa->src
+ , "pfkey_addr_s Add SA", sa->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkeyext_address(SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_DST, sa->dst
+ , "pfkey_addr_d Add SA", sa->text_said, extensions)
+ && (sa->authkeylen == 0
+ || pfkey_build(pfkey_key_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_KEY_AUTH]
+ , SADB_EXT_KEY_AUTH, sa->authkeylen * BITS_PER_BYTE
+ , sa->authkey)
+ , "pfkey_key_a Add SA", sa->text_said, extensions))
+ && (sa->enckeylen == 0
+ || pfkey_build(pfkey_key_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_KEY_ENCRYPT]
+ , sa->enckey)
+ , "pfkey_key_e Add SA", sa->text_said, extensions))
+ && (sa->natt_type == 0
+ || pfkey_build(pfkey_x_nat_t_type_build(
+ &extensions[SADB_X_EXT_NAT_T_TYPE], sa->natt_type),
+ "pfkey_nat_t_type Add ESP SA", sa->text_said, extensions))
+ && (sa->natt_sport == 0
+ || pfkey_build(pfkey_x_nat_t_port_build(
+ sa->natt_sport), "pfkey_nat_t_sport Add ESP SA", sa->text_said,
+ extensions))
+ && (sa->natt_dport == 0
+ || pfkey_build(pfkey_x_nat_t_port_build(
+ sa->natt_dport), "pfkey_nat_t_dport Add ESP SA", sa->text_said,
+ extensions))
+ && (sa->natt_type == 0 || isanyaddr(sa->natt_oa)
+ || pfkeyext_address(SADB_X_EXT_NAT_T_OA, sa->natt_oa
+ , "pfkey_nat_t_oa Add ESP SA", sa->text_said, extensions))
+ && finish_pfkey_msg(extensions, "Add SA", sa->text_said, NULL);
+static bool
+pfkey_grp_sa(const struct kernel_sa *sa0, const struct kernel_sa *sa1)
+ struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1];
+ return pfkey_msg_start(SADB_X_GRPSA, sa1->satype
+ , "pfkey_msg_hdr group", sa1->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkey_build(pfkey_sa_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_SA]
+ , sa1->spi /* in network order */
+ , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ , "pfkey_sa group", sa1->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkeyext_address(SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_DST, sa1->dst
+ , "pfkey_addr_d group", sa1->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkey_build(pfkey_x_satype_build(&extensions[SADB_X_EXT_SATYPE2]
+ , sa0->satype)
+ , "pfkey_satype group", sa0->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkey_build(pfkey_sa_build(&extensions[SADB_X_EXT_SA2]
+ , sa0->spi /* in network order */
+ , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ , "pfkey_sa2 group", sa0->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkeyext_address(SADB_X_EXT_ADDRESS_DST2, sa0->dst
+ , "pfkey_addr_d2 group", sa0->text_said, extensions)
+ && finish_pfkey_msg(extensions, "group", sa1->text_said, NULL);
+static bool
+pfkey_del_sa(const struct kernel_sa *sa)
+ struct sadb_ext *extensions[SADB_EXT_MAX + 1];
+ return pfkey_msg_start(SADB_DELETE, proto2satype(sa->proto)
+ , "pfkey_msg_hdr delete SA", sa->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkey_build(pfkey_sa_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_SA]
+ , sa->spi /* in host order */
+ , 0, SADB_SASTATE_MATURE, 0, 0, 0)
+ , "pfkey_sa delete SA", sa->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkeyext_address(SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_SRC, sa->src
+ , "pfkey_addr_s delete SA", sa->text_said, extensions)
+ && pfkeyext_address(SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_DST, sa->dst
+ , "pfkey_addr_d delete SA", sa->text_said, extensions)
+ && finish_pfkey_msg(extensions, "Delete SA", sa->text_said, NULL);
+ while (pfkey_iq_head != NULL)
+ {
+ pfkey_item *it = pfkey_iq_head;
+ pfkey_iq_head = it->next;
+ pfree(it);
+ }
+ close(pfkeyfd);
+ pfkeyfd = NULL_FD;
+const struct kernel_ops klips_kernel_ops = {
+ async_fdp: &pfkeyfd,
+ pfkey_register: klips_pfkey_register,
+ pfkey_register_response: klips_pfkey_register_response,
+ process_queue: pfkey_dequeue,
+ process_msg: pfkey_event,
+ raw_eroute: pfkey_raw_eroute,
+ add_sa: pfkey_add_sa,
+ grp_sa: pfkey_grp_sa,
+ del_sa: pfkey_del_sa,
+ get_sa: NULL,
+ get_spi: NULL,
+ inbound_eroute: FALSE,
+ policy_lifetime: FALSE,
+ init: NULL
+#endif /* KLIPS */