path: root/src/charon/processing/jobs
diff options
authorRene Mayrhofer <>2007-10-26 14:10:02 +0000
committerRene Mayrhofer <>2007-10-26 14:10:02 +0000
commit49104abddf3d71d5abf5cf75dc7f95fa6c55fa63 (patch)
tree28f7a72e5dec4abf908fd7874bdab776281310bc /src/charon/processing/jobs
parent7b0305f59ddab9ea026b202a8c569912e5bf9a90 (diff)
[svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, strongswan (4.1.8)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/charon/processing/jobs')
9 files changed, 631 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/charon/processing/jobs/callback_job.c b/src/charon/processing/jobs/callback_job.c
index 53e7caa95..6f534e0f7 100644
--- a/src/charon/processing/jobs/callback_job.c
+++ b/src/charon/processing/jobs/callback_job.c
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ static void cancel(private_callback_job_t *this)
thread = this->thread;
/* terminate its children */
- this->children->invoke(this->children, offsetof(callback_job_t, cancel));
+ this->children->invoke_offset(this->children, offsetof(callback_job_t, cancel));
/* terminate thread */
diff --git a/src/charon/processing/jobs/initiate_mediation_job.c b/src/charon/processing/jobs/initiate_mediation_job.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d78f8a202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/charon/processing/jobs/initiate_mediation_job.c
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+ * @file initiate_mediation_job.c
+ *
+ * @brief Implementation of initiate_mediation_job_t.
+ *
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Tobias Brunner
+ * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version. See <>.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+#include "initiate_mediation_job.h"
+#include <sa/ike_sa.h>
+#include <daemon.h>
+typedef struct private_initiate_mediation_job_t private_initiate_mediation_job_t;
+ * Private data of an initiate_mediation_job_t Object
+ */
+struct private_initiate_mediation_job_t {
+ /**
+ * public initiate_mediation_job_t interface
+ */
+ initiate_mediation_job_t public;
+ /**
+ * ID of the IKE_SA of the mediated connection.
+ */
+ ike_sa_id_t *mediated_sa_id;
+ /**
+ * Child config of the CHILD_SA of the mediated connection.
+ */
+ child_cfg_t *mediated_child;
+ /**
+ * ID of the IKE_SA of the mediation connection.
+ */
+ ike_sa_id_t *mediation_sa_id;
+ * Implements job_t.destroy.
+ */
+static void destroy(private_initiate_mediation_job_t *this)
+ DESTROY_IF(this->mediation_sa_id);
+ DESTROY_IF(this->mediated_sa_id);
+ DESTROY_IF(this->mediated_child);
+ free(this);
+ * Callback to handle initiation of mediation connection
+ */
+static bool initiate_callback(private_initiate_mediation_job_t *this, signal_t signal, level_t level,
+ ike_sa_t *ike_sa, char *format, va_list args)
+ if (signal == CHILD_UP_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ // mediation connection is up
+ this->mediation_sa_id = ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa);
+ this->mediation_sa_id = this->mediation_sa_id->clone(this->mediation_sa_id);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Implementation of job_t.execute.
+ */
+static void initiate(private_initiate_mediation_job_t *this)
+{//FIXME: check the logging
+ ike_sa_t *mediated_sa, *mediation_sa;
+ peer_cfg_t *mediated_cfg, *mediation_cfg;
+ mediated_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager,
+ this->mediated_sa_id);
+ if (mediated_sa)
+ {
+ mediated_cfg = mediated_sa->get_peer_cfg(mediated_sa);
+ mediated_cfg->get_ref(mediated_cfg); // get_peer_cfg returns an internal object
+ charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, mediated_sa);
+ mediation_cfg = mediated_cfg->get_mediated_by(mediated_cfg);
+ if (charon->connect_manager->check_and_register(charon->connect_manager,
+ mediation_cfg->get_my_id(mediation_cfg),
+ mediated_cfg->get_peer_id(mediated_cfg),
+ this->mediated_sa_id, this->mediated_child))
+ {
+ mediated_cfg->destroy(mediated_cfg);
+ mediation_cfg->destroy(mediation_cfg);
+ charon->bus->set_sa(charon->bus, mediated_sa); // this pointer should still be valid
+ DBG1(DBG_IKE, "mediation with the same peer is already in progress, queued");
+ destroy(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ mediation_cfg->get_ref(mediation_cfg); // we need an additional reference because initiate consumes one
+ // this function call blocks until the connection is up or failed
+ // we do not check the status, but NEED_MORE would be returned on success
+ // because the registered callback returns FALSE then
+ // this->mediation_sa_id is set in the callback
+ charon->interfaces->initiate(charon->interfaces,
+ mediation_cfg, NULL, (interface_manager_cb_t)initiate_callback, this);
+ if (!this->mediation_sa_id)
+ {
+ DBG1(DBG_JOB, "initiating mediation connection '%s' failed",
+ mediation_cfg->get_name(mediation_cfg));
+ mediation_cfg->destroy(mediation_cfg);
+ mediated_cfg->destroy(mediated_cfg);
+ charon->bus->set_sa(charon->bus, mediated_sa); // this pointer should still be valid
+ SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "mediation failed");
+ destroy(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ mediation_cfg->destroy(mediation_cfg);
+ mediation_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager,
+ this->mediation_sa_id);
+ if (mediation_sa)
+ {
+ if (mediation_sa->initiate_mediation(mediation_sa, mediated_cfg) != SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DBG1(DBG_JOB, "initiating mediated connection '%s' failed",
+ mediated_cfg->get_name(mediated_cfg));
+ mediated_cfg->destroy(mediated_cfg);
+ charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin_and_destroy(charon->ike_sa_manager, mediation_sa);
+ charon->bus->set_sa(charon->bus, mediated_sa); // this pointer should still be valid
+ SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "mediation failed");
+ destroy(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, mediation_sa);
+ }
+ mediated_cfg->destroy(mediated_cfg);
+ }
+ destroy(this);
+ * Implementation of job_t.execute.
+ */
+static void reinitiate(private_initiate_mediation_job_t *this)
+{//FIXME: check the logging
+ ike_sa_t *mediated_sa, *mediation_sa;
+ peer_cfg_t *mediated_cfg;
+ mediated_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager,
+ this->mediated_sa_id);
+ if (mediated_sa)
+ {
+ mediated_cfg = mediated_sa->get_peer_cfg(mediated_sa);
+ mediated_cfg->get_ref(mediated_cfg); // get_peer_cfg returns an internal object
+ charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, mediated_sa);
+ mediation_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager,
+ this->mediation_sa_id);
+ if (mediation_sa)
+ {
+ if (mediation_sa->initiate_mediation(mediation_sa, mediated_cfg) != SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DBG1(DBG_JOB, "initiating mediated connection '%s' failed",
+ mediated_cfg->get_name(mediated_cfg));
+ mediated_cfg->destroy(mediated_cfg);
+ charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin_and_destroy(charon->ike_sa_manager, mediation_sa);
+ charon->bus->set_sa(charon->bus, mediated_sa); // this pointer should still be valid
+ SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "mediation failed");
+ destroy(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, mediation_sa);
+ }
+ mediated_cfg->destroy(mediated_cfg);
+ }
+ destroy(this);
+ * Creates an empty job
+ */
+static private_initiate_mediation_job_t *initiate_mediation_job_create_empty()
+ private_initiate_mediation_job_t *this = malloc_thing(private_initiate_mediation_job_t);
+ /* interface functions */
+ this->public.job_interface.destroy = (void (*) (job_t *)) destroy;
+ /* private variables */
+ this->mediation_sa_id = NULL;
+ this->mediated_sa_id = NULL;
+ this->mediated_child = NULL;
+ return this;
+ * Described in header
+ */
+initiate_mediation_job_t *initiate_mediation_job_create(ike_sa_id_t *ike_sa_id,
+ child_cfg_t *child_cfg)
+ private_initiate_mediation_job_t *this = initiate_mediation_job_create_empty();
+ this->public.job_interface.execute = (void (*) (job_t *)) initiate;
+ this->mediated_sa_id = ike_sa_id->clone(ike_sa_id);
+ child_cfg->get_ref(child_cfg);
+ this->mediated_child = child_cfg;
+ return &this->public;
+ * Described in header
+ */
+initiate_mediation_job_t *reinitiate_mediation_job_create(ike_sa_id_t *mediation_sa_id,
+ ike_sa_id_t *mediated_sa_id)
+ private_initiate_mediation_job_t *this = initiate_mediation_job_create_empty();
+ this->public.job_interface.execute = (void (*) (job_t *)) reinitiate;
+ this->mediation_sa_id = mediation_sa_id->clone(mediation_sa_id);
+ this->mediated_sa_id = mediated_sa_id->clone(mediated_sa_id);
+ return &this->public;
diff --git a/src/charon/processing/jobs/initiate_mediation_job.h b/src/charon/processing/jobs/initiate_mediation_job.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fb3b0f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/charon/processing/jobs/initiate_mediation_job.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * @file initiate_mediation_job.h
+ *
+ * @brief Interface of initiate_mediation_job_t.
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Tobias Brunner
+ * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version. See <>.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+typedef struct initiate_mediation_job_t initiate_mediation_job_t;
+#include <processing/jobs/job.h>
+#include <config/child_cfg.h>
+#include <sa/ike_sa_id.h>
+ * @brief Class representing a INITIATE_MEDIATION Job.
+ *
+ * This job will initiate a mediation on behalf of a mediated connection.
+ * If required the mediation connection is established.
+ *
+ * @b Constructors:
+ * - initiate_mediation_job_create()
+ *
+ * @ingroup jobs
+ */
+struct initiate_mediation_job_t {
+ /**
+ * implements job_t interface
+ */
+ job_t job_interface;
+ * @brief Creates a job of type INITIATE_MEDIATION.
+ *
+ * @param ike_sa_id identification of the ike_sa as ike_sa_id_t object (gets cloned)
+ * @param child_cfg child config of the child_sa (gets cloned)
+ * @return job object
+ *
+ * @ingroup jobs
+ */
+initiate_mediation_job_t *initiate_mediation_job_create(ike_sa_id_t *ike_sa_id,
+ child_cfg_t *child_cfg);
+ * @brief Creates a special job of type INITIATE_MEDIATION that reinitiates a
+ * specific connection.
+ *
+ * @param mediation_sa_id identification of the mediation sa (gets cloned)
+ * @param mediated_sa_id identification of the mediated sa (gets cloned)
+ * @return job object
+ *
+ * @ingroup jobs
+ */
+initiate_mediation_job_t *reinitiate_mediation_job_create(ike_sa_id_t *mediation_sa_id,
+ ike_sa_id_t *mediated_sa_id);
diff --git a/src/charon/processing/jobs/mediation_job.c b/src/charon/processing/jobs/mediation_job.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f5f74372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/charon/processing/jobs/mediation_job.c
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ * @file mediation_job.c
+ *
+ * @brief Implementation of mediation_job_t.
+ *
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Tobias Brunner
+ * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version. See <>.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+#include "mediation_job.h"
+#include <encoding/payloads/endpoint_notify.h>
+#include <daemon.h>
+typedef struct private_mediation_job_t private_mediation_job_t;
+ * Private data of an mediation_job_t Object
+ */
+struct private_mediation_job_t {
+ /**
+ * public mediation_job_t interface
+ */
+ mediation_job_t public;
+ /**
+ * ID of target peer.
+ */
+ identification_t *target;
+ /**
+ * ID of the source peer.
+ */
+ identification_t *source;
+ /**
+ */
+ chunk_t session_id;
+ /**
+ */
+ chunk_t session_key;
+ /**
+ * Submitted endpoints
+ */
+ linked_list_t *endpoints;
+ /**
+ * Is this a callback job?
+ */
+ bool callback;
+ /**
+ * Is this a response?
+ */
+ bool response;
+ * Implements job_t.destroy.
+ */
+static void destroy(private_mediation_job_t *this)
+ DESTROY_IF(this->target);
+ DESTROY_IF(this->source);
+ chunk_free(&this->session_id);
+ chunk_free(&this->session_key);
+ DESTROY_OFFSET_IF(this->endpoints, offsetof(endpoint_notify_t, destroy));
+ free(this);
+ * Implementation of job_t.execute.
+ */
+static void execute(private_mediation_job_t *this)
+ ike_sa_id_t *target_sa_id;
+ target_sa_id = charon->mediation_manager->check(charon->mediation_manager, this->target);
+ if (target_sa_id)
+ {
+ ike_sa_t *target_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager,
+ target_sa_id);
+ if (target_sa)
+ {
+ if (this->callback)
+ {
+ // send callback to a peer
+ if (target_sa->callback(target_sa, this->source) != SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DBG1(DBG_JOB, "callback for '%D' to '%D' failed",
+ this->source, this->target);
+ charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, target_sa);
+ destroy(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // normal mediation between two peers
+ if (target_sa->relay(target_sa, this->source, this->session_id,
+ this->session_key, this->endpoints, this->response) != SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DBG1(DBG_JOB, "mediation between '%D' and '%D' failed",
+ this->source, this->target);
+ charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, target_sa);
+ // FIXME: notify the initiator
+ destroy(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, target_sa);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG1(DBG_JOB, "mediation between '%D' and '%D' failed: "
+ "SA not found", this->source, this->target);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG1(DBG_JOB, "mediation between '%D' and '%D' failed: "
+ "peer is not online anymore", this->source, this->target);
+ }
+ destroy(this);
+ * Creates an empty mediation job
+ */
+static private_mediation_job_t *mediation_job_create_empty()
+ private_mediation_job_t *this = malloc_thing(private_mediation_job_t);
+ /* interface functions */
+ this->public.job_interface.execute = (void (*) (job_t *)) execute;
+ this->public.job_interface.destroy = (void (*) (job_t *)) destroy;
+ /* private variables */
+ this->target = NULL;
+ this->source = NULL;
+ this->callback = FALSE;
+ this->session_id = chunk_empty;
+ this->session_key = chunk_empty;
+ this->endpoints = NULL;
+ this->response = FALSE;
+ return this;
+ * Described in header
+ */
+mediation_job_t *mediation_job_create(identification_t *peer_id,
+ identification_t *requester, chunk_t session_id, chunk_t session_key,
+ linked_list_t *endpoints, bool response)
+ private_mediation_job_t *this = mediation_job_create_empty();
+ this->target = peer_id->clone(peer_id);
+ this->source = requester->clone(requester);
+ this->session_id = chunk_clone(session_id);
+ this->session_key = chunk_clone(session_key);
+ this->endpoints = endpoints->clone_offset(endpoints, offsetof(endpoint_notify_t, clone));
+ this->response = response;
+ return &this->public;
+ * Described in header
+ */
+mediation_job_t *mediation_callback_job_create(identification_t *requester,
+ identification_t *peer_id)
+ private_mediation_job_t *this = mediation_job_create_empty();
+ this->target = requester->clone(requester);
+ this->source = peer_id->clone(peer_id);
+ this->callback = TRUE;
+ return &this->public;
diff --git a/src/charon/processing/jobs/mediation_job.h b/src/charon/processing/jobs/mediation_job.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6130b2e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/charon/processing/jobs/mediation_job.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * @file mediation_job.h
+ *
+ * @brief Interface of mediation_job_t.
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Tobias Brunner
+ * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version. See <>.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+typedef struct mediation_job_t mediation_job_t;
+#include <library.h>
+#include <processing/jobs/job.h>
+#include <utils/identification.h>
+#include <utils/linked_list.h>
+ * @brief Class representing a MEDIATION Job.
+ *
+ * This job handles the mediation on the mediation server.
+ *
+ * @b Constructors:
+ * - mediation_job_create()
+ *
+ * @ingroup jobs
+ */
+struct mediation_job_t {
+ /**
+ * implements job_t interface
+ */
+ job_t job_interface;
+ * @brief Creates a job of type MEDIATION.
+ *
+ * Parameters get cloned.
+ *
+ * @param peer_id ID of the requested peer
+ * @param requester ID of the requesting peer
+ * @param session_id content of P2P_SESSIONID (could be NULL)
+ * @param session_key content of P2P_SESSIONKEY
+ * @param endpoints list of submitted endpoints
+ * @param response TRUE if this is a response
+ * @return job object
+ *
+ * @ingroup jobs
+ */
+mediation_job_t *mediation_job_create(identification_t *peer_id,
+ identification_t *requester, chunk_t session_id, chunk_t session_key,
+ linked_list_t *endpoints, bool response);
+ * @brief Creates a special job of type MEDIATION that is used to send a callback
+ * notification to a peer.
+ *
+ * Parameters get cloned.
+ *
+ * @param requester ID of the waiting peer
+ * @param peer_id ID of the requested peer
+ * @return job object
+ *
+ * @ingroup jobs
+ */
+mediation_job_t *mediation_callback_job_create(identification_t *requester,
+ identification_t *peer_id);
+#endif /*MEDIATION_JOB_H_*/
diff --git a/src/charon/processing/jobs/process_message_job.c b/src/charon/processing/jobs/process_message_job.c
index 6a0921248..ec2e7735d 100644
--- a/src/charon/processing/jobs/process_message_job.c
+++ b/src/charon/processing/jobs/process_message_job.c
@@ -59,6 +59,22 @@ static void execute(private_process_message_job_t *this)
ike_sa_t *ike_sa;
+#ifdef P2P
+ // if this is an unencrypted INFORMATIONAL exchange it is likely a
+ // connectivity check
+ if (this->message->get_exchange_type(this->message) == INFORMATIONAL &&
+ this->message->get_first_payload_type(this->message) != ENCRYPTED)
+ {
+ // theoretically this could also be an error message see RFC 4306, section 1.5.
+ DBG1(DBG_NET, "received unencrypted informational: from %#H to %#H",
+ this->message->get_source(this->message),
+ this->message->get_destination(this->message));
+ charon->connect_manager->process_check(charon->connect_manager, this->message);
+ destroy(this);
+ return;
+ }
+#endif /* P2P */
ike_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout_by_message(charon->ike_sa_manager,
if (ike_sa)
diff --git a/src/charon/processing/jobs/roam_job.c b/src/charon/processing/jobs/roam_job.c
index 3b5cd0ed2..842f57405 100644
--- a/src/charon/processing/jobs/roam_job.c
+++ b/src/charon/processing/jobs/roam_job.c
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ roam_job_t *roam_job_create(bool address)
private_roam_job_t *this = malloc_thing(private_roam_job_t);
- this->public.job_interface.destroy = (void (*) (job_t *)) destroy;
this->public.job_interface.execute = (void (*) (job_t *)) execute;
this->public.job_interface.destroy = (void (*) (job_t *)) destroy;
diff --git a/src/charon/processing/jobs/send_dpd_job.c b/src/charon/processing/jobs/send_dpd_job.c
index f6786bfb4..d9c457ab6 100644
--- a/src/charon/processing/jobs/send_dpd_job.c
+++ b/src/charon/processing/jobs/send_dpd_job.c
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ send_dpd_job_t *send_dpd_job_create(ike_sa_id_t *ike_sa_id)
private_send_dpd_job_t *this = malloc_thing(private_send_dpd_job_t);
/* interface functions */
- this->public.job_interface.destroy = (void (*) (job_t *)) destroy;
this->public.job_interface.execute = (void (*) (job_t *)) execute;
this->public.job_interface.destroy = (void (*) (job_t *)) destroy;
diff --git a/src/charon/processing/jobs/send_keepalive_job.c b/src/charon/processing/jobs/send_keepalive_job.c
index 8cb51e5dd..34198deb0 100644
--- a/src/charon/processing/jobs/send_keepalive_job.c
+++ b/src/charon/processing/jobs/send_keepalive_job.c
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ send_keepalive_job_t *send_keepalive_job_create(ike_sa_id_t *ike_sa_id)
private_send_keepalive_job_t *this = malloc_thing(private_send_keepalive_job_t);
/* interface functions */
- this->public.job_interface.destroy = (void (*) (job_t *)) destroy;
this->public.job_interface.execute = (void (*) (job_t *)) execute;
this->public.job_interface.destroy = (void (*) (job_t *)) destroy;