path: root/src/libstrongswan/utils/chunk.h
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authorYves-Alexis Perez <>2014-03-11 20:48:48 +0100
committerYves-Alexis Perez <>2014-03-11 20:48:48 +0100
commitb96bc2fcc06cc6c1762dc193a5117ebcb956e220 (patch)
tree4915ecb47936524433c6578526cc5d25a0d2913c /src/libstrongswan/utils/chunk.h
parent4a7efb286aaf809849d56841b59c2d733e8dff49 (diff)
parent15fb7904f4431a6e7c305fd08732458f7f885e7e (diff)
Merge tag 'upstream/5.1.2'
Upstream version 5.1.2
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libstrongswan/utils/chunk.h')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/libstrongswan/utils/chunk.h b/src/libstrongswan/utils/chunk.h
index d3751da70..33f66caec 100644
--- a/src/libstrongswan/utils/chunk.h
+++ b/src/libstrongswan/utils/chunk.h
@@ -90,22 +90,52 @@ void chunk_split(chunk_t chunk, const char *mode, ...);
* Write the binary contents of a chunk_t to a file
+ * If the write fails, errno is set appropriately.
+ *
* @param chunk contents to write to file
* @param path path where file is written to
- * @param label label specifying file type
* @param mask file mode creation mask
* @param force overwrite existing file by force
* @return TRUE if write operation was successful
-bool chunk_write(chunk_t chunk, char *path, char *label, mode_t mask, bool force);
+bool chunk_write(chunk_t chunk, char *path, mode_t mask, bool force);
* Store data read from FD into a chunk
+ * On error, errno is set appropriately.
+ *
* @param fd file descriptor to read from
- * @return chunk or chunk_empty on failure
+ * @param chunk chunk receiving allocated buffer
+ * @return TRUE if successful, FALSE on failure
+ */
+bool chunk_from_fd(int fd, chunk_t *chunk);
+ * mmap() a file to a chunk
+ *
+ * The returned chunk structure is allocated from heap, but it must be freed
+ * through chunk_unmap(). A user may alter the chunk ptr or len, but must pass
+ * the chunk pointer returned from chunk_map() to chunk_unmap() after use.
+ *
+ * On error, errno is set appropriately.
+ *
+ * @param path path of file to map
+ * @param wr TRUE to sync writes to disk
+ * @return mapped chunk, NULL on error
+ */
+chunk_t *chunk_map(char *path, bool wr);
+ * munmap() a chunk previously mapped with chunk_map()
+ *
+ * When unmapping a writeable map, the return value should be checked to
+ * ensure changes landed on disk.
+ *
+ * @param chunk pointer returned from chunk_map()
+ * @return TRUE of changes written back to file
-chunk_t chunk_from_fd(int fd);
+bool chunk_unmap(chunk_t *chunk);
* Convert a chunk of data to hex encoding.
@@ -191,17 +221,17 @@ static inline void chunk_clear(chunk_t *chunk)
* Initialize a chunk using a char array
-#define chunk_from_chars(...) ((chunk_t){(char[]){__VA_ARGS__}, sizeof((char[]){__VA_ARGS__})})
+#define chunk_from_chars(...) ((chunk_t){(u_char[]){__VA_ARGS__}, sizeof((u_char[]){__VA_ARGS__})})
* Initialize a chunk to point to a thing
-#define chunk_from_thing(thing) chunk_create((char*)&(thing), sizeof(thing))
+#define chunk_from_thing(thing) chunk_create((u_char*)&(thing), sizeof(thing))
* Initialize a chunk from a string, not containing 0-terminator
-#define chunk_from_str(str) ({char *x = (str); chunk_create(x, strlen(x));})
+#define chunk_from_str(str) ({char *x = (str); chunk_create((u_char*)x, strlen(x));})
* Allocate a chunk on the heap