path: root/lib/libcrypto/perlasm/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/libcrypto/perlasm/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libcrypto/perlasm/ b/lib/libcrypto/perlasm/
deleted file mode 100644
index c6212f434..000000000
--- a/lib/libcrypto/perlasm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-package x86ms;
-%lb=( 'eax', 'al',
- 'ebx', 'bl',
- 'ecx', 'cl',
- 'edx', 'dl',
- 'ax', 'al',
- 'bx', 'bl',
- 'cx', 'cl',
- 'dx', 'dl',
- );
-%hb=( 'eax', 'ah',
- 'ebx', 'bh',
- 'ecx', 'ch',
- 'edx', 'dh',
- 'ax', 'ah',
- 'bx', 'bh',
- 'cx', 'ch',
- 'dx', 'dh',
- );
-sub main'asm_init_output { @out=(); }
-sub main'asm_get_output { return(@out); }
-sub main'get_labels { return(@labels); }
-sub main'external_label { push(@labels,@_); }
-sub main'LB
- {
- (defined($lb{$_[0]})) || die "$_[0] does not have a 'low byte'\n";
- return($lb{$_[0]});
- }
-sub main'HB
- {
- (defined($hb{$_[0]})) || die "$_[0] does not have a 'high byte'\n";
- return($hb{$_[0]});
- }
-sub main'BP
- {
- &get_mem("BYTE",@_);
- }
-sub main'DWP
- {
- &get_mem("DWORD",@_);
- }
-sub main'BC
- {
- return @_;
- }
-sub main'DWC
- {
- return @_;
- }
-sub main'stack_push
- {
- local($num)=@_;
- $stack+=$num*4;
- &main'sub("esp",$num*4);
- }
-sub main'stack_pop
- {
- local($num)=@_;
- $stack-=$num*4;
- &main'add("esp",$num*4);
- }
-sub get_mem
- {
- local($size,$addr,$reg1,$reg2,$idx)=@_;
- local($t,$post);
- local($ret)="$size PTR ";
- $addr =~ s/^\s+//;
- if ($addr =~ /^(.+)\+(.+)$/)
- {
- $reg2=&conv($1);
- $addr="_$2";
- }
- elsif ($addr =~ /^[_a-zA-Z]/)
- {
- $addr="_$addr";
- }
- $reg1="$regs{$reg1}" if defined($regs{$reg1});
- $reg2="$regs{$reg2}" if defined($regs{$reg2});
- if (($addr ne "") && ($addr ne 0))
- {
- if ($addr !~ /^-/)
- { $ret.=$addr; }
- else { $post=$addr; }
- }
- if ($reg2 ne "")
- {
- $t="";
- $t="*$idx" if ($idx != 0);
- $reg1="+".$reg1 if ("$reg1$post" ne "");
- $ret.="[$reg2$t$reg1$post]";
- }
- else
- {
- $ret.="[$reg1$post]"
- }
- return($ret);
- }
-sub main'mov { &out2("mov",@_); }
-sub main'movb { &out2("mov",@_); }
-sub main'and { &out2("and",@_); }
-sub main'or { &out2("or",@_); }
-sub main'shl { &out2("shl",@_); }
-sub main'shr { &out2("shr",@_); }
-sub main'xor { &out2("xor",@_); }
-sub main'xorb { &out2("xor",@_); }
-sub main'add { &out2("add",@_); }
-sub main'adc { &out2("adc",@_); }
-sub main'sub { &out2("sub",@_); }
-sub main'rotl { &out2("rol",@_); }
-sub main'rotr { &out2("ror",@_); }
-sub main'exch { &out2("xchg",@_); }
-sub main'cmp { &out2("cmp",@_); }
-sub main'lea { &out2("lea",@_); }
-sub main'mul { &out1("mul",@_); }
-sub main'div { &out1("div",@_); }
-sub main'dec { &out1("dec",@_); }
-sub main'inc { &out1("inc",@_); }
-sub main'jmp { &out1("jmp",@_); }
-sub main'jmp_ptr { &out1p("jmp",@_); }
-sub main'je { &out1("je",@_); }
-sub main'jle { &out1("jle",@_); }
-sub main'jz { &out1("jz",@_); }
-sub main'jge { &out1("jge",@_); }
-sub main'jl { &out1("jl",@_); }
-sub main'jb { &out1("jb",@_); }
-sub main'jc { &out1("jc",@_); }
-sub main'jnc { &out1("jnc",@_); }
-sub main'jnz { &out1("jnz",@_); }
-sub main'jne { &out1("jne",@_); }
-sub main'jno { &out1("jno",@_); }
-sub main'push { &out1("push",@_); $stack+=4; }
-sub main'pop { &out1("pop",@_); $stack-=4; }
-sub main'bswap { &out1("bswap",@_); &using486(); }
-sub main'not { &out1("not",@_); }
-sub main'call { &out1("call",'_'.$_[0]); }
-sub main'ret { &out0("ret"); }
-sub main'nop { &out0("nop"); }
-sub out2
- {
- local($name,$p1,$p2)=@_;
- local($l,$t);
- push(@out,"\t$name\t");
- $t=&conv($p1).",";
- $l=length($t);
- push(@out,$t);
- $l=4-($l+9)/8;
- push(@out,"\t" x $l);
- push(@out,&conv($p2));
- push(@out,"\n");
- }
-sub out0
- {
- local($name)=@_;
- push(@out,"\t$name\n");
- }
-sub out1
- {
- local($name,$p1)=@_;
- local($l,$t);
- push(@out,"\t$name\t".&conv($p1)."\n");
- }
-sub conv
- {
- local($p)=@_;
- $p =~ s/0x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/0$1h/;
- return $p;
- }
-sub using486
- {
- return if $using486;
- $using486++;
- grep(s/\.386/\.486/,@out);
- }
-sub main'file
- {
- local($file)=@_;
- local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
- TITLE $file.asm
- .386
-.model FLAT
- push(@out,$tmp);
- }
-sub main'function_begin
- {
- local($func,$extra)=@_;
- push(@labels,$func);
- local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
-PUBLIC _$func
-_$func PROC NEAR
- push ebp
- push ebx
- push esi
- push edi
- push(@out,$tmp);
- $stack=20;
- }
-sub main'function_begin_B
- {
- local($func,$extra)=@_;
- local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
-PUBLIC _$func
-_$func PROC NEAR
- push(@out,$tmp);
- $stack=4;
- }
-sub main'function_end
- {
- local($func)=@_;
- local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
- pop edi
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- pop ebp
- ret
-_$func ENDP
- push(@out,$tmp);
- $stack=0;
- %label=();
- }
-sub main'function_end_B
- {
- local($func)=@_;
- local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
-_$func ENDP
- push(@out,$tmp);
- $stack=0;
- %label=();
- }
-sub main'function_end_A
- {
- local($func)=@_;
- local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
- pop edi
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- pop ebp
- ret
- push(@out,$tmp);
- }
-sub main'file_end
- {
- push(@out,"END\n");
- }
-sub main'wparam
- {
- local($num)=@_;
- return(&main'DWP($stack+$num*4,"esp","",0));
- }
-sub main'swtmp
- {
- return(&main'DWP($_[0]*4,"esp","",0));
- }
-# Should use swtmp, which is above esp. Linix can trash the stack above esp
-#sub main'wtmp
-# {
-# local($num)=@_;
-# return(&main'DWP(-(($num+1)*4),"esp","",0));
-# }
-sub main'comment
- {
- foreach (@_)
- {
- push(@out,"\t; $_\n");
- }
- }
-sub main'label
- {
- if (!defined($label{$_[0]}))
- {
- $label{$_[0]}="\$${label}${_[0]}";
- $label++;
- }
- return($label{$_[0]});
- }
-sub main'set_label
- {
- if (!defined($label{$_[0]}))
- {
- $label{$_[0]}="${label}${_[0]}";
- $label++;
- }
- if((defined $_[2]) && ($_[2] == 1))
- {
- push(@out,"$label{$_[0]}::\n");
- }
- else
- {
- push(@out,"$label{$_[0]}:\n");
- }
- }
-sub main'data_word
- {
- push(@out,"\tDD\t$_[0]\n");
- }
-sub out1p
- {
- local($name,$p1)=@_;
- local($l,$t);
- push(@out,"\t$name\t ".&conv($p1)."\n");
- }