path: root/packaging/redhat/freeswan.spec
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packaging/redhat/freeswan.spec')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/packaging/redhat/freeswan.spec b/packaging/redhat/freeswan.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 83b59fc8c..000000000
--- a/packaging/redhat/freeswan.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-Summary: FreeS/WAN IPSEC implementation
-Name: freeswan
-Version: 2.04
-%define defkv %(rpm -q --qf='%{Version}-%{Release}\\n' kernel-source|tail -1)
-# The default kernel version to build for is the latest of
-# the installed kernel-source RPMs.
-# This can be overridden by "--define 'kversion x.x.x-y.y.y'"
-%{!?kversion: %{expand: %%define kversion %defkv}}
-%define krelver %(echo %{kversion} | tr -s '-' '_')
-# FreeS/WAN -pre/-rc nomenclature has to co-exist with hyphen paranoia
-%define srcpkgver %(echo %{version} | tr -s '_' '-')
-%define our_release 1fs
-%define debug_package %{nil}
-Release: %{our_release}
-License: GPL
-Source: freeswan-%{srcpkgver}.tar.gz
-Group: System Environment/Daemons
-BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root
-%define __spec_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress || :
-BuildRequires: kernel-source = %{kversion}
-%package userland
-Summary: FreeS/WAN IPSEC usermod tools
-Group: System Environment/Daemons
-Provides: ipsec-userland
-Obsoletes: freeswan
-Requires: ipsec-kernel
-Release: %{our_release}
-%package doc
-Summary: FreeS/WAN IPSEC full documentation
-Group: System Environment/Daemons
-Release: %{our_release}
-%package module
-Summary: FreeS/Wan kernel module
-Group: System Environment/Kernel
-Release: %{krelver}_%{our_release}
-Provides: ipsec-kernel
-Requires: kernel = %{kversion}
-# do not make the dependancy circular for now.
-#Requires: ipsec-userland
-%description userland
-FreeS/WAN is a free implementation of IPSEC & IKE for Linux. IPSEC is
-the Internet Protocol Security and uses strong cryptography to provide
-both authentication and encryption services. These services allow you
-to build secure tunnels through untrusted networks. Everything passing
-through the untrusted net is encrypted by the ipsec gateway machine and
-decrypted by the gateway at the other end of the tunnel. The resulting
-tunnel is a virtual private network or VPN.
-This package contains the daemons and userland tools for setting up
-FreeS/WAN on a freeswan enabled kernel.
-%description module
-This package contains only the ipsec module for the RedHat series of kernels.
-%description doc
-This package contains extensive documentation of the FreeeS/WAN IPSEC
-A dummy package that installs userland and kernel pieces.
-%setup -q -n freeswan-%{srcpkgver}
-%{__make} \
- USERCOMPILE="-g %{optflags}" \
- INC_USRLOCAL=%{_prefix} \
- MANTREE=%{_mandir} \
- INC_RCDEFAULT=%{_initrddir} \
- programs
-mkdir -p BUILD.%{_target_cpu}
-mkdir -p BUILD.%{_target_cpu}-smp
-cd packaging/redhat
-for smp in -smp ""
-%{__make} -C $FS MODBUILDDIR=$FS/BUILD.%{_target_cpu}$smp \
- KERNELSRC=/usr/src/linux-%{kversion} \
- ARCH=%{_arch} \
- SUBARCH=%{_arch} \
- MODULE_DEF_INCLUDE=$FS/packaging/redhat/config-%{_target_cpu}$smp.h \
- module
-%{__make} \
- DESTDIR=%{buildroot} \
- INC_USRLOCAL=%{_prefix} \
- MANTREE=%{buildroot}%{_mandir} \
- INC_RCDEFAULT=%{_initrddir} \
- install
-install -d -m700 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/run/pluto
-install -d %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kversion}/kernel/net/ipsec
-cp BUILD.%{_target_cpu}/ipsec.o \
- %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kversion}/kernel/net/ipsec
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kversion}smp/kernel/net/ipsec
-cp BUILD.%{_target_cpu}-smp/ipsec.o \
- %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kversion}smp/kernel/net/ipsec
-rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
-%files doc
-%doc doc
-%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/freeswan/ipsec.conf-sample
-%files userland
-%attr(0644,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ipsec.conf
-%attr(0700,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/ipsec.d
-%attr(0644,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ipsec.d/policies/*
-%config(noreplace) %{_initrddir}/ipsec
-%doc %{_mandir}/*/*
-%files module
-%defattr (-,root,root)
-%pre userland
-%preun userland
-if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
- /sbin/service ipsec stop || :
- /sbin/chkconfig --del ipsec
-%postun userland
-if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then
- /sbin/service ipsec stop 2>&1 > /dev/null && /sbin/service ipsec start 2>&1 > /dev/null || :
-%postun module
-%post module
-%post userland
-chkconfig --add ipsec
-* Fri Aug 22 2003 Sam Sgro <>
-- Juggling release/source package names to allow for
- -pre/-rc releases to build.
-* Thu Aug 14 2003 Sam Sgro <>
-- Reverting back to pre-x.509 version, cosmetic changes.
-* Tue May 20 2003 Charlie Brady <> 2.0.0-x509_1.3.2_2es
-- Add "Obsoletes: freeswan" to userland RPM.
-* Fri May 16 2003 Charlie Brady <> 2.0.0-x509_1.3.2_1es
-- Add version 1.3.2 of the x509 patch.
-- Add missing /usr/libexec/ipsec dir and files.
-- Minor tidy up of spec file.
-* Thu May 15 2003 Charlie Brady <> 2.0.0-1es
-- Based on work by Paul Lahaie of Steamballoon, Michael
- Richardson of freeS/WAN team and Tuomo Soini <>.
-- Build freeswan RPMs from a single source RPM, for RedHat, but
- should work on any RPM based system.