path: root/programs/_confread/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'programs/_confread/')
1 files changed, 520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/programs/_confread/ b/programs/_confread/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4561af9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/_confread/
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+# configuration-file reader utility
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Henry Spencer.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version. See <>.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# RCSID $Id:,v 1.15 2006/04/20 04:42:12 as Exp $
+# Extract configuration info from /etc/ipsec.conf, repackage as assignments
+# to shell variables or tab-delimited fields. Success or failure is reported
+# inline, as extra data, due to the vagaries of shell backquote handling.
+# In the absence of --varprefix, output is tab-separated fields, like:
+# = sectionname
+# : parameter value
+# ! status (empty for success, else complaint)
+# In the presence of (say) "--varprefix IPSEC", output is like:
+# IPSEC_confreadsection="sectionname"
+# IPSECparameter="value"
+# IPSEC_confreadstatus="status" (same empty/complaint convention)
+# The "--search parametername" option inverts the search: instead of
+# yielding the parameters of the specified name(s), it yields the names
+# of sections with parameter <parametername> having (one of) the
+# specified value(s). In this case, --varprefix output is a list of
+# names in the <prefix>_confreadnames variable. Search values with
+# white space in them are currently not handled properly.
+# Typical usage:
+# eval `ipsec _confread --varprefix IPSEC --type config setup`
+# if test " $IPSEC_confreadstatus" != " "
+# then
+# echo "$0: $IPSEC_confreadstatus -- aborting" 2>&1
+# exit 1
+# fi
+# absent default config file treated as empty
+if test ! -f "$config" ; then config=/dev/null ; fi
+me="ipsec _confread"
+for dummy
+ case "$1" in
+ --config) config="$2" ; shift ;;
+ --noinclude) include= ;;
+ --type) type="$2" ; shift ;;
+ --varprefix) fieldfmt=
+ prefix="$2"
+ shift ;;
+ --export) export=1 ;;
+ --search) search="$2" ; shift ;;
+ --version) echo "$me $IPSEC_VERSION" ; exit 0 ;;
+ --optional) optional=1 ;;
+ --) shift ; break ;;
+ -*) echo "$0: unknown option \`$1'" >&2 ; exit 2 ;;
+ *) break ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if test "$include"
+ ipsec _include --inband $config
+ cat $config
+fi |
+awk 'BEGIN {
+ type = "'"$type"'"
+ names = "'"$*"'"
+ prefix = "'"$prefix"'"
+ export = "'"$export"'"
+ optional = 0 + '"$optional"'
+ myid = "'"$IPSECmyid"'"
+ search = "'"$search"'"
+ searching = 0
+ if (search != "") {
+ searching = 1
+ searchpat = search "[ \t]*=[ \t]*"
+ }
+ fieldfmt = 0
+ if ("'"$fieldfmt"'" == "yes")
+ fieldfmt = 1
+ including = 0
+ if ("'"$include"'" == "yes")
+ including = 1
+ filename = "'"$config"'"
+ lineno = 0
+ originalfilename = filename
+ if (fieldfmt)
+ bq = eq = "\""
+ else
+ bq = eq = "\\\""
+ failed = 0
+ insection = 0
+ wrongtype = 0
+ indefault = 0
+ outputting = 0
+ sawnondefault = 0
+ OFS = "\t"
+ o_status = "!"
+ o_parm = ":"
+ o_section = "="
+ o_names = "%"
+ o_end = "."
+ n = split(names, na, " ")
+ if (n == 0)
+ fail("no section names supplied")
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+ if (na[i] in wanted)
+ fail("section " bq na[i] eq " requested more than once")
+ wanted[na[i]] = 1
+ pending[na[i]] = 1
+ if (!searching && na[i] !~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$/)
+ fail("invalid section name " bq na[i] eq)
+ }
+ good = "also alsoflip type auto authby _plutodevel"
+ left = " left leftsubnet leftnexthop leftfirewall lefthostaccess leftupdown"
+ akey = " keyexchange auth pfs keylife rekey rekeymargin rekeyfuzz"
+ akey = akey " dpdaction dpddelay dpdtimeout"
+ akey = akey " pfsgroup compress"
+ akey = akey " keyingtries ikelifetime disablearrivalcheck failureshunt ike"
+ mkey = " spibase spi esp espenckey espauthkey espreplay_window"
+ left = left " leftespenckey leftespauthkey leftahkey"
+ left = left " leftespspi leftahspi leftid leftrsasigkey leftrsasigkey2"
+ left = left " leftsendcert leftcert leftca leftsubnetwithin leftprotoport"
+ left = left " leftgroups leftsourceip"
+ mkey = mkey " ah ahkey ahreplay_window"
+ right = left
+ gsub(/left/, "right", right)
+ n = split(good left right akey mkey, g)
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+ goodnames["conn:" g[i]] = 1
+ good = "also interfaces forwardcontrol myid"
+ good = good " syslog klipsdebug plutodebug plutoopts plutostderrlog"
+ good = good " plutorestartoncrash"
+ good = good " dumpdir manualstart pluto"
+ good = good " plutowait prepluto postpluto"
+ good = good " fragicmp hidetos rp_filter uniqueids"
+ good = good " overridemtu pkcs11module pkcs11keepstate pkcs11proxy"
+ good = good " nocrsend strictcrlpolicy crlcheckinterval cachecrls"
+ good = good " nat_traversal keep_alive force_keepalive"
+ good = good " disable_port_floating virtual_private"
+ n = split(good, g)
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+ goodnames["config:" g[i]] = 1
+ good = "auto cacert ldaphost ldapbase crluri crluri2 ocspuri"
+ good = good " strictcrlpolicy"
+ n = split(good, g)
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+ goodnames["ca:" g[i]] = 1
+ goodtypes["conn"] = 1
+ goodtypes["config"] = 1
+ goodtypes["ca"] = 1
+ badchars = ""
+ for (i = 1; i < 32; i++)
+ badchars = badchars sprintf("%c", i)
+ for (i = 127; i < 128+32; i++)
+ badchars = badchars sprintf("%c", i)
+ badchar = "[" badchars "]"
+ # if searching, seen is set of sectionnames which match
+ # if not searching, seen is set of parameter names found
+ seen[""] = ""
+ defaults[""] = ""
+ usesdefault[""] = ""
+ orientation = 1
+function output(code, v1, v2) {
+ if (code == o_parm) {
+ if (v2 == "") # suppress empty parameters
+ return
+ if (privatename(v1)) # and private ones
+ return
+ if (v2 ~ badchar)
+ fail("parameter value " bq v2 eq " contains unprintable character")
+ }
+ if (fieldfmt) {
+ print code, v1, v2
+ return
+ }
+ if (code == o_status) {
+ v2 = v1
+ v1 = "_confreadstatus"
+ } else if (code == o_section) {
+ v2 = v1
+ v1 = "_confreadsection"
+ } else if (code == o_names) {
+ v2 = v1
+ v1 = "_confreadnames"
+ } else if (code != o_parm)
+ return # currently no variable version of o_end
+ print prefix v1 "=\"" v2 "\""
+ if (export)
+ print "export " prefix v1
+function searchfound(sectionname, n, i, reflist) {
+ # a hit in x is a hit in everybody who refers to x too
+ n = split(refsto[sectionname], reflist, ";")
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+ if (reflist[i] in seen)
+ fail("duplicated parameter " bq search eq)
+ else
+ seen[reflist[i]] = 1
+ seen[sectionname] = 1
+function fail(msg) {
+ output(o_status, ("(" filename ", line " lineno ") " msg))
+ failed = 1
+ while ((getline junk) > 0)
+ continue
+ exit
+function badname(n) {
+ if ((type ":" n) in goodnames)
+ return 0
+ if (privatename(n))
+ return 0
+ return 1
+function privatename(n) {
+ if (n ~ /^[xX][-_]/)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+function orient(n) {
+ if (orientation == -1) {
+ if (n ~ /left/)
+ gsub(/left/, "right", n)
+ else if (n ~ /right/)
+ gsub(/right/, "left", n)
+ }
+ return n
+# in searching, referencing is transitive: xyz->from->to
+function chainref(from, to, i, reflist, listnum) {
+ if (from in refsto) {
+ listnum = split(refsto[from], reflist, ";")
+ for (i = 1; i <= listnum; i++)
+ chainref(reflist[i], to)
+ }
+ if (to in refsto)
+ refsto[to] = refsto[to] ";" from
+ else
+ refsto[to] = from
+# start of rules
+ lineno++
+ # lineno is now the number of this line
+ # we must remember indentation because comment stripping loses it
+ exdented = $0 !~ /^[ \t]/
+ sub(/^[ \t]+/, "") # get rid of leading white space
+ sub(/[ \t]+$/, "") # get rid of trailing white space
+including && $0 ~ /^#[<>:]/ {
+ # _include control line
+ if ($1 ~ /^#[<>]$/) {
+ filename = $2
+ lineno = $3 - 1
+ } else if ($0 ~ /^#:/) {
+ msg = substr($0, 3)
+ gsub(/"/, "\\\"", msg)
+ fail(msg)
+ }
+ next
+exdented {
+ # any non-leading-white-space line is a section end
+ ### but not the end of relevant stuff, might be also= sections later
+ ###if (insection && !indefault && !searching && outputting)
+ ### output(o_end)
+ insection = 0
+ wrongtype = 0
+ indefault = 0
+ outputting = 0
+/[ \t]#/ {
+ # strip trailing comments including the leading whitespace
+ # tricky because we must respect quotes
+ q = 0
+ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
+ if ($i ~ /^#/ && q % 2 == 0) {
+ NF = i - 1;
+ break
+ }
+ # using $i in gsub loses whitespace?!?
+ junk = $i
+ q += gsub(/"/, "&", junk)
+ }
+$0 == "" || $0 ~ /^#/ {
+ # empty lines and comments are ignored
+ next
+exdented && NF != 2 {
+ # bad section header
+ fail("section header " bq $0 eq " has wrong number of fields (" NF ")")
+exdented && $1 == "version" {
+ version = $2 + 0
+ if (version < 2.0 || 2.0 < version)
+ fail("we only support version 2.0 ipsec.conf files, not " bq version eq)
+ next
+version == "" {
+ fail("we only support version 2 ipsec.conf files")
+exdented && !($1 in goodtypes) {
+ # unknown section type
+ fail("section type " bq $1 eq " not recognized")
+exdented && $1 != type {
+ # section header, but not of the type we want
+ insection = 1
+ wrongtype = 1
+ next
+extented {
+ # type fits
+ wrongtype = 0
+exdented && $1 == "config" && $2 != "setup" {
+ fail("unknown config section " bq $2 eq)
+exdented && $2 != "%default" {
+ # non-default section header of our type
+ sawnondefault = 1
+exdented && searching && $2 != "%default" {
+ # section header, during search
+ insection = 1
+ sectionname = $2
+ usesdefault[sectionname] = 1 # tentatively
+ next
+exdented && !searching && $2 in wanted {
+ # one of our wanted section headers
+ if (!($2 in pending))
+ fail("duplicate " type " section " bq $2 eq)
+ delete pending[$2]
+ tag = bq type " " $2 eq
+ outputting = 1
+ insection = 1
+ orientation = wanted[$2]
+ output(o_section, $2)
+ next
+exdented && $2 == "%default" {
+ # relevant default section header
+ if (sawnondefault)
+ fail(bq $1 " %default" eq " sections must precede non-default ones")
+ tag = bq type " " $2 eq
+ indefault = 1
+ next
+exdented {
+ # section header, but not one we want
+ insection = 1
+ next
+!insection && !indefault {
+ # starts with white space but not in a section... oops
+ fail("parameter is not within a section")
+!wrongtype && searching && $0 ~ searchpat {
+ # search found the right parameter name
+ match($0, searchpat)
+ rest = substr($0, RLENGTH+1)
+ if (rest ~ /^".*"$/)
+ rest = substr(rest, 2, length(rest)-2)
+ if (!indefault) {
+ if (!usesdefault[sectionname])
+ fail("duplicated parameter " bq search eq)
+ usesdefault[sectionname] = 0
+ } else if (search in defaults)
+ fail("duplicated parameter " bq search eq)
+ if (rest in wanted) { # a hit
+ if (indefault)
+ defaults[search] = rest
+ else
+ searchfound(sectionname)
+ } else {
+ # rather a kludge, but must check this somewhere
+ if (search == "auto" && rest !~ /^(add|route|start|ignore|manual)$/)
+ fail("illegal auto value " bq rest eq)
+ }
+ next
+!searching && !outputting && !indefault {
+ # uninteresting line
+ next
+$0 ~ /"/ && $0 !~ /^[^=]+=[ \t]*"[^"]*"$/ {
+ if (!searching)
+ fail("mismatched quotes in parameter value")
+ else
+ gsub(/"/, "", $0)
+$0 !~ /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[ \t]*=/ {
+ if (searching)
+ next # just ignore it
+ fail("syntax error or illegal parameter name")
+ sub(/[ \t]*=[ \t]*/, "=") # get rid of white space around =
+$0 ~ /^(also|alsoflip)=/ {
+ v = orientation
+ if ($0 ~ /^alsoflip/)
+ v = -v;
+ if (indefault)
+ fail("%default section may not contain " bq "also" eq " or " bq "alsoflip" eq " parameter")
+ sub(/^(also|alsoflip)=/, "")
+ if ($0 !~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$/)
+ fail("invalid section name " bq $0 eq)
+ if (!searching) {
+ if ($0 in wanted)
+ fail("section " bq $0 eq " requested more than once")
+ wanted[$0] = v
+ pending[$0] = 1
+ } else
+ chainref(sectionname, $0)
+ next
+!outputting && !indefault {
+ # uninteresting line even for a search
+ next
+ equal = match($0, /[=]/)
+ name = substr($0, 1, equal-1)
+ if (badname(name))
+ fail("unknown parameter name " bq name eq)
+ value = substr($0, equal+1)
+ if (value ~ /^"/)
+ value = substr(value, 2, length(value)-2)
+ else if (value ~ /[ \t]/)
+ fail("white space within non-quoted parameter " bq name eq)
+indefault {
+ if (name in defaults)
+ fail("duplicated default parameter " bq name eq)
+ defaults[name] = value
+ next
+ name = orient(name)
+ if (name in seen)
+ fail("duplicated parameter " bq name eq)
+ seen[name] = 1
+ output(o_parm, name, value)
+END {
+ if (failed)
+ exit 1
+ filename = originalfilename
+ unseen = ""
+ for (i in pending)
+ unseen = unseen " " i
+ if (!optional && !searching && unseen != "")
+ fail("did not find " type " section(s) " bq substr(unseen, 2) eq)
+ if (!searching) {
+ for (name in defaults)
+ if (!(name in seen))
+ output(o_parm, name, defaults[name])
+ } else {
+ if (defaults[search] in wanted)
+ for (name in usesdefault)
+ if (usesdefault[name])
+ seen[name] = 1
+ delete seen[""]
+ if (fieldfmt)
+ for (name in seen)
+ output(o_section, name)
+ else {
+ outlist = ""
+ for (name in seen)
+ if (outlist == "")
+ outlist = name
+ else
+ outlist = outlist " " name
+ output(o_names, outlist)
+ }
+ }
+ output(o_status, "")