path: root/src/libcharon/plugins/vici/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libcharon/plugins/vici/')
1 files changed, 689 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/libcharon/plugins/vici/ b/src/libcharon/plugins/vici/
index aeabbbd4d..272491052 100644
--- a/src/libcharon/plugins/vici/
+++ b/src/libcharon/plugins/vici/
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ The message encoding consists of a sequence of elements. Each element starts
with the element type, optionally followed by an element name and/or an element
value. Currently the following message element types are defined:
-* _SECTION_START = 0_: Begin a new section having a name
-* _SECTION_END = 1_: End a previously started section
-* _KEY_VALUE = 2_: Define a value for a named key in the current section
-* _LIST_START = 3_: Begin a named list for list items
-* _LIST_ITEM = 4_: Define an unnamed item value in the current list
-* _LIST_END = 5_: End a previously started list
+* _SECTION_START = 1_: Begin a new section having a name
+* _SECTION_END = 2_: End a previously started section
+* _KEY_VALUE = 3_: Define a value for a named key in the current section
+* _LIST_START = 4_: Begin a named list for list items
+* _LIST_ITEM = 5_: Define an unnamed item value in the current list
+* _LIST_END = 6_: End a previously started list
Types are encoded as 8-bit values. Types having a name (SECTION_START,
KEY_VALUE and LIST_START) have an ASCII string following the type, which itself
@@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ the length field itself.
The interpretation of any value is not defined by the message format; it can
take arbitrary blobs. The application may specify types for specific keys, such
-as strings or integer representations.
+as strings or integer representations. The vici plugin currently uses
+non-null terminated strings as values only; numbers get encoded as strings.
### Sections ###
@@ -165,6 +166,513 @@ the following C array:
+## Client-initiated commands ##
+Based on the packet layer, VICI implements commands requested by the client
+and responded to by the server using named _CMD_REQUEST_ and _CMD_RESPONSE_
+packets wrapping messages. The request message may contain command arguments,
+the response message the reply.
+Some commands use response streaming, that is, a request triggers a series of
+events to consecutively stream data to the client before the response message
+completes the stream. A client must register for the appropriate event to
+receive the stream, and unregister after the response has been received.
+The following client issued commands with the appropriate command input and
+output messages are currently defined:
+### version() ###
+Returns daemon and system specific version information.
+ {} => {
+ daemon = <IKE daemon name>
+ version = <strongSwan version>
+ sysname = <operating system name>
+ release = <operating system release>
+ machine = <hardware identifier>
+ }
+### stats() ###
+Returns IKE daemon statistics and load information.
+ {} => {
+ uptime = {
+ running = <relative uptime in human-readable form>
+ since = <absolute startup time>
+ }
+ workers = {
+ total = <total number of worker threads>
+ idle = <worker threads currently idle>
+ active = {
+ critical = <threads processing "critical" priority jobs>
+ high = <threads processing "high" priority jobs>
+ medium = <threads processing "medium" priority jobs>
+ low = <threads processing "low" priority jobs>
+ }
+ }
+ queues = {
+ critical = <jobs queued with "critical" priority>
+ high = <jobs queued with "high" priority>
+ medium = <jobs queued with "medium" priority>
+ low = <jobs queued with "low" priority>
+ }
+ scheduled = <number of jobs scheduled for timed execution>
+ ikesas = {
+ total = <total number of IKE_SAs active>
+ half-open = <number of IKE_SAs in half-open state>
+ }
+ plugins = [
+ <names of loaded plugins>
+ ]
+ mem = { # available if built with leak-detective or on Windows
+ total = <total heap memory usage in bytes>
+ allocs = <total heap allocation blocks>
+ <heap-name>* = { # on Windows only
+ total = <heap memory usage in bytes by this heap>
+ allocs = <allocated blocks for this heap>
+ }
+ }
+ mallinfo = { # available with mallinfo() support
+ sbrk = <non-mmaped space available>
+ mmap = <mmaped space available>
+ used = <total number of bytes used>
+ free = <available but unused bytes>
+ }
+ }
+### reload-settings() ###
+Reloads _strongswan.conf_ settings and all plugins supporting configuration
+ {} => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### initiate() ###
+Initiates an SA while streaming _control-log_ events.
+ {
+ child = <CHILD_SA configuration name to initiate>
+ timeout = <timeout in seconds before returning>
+ loglevel = <loglevel to issue "control-log" events for>
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure or timeout>
+ }
+### terminate() ###
+Terminates an SA while streaming _control-log_ events.
+ {
+ child = <terminate a CHILD_SA by configuration name>
+ ike = <terminate an IKE_SA by configuration name>
+ child_id = <terminate a CHILD_SA by its reqid>
+ ike_id = <terminate an IKE_SA by its unique id>
+ timeout = <timeout in seconds before returning>
+ loglevel = <loglevel to issue "control-log" events for>
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure or timeout>
+ }
+### install() ###
+Install a trap, drop or bypass policy defined by a CHILD_SA config.
+ {
+ child = <CHILD_SA configuration name to install>
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### uninstall() ###
+Uninstall a trap, drop or bypass policy defined by a CHILD_SA config.
+ {
+ child = <CHILD_SA configuration name to install>
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### list-sas() ###
+Lists currently active IKE_SAs and associated CHILD_SAs by streaming _list-sa_
+ {
+ noblock = <use non-blocking mode if key is set>
+ ike = <filter listed IKE_SAs by its name>
+ ike_id = <filter listed IKE_SA by its unique id>
+ } => {
+ # completes after streaming list-sa events
+ }
+### list-policies() ###
+List currently installed trap, drop and bypass policies by streaming
+_list-policy_ events.
+ {
+ drop = <set to yes to list drop policies>
+ pass = <set to yes to list bypass policies>
+ trap = <set to yes to list trap policies>
+ child = <filter by CHILD_SA configuration name>
+ } => {
+ # completes after streaming list-sa events
+ }
+### list-conns() ###
+List currently loaded connections by streaming _list-conn_ events. This
+call includes all connections known by the daemon, not only those loaded
+over vici.
+ {
+ ike = <list connections matching a given configuration name only>
+ } => {
+ # completes after streaming list-conn events
+ }
+### get-conns() ###
+Return a list of connection names loaded exclusively over vici, not including
+connections found in other backends.
+ {} => {
+ conns = [
+ <list of connection names>
+ ]
+ }
+### list-certs() ###
+List currently loaded certificates by streaming _list-cert_ events. This
+call includes all certificates known by the daemon, not only those loaded
+over vici.
+ {
+ type = <certificate type to filter for, or ANY>
+ subject = <set to list only certificates having subject>
+ } => {
+ # completes after streaming list-cert events
+ }
+### load-conn() ###
+Load a single connection definition into the daemon. An existing connection
+with the same name gets updated or replaced.
+ {
+ <IKE_SA config name> = {
+ # IKE configuration parameters with authentication and CHILD_SA
+ # subsections. Refer to swanctl.conf(5) for details.
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+ }
+### unload-conn() ###
+Unload a previously loaded connection definition by name.
+ {
+ name = <IKE_SA config name>
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### load-cert() ###
+Load a certificate into the daemon.
+ {
+ type = <certificate type, X509|X509CA|X509AA|X509CRL|X509AC>
+ data = <PEM or DER encoded certificate data>
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### load-key() ###
+Load a private key into the daemon.
+ {
+ type = <private key type, RSA|ECDSA>
+ data = <PEM or DER encoded key data>
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### load-shared() ###
+Load a shared IKE PSK, EAP or XAuth secret into the daemon.
+ {
+ type = <private key type, IKE|EAP|XAUTH>
+ data = <raw shared key data>
+ owners = [
+ <list of shared key owner identities>
+ ]
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### clear-creds() ###
+Clear all loaded certificate, private key and shared key credentials. This
+affects only credentials loaded over vici, but additionally flushes the
+credential cache.
+ {} => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### load-pool() ###
+Load an in-memory virtual IP and configuration attribute pool. Existing
+pools with the same name get updated, if possible.
+ {
+ <pool name> = {
+ addrs = <subnet of virtual IP pool addresses>
+ <attribute type>* = [
+ # attribute type is one of address, dns, nbns, dhcp, netmask,
+ # server, subnet, split_include, split_exclude or a numerical
+ # attribute type identifier.
+ <list of attributes for type>
+ ]
+ }
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### unload-pool() ###
+Unload a previously loaded virtual IP and configuration attribute pool.
+Unloading fails for pools with leases currently online.
+ {
+ name = <virtual IP address pool to delete>
+ } => {
+ success = <yes or no>
+ errmsg = <error string on failure>
+ }
+### get-pools() ###
+List the currently loaded pools.
+ {} => {
+ <pool name>* = {
+ base = <virtual IP pool base address>
+ size = <total number of addresses in the pool>
+ online = <number of leases online>
+ offline = <number of leases offline>
+ }
+ }
+## Server-issued events ##
+Based on the packet layer, the vici plugin raises event messages using named
+EVENT packets wrapping messages. The message contains event details.
+### log ###
+The _log_ event is issued to registered clients for each debug log message.
+This event is not associated with a command.
+ {
+ group = <subsystem identifier for debug message>
+ level = <log level, 0-4>
+ thread = <numerical thread identifier issuing the log message>
+ ikesa-name = <name of IKE_SA, if log is associated with any>
+ ikesa-uniqued = <unique identifier of IKE_A, if log associated with any>
+ msg = <log message text>
+ }
+### control-log ###
+The _control-log_ event is issued for log events during active _initiate_ or
+_terminate_ commands. It is issued only to clients currently having such
+a command active.
+ {
+ group = <subsystem identifier for debug message>
+ level = <log level, 0-4>
+ ikesa-name = <name of IKE_SA, if log associated with any>
+ ikesa-uniqued = <unique identifier of IKE_A, if log associated with any>
+ msg = <log message text>
+ }
+### list-sa ###
+The _list-sa_ event is issued to stream IKE_SAs during an active _list-sas_
+ {
+ <IKE_SA config name> = {
+ uniqueid = <IKE_SA unique identifier>
+ version = <IKE version, 1 or 2>
+ state = <IKE_SA state name>
+ local-host = <local IKE endpoint address>
+ local-id = <local IKE identity>
+ remote-host = <remote IKE endpoint address>
+ remote-id = <remote IKE identity>
+ remote-xauth-id = <remote XAuth identity, if XAuth-authenticated>
+ remote-eap-id = <remote EAP identity, if EAP-authenticated>
+ initiator = <yes, if initiator of IKE_SA>
+ initiator-spi = <hex encoded initiator SPI / cookie>
+ responder-spi = <hex encoded responder SPI / cookie>
+ encr-alg = <IKE encryption algorithm string>
+ encr-keysize = <key size for encr-alg, if applicable>
+ integ-alg = <IKE integrity algorithm string>
+ integ-keysize = <key size for encr-alg, if applicable>
+ prf-alg = <IKE pseudo random function string>
+ dh-group = <IKE Diffie-Hellman group string>
+ established = <seconds the IKE_SA has been established>
+ rekey-time = <seconds before IKE_SA gets rekeyed>
+ reauth-time = <seconds before IKE_SA gets re-authenticated>
+ tasks-queued = [
+ <list of currently queued tasks for execution>
+ ]
+ tasks-active = [
+ <list of tasks currently initiating actively>
+ ]
+ tasks-passive = [
+ <list of tasks currently handling passively>
+ ]
+ child-sas = {
+ <child-sa-name>* = {
+ reqid = <reqid of CHILD_SA>
+ state = <state string of CHILD_SA>
+ mode = <IPsec mode, tunnel|transport|beet>
+ protocol = <IPsec protocol AH|ESP>
+ encap = <yes if using UDP encapsulation>
+ spi-in = <hex encoded inbound SPI>
+ spi-out = <hex encoded outbound SPI>
+ cpi-in = <hex encoded inbound CPI, if using compression>
+ cpi-out = <hex encoded outbound CPI, if using compression>
+ encr-alg = <ESP encryption algorithm name, if any>
+ encr-keysize = <ESP encryption key size, if applicable>
+ integ-alg = <ESP or AH integrity algorithm name, if any>
+ integ-keysize = <ESP or AH integrity key size, if applicable>
+ prf-alg = <CHILD_SA pseudo random function name>
+ dh-group = <CHILD_SA PFS rekeying DH group name, if any>
+ esn = <1 if using extended sequence numbers>
+ bytes-in = <number of input bytes processed>
+ packets-in = <number of input packets processed>
+ use-in = <seconds since last inbound packet, if any>
+ bytes-out = <number of output bytes processed>
+ packets-out = <number of output packets processed>
+ use-out = <seconds since last outbound packet, if any>
+ rekey-time = <seconds before CHILD_SA gets rekeyed>
+ life-time = <seconds before CHILD_SA expires>
+ install-time = <seconds the CHILD_SA has been installed>
+ local-ts = [
+ <list of local traffic selectors>
+ ]
+ remote-ts = [
+ <list of remote traffic selectors>
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### list-policy ###
+The _list-policy_ event is issued to stream installed policies during an active
+_list-policies_ command.
+ {
+ <child-sa-config-name> = {
+ mode = <policy mode, tunnel|transport|pass|drop>
+ local-ts = [
+ <list of local traffic selectors>
+ ]
+ remote-ts = [
+ <list of remote traffic selectors>
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+### list-conn ###
+The _list-conn_ event is issued to stream loaded connection during an active
+_list-conns_ command.
+ {
+ <IKE_SA connection name> = {
+ local_addrs = [
+ <list of valid local IKE endpoint addresses>
+ ]
+ remote_addrs = [
+ <list of valid remote IKE endpoint addresses>
+ ]
+ version = <IKE version as string, IKEv1|IKEv2 or 0 for any>
+ local*, remote* = { # multiple local and remote auth sections
+ class = <authentication type>
+ eap-type = <EAP type to authenticate if when using EAP>
+ eap-vendor = <EAP vendor for type, if any>
+ xauth = <xauth backend name>
+ revocation = <revocation policy>
+ id = <IKE identity>
+ aaa_id = <AAA authentication backend identity>
+ eap_id = <EAP identity for authentication>
+ xauth_id = <XAuth username for authentication>
+ groups = [
+ <group membership required to use connection>
+ ]
+ certs = [
+ <certificates allowed for authentication>
+ ]
+ cacerts = [
+ <CA certificates allowed for authentication>
+ ]
+ }
+ children = {
+ <CHILD_SA config name>* = {
+ mode = <IPsec mode>
+ local-ts = [
+ <list of local traffic selectors>
+ ]
+ remote-ts = [
+ <list of remote traffic selectors>
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### list-cert ###
+The _list-cert_ event is issued to stream loaded certificates during an active
+_list-certs_ command.
+ {
+ type = <certificate type>
+ has_privkey = <set if a private key for the certificate is available>
+ data = <ASN1 encoded certificate data>
+ }
# libvici C client library #
libvici is the reference implementation of a C client library implementing
@@ -172,5 +680,177 @@ the vici protocol. It builds upon libstrongswan, but provides a stable API
to implement client applications in the C programming language. libvici uses
the libstrongswan thread pool to deliver event messages asynchronously.
-More information about the libvici API is available in the libvici.h header
+## Connecting to the daemon ##
+This example shows how to connect to the daemon using the default URI, and
+then perform proper cleanup:
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <libvici.h>
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ vici_conn_t *conn;
+ int ret = 0;
+ vici_init();
+ conn = vici_connect(NULL);
+ if (conn)
+ {
+ /* do stuff */
+ vici_disconnect(conn);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = errno;
+ fprintf(stderr, "connecting failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ vici_deinit();
+ return ret;
+ }
+## A simple client request ##
+In the following example, a simple _version_ request is issued to the daemon
+and the result is printed:
+ int get_version(vici_conn_t *conn)
+ {
+ vici_req_t *req;
+ vici_res_t *res;
+ int ret = 0;
+ req = vici_begin("version");
+ res = vici_submit(req, conn);
+ if (res)
+ {
+ printf("%s %s (%s, %s, %s)\n",
+ vici_find_str(res, "", "daemon"),
+ vici_find_str(res, "", "version"),
+ vici_find_str(res, "", "sysname"),
+ vici_find_str(res, "", "release"),
+ vici_find_str(res, "", "machine"));
+ vici_free_res(res);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = errno;
+ fprintf(stderr, "version request failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+## A request with event streaming and callback parsing ##
+In this more advanced example, the _list-conns_ command is used to stream
+loaded connections with the _list-conn_ event. The event message is parsed
+with a simple callback to print the connection name:
+ int conn_cb(void *null, vici_res_t *res, char *name)
+ {
+ printf("%s\n", name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void list_cb(void *null, char *name, vici_res_t *res)
+ {
+ if (vici_parse_cb(res, conn_cb, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "parsing failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ }
+ int list_conns(vici_conn_t *conn)
+ {
+ vici_req_t *req;
+ vici_res_t *res;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (vici_register(conn, "list-conn", list_cb, NULL) == 0)
+ {
+ req = vici_begin("list-conns");
+ res = vici_submit(req, conn);
+ if (res)
+ {
+ vici_free_res(res);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = errno;
+ fprintf(stderr, "request failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ vici_register(conn, "list-conn", NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = errno;
+ fprintf(stderr, "registration failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+## API documentation ##
+More information about the libvici API is available in the _libvici.h_ header
+file or the generated Doxygen documentation.
+# vici ruby gem #
+The _vici ruby gem_ is a pure ruby implementation of the VICI protocol to
+implement client applications. It is provided in the _ruby_ subdirectory, and
+gets built and installed if strongSwan has been _./configure_'d with
+_--enable-vici_ and _--enable-ruby-gems_.
+The _Connection_ class from the _Vici_ module provides the high level interface,
+the underlying classes are usually not required to build ruby applications
+using VICI. The _Connection_ class provides methods for the supported VICI
+commands and an event listening mechanism.
+To represent the VICI message data tree, the gem converts the binary encoding
+to ruby data types. The _Connection_ class takes and returns ruby objects for
+the exchanged message data:
+ * Sections get encoded as Hash, containing other sections as Hash, or
+ * Key/Values, where the values are Strings as Hash values
+ * Lists get encoded as Arrays with String values
+Non-String values that are not a Hash nor an Array get converted with .to_s
+during encoding.
+## Connecting to the daemon ##
+To create a connection to the daemon, a socket must be passed to the
+_Connection_ constructor. There is no default, but on Unix systems usually
+a Unix socket over _/var/run/charon.vici_ is used:
+ require "vici"
+ require "socket"
+ v ="/var/run/charon.vici"))
+## A simple client request ##
+An example to print the daemon version information is as simple as:
+ x = v.version
+ puts "%s %s (%s, %s, %s)" % [
+ x["daemon"], x["version"], x["sysname"], x["release"], x["machine"]
+ ]
+## A request with closure invocation ##
+The _Connection_ class takes care of event streaming by invoking a closure
+for each event. The following example lists all loaded connections using the
+_list-conns_ command and implicitly the _list-conn_ event:
+ v.list_conns { |conn|
+ conn.each { |key, value|
+ puts key
+ }
+ }
+## API documentation ##
+For more details about the ruby gem refer to the comments in the gem source
+code or the generated documentation.