strongswan (2.7.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * (NOT RELEASED YET) New upstream release -- Rene Mayrhofer Wed, 23 Aug 2006 21:23:36 +0100 strongswan (2.7.2+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low * First upload to the main Debian archive. This does no longer build the linux-patch-strongswan and strongswan-modules-source packages, as KLIPS will be removed from the strongswan upstream source anyway for the next major release. However, the openswan KLIPS could should be interoperable with strongswan user space. Closes: #372267: ITP: strongswan -- second fork of freeswan. * This upload removes the draft RFCs, as they are not considered free under the DFSG. -- Rene Mayrhofer Sun, 9 Jul 2006 12:40:34 +0100 strongswan (2.7.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. This release fixes a potential DoS problem. -- Rene Mayrhofer Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:34:43 +0100 strongswan (2.7.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Debian packaging of strongswan. This is directly based on my Debian package of openswan 2.4.5-3. * Do not compile and ship fswcert right now, because it is not included in strongswan upstream. If it turns out to be necessary for supporting easy-to-use OE in the future (i.e. for generating the DNS format for the public keys from generated X.509 certificates), I will re-add it to the Debian package. * Also disabled my patches to use /etc/default instead of /etc/sysconfig for now. Something like that will be necessary in the future, but those parts of strongswan differ significanty from openswan. -- Rene Mayrhofer Mon, 22 May 2006 07:37:00 +0100 Local variables: mode: debian-changelog End: