This package was debianized by Rene Mayrhofer <> on
Thu, 10 Aug 2000 10:50:33 +0200.

The Debian package was created from scratch with some hints taken from
previous freeswan packages by Tommi Virtanen and Aaron Johnson.
The upstream software was downloaded from

After the FreeS/WAN folks decided to cease development, we used the forked
code base at

This project has multiple authors, please see the file CREDITS for details. 
However, all of the code is DFSG-free and, since 2002-09-16,
the LICENSE file in the upstream distribution includes a special GPL addition 
to allow linking with libdes (which contains and advertising clause). 
This LICENSE file was added to the Debian package of freeswan version 1.98b 
by me, but has been authorized by Michael Richardson of freeswan upstream 
(who sent the file to a mailing list).

The contents of this LICENSE file are:
Except for the DES library, this software is under the GNU Public License,
see the file COPYING.

The DES library is under a BSD style license, see
Note that this software has a advertising clause in it.

In addition to the terms set out under the GPL, permission is granted to
link the software against the libdes library just mentioned.

On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.

Rene Mayrhofer, 2005-09-27