# translation of strongswan_4.4.1-5.1_eu.po to Basque # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Piarres Beobide <pi@beobide.net>, 2009. # Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo@zundan.com>, 2010, 2013. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: strongswan_4.4.1-5.1_eu\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: strongswan@packages.debian.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-07 13:28+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-15 21:41+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo@zundan.com>\n" "Language-Team: Basque <librezale@librezale.org>\n" "Language: eu\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.4\n" #. Type: note #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:2001 msgid "Old runlevel management superseded" msgstr "Exekuzio-mailaren kudeaketa zaharra ordeztuta" #. Type: note #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:2001 msgid "" "Previous versions of the strongSwan package gave a choice between three " "different Start/Stop-Levels. Due to changes in the standard system startup " "procedure, this is no longer necessary or useful. For all new installations " "as well as old ones running in any of the predefined modes, sane default " "levels will now be set. If you are upgrading from a previous version and " "changed your strongSwan startup parameters, then please take a look at NEWS." "Debian for instructions on how to modify your setup accordingly." msgstr "" "strongSwan paketearen aurreko bertsioak hiru Abiarazte-/Gelditzen-maila " "desberdinen arteko aukera eskaintzen zuen. Sistemaren abioaren prozedura " "arruntean aldaketak gertatu direnez, ez dira beharrezkoak edo erabilgarriak. " "Instalazio berri guztientzako, aurredefinitutako moduetako batean " "exekutatzen diren zaharretan ere, zentzuzko maila lehenetsiak ezarriko dira " "orain. Aurreko bertsiotik eguneratzen ari bazara, eta strongSwan-en abioko " "parametroak aldatu bazenituen, irakur ezazu NEWS.Debian fitxategia. " "konfigurazioa modu egokian nola aldatzen den jakiteko." #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:3001 msgid "Restart strongSwan now?" msgstr "Berrabiarazi StrongSwan orain?" #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:3001 msgid "" "Restarting strongSwan is recommended, since if there is a security fix, it " "will not be applied until the daemon restarts. Most people expect the daemon " "to restart, so this is generally a good idea. However, this might take down " "existing connections and then bring them back up, so if you are using such a " "strongSwan tunnel to connect for this update, restarting is not recommended." msgstr "" "StrongSwan berrabiaraztea gomendatzen da segurtasunezko konponketa bat " "badago ez baita ezarriko daemona berrabiarazi artea. Erabiltzaile gehienek " "daemona berrabiaraztea espero dutenez, burutazio ona da hori. Hala ere, " "honek martxan dauden konexioak itxi eta gero berriz abiaraziko ditu. Hori " "dela eta, eguneraketa honetan strongSwan tunela erabiltzen ari bazara, ez da " "gomendatzen berrabiaraztea." #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:4001 msgid "Start strongSwan's charon daemon?" msgstr "Abiarazi StrongSwan-ren 'charon' daemona abiarazi?" #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:4001 msgid "" "The charon daemon must be running to support the Internet Key Exchange " "protocol." msgstr "" "'charon' daemona exekutatzen egon behar da Interneteko Gakoen Trukaketa " "(IKE) protokoloa onartzeko." #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:5001 msgid "Use an X.509 certificate for this host?" msgstr "X.509 ziurtagiria erabili ostalari honentzako?" #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:5001 msgid "" "An X.509 certificate for this host can be automatically created or imported. " "It can be used to authenticate IPsec connections to other hosts and is the " "preferred way of building up secure IPsec connections. The other possibility " "would be to use shared secrets (passwords that are the same on both sides of " "the tunnel) for authenticating a connection, but for a larger number of " "connections, key based authentication is easier to administer and more " "secure." msgstr "" "Ostalari honentzako X.509 ziurtagiri bat automatikoki sor edo inportatu " "daiteke. Beste ostalariekin IPsec bidez konektatzean autentifikatzeko " "erabili daiteke, eta hobetsitako bidea da IPsec konexio seguruak " "eraikitzeko. Beste aukera bat ezkutukoak (tunelaren bi aldeetan berdinak " "diren pasahitzak) partekatzea litzateke konexio bat autentifikatzeko, baina " "konexio kopuru handi batentzako gakoetan oinarritutako autentifikazioa " "errazagoa eta askoz ere seguruagoa da kudeatzeko." #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:5001 msgid "" "Alternatively you can reject this option and later use the command \"dpkg-" "reconfigure strongswan\" to come back." msgstr "" "Bestela, aukera hau ukatu dezakezu eta beranduago itzuli \"dpkg-reconfigure " "strongswan\" komandoa erabiliz." #. Type: select #. Choices #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:6001 msgid "create" msgstr "sortu" #. Type: select #. Choices #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:6001 msgid "import" msgstr "inportatu" #. Type: select #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:6002 msgid "Methods for using a X.509 certificate to authenticate this host:" msgstr "Metodoa ostalari hau X.509 ziurtagiria erabiliz autentifikatzeko:" #. Type: select #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:6002 msgid "" "It is possible to create a new X.509 certificate with user-defined settings " "or to import an existing public and private key stored in PEM file(s) for " "authenticating IPsec connections." msgstr "" "X.509 ziurtagiri berri bat sor daiteke erabiltzaileak definitutako " "ezarpenekin edo PEM fitxategietan gordetako gako publiko eta pribatuak " "inportatu daiteke IPsec konexioak autentifikatzeko." #. Type: select #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:6002 msgid "" "If you choose to create a new X.509 certificate you will first be asked a " "number of questions which must be answered before the creation can start. " "Please keep in mind that if you want the public key to get signed by an " "existing Certificate Authority you should not select to create a self-signed " "certificate and all the answers given must match exactly the requirements of " "the CA, otherwise the certificate request may be rejected." msgstr "" "X.509 ziurtagiri berri bat sortzea hautatzen baduzu aurrenik, eta sortzeko " "lanak hasi aurretik, erantzun beharreko galdera batzuk egingo zaizkizu. " "Jakin ezazu gako publikoa existitzen den Ziurtagiri-emaile batek sinatzea " "nahi baduzu, ez zenukeela sortu beharko auto-sinatutako sinatzen duen " "ziurtagiririk, eta emandako erantzun guztiak zehatz-meatz ZEren " "eskakizunekin bat etorri beharko dutela, bestela ziurtagiriaren eskaera " "ukatu egingo baita." #. Type: select #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:6002 msgid "" "If you want to import an existing public and private key you will be " "prompted for their filenames (which may be identical if both parts are " "stored together in one file). Optionally you may also specify a filename " "where the public key(s) of the Certificate Authority are kept, but this file " "cannot be the same as the former ones. Please also be aware that the format " "for the X.509 certificates has to be PEM and that the private key must not " "be encrypted or the import procedure will fail." msgstr "" "Existitzen den gako publiko eta pribatua inportatzea nahi izanez gero, haien " "fitxategi-izenak eskatuko zaizkizu (berdinak izango dira bi zatiak fitxategi " "batean gordeta badaude). Aukeran ziurtagiri-emailearen gako publikoa duen " "fitxategia ere zehaz dezakezu, baina fitxategi hau ezin da aurrekoen berdina " "izan. Kontuz ibili, X.509 ziurtagirien formatua PEM izan behar duelako, eta " "gako pribatua ezin delako enkriptatuta egon, bestela inportatzeko prozesuak " "huts egingo bait luke." #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:7001 msgid "File name of your PEM format X.509 certificate:" msgstr "Zure PEM formatuko X.509 ziurtagiriaren fitxategi-izena :" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:7001 msgid "" "Please enter the location of the file containing your X.509 certificate in " "PEM format." msgstr "" "Idatzi zure PEM formatuko X.509 ziurtagiria duen fitxategiaren bide-izen " "osoa." #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:8001 msgid "File name of your PEM format X.509 private key:" msgstr "PEM formatuko X.509 gako pribatuaren fitxategi-izena :" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:8001 msgid "" "Please enter the location of the file containing the private RSA key " "matching your X.509 certificate in PEM format. This can be the same file " "that contains the X.509 certificate." msgstr "" "Idatzi dagoen zure PEM formatuko X.509 ziurtagiriaren pareko RSA gako " "pribatua duen fitxategiaren kokapen osoa. Hau X.509 ziurtagiriaren fitxategi " "berdina izan daiteke." #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:9001 msgid "File name of your PEM format X.509 RootCA:" msgstr "PEM formatuko X.509 ziurtagiriaren fitxategi-izena:" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:9001 msgid "" "Optionally you can now enter the location of the file containing the X.509 " "Certificate Authority root used to sign your certificate in PEM format. If " "you do not have one or do not want to use it please leave the field empty. " "Please note that it's not possible to store the RootCA in the same file as " "your X.509 certificate or private key." msgstr "" "Aukeran X.509 Ziurtagiri-emailearen erroa duen fitxategiaren kokalekua idatz " "dezakezu zure ziurtagiria PEM formatuan sinatzeko. Ez badaukazu do ez baduzu " "hori erabiltzerik nahi, utzi eremu hau hutsik. Jakin ezazu ezin dela gorde " "erroko ZE (RootCA) zure X.509 ziurtagiria edo gako pribatua duen fitxategi " "berdinean." #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:10001 msgid "Please enter which length the created RSA key should have:" msgstr "Sartu sortutako RSA gakoak edukiko duen luzera:" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:10001 msgid "" "Please enter the length of the created RSA key. It should not be less than " "1024 bits because this should be considered unsecure and you will probably " "not need anything more than 4096 bits because it only slows the " "authentication process down and is not needed at the moment." msgstr "" "Sartu sortutako RSA gakoaren luzera. Ez luke 1024 bit baino txikiagoa izan " "behar ez-segurutzat jotzen delako, eta litekeena da 4096 bit baino luzeagoa " "behar ez izatea, autentifikatzeko prozesua soilik moteltzen duelako eta " "unean ez delako behar." #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:11001 msgid "Create a self-signed X.509 certificate?" msgstr "Sortu auto-sinatutako X.509 ziurtagiria?" #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:11001 msgid "" "Only self-signed X.509 certificates can be created automatically, because " "otherwise a Certificate Authority is needed to sign the certificate request. " "If you choose to create a self-signed certificate, you can use it " "immediately to connect to other IPsec hosts that support X.509 certificate " "for authentication of IPsec connections. However, using strongSwan's PKI " "features requires all certificates to be signed by a single Certificate " "Authority to create a trust path." msgstr "" "Soilik auto-sinatutako X.509 ziurtagiriak sor daitezke automatikoki, bestela " "Ziurtagiri-emailea behar delako ziurtagiriaren eskaera sinatzeko. Auto-" "sinatutako ziurtagiria sortzea aukeratzen baduzu, ziurtagiri hori berehala " "erabil dezakezu X.509 ziurtagiria onartzen duten beste IPsec ostalariekin " "IPsec konexioak autentifikatzeko. Hala ere, strongSwan-en PKI eginbidea " "erabiltzeak ziurtagiri guztiak Ziurtagiri-emaile batek sinatuta egotea " "eskatzen du bide fidagarri bat sortzeko." #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:11001 msgid "" "If you do not choose to create a self-signed certificate, only the RSA " "private key and the certificate request will be created, and you will have " "to sign the certificate request with your Certificate Authority." msgstr "" "Ez baduzu auto-sinatutako ziurtagiri bat sortzea aukeratzen, soilik RSAren " "gako pribatua eta ziurtagiriaren eskaera sortuko dira, eta ziurtagiriaren " "eskaera zure Ziurtagiri-emailearekin sinatu beharko duzu." #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:12001 msgid "Country code for the X.509 certificate request:" msgstr "X.509 ziurtagiriaren eskaeraren herrialdearen kodea:" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:12001 msgid "" "Please enter the two-letter code for the country the server resides in (such " "as \"AT\" for Austria)." msgstr "" "Sartu zerbitzaria kokatuta dagoen herrialdeari dagokion bi hizkiko kodea " "(hala nola \"AT\" Austriarentzako)." #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:12001 msgid "" "OpenSSL will refuse to generate a certificate unless this is a valid " "ISO-3166 country code; an empty field is allowed elsewhere in the X.509 " "certificate, but not here." msgstr "" "OpenSSL-ek ukatu egingo du ziurtagiri bat sortzea baldin eta herrialdearen " "baliozko ISO-3166 kodea ez bada. X.509 ziurtagiriko beste edozer eremu " "hutsik egon daiteke, baina ez eremu hau." #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:13001 msgid "State or province name for the X.509 certificate request:" msgstr "X.509 ziurtagiri eskaeraren estatu edo probintziaren izena:" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:13001 msgid "" "Please enter the full name of the state or province the server resides in " "(such as \"Upper Austria\")." msgstr "" "Idatzi zerbitzaria kokatuta dagoen estatu edo probintziaren izen osoa " "(adibidez, \"Goiko Austria\")." #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:14001 msgid "Locality name for the X.509 certificate request:" msgstr "X.509 ziurtagiri eskaeraren herriaren izena:" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:14001 msgid "" "Please enter the locality the server resides in (often a city, such as " "\"Vienna\")." msgstr "" "Idatzi zerbitzaria kokatuta dagoen kokalekua (normalean herria, adibidez, " "\"Bilbo\"). " #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:15001 msgid "Organization name for the X.509 certificate request:" msgstr "X.509 ziurtagiri eskaeraren erakundearen izena:" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:15001 msgid "" "Please enter the organization the server belongs to (such as \"Debian\")." msgstr "Idatzi zerbitzaria duen erakundea (adibidez, \"Debian\")" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:16001 msgid "Organizational unit for the X.509 certificate request:" msgstr "X.509 ziurtagiri eskaeraren saila:" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:16001 msgid "" "Please enter the organizational unit the server belongs to (such as " "\"security group\")." msgstr "Idatzi zerbitzaria duen saila (adibidez, \"segurtasunaren taldea\")" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:17001 msgid "Common Name for the X.509 certificate request:" msgstr "X.509 ziurtagiri eskaeraren izen arrunta:" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:17001 msgid "" "Please enter the Common Name for this host (such as \"gateway.example.org\")." msgstr "" "Idatzi ostalari honen izen arrunta (adibidez, \"atebidea.adibidea.org\")." #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:18001 msgid "Email address for the X.509 certificate request:" msgstr "X.509 ziurtagiri eskaeraren helbide elektronikoa:" #. Type: string #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:18001 msgid "" "Please enter the email address of the person or organization responsible for " "the X.509 certificate." msgstr "" "Idatzi X.509 ziurtagiriaren ardura duen pertsona edo erakundearen helbide " "elektronikoa." #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:19001 msgid "Enable opportunistic encryption?" msgstr "Gaitu enkriptazio oportunista?" #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:19001 msgid "" "This version of strongSwan supports opportunistic encryption (OE), which " "stores IPSec authentication information in DNS records. Until this is widely " "deployed, activating it will cause a significant delay for every new " "outgoing connection." msgstr "" "StrongSwan bertsio honek aukerako enkriptazio oportunistaren (OE) euskarria " "du, honek IPSec autentifikazio informazioa DNS erregistroetan gordetzen " "ditu. Hau guztiz garatua ez dagoenez gaitzeak kanporako konexio berri " "guztien atzerapen esanguratsu bat eragin dezake." #. Type: boolean #. Description #: ../strongswan-starter.templates:19001 msgid "" "You should only enable opportunistic encryption if you are sure you want it. " "It may break the Internet connection (default route) as the daemon starts." msgstr "" "Enkriptazio oportunista behar duzula ziur bazaude bakarrik gaitu beharko " "zenuke. Interneteko konexioak moztu ditzake (lehenetsitako atebidea) daemona " "abiaraztean." #~ msgid "" #~ "The pluto daemon must be running to support version 1 of the Internet Key " #~ "Exchange protocol." #~ msgstr "" #~ "'pluto' daemona exekutatzen egon behar da Interneteko Gakoen Trukaketa " #~ "(IKE) protokoloaren lehen bertsioa onartzeko." #~ msgid "Start strongSwan's IKEv2 daemon?" #~ msgstr "StrongSwan-ren IKEv2 daemona abiarazi?"