  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">
  <title>IPsec protocols</title>
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  content="Linux, IPsec, VPN, security, FreeSWAN, protocol, ESP, AH, IKE">

  Written by Sandy Harris for the Linux FreeS/WAN project
  Freely distributable under the GNU General Public License

  More information at www.freeswan.org
  Feedback to users@lists.freeswan.org

  CVS information:
  RCS ID:          $Id: ipsec.html,v 1.1 2004/03/15 20:35:24 as Exp $
  Last changed:    $Date: 2004/03/15 20:35:24 $
  Revision number: $Revision: 1.1 $

  CVS revision numbers do not correspond to FreeS/WAN release numbers.

<h1><a name="ipsec.detail">The IPsec protocols</a></h1>

<p>This section provides information on the IPsec protocols which FreeS/WAN
implements. For more detail, see the <a href="rfc.html">RFCs</a>.</p>

<p>The basic idea of IPsec is to provide security functions, <a
href="glossary.html#authentication">authentication</a> and <a
href="glossary.html#encryption">encryption</a>, at the IP (Internet Protocol)
level. This requires a higher-level protocol (IKE) to set things up for the
IP-level services (ESP and AH).</p>

<h2>Protocols and phases</h2>

<p>Three protocols are used in an IPsec implementation:</p>
  <dt>ESP, Encapsulating Security Payload</dt>
    <dd>Encrypts and/or authenticates data</dd>
  <dt>AH, Authentication Header</dt>
    <dd>Provides a packet authentication service</dd>
  <dt>IKE, Internet Key Exchange</dt>
    <dd>Negotiates connection parameters, including keys, for the other

<p>The term "IPsec" (also written as IPSEC) is slightly ambiguous. In some
contexts, it includes all three of the above but in other contexts it refers
only to AH and ESP.</p>

<p>There is more detail below, but a quick summary of how the whole thing
works is:</p>
  <dt>Phase one IKE (main mode exchange)</dt>
    <dd>sets up a keying channel (ISAKMP SA) between the two gateways</dd>
  <dt>Phase two IKE (quick mode exchange)</dt>
    <dd>sets up data channels (IPsec SAs)</dd>
  <dt>IPsec proper</dt>
    <dd>exchanges data using AH or ESP</dd>

<p>Both phases of IKE are repeated periodically to automate re-keying.</p>

<h2><a name="others">Applying IPsec</a></h2>

<p>Authentication and encryption functions for network data can, of course,
be provided at other levels. Many security protocols work at levels above
  <li><a href="glossary.html#PGP">PGP</a> encrypts and authenticates mail
  <li><a href="glossary.html#SSH">SSH</a> authenticates remote logins and
    then encrypts the session</li>
  <li><a href="glossary.html#SSL">SSL</a> or <a
    href="glossary.html#TLS">TLS</a> provides security at the sockets layer,
    e.g. for secure web browsing</li>

<p>and so on. Other techniques work at levels below IP. For example, data on
a communications circuit or an entire network can be encrypted by specialised
hardware. This is common practice in high-security applications.</p>

<h3><a name="advantages">Advantages of IPsec</a></h3>

<p>There are, however, advantages to doing it at the IP level instead of, or
as well as, at other levels.</p>

<p>IPsec is the <strong>most general way to provide these services for the
  <li>Higher-level services protect a <em>single protocol</em>; for example
    PGP protects mail.</li>
  <li>Lower level services protect a <em>single medium</em>; for example a
    pair of encryption boxes on the ends of a line make wiretaps on that line
    useless unless the attacker is capable of breaking the encryption.</li>

<p>IPsec, however, can protect <em>any protocol</em> running above IP and
<em>any medium</em> which IP runs over. More to the point, it can protect a
mixture of application protocols running over a complex combination of media.
This is the normal situation for Internet communication; IPsec is the only
general solution.</p>

<p>IPsec can also provide some security services "in the background", with
<strong>no visible impact on users</strong>. To use <a
href="glossary.html#PGP">PGP</a> encryption and signatures on mail, for
example, the user must at least:</p>
  <li>remember his or her passphrase,</li>
  <li>keep it secure</li>
  <li>follow procedures to validate correspondents' keys</li>

<p>These systems can be designed so that the burden on users is not onerous,
but any system will place some requirements on users. No such system can hope
to be secure if users are sloppy about meeting those requirements. The author
has seen username and password stuck on terminals with post-it notes in an
allegedly secure environment, for example.</p>

<h3><a name="limitations">Limitations of IPsec</a></h3>

<p>IPsec is designed to secure IP links between machines. It does that well,
but it is important to remember that there are many things it does not do.
Some of the important limitations are:</p>
  <dt><a name="depends">IPsec cannot be secure if your system isn't</a></dt>
    <dd>System security on IPsec gateway machines is an essential requirement
      if IPsec is to function as designed. No system can be trusted if the
      underlying machine has been subverted. See books on Unix security such
      as <a href="biblio.html#practical">Garfinkel and Spafford</a> or our
      web references for <a href="web.html#linsec">Linux security</a> or more
      general <a href="web.html#compsec">computer security</a>.
      <p>Of course, there is another side to this. IPsec can be a powerful
      tool for improving system and network security. For example, requiring
      packet authentication makes various spoofing attacks harder and IPsec
      tunnels can be extremely useful for secure remote administration of
      various things.</p>
  <dt><a name="not-end-to-end">IPsec is not end-to-end</a></dt>
    <dd>IPsec cannot provide the same end-to-end security as systems working
      at higher levels. IPsec encrypts an IP connection between two machines,
      which is quite a different thing than encrypting messages between users
      or between applications.
      <p>For example, if you need mail encrypted from the sender's desktop to
      the recipient's desktop and decryptable only by the recipient, use <a
      href="glossary.html#PGP">PGP</a> or another such system. IPsec can
      encrypt any or all of the links involved -- between the two mail
      servers, or between either server and its clients. It could even be
      used to secure a direct IP link from the sender's desktop machine to
      the recipient's, cutting out any sort of network snoop. What it cannot
      ensure is end-to-end user-to-user security. If only IPsec is used to
      secure mail, then anyone with appropriate privileges on any machine
      where that mail is stored (at either end or on any store-and-forward
      servers in the path) can read it.</p>
      <p>In another common setup, IPsec encrypts packets at a security
      gateway machine as they leave the sender's site and decrypts them on
      arrival at the gateway to the recipient's site. This does provide a
      useful security service -- only encrypted data is passed over the
      Internet -- but it does not even come close to providing an end-to-end
      service. In particular, anyone with appropriate privileges on either
      site's LAN can intercept the message in unencrypted form.</p>
  <dt><a name="notpanacea">IPsec cannot do everything</a></dt>
    <dd>IPsec also cannot provide all the functions of systems working at
      higher levels of the protocol stack. If you need a document
      electronically signed by a particular person, then you need his or her
      <a href="glossary.html#signature">digital signature</a> and a <a
      href="glossary.html#public">public key cryptosystem</a> to verify it
      <p>Note, however, that IPsec authentication of the underlying
      communication can make various attacks on higher-level protocols more
      difficult. In particular, authentication prevents <a
      href="glossary.html#middle">man-in-the-middle attacks</a>.</p>
  <dt><a name="no_user">IPsec authenticates machines, not users</a></dt>
    <dd>IPsec uses strong authentication mechanisms to control which messages
      go to which machines, but it does not have the concept of user ID,
      which is vital to many other security mechansims and policies. This
      means some care must be taken in fitting the various security
      mechansims on a network together. For example, if you need to control
      which users access your database server, you need some non-IPsec
      mechansim for that. IPsec can control which machines connect to the
      server, and can ensure that data transfer to those machines is done
      securely, but that is all. Either the machines themselves must control
      user access or there must be some form of user authentication to the
      database, independent of IPsec.</dd>
  <dt><a name="DoS">IPsec does not stop denial of service attacks</a></dt>
    <dd><a href="glossary.html#DOS">Denial of service</a> attacks aim at
      causing a system to crash, overload, or become confused so that
      legitimate users cannot get whatever services the system is supposed to
      provide. These are quite different from attacks in which the attacker
      seeks either to use the service himself or to subvert the service into
      delivering incorrect results.
      <p>IPsec shifts the ground for DoS attacks; the attacks possible
      against systems using IPsec are different than those that might be used
      against other systems. It does not, however, eliminate the possibility
      of such attacks.</p>
  <dt><a name="traffic">IPsec does not stop traffic analysis</a></dt>
    <dd><a href="glossary.html#traffic">Traffic analysis</a> is the attempt
      to derive intelligence from messages without regard for their contents.
      In the case of IPsec, it would mean analysis based on things visible in
      the unencrypted headers of encrypted packets -- source and destination
      gateway addresses, packet size, et cetera. Given the resources to
      acquire such data and some skill in analysing it (both of which any
      national intelligence agency should have), this can be a very powerful
      <p>IPsec is not designed to defend against this. Partial defenses are
      certainly possible, and some are <a href="#traffic.resist">described
      below</a>, but it is not clear that any complete defense can be

<h3><a name="uses">IPsec is a general mechanism for securing IP</a></h3>

<p>While IPsec does not provide all functions of a mail encryption package,
it can encrypt your mail. In particular, it can ensure that all mail passing
between a pair or a group of sites is encrypted. An attacker looking only at
external traffic, without access to anything on or behind the IPsec gateway,
cannot read your mail. He or she is stymied by IPsec just as he or she would
be by <a href="glossary.html#PGP">PGP</a>.</p>

<p>The advantage is that IPsec can provide the same protection for <strong>
anything transmitted over IP</strong>. In a corporate network example, PGP
lets the branch offices exchange secure mail with head office. SSL and SSH
allow them to securely view web pages, connect as terminals to machines, and
so on. IPsec can support all those applications, plus database queries, file
sharing (NFS or Windows), other protocols encapsulated in IP (Netware,
Appletalk, ...), phone-over-IP, video-over-IP, ... anything-over-IP. The only
limitation is that IP Multicast is not yet supported, though there are
Internet Draft documents for that.</p>

<p>IPsec creates <strong>secure tunnels through untrusted networks</strong>.
Sites connected by these tunnels form VPNs, <a
href="glossary.html#VPN">Virtual Private Networks</a>.</p>

<p>IPsec gateways can be installed wherever they are required.</p>
  <li>One organisation might choose to install IPsec only on firewalls
    between their LANs and the Internet. This would allow them to create a
    VPN linking several offices. It would provide protection against anyone
    outside their sites.</li>
  <li>Another might install IPsec on departmental servers so everything on
    the corporate backbone net was encrypted. This would protect messages on
    that net from everyone except the sending and receiving department.</li>
  <li>Another might be less concerned with information secrecy and more with
    controlling access to certain resources. They might use IPsec packet
    authentication as part of an access control mechanism, with or without
    also using the IPsec encryption service.</li>
  <li>It is even possible (assuming adequate processing power and an IPsec
    implementation in each node) to make every machine its own IPsec gateway
    so that everything on a LAN is encrypted. This protects information from
    everyone outside the sending and receiving machine.</li>
  <li>These techniques can be combined in various ways. One might, for
    example, require authentication everywhere on a network while using
    encryption only for a few links.</li>

<p>Which of these, or of the many other possible variants, to use is up to
you. <strong>IPsec provides mechanisms; you provide the policy</strong>.</p>

<p><strong>No end user action is required</strong> for IPsec security to be
used; they don't even have to know about it. The site administrators, of
course, do have to know about it and to put some effort into making it work.
Poor administration can compromise IPsec as badly as the post-it notes
mentioned above. It seems reasonable, though, for organisations to hope their
system administrators are generally both more security-conscious than end
users and more able to follow computer security procedures. If not, at least
there are fewer of them to educate or replace.</p>

<p>IPsec can be, and often should be, used with along with security protocols
at other levels. If two sites communicate with each other via the Internet,
then IPsec is the obvious way to protect that communication. If two others
have a direct link between them, either link encryption or IPsec would make
sense. Choose one or use both. Whatever you use at and below the IP level,
use other things as required above that level. Whatever you use above the IP
level, consider what can be done with IPsec to make attacks on the higher
levels harder. For example, <a href="glossary.html#middle">man-in-the-middle
attacks</a> on various protocols become difficult if authentication at packet
level is in use on the potential victims' communication channel.</p>

<h3><a name="authonly">Using authentication without encryption</a></h3>

<p>Where appropriate, IPsec can provide authentication without encryption.
One might do this, for example:</p>
  <li>where the data is public but one wants to be sure of getting the right
    data, for example on some web sites</li>
  <li>where encryption is judged unnecessary, for example on some company or
    department LANs</li>
  <li>where strong encryption is provided at link level, below IP</li>
  <li>where strong encryption is provided in other protocols, above IP<br>
    Note that IPsec authentication may make some attacks on those protocols

<p>Authentication has lower overheads than encryption.</p>

<p>The protocols provide four ways to build such connections, using either an
AH-only connection or ESP using null encryption, and in either manually or
automatically keyed mode. FreeS/WAN supports only one of these, manually
keyed AH-only connections, and <strong>we do not recommend using
that</strong>. Our reasons are discussed under <a
href="#traffic.resist">Resisting traffic analysis</a> a few sections further

<h3><a name="encnoauth">Encryption without authentication is

<p>Originally, the IPsec encryption protocol <a
href="glossary.html#ESP">ESP</a> didn't do integrity checking. It only did
encryption. Steve Bellovin found many ways to attack ESP used without
authentication. See his paper <a
href="http://www.research.att.com/~smb/papers/badesp.ps">Problem areas for
the IP Security Protocols</a>. To make a secure connection, you had to add an
<a href="glossary.html#AH">AH</a> Authentication Header as well as ESP.
Rather than incur the overhead of several layers (and rather than provide an
ESP layer that didn't actually protect the traffic), the IPsec working group
built integrity and replay checking directly into ESP.</p>

<p>Today, typical usage is one of:</p>
  <li>ESP for encryption and authentication</li>
  <li>AH for authentication alone</li>

<p>Other variants are allowed by the standard, but not much used:</p>
  <dt>ESP encryption without authentication</dt>
    <dd><strong>Bellovin has demonstrated fatal flaws in this. Do not
  <dt>ESP encryption with AH authentication</dt>
    <dd>This has higher overheads than using the authentication in ESP, and
      no obvious benefit in most cases. The exception might be a network
      where AH authentication was widely or universally used. If you're going
      to do AH to conform with network policy, why authenticate again in the
      ESP layer?</dd>
  <dt>Authenticate twice, with AH and with ESP</dt>
    <dd>Why? Of course, some folk consider "belt and suspenders" the sensible
      approach to security. If you're among them, you might use both
      protocols here. You might also use both to satisfy different parts of a
      security policy. For example, an organisation might require AH
      authentication everywhere but two users within the organisation might
      use ESP as well.</dd>
  <dt>ESP authentication without encryption</dt>
    <dd>The standard allows this, calling it "null encryption". FreeS/WAN
      does not support it. We recommend that you use AH instead if
      authentication is all you require. AH authenticates parts of the IP
      header, which ESP-null does not do.</dd>

<p>Some of these variants cannot be used with FreeS/WAN because we do not
support ESP-null and do not support automatic keying of AH-only

<p>There are fairly frequent suggestions that AH be dropped entirely from the
IPsec specifications since ESP and null encryption can handle that situation.
It is not clear whether this will occur. My guess is that it is unlikely.</p>

<h3><a name="multilayer">Multiple layers of IPsec processing are

<p>The above describes combinations possible on a single IPsec connection. In
a complex network you may have several layers of IPsec in play, with any of
the above combinations at each layer.</p>

<p>For example, a connection from a desktop machine to a database server
might require AH authentication. Working with other host, network and
database security measures, AH might be just the thing for access control.
You might decide not to use ESP encryption on such packets, since it uses
resources and might complicate network debugging. Within the site where the
server is, then, only AH would be used on those packets.</p>

<p>Users at another office, however, might have their whole connection (AH
headers and all) passing over an IPsec tunnel connecting their office to the
one with the database server. Such a tunnel should use ESP encryption and
authentication. You need authentication in this layer because without
authentication the encryption is vulnerable and the gateway cannot verify the
AH authentication. The AH is between client and database server; the gateways
aren't party to it.</p>

<p>In this situation, some packets would get multiple layers of IPsec applied
to them, AH on an end-to-end client-to-server basis and ESP from one office's
security gateway to the other.</p>

<h3><a name="traffic.resist">Resisting traffic analysis</a></h3>

<p><a href="glossary.html#traffic">Traffic analysis</a> is the attempt to
derive useful intelligence from encrypted traffic without breaking the

<p>Is your CEO exchanging email with a venture capital firm? With bankruptcy
trustees? With an executive recruiting agency? With the holder of some
important patents? If an eavesdropper learns about any of those, then he has
interesting intelligence on your company, whether or not he can read the
messages themselves.</p>

<p>Even just knowing that there is network traffic between two sites may tell
an analyst something useful, especially when combined with whatever other
information he or she may have. For example, if you know Company A is having
cashflow problems and Company B is looking for aquisitions, then knowing that
packets are passing between the two is interesting. It is more interesting if
you can tell it is email, and perhaps yet more if you know the sender and

<p>Except in the simplest cases, traffic analysis is hard to do well. It
requires both considerable resources and considerable analytic skill.
However, intelligence agencies of various nations have been doing it for
centuries and many of them are likely quite good at it by now. Various
commercial organisations, especially those working on "targeted marketing"
may also be quite good at analysing certain types of traffic.</p>

<p>In general, defending against traffic analysis is also difficult.
Inventing a really good defense could get you a PhD and some interesting job

<p>IPsec is not designed to stop traffic analysis and we know of no plausible
method of extending it to do so. That said, there are ways to make traffic
analysis harder. This section describes them.</p>

<h4><a name="extra">Using "unnecessary" encryption</a></h4>

<p>One might choose to use encryption even where it appears unnecessary in
order to make analysis more difficult. Consider two offices which pass a
small volume of business data between them using IPsec and also transfer
large volumes of Usenet news. At first glance, it would seem silly to encrypt
the newsfeed, except possibly for any newsgroups that are internal to the
company. Why encrypt data that is all publicly available from many sites?</p>

<p>However, if we encrypt a lot of news and send it down the same connection
as our business data, we make <a href="glossary.html#traffic">traffic
analysis</a> much harder. A snoop cannot now make inferences based on
patterns in the volume, direction, sizes, sender, destination, or timing of
our business messages. Those messages are hidden in a mass of news messages
encapsulated in the same way.</p>

<p>If we're going to do this we need to ensure that keys change often enough
to remain secure even with high volumes and with the adversary able to get
plaintext of much of the data. We also need to look at other attacks this
might open up. For example, can the adversary use a chosen plaintext attack,
deliberately posting news articles which, when we receive and encrypt them,
will help break our encryption? Or can he block our business data
transmission by flooding us with silly news articles? Or ...</p>

<p>Also, note that this does not provide complete protection against traffic
analysis. A clever adversary might still deduce useful intelligence from
statistical analysis (perhaps comparing the input newsfeed to encrypted
output, or comparing the streams we send to different branch offices), or by
looking for small packets which might indicate establishment of TCP
connections, or ...</p>

<p>As a general rule, though, to improve resistance to traffic analysis, you
should <strong>encrypt as much traffic as possible, not just as much as seems

<h4><a name="multi-encrypt">Using multiple encryption</a></h4>

<p>This also applies to using multiple layers of encryption. If you have an
IPsec tunnel between two branch offices, it might appear silly to send <a
href="glossary.html#PGP">PGP</a>-encrypted email through that tunnel.
However, if you suspect someone is snooping your traffic, then it does make
  <li>it protects the mail headers; they cannot even see who is mailing
  <li>it protects against user bungles or software malfunctions that
    accidentally send messages in the clear</li>
  <li>it makes any attack on the mail encryption much harder; they have to
    break IPsec or break into your network before they can start on the mail

<p>Similar arguments apply for <a href="glossary.html#SSL">SSL</a>-encrypted
web traffic or <a href="glossary.html#SSH">SSH</a>-encrypted remote login
sessions, even for end-to-end IPsec tunnels between systems in the two

<h4><a name="fewer">Using fewer tunnels</a></h4>

<p>It may also help to use fewer tunnels. For example, if all you actually
need encrypted is connections between:</p>
  <li>mail servers at branch and head offices</li>
  <li>a few branch office users and the head office database server</li>

<p>You might build one tunnel per mail server and one per remote database
user, restricting traffic to those applications. This gives the traffic
analyst some information, however. He or she can distinguish the tunnels by
looking at information in the ESP header and, given that distinction and the
patterns of tunnel usage, might be able to figure out something useful.
Perhaps not, but why take the risk?</p>

<p>We suggest instead that you build one tunnel per branch office, encrypting
everything passing from head office to branches. This has a number of
  <li>it is easier to build and administer</li>
  <li>it resists traffic analysis somewhat better</li>
  <li>it provides security for whatever you forgot. For example, if some user
    at a remote office browses proprietary company data on some head office
    web page (that the security people may not even know about!), then that
    data is encrypted before it reaches the Internet.</li>

<p>Of course you might also want to add additional tunnels. For example, if
some of the database data is confidential and should not be exposed even
within the company, then you need protection from the user's desktop to the
database server. We suggest you do that in whatever way seems appropriate --
IPsec, SSH or SSL might fit -- but, whatever you choose, pass it between
locations via a gateway-to-gateway IPsec tunnel to provide some resistance to
traffic analysis.</p>

<h2><a name="primitives">Cryptographic components</a></h2>

<p>IPsec combines a number of cryptographic techniques, all of them
well-known and well-analyzed. The overall design approach was conservative;
no new or poorly-understood components were included.</p>

<p>This section gives a brief overview of each technique. It is intended only
as an introduction. There is more information, and links to related topics,
in our <a href="glossary.html">glossary</a>. See also our <a
href="biblio.html">bibliography</a> and cryptography <a
href="web.html#crypto.link">web links</a>.</p>

<h3><a name="block.cipher">Block ciphers</a></h3>

<p>The <a href="glossary.html#encryption">encryption</a> in the <a
href="glossary.html#ESP">ESP</a> encapsulation protocol is done with a <a
href="glossary.html#block">block cipher</a>.</p>

<p>We do not implement <a href="glossary.html#DES">single DES</a>. It is <a
href="politics.html#desnotsecure">insecure</a>. Our default, and currently
only, block cipher is <a href="glossary.html#3DES">triple DES</a>.</p>

<p>The <a href="glossary.html#rijndael">Rijndael</a> block cipher has won the
<a href="glossary.html#AES">AES</a> competition to choose a relacement for
DES. It will almost certainly be added to FreeS/WAN and to other IPsec
implementations. <a href="web.html#patch">Patches</a> are already

<h3><a name="hash.ipsec">Hash functions</a></h3>

<h4><a name="hmac.ipsec">The HMAC construct</a></h4>

<p>IPsec packet authentication is done with the <a
href="glossary.html#HMAC">HMAC</a> construct. This is not just a hash of the
packet data, but a more complex operation which uses both a hashing algorithm
and a key. It therefore does more than a simple hash would. A simple hash
would only tell you that the packet data was not changed in transit, or that
whoever changed it also regenerated the hash. An HMAC also tells you that the
sender knew the HMAC key.</p>

<p>For IPsec HMAC, the output of the hash algorithm is truncated to 96 bits.
This saves some space in the packets. More important, it prevents an attacker
from seeing all the hash output bits and perhaps creating some sort of attack
based on that knowledge.</p>

<h4>Choice of hash algorithm</h4>

<p>The IPsec RFCs require two hash algorithms -- <a
href="glossary.html#MD5">MD5</a> and <a href="glossary.html#SHA">SHA-1</a> --
both of which FreeS/WAN implements.</p>

<p>Various other algorithms -- such as RIPEMD and Tiger -- are listed in the
RFCs as optional. None of these are in the FreeS/WAN distribution, or are
likely to be added, although user <a href="web.html#patch">patches</a> exist
for several of them.</p>

<p>Additional hash algorithms -- <a href="glossary.html#SHA-256">SHA-256,
SHA-384 and SHA-512</a> -- may be required to give hash strength matching the
strength of <a href="glossary.html#AES">AES</a>. These are likely to be added
to FreeS/WAN along with AES.</p>

<h3><a name="DH.keying">Diffie-Hellman key agreement</a></h3>

<p>The <a href="glossary.html#DH">Diffie-Hellman</a> key agreement protocol
allows two parties (A and B or <a href="glossary.html#alicebob">Alice and
Bob</a>) to agree on a key in such a way that an eavesdropper who intercepts
the entire conversation cannot learn the key.</p>

<p>The protocol is based on the <a href="glossary.html#dlog">discrete
logarithm</a> problem and is therefore thought to be secure. Mathematicians
have been working on that problem for years and seem no closer to a solution,
though there is no proof that an efficient solution is impossible.</p>

<h3><a name="RSA.auth">RSA authentication</a></h3>

<p>The <a href="glossary.html#RSA">RSA</a> algorithm (named for its inventors
-- Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) is a very widely used <a
href="glossary.html#">public key</a> cryptographic technique. It is used in
IPsec as one method of authenticating gateways for Diffie-Hellman key

<h2><a name="structure">Structure of IPsec</a></h2>

<p>There are three protocols used in an IPsec implementation:</p>
  <dt>ESP, Encapsulating Security Payload</dt>
    <dd>Encrypts and/or authenticates data</dd>
  <dt>AH, Authentication Header</dt>
    <dd>Provides a packet authentication service</dd>
  <dt>IKE, Internet Key Exchange</dt>
    <dd>Negotiates connection parameters, including keys, for the other

<p>The term "IPsec" is slightly ambiguous. In some contexts, it includes all
three of the above but in other contexts it refers only to AH and ESP.</p>

<h3><a name="IKE.ipsec">IKE (Internet Key Exchange)</a></h3>

<p>The IKE protocol sets up IPsec (ESP or AH) connections after negotiating
appropriate parameters (algorithms to be used, keys, connection lifetimes)
for them. This is done by exchanging packets on UDP port 500 between the two

<p>IKE (RFC 2409) was the outcome of a long, complex process in which quite a
number of protocols were proposed and debated. Oversimplifying mildly, IKE
  <dt>ISAKMP (RFC 2408)</dt>
    <dd>The <strong>I</strong>nternet <strong>S</strong>ecurity
      <strong>A</strong>ssociation and <strong>K</strong>ey
      <strong>M</strong>anagement <strong>P</strong>rotocol manages
      negotiation of connections and defines <a
      href="glossary.html#SA">SA</a>s (Security Associations) as a means of
      describing connection properties.</dd>
  <dt>IPsec DOI for ISAKMP (RFC 2407)</dt>
    <dd>A <strong>D</strong>omain <strong>O</strong>f
      <strong>I</strong>nterpretation fills in the details necessary to turn
      the rather abstract ISAKMP protocol into a more tightly specified
      protocol, so it becomes applicable in a particular domain.</dd>
  <dt>Oakley key determination protocol (RFC 2412)</dt>
    <dd>Oakley creates keys using the <a
      href="glossary.html#DH">Diffie-Hellman</a> key agreement protocol.</dd>

<p>For all the details, you would need to read the four <a
href="rfc.html">RFCs</a> just mentioned (over 200 pages) and a number of
others. We give a summary below, but it is far from complete.</p>

<h4><a name="phases">Phases of IKE</a></h4>

<p>IKE negotiations have two phases.</p>
  <dt>Phase one</dt>
    <dd>The two gateways negotiate and set up a two-way ISAKMP SA which they
      can then use to handle phase two negotiations. One such SA between a
      pair of gateways can handle negotiations for multiple tunnels.</dd>
  <dt>Phase two</dt>
    <dd>Using the ISAKMP SA, the gateways negotiate IPsec (ESP and/or AH) SAs
      as required. IPsec SAs are unidirectional (a different key is used in
      each direction) and are always negotiated in pairs to handle two-way
      traffic. There may be more than one pair defined between two

<p>Both of these phases use the UDP protocol and port 500 for their

<p>After both IKE phases are complete, you have IPsec SAs to carry your
encrypted data. These use the ESP or AH protocols. These protocols do not
have ports. Ports apply only to UDP or TCP.</p>

<p>The IKE protocol is designed to be extremely flexible. Among the things
that can be negotiated (separately for each SA) are:</p>
  <li>SA lifetime before rekeying</li>
  <li>encryption algorithm used. We currently support only <a
    href="glossary.html#3DES">triple DES</a>. Single DES is <a
    href="politics.html#desnotsecure">insecure</a>. The RFCs say you MUST do
    DES, SHOULD do 3DES and MAY do various others. We do not do any of the
  <li>authentication algorithms. We support <a
    href="glossary.html#MD5">MD5</a> and <a href="glossary.html#SHA">SHA</a>.
    These are the two the RFCs require.</li>
  <li>choice of group for <a href="glossary.html#DH">Diffie-Hellman</a> key
    agreement. We currently support Groups 2 and 5 (which are defined modulo
    primes of various lengths) and do not support Group 1 (defined modulo a
    shorter prime, and therefore cryptographically weak) or groups 3 and 4
    (defined using elliptic curves). The RFCs require only Group 1.</li>

<p>The protocol also allows implementations to add their own encryption
algorithms, authentication algorithms or Diffie-Hellman groups. We do not
support any such extensions, but there are some <a
href="web.html#patch">patches</a> that do.</p>

<p>There are a number of complications:</p>
  <li>The gateways must be able to authenticate each other's identities
    before they can create a secure connection. This host authentication is
    part of phase one negotiations, and is a required prerequisite for packet
    authentication used later. Host authentication can be done in a variety
    of ways. Those supported by FreeS/WAN are discussed in our <a
    href="adv_config.html#auto-auth">advanced configuration</a> document.</li>
  <li>Phase one can be done in two ways.
      <li>Main Mode is required by the RFCs and supported in FreeS/WAN. It
        uses a 6-packet exzchange.</li>
      <li>Aggressive Mode is somewhat faster (only 3 packets) but reveals
        more to an eavesdropper. This is optional in the RFCs, not currently
        supported by FreeS/WAN, and not likely to be.</li>
  <li>A new group exchange may take place after phase one but before phase
    two, defining an additional group for use in the <a
    href="glossary.html#DH">Diffie-Hellman</a> key agreement part of phase
    two. FreeS/WAN does not currently support this.</li>
  <li>Phase two always uses Quick Mode, but there are two variants of that:
      <li>One variant provides <a href="glossary.html#PFS">Perfect Forward
        Secrecy (PFS)</a>. An attacker that obtains your long-term host
        authentication key does not immediately get any of your short-term
        packet encryption of packet authentication keys. He must conduct
        another successful attack each time you rekey to get the short-term
        keys. Having some short-term keys does not help him learn others. In
        particular, breaking your system today does not let him read messages
        he archived yestarday, assuming you've changed short-term keys in the
        meanwhile. We enable PFS as the default.</li>
      <li>The other variant disables PFS and is therefore slightly faster. We
        do not recommend this since it is less secure, but FreeS/WAN does
        support it. You can enable it with a <var>pfs=no</var> statement in
        <a href="manpage.d/ipsec.conf.5.html">ipsec.conf(5)</a>.</li>
      <li>The protocol provides no way to negotiate which variant will be
        used. If one gateway is set for PFS and the other is not, the
        negotiation fails. This has proved a fairly common source of
        interoperation problems.</li>
  <li>Several types of notification message may be sent by either side during
    either phase, or later. FreeS/WAN does not currently support these, but
    they are a likely addition in future releases.</li>
  <li>There is a commit flag which may optionally be set on some messages.
    The <a href="http://www.lounge.org/ike_doi_errata.html">errata</a> page
    for the RFCs includes two changes related to this, one to clarify the
    description of its use and one to block a <a
    href="glossary.html#DOS">denial of service</a> attack which uses it. We
    currently do not implement this feature.</li>

<p>These complications can of course lead to problems, particularly when two
different implementations attempt to interoperate. For example, we have seen
problems such as:</p>
  <li>Some implementations (often products crippled by <a
    href="politics.html#exlaw">export laws</a>) have the insecure DES
    algorithm as their only supported encryption method. Other parts of our
    documentation discuss the <a
    href="politics.html#desnotsecure">reasons we do not implement single
    DES</a>, and <a href="interop.html#noDES">how to cope with crippled
  <li>Windows 2000 IPsec tries to negotiate using Aggressive Mode, which we
    don't support. Later on, it uses the commit bit, which we also don't
  <li>Various implementations disable PFS by default, and therefore will not
    talk to FreeS/WAN until you either turn on PFS on their end or turn it
    off in FreeS/WAN with a <var>pfs=no</var> entry in the connection
  <li>FreeS/WAN's interaction with PGPnet is complicated by their use of
    notification messages we do not yet support.</li>

<p>Despite this, we do interoperate successfully with many implementations,
including both Windows 2000 and PGPnet. Details are in our <a
href="interop.html">interoperability</a> document.</p>

<h4><a name="sequence">Sequence of messages in IKE</a></h4>

<p>Each phase (see <a href="#phases">previous section</a>)of IKE involves a
series of messages. In Pluto error messages, these are abbreviated using:</p>
    <dd><strong>M</strong>ain mode, settting up the keying channel (ISAKMP
    <dd><strong>Q</strong>uick mode, setting up the data channel (IPsec
    <dd><strong>I</strong>nitiator, the machine that starts the

<p>For example, the six messages of a main mode negotiation, in sequence, are
<pre>       MI1 ----------&gt;
           &lt;---------- MR1
       MI2 ----------&gt; 
           &lt;---------- MR2
       MI3 ----------&gt;
           &lt;---------- MR3</pre>

<h4><a name="struct.exchange">Structure of IKE messages</a></h4>

<p>Here is our Pluto developer explaining some of this on the mailing
<pre>When one IKE system (for example, Pluto) is negotiating with another
to create an SA, the Initiator proposes a bunch of choices and the
Responder replies with one that it has selected.

The structure of the choices is fairly complicated.  An SA payload
contains a list of lists of "Proposals".  The outer list is a set of
choices: the selection must be from one element of this list.

Each of these elements is a list of Proposals.  A selection must be
made from each of the elements of the inner list.  In other words,
*all* of them apply (that is how, for example, both AH and ESP can
apply at once).

Within each of these Proposals is a list of Transforms.  For each
Proposal selected, one Transform must be selected (in other words,
each Proposal provides a choice of Transforms).

Each Transform is made up of a list of Attributes describing, well,
attributes.  Such as lifetime of the SA.  Such as algorithm to be
used.  All the Attributes apply to a Transform.

You will have noticed a pattern here: layers alternate between being
disjunctions ("or") and conjunctions ("and").

For Phase 1 / Main Mode (negotiating an ISAKMP SA), this structure is
cut back.  There must be exactly one Proposal.  So this degenerates to
a list of Transforms, one of which must be chosen.</pre>

<h3><a name="services">IPsec Services, AH and ESP</a></h3>

<p>IPsec offers two services, <a
href="glossary.html#authentication">authentication</a> and <a
href="glossary.html#encryption">encryption</a>. These can be used separately
but are often used together.</p>
    <dd>Packet-level authentication allows you to be confident that a packet
      came from a particular machine and that its contents were not altered
      en route to you. No attempt is made to conceal or protect the contents,
      only to assure their integrity. Packet authentication can be provided
      separately using an <a href="glossary.html#AH">Authentication
      Header</a>, described just below, or it can be included as part of the
      <a href="glossary.html#ESP">ESP</a> (Encapsulated Security Payload)
      service, described in the following section. That service offers
      encryption as well as authentication. In either case, the <a
      href="glossary.html#HMAC">HMAC</a> construct is used as the
      authentication mechanism.
      <p>There is a separate authentication operation at the IKE level, in
      which each gateway authenticates the other. This can be done in a
      variety of ways.</p>
    <dd>Encryption allows you to conceal the contents of a message from
      <p>In IPsec this is done using a <a href="glossary.html#block">block
      cipher</a> (normally <a href="glossary.html#3DES">Triple DES</a> for
      Linux). In the most used setup, keys are automatically negotiated, and
      periodically re-negotiated, using the <a
      href="glossary.html#IKE">IKE</a> (Internet Key Exchange) protocol. In
      Linux FreeS/WAN this is handled by the Pluto Daemon.</p>
      <p>The IPsec protocol offering encryption is <a
      href="glossary.html#ESP">ESP</a>, Encapsulated Security Payload. It can
      also include a packet authentication service.</p>

<p>Note that <strong>encryption should always be used with some packet
authentication service</strong>. Unauthenticated encryption is vulnerable to
<a href="glossary.html#middle">man-in-the-middle attacks</a>. Also note that
encryption does not prevent <a href="glossary.html#traffic">traffic

<h3><a name="AH.ipsec">The Authentication Header (AH)</a></h3>

<p>Packet authentication can be provided separately from encryption by adding
an authentication header (AH) after the IP header but before the other
headers on the packet. This is the subject of this section. Details are in
RFC 2402.</p>

<p>Each of the several headers on a packet header contains a "next protocol"
field telling the system what header to look for next. IP headers generally
have either TCP or UDP in this field. When IPsec authentication is used, the
packet IP header has AH in this field, saying that an Authentication Header
comes next. The AH header then has the next header type -- usually TCP, UDP
or encapsulated IP.</p>

<p>IPsec packet authentication can be added in transport mode, as a
modification of standard IP transport. This is shown in this diagram from the
<pre>                  BEFORE APPLYING AH
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
            |(any options)| TCP | Data |

                  AFTER APPLYING AH
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |    |     |      |
            |(any options)| AH | TCP | Data |
                 except for mutable fields</pre>

<p>Athentication can also be used in tunnel mode, encapsulating the
underlying IP packet beneath AH and an additional IP header.</p>
<pre>                         ||
IPv4  | new IP hdr* |    | orig IP hdr*  |    |      |
      |(any options)| AH | (any options) |TCP | Data |
      |           in the new IP hdr                  |</pre>

<p>This would normally be used in a gateway-to-gateway tunnel. The receiving
gateway then strips the outer IP header and the AH header and forwards the
inner IP packet.</p>

<p>The mutable fields referred to are things like the time-to-live field in
the IP header. These cannot be included in authentication calculations
because they change as the packet travels.</p>

<h4><a name="keyed">Keyed MD5 and Keyed SHA</a></h4>

<p>The actual authentication data in the header is typically 96 bits and
depends both on a secret shared between sender and receiver and on every byte
of the data being authenticated. The technique used is <a
href="glossary.html#HMAC">HMAC</a>, defined in RFC 2104.</p>

<p>The algorithms involved are the <a href="glossary.html#MD5">MD5</a>
Message Digest Algorithm or <a href="glossary.html#SHA">SHA</a>, the Secure
Hash Algorithm. For details on their use in this application, see RFCs 2403
and 2404 respectively.</p>

<p>For descriptions of the algorithms themselves, see RFC 1321 for MD5 and <a
href="glossary.html#FIPS">FIPS</a> (Federal Information Processing Standard)
number 186 from <a href="glossary.html#NIST">NIST</a>, the US National
Institute of Standards and Technology for SHA. <a
href="biblio.html#schneier"><cite>Applied Cryptography</cite></a> covers both
in some detail, MD5 starting on page 436 and SHA on 442.</p>

<p>These algorithms are intended to make it nearly impossible for anyone to
alter the authenticated data in transit. The sender calculates a digest or
hash value from that data and includes the result in the authentication
header. The recipient does the same calculation and compares results. For
unchanged data, the results will be identical. The hash algorithms are
designed to make it extremely difficult to change the data in any way and
still get the correct hash.</p>

<p>Since the shared secret key is also used in both calculations, an
interceptor cannot simply alter the authenticated data and change the hash
value to match. Without the key, he or she (or even the dreaded They) cannot
produce a usable hash.</p>

<h4><a name="sequence">Sequence numbers</a></h4>

<p>The authentication header includes a sequence number field which the
sender is required to increment for each packet. The receiver can ignore it
or use it to check that packets are indeed arriving in the expected

<p>This provides partial protection against <a
href="glossary.html#replay">replay attacks</a> in which an attacker resends
intercepted packets in an effort to confuse or subvert the receiver. Complete
protection is not possible since it is necessary to handle legitmate packets
which are lost, duplicated, or delivered out of order, but use of sequence
numbers makes the attack much more difficult.</p>

<p>The RFCs require that sequence numbers never cycle, that a new key always
be negotiated before the sequence number reaches 2^32-1. This protects both
against replays attacks using packets from a previous cyclce and against <a
href="glossary.html#birthday">birthday attacks</a> on the the packet
authentication algorithm.</p>

<p>In Linux FreeS/WAN, the sequence number is ignored for manually keyed
connections and checked for automatically keyed ones. In manual mode, there
is no way to negotiate a new key, or to recover from a sequence number
problem, so we don't use sequence numbers.</p>

<h3><a name="ESP.ipsec">Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP)</a></h3>

<p>The ESP protocol is defined in RFC 2406. It provides one or both of
encryption and packet authentication. It may be used with or without AH
packet authentication.</p>

<p>Note that <strong>some form of packet authentication should
<em>always</em> be used whenever data is encrypted</strong>. Without
authentication, the encryption is vulnerable to active attacks which may
allow an enemy to break the encryption. ESP should <strong>always</strong>
either include its own authentication or be used with AH authentication.</p>

<p>The RFCs require support for only two mandatory encryption algorithms --
<a href="glossary.html#DES">DES</a>, and null encryption -- and for two
authentication methods -- keyed MD5 and keyed SHA. Implementers may choose to
support additional algorithms in either category.</p>

<p>The authentication algorithms are the same ones used in the IPsec <a
href="#AH">authentication header</a>.</p>

<p>We do not implement single DES since <a
href="politics.html#desnotsecure">DES is insecure</a>. Instead we provide <a
href="glossary.html#3DES">triple DES or 3DES</a>. This is currently the only
encryption algorithm supported.</p>

<p>We do not implement null encryption since it is obviously insecure.</p>

<h2><a name="modes">IPsec modes</a></h2>

<p>IPsec can connect in two modes. Transport mode is a host-to-host
connection involving only two machines. In tunnel mode, the IPsec machines
act as gateways and trafiic for any number of client machines may be

<h3><a name="tunnel.ipsec">Tunnel mode</a></h3>

<p>Security gateways are required to support tunnel mode connections. In this
mode the gateways provide tunnels for use by client machines behind the
gateways. The client machines need not do any IPsec processing; all they have
to do is route things to gateways.</p>

<h3><a name="transport.ipsec">Transport mode</a></h3>

<p>Host machines (as opposed to security gateways) with IPsec implementations
must also support transport mode. In this mode, the host does its own IPsec
processing and routes some packets via IPsec.</p>

<h2><a name="parts">FreeS/WAN parts</a></h2>

<h3><a name="KLIPS.ipsec">KLIPS: Kernel IPsec Support</a></h3>

<p>KLIPS is <strong>K</strong>erne<strong>L</strong> <strong>IP</strong>SEC
<strong>S</strong>upport, the modifications necessary to support IPsec within
the Linux kernel. KILPS does all the actual IPsec packet-handling,
  <li>packet authentication calculations</li>
  <li>creation of ESP and AH headers for outgoing packets</li>
  <li>interpretation of those headers on incoming packets</li>

<p>KLIPS also checks all non-IPsec packets to ensure they are not bypassing
IPsec security policies.</p>

<h3><a name="Pluto.ipsec">The Pluto daemon</a></h3>

<p><a href="manpage.d/ipsec_pluto.8.html">Pluto(8)</a> is a daemon which
implements the IKE protocol. It</p>
  <li>handles all the Phase one ISAKMP SAs</li>
  <li>performs host authentication and negotiates with other gateways</li>
  <li>creates IPsec SAs and passes the data required to run them to KLIPS</li>
  <li>adjust routing and firewall setup to meet IPsec requirements. See our
    <a href="firewall.html">IPsec and firewalling</a> document for

<p>Pluto is controlled mainly by the <a
href="manpage.d/ipsec.conf.5.html">ipsec.conf(5)</a> configuration file.</p>

<h3><a name="command">The ipsec(8) command</a></h3>

<p>The <a href="manpage.d/ipsec.8.html">ipsec(8)</a> command is a front end
shellscript that allows control over IPsec activity.</p>

<h3><a name="ipsec.conf">Linux FreeS/WAN configuration file</a></h3>

<p>The configuration file for Linux FreeS/WAN is</p>
<pre>        /etc/ipsec.conf</pre>

<p>For details see the <a
href="manpage.d/ipsec.conf.5.html">ipsec.conf(5)</a> manual page .</p>

<h2><a name="key">Key management</a></h2>

<p>There are several ways IPsec can manage keys. Not all are implemented in
Linux FreeS/WAN.</p>

<h3><a name="current">Currently Implemented Methods</a></h3>

<h4><a name="manual">Manual keying</a></h4>

<p>IPsec allows keys to be manually set. In Linux FreeS/WAN, such keys are
stored with the connection definitions in /etc/ipsec.conf.</p>

<p><a href="glossary.html#manual">Manual keying</a> is useful for debugging
since it allows you to test the <a href="glossary.html#KLIPS">KLIPS</a>
kernel IPsec code without the <a href="glossary.html#Pluto">Pluto</a> daemon
doing key negotiation.</p>

<p>In general, however, automatic keying is preferred because it is more

<h4><a name="auto">Automatic keying</a></h4>

<p>In automatic keying, the <a href="glossary.html#Pluto">Pluto</a> daemon
negotiates keys using the <a href="glossary.html#IKE">IKE</a> Internet Key
Exchange protocol. Connections are automatically re-keyed periodically.</p>

<p>This is considerably more secure than manual keying. In either case an
attacker who acquires a key can read every message encrypted with that key,
but automatic keys can be changed every few hours or even every few minutes
without breaking the connection or requiring intervention by the system
administrators. Manual keys can only be changed manually; you need to shut
down the connection and have the two admins make changes. Moreover, they have
to communicate the new keys securely, perhaps with <a
href="glossary.html#PGP">PGP</a> or <a href="glossary.html#SSH">SSH</a>. This
may be possible in some cases, but as a general solution it is expensive,
bothersome and unreliable. Far better to let <a
href="glossary.html#Pluto">Pluto</a> handle these chores; no doubt the
administrators have enough to do.</p>

<p>Also, automatic keying is inherently more secure against an attacker who
manages to subvert your gateway system. If manual keying is in use and an
adversary acquires root privilege on your gateway, he reads your keys from
/etc/ipsec.conf and then reads all messages encrypted with those keys.</p>

<p>If automatic keying is used, an adversary with the same privileges can
read /etc/ipsec.secrets, but this does not contain any keys, only the secrets
used to authenticate key exchanges. Having an adversary able to authenticate
your key exchanges need not worry you overmuch. Just having the secrets does
not give him any keys. You are still secure against <a
href="glossary.html#passive">passive</a> attacks. This property of automatic
keying is called <a href="glossary.html#PFS">perfect forward secrecy</a>,
abbreviated PFS.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, having the secrets does allow an <a
href="glossary.html#active">active attack</a>, specifically a <a
href="glossary.html#middle">man-in-the-middle</a> attack. Losing these
secrets to an attacker may not be quite as disastrous as losing the actual
keys, but it is <em>still a serious security breach</em>. These secrets
should be guarded as carefully as keys.</p>

<h3><a name="notyet">Methods not yet implemented</a></h3>

<h4><a name="noauth">Unauthenticated key exchange</a></h4>

<p>It would be possible to exchange keys without authenticating the players.
This would support <a href="glossary.html#carpediem">opportunistic
encryption</a> -- allowing any two systems to encrypt their communications
without requiring a shared PKI or a previously negotiated secret -- and would
be secure against <a href="glossary.html#passive">passive attacks</a>. It
would, however, be highly vulnerable to active <a
href="glossary.html#middle">man-in-the-middle</a> attacks. RFC 2408 therefore
specifies that all <a href="glossary.html#ISAKMP">ISAKMP</a> key management
interactions <em>must</em> be authenticated.</p>

<p>There is room for debate here. Should we provide immediate security
against <a href="glossary.html#passive">passive attacks</a> and encourage
widespread use of encryption, at the expense of risking the more difficult <a
href="glossary.html#active">active attacks</a>? Or should we wait until we
can implement a solution that can both be widespread and offer security
against active attacks?</p>

<p>So far, we have chosen the second course, complying with the RFCs and
waiting for secure DNS (see <a href="glossary.html#DNS">below</a>) so that we
can do <a href="glossary.html#carpediem">opportunistic encryption</a>

<h4><a name="DNS">Key exchange using DNS</a></h4>

<p>The IPsec RFCs allow key exchange based on authentication services
provided by <a href="glossary.html#SDNS">Secure DNS</a>. Once Secure DNS
service becomes widely available, we expect to make this the <em>primary key
management method for Linux FreeS/WAN</em>. It is the best way we know of to
support <a href="glossary.html#carpediem">opportunistic encryption</a>,
allowing two systems without a common PKI or previous negotiation to secure
their communication.</p>

<p>We currently have code to acquire RSA keys from DNS but do not yet have
code to validate Secure DNS signatures.</p>

<h4><a name="PKI">Key exchange using a PKI</a></h4>

<p>The IPsec RFCs allow key exchange based on authentication services
provided by a <a href="glossary.html#PKI">PKI</a> or Public Key
Infrastructure. With many vendors selling such products and many large
organisations building these infrastructures, this will clearly be an
important application of IPsec and one Linux FreeS/WAN will eventually

<p>On the other hand, this is not as high a priority for Linux FreeS/WAN as
solutions based on <a href="glossary.html#SDNS">secure DNS</a>. We do not
expect any PKI to become as universal as DNS.</p>

<p>Some <a href="web.html#patch">patches</a> to handle authentication with
X.509 certificates, which most PKIs use, are available.</p>

<h4><a name="photuris">Photuris</a></h4>

<p><a href="glossary.html#photuris">Photuris</a> is another key management
protocol, an alternative to IKE and ISAKMP, described in RFCs 2522 and 2523
which are labelled "experimental". Adding Photuris support to Linux FreeS/WAN
might be a good project for a volunteer. The likely starting point would be
the OpenBSD photurisd code.</p>

<h4><a name="skip">SKIP</a></h4>

<p><a href="glossary.html#SKIP">SKIP</a> is yet another key management
protocol, developed by Sun. At one point it was fairly widely used, but it
now seems moribund, displaced by IKE. Sun now (as of Solaris 8.0) ship an
IPsec implementation using IKE. We have no plans to implement SKIP. If a user
were to implement it, we would almost certainly not want to add the code to
our distribution.</p>