FreeS/WAN quick start examples

These are sample ipsec.conf(5) configuration files for opportunistic encryption, with comments. Much of this configuration will be unnecessary with the new defaults proposed for FreeS/WAN 2.x.

Full instructions are in our quickstart guide.

Configuration for Initiate-only Opportunistic Encryption

The ipsec.conf file for an initiate-only opportunistic setup is:

# general IPsec setup
config setup
        # Use the default interface
        # Use auto= parameters in conn descriptions to control startup actions.

# defaults for subsequent connection descriptions
conn %default
        # How to authenticate gateways
        # default is
        # load connection description into Pluto's database
        # so it can respond if another gatway initiates
        # individual connection descriptions may override this

# description for opportunistic connections
conn me-to-anyone
        left=%defaultroute         # all connections should use default route
        right=%opportunistic       # anyone we can authenticate
        leftrsasigkey=%dnsondemand  # NEW: look up keys in DNS as-needed
        rightrsasigkey=%dnsondemand # (not at connection load time)
        rekey=no                   # let unused connections die
        keylife=1h                 # short
        auto=route                 # set up for opportunistic     # our identity for IPSec negotiations
                                   # must match DNS and ipsec.secrets

Normally, you need to do only two things:

However, some people may need to customize the interfaces= line in the "config setup" section. All other sections are identical for any standalone machine doing opportunistic encryption.

The @ sign in the leftid= makes the ID go "over the wire" as a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). Without it, an IP address would be used and this won't work.

The conn is not used to supply either public key. Your private key is in ipsec.secrets(5) and, for opportunistic encryption, the public keys for remote gateways are all looked up in DNS.

FreeS/WAN authenticates opportunistic encryption by RSA signature only, so "public key" and "private key" refer to these keys.

While the left and right designations here are arbitrary, we follow a convention of using left for local and right for remote.

Continue configuring initiate-only opportunism.

ipsec.conf for Incoming Opportunistic Encryption

Use the ipsec.conf above, except that the section describing opportunistic connections is now:

# description for opportunistic connections
conn me-to-anyone
        left=%defaultroute         # all connections should use default route
        right=%opportunistic       # anyone we can authenticate
        leftrsasigkey=%dnsondemand  # NEW: look up keys in DNS as-needed
        rightrsasigkey=%dnsondemand # (not at connection load time)
        rekey=no                   # let unused connections die
        keylife=1h                 # short
        auto=route                 # set up for opportunistic

Note that leftid= has been removed. With no explicit setting, leftid= defaults to the IP of your public interface.

Continue configuring full opportunism.

ipsec.conf for Opportunistic Gateway

Use the ipsec.conf above, plus these connections:
conn subnet-to-anyone            # must be above me-to-anyone

conn me-to-anyone                # just like for full opportunism
        auto=route               # be sure this is enabled
                                 # Note there is NO leftid= 

Note that a subnet described in ipsec.conf(5) need not correspond to a physical network segment. This is discussed in more detail in our advanced configuration document.

If required, a gateway can easily provide this service for more than one subnet. You just add a connection description for each.

Continue configuring an opportunistic gateway.