 * @(#) Definitions of IPsec Security Association (ipsec_sa)
 * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003
 *                      Richard Guy Briggs  <rgb@freeswan.org>
 *                  and Michael Richardson  <mcr@freeswan.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.  See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * RCSID $Id: ipsec_sa.h,v 1.3 2004/04/28 08:07:11 as Exp $
 * This file derived from ipsec_xform.h on 2001/9/18 by mcr.

 * This file describes the IPsec Security Association Structure.
 * This structure keeps track of a single transform that may be done
 * to a set of packets. It can describe applying the transform or
 * apply the reverse. (e.g. compression vs expansion). However, it
 * only describes one at a time. To describe both, two structures would
 * be used, but since the sides of the transform are performed 
 * on different machines typically it is usual to have only one side
 * of each association.

#ifndef _IPSEC_SA_H_

#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include "ipsec_stats.h"
#include "ipsec_life.h"
#include "ipsec_eroute.h"
#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
#include "ipsec_param.h"

/* SAs are held in a table.
 * Entries in this table are referenced by IPsecSAref_t values.
 * IPsecSAref_t values are conceptually subscripts.  Because
 * we want to allocate the table piece-meal, the subscripting
 * is implemented with two levels, a bit like paged virtual memory.
 * This representation mechanism is known as an Iliffe Vector.
 * The Main table (AKA the refTable) consists of 2^IPSEC_SA_REF_MAINTABLE_IDX_WIDTH
 * pointers to subtables.
 * Each subtable has 2^IPSEC_SA_REF_SUBTABLE_IDX_WIDTH entries, each of which
 * is a pointer to an SA.
 * An IPsecSAref_t contains either an exceptional value (signified by the
 * high-order bit being on) or a reference to a table entry.  A table entry
 * reference has the subtable subscript in the low-order
 * IPSEC_SA_REF_SUBTABLE_IDX_WIDTH bits and the Main table subscript
 * in the next lowest IPSEC_SA_REF_MAINTABLE_IDX_WIDTH bits.
 * The Maintable entry for an IPsecSAref_t x, a pointer to its subtable, is
 * IPsecSAref2table(x).  It is of type struct IPsecSArefSubTable *.
 * The pointer to the SA for x is IPsecSAref2SA(x).  It is of type
 * struct ipsec_sa*.  The macro definition clearly shows the two-level
 * access needed to find the SA pointer.
 * The Maintable is allocated when IPsec is initialized.
 * Each subtable is allocated when needed, but the first is allocated
 * when IPsec is initialized.
 * IPsecSAref_t is designed to be smaller than an NFmark so that
 * they can be stored in NFmarks and still leave a few bits for other
 * purposes.  The spare bits are in the low order of the NFmark
 * but in the high order of the IPsecSAref_t, so conversion is required.
 * We pick the upper bits of NFmark on the theory that they are less likely to
 * interfere with more pedestrian uses of nfmark.

typedef unsigned short int IPsecRefTableUnusedCount;


#ifdef __KERNEL__



#define IPSEC_SA_REF_HOST_FIELD(x) ((struct sk_buff*)(x))->nfmark
/* just make it work for now, it doesn't matter, since there is no nfmark */
#define IPSEC_SA_REF_HOST_FIELD_TYPE unsigned long
#define IPSEC_SA_REF_FIELD_WIDTH (8 * sizeof(IPsecSAref_t))


#define IPsecSAref2entry(x) ((x) & IPSEC_SA_REF_ENTRY_MASK)
#define IPsecSArefBuild(x,y) (((x) << IPSEC_SA_REF_SUBTABLE_IDX_WIDTH) + (y))

#define IPsecSAref2SA(x) (ipsec_sadb.refTable[IPsecSAref2table(x)]->entry[IPsecSAref2entry(x)])
#define IPsecSA2SAref(x) ((x)->ips_ref)

#define EMT_INBOUND	0x01	/* SA direction, 1=inbound */

/* 'struct ipsec_sa' should be 64bit aligned when allocated. */
struct ipsec_sa 	                        
	IPsecSAref_t	ips_ref;		/* reference table entry number */
	atomic_t	ips_refcount;		/* reference count for this struct */
	struct ipsec_sa	*ips_hnext;		/* next in hash chain */
	struct ipsec_sa	*ips_inext;	 	/* pointer to next xform */
	struct ipsec_sa	*ips_onext;	 	/* pointer to prev xform */

	struct ifnet	*ips_rcvif;	 	/* related rcv encap interface */

	struct sa_id	ips_said;	 	/* SA ID */

	__u32		ips_seq;		/* seq num of msg that initiated this SA */
	__u32		ips_pid;		/* PID of process that initiated this SA */
	__u8		ips_authalg;		/* auth algorithm for this SA */
	__u8		ips_encalg;		/* enc algorithm for this SA */

	struct ipsec_stats ips_errs;

	__u8		ips_replaywin;		/* replay window size */
	__u8		ips_state;		/* state of SA */
	__u32		ips_replaywin_lastseq;	/* last pkt sequence num */
	__u64		ips_replaywin_bitmap;	/* bitmap of received pkts */
	__u32		ips_replaywin_maxdiff;	/* max pkt sequence difference */

	__u32		ips_flags;		/* generic xform flags */

	struct ipsec_lifetimes ips_life;	/* lifetime records */

	/* selector information */
	struct sockaddr*ips_addr_s;		/* src sockaddr */
	struct sockaddr*ips_addr_d;		/* dst sockaddr */
	struct sockaddr*ips_addr_p;		/* proxy sockaddr */
	__u16		ips_addr_s_size;
	__u16		ips_addr_d_size;
	__u16		ips_addr_p_size;
	ip_address	ips_flow_s;
	ip_address	ips_flow_d;
	ip_address	ips_mask_s;
	ip_address	ips_mask_d;

	__u16		ips_key_bits_a;		/* size of authkey in bits */
	__u16		ips_auth_bits;		/* size of authenticator in bits */
	__u16		ips_key_bits_e;		/* size of enckey in bits */
	__u16		ips_iv_bits;	 	/* size of IV in bits */
	__u8		ips_iv_size;
	__u16		ips_key_a_size;
	__u16		ips_key_e_size;

	caddr_t		ips_key_a;		/* authentication key */
	caddr_t		ips_key_e;		/* encryption key */
	caddr_t	        ips_iv;			/* Initialisation Vector */

	struct ident	ips_ident_s;		/* identity src */
	struct ident	ips_ident_d;		/* identity dst */

	__u16		ips_comp_adapt_tries;	/* ipcomp self-adaption tries */
	__u16		ips_comp_adapt_skip;	/* ipcomp self-adaption to-skip */
	__u64		ips_comp_ratio_cbytes;	/* compressed bytes */
	__u64		ips_comp_ratio_dbytes;	/* decompressed (or uncompressed) bytes */

	__u8		ips_natt_type;
	__u8		ips_natt_reserved[3];
	__u16		ips_natt_sport;
	__u16		ips_natt_dport;

	struct sockaddr *ips_natt_oa;
	__u16		ips_natt_oa_size;
	__u16		ips_natt_reserved2;

#if 0
	__u32		ips_sens_dpd;
	__u8		ips_sens_sens_level;
	__u8		ips_sens_sens_len;
	__u64*		ips_sens_sens_bitmap;
	__u8		ips_sens_integ_level;
	__u8		ips_sens_integ_len;
	__u64*		ips_sens_integ_bitmap;
	struct ipsec_alg_enc *ips_alg_enc;
	struct ipsec_alg_auth *ips_alg_auth;
	IPsecSAref_t	ips_ref_rel;

struct IPsecSArefSubTable
	struct ipsec_sa* entry[IPSEC_SA_REF_SUBTABLE_NUM_ENTRIES];

struct ipsec_sadb {
	struct IPsecSArefSubTable* refTable[IPSEC_SA_REF_MAINTABLE_NUM_ENTRIES];
	int refFreeListHead;
	int refFreeListTail;
	IPsecSAref_t refFreeListCont;
	IPsecSAref_t said_hash[SADB_HASHMOD];
	spinlock_t sadb_lock;

extern struct ipsec_sadb ipsec_sadb;

extern int ipsec_SAref_recycle(void);
extern int ipsec_SArefSubTable_alloc(unsigned table);
extern int ipsec_saref_freelist_init(void);
extern int ipsec_sadb_init(void);
extern struct ipsec_sa *ipsec_sa_alloc(int*error); /* pass in error var by pointer */
extern IPsecSAref_t ipsec_SAref_alloc(int*erorr); /* pass in error var by pointer */
extern int ipsec_sa_free(struct ipsec_sa* ips);
extern struct ipsec_sa *ipsec_sa_getbyid(struct sa_id *said);
extern int ipsec_sa_put(struct ipsec_sa *ips);
extern int ipsec_sa_add(struct ipsec_sa *ips);
extern int ipsec_sa_del(struct ipsec_sa *ips);
extern int ipsec_sa_delchain(struct ipsec_sa *ips);
extern int ipsec_sadb_cleanup(__u8 proto);
extern int ipsec_sadb_free(void);
extern int ipsec_sa_wipe(struct ipsec_sa *ips);
#endif /* __KERNEL__ */

enum ipsec_direction {
	ipsec_incoming = 1,
	ipsec_outgoing = 2

#define _IPSEC_SA_H_
#endif /* _IPSEC_SA_H_ */

 * $Log: ipsec_sa.h,v $
 * Revision 1.3  2004/04/28 08:07:11  as
 * added dhr's freeswan-2.06 changes
 * Revision 1.2  2004/03/22 21:53:18  as
 * merged alg-0.8.1 branch with HEAD
 * Revision  2004/03/16 09:48:18  as
 * alg-0.8.1rc12 patch merged
 * Revision  2004/03/15 22:30:06  as
 * nat-0.6c patch merged
 * Revision 1.1  2004/03/15 20:35:25  as
 * added files from freeswan-2.04-x509-1.5.3
 * Revision 1.15  2003/05/11 00:53:09  mcr
 * 	IPsecSAref_t and macros were moved to freeswan.h.
 * Revision 1.14  2003/02/12 19:31:55  rgb
 * Fixed bug in "file seen" machinery.
 * Updated copyright year.
 * Revision 1.13  2003/01/30 02:31:52  rgb
 * Re-wrote comments describing SAref system for accuracy.
 * Rename SAref table macro names for clarity.
 * Convert IPsecSAref_t from signed to unsigned to fix apparent SAref exhaustion bug.
 * Transmit error code through to caller from callee for better diagnosis of problems.
 * Enclose all macro arguments in parens to avoid any possible obscrure bugs.
 * Revision 1.12  2002/10/07 18:31:19  rgb
 * Change comment to reflect the flexible nature of the main and sub-table widths.
 * Added a counter for the number of unused entries in each subtable.
 * Further break up host field type macro to host field.
 * Move field width sanity checks to ipsec_sa.c
 * Define a mask for an entire saref.
 * Revision 1.11  2002/09/20 15:40:33  rgb
 * Re-write most of the SAref macros and types to eliminate any pointer references to Entrys.
 * Fixed SAref/nfmark macros.
 * Rework saref freeslist.
 * Place all ipsec sadb globals into one struct.
 * Restrict some bits to kernel context for use to klips utils.
 * Revision 1.10  2002/09/20 05:00:34  rgb
 * Update copyright date.
 * Revision 1.9  2002/09/17 17:19:29  mcr
 * 	make it compile even if there is no netfilter - we lost
 * 	functionality, but it works, especially on 2.2.
 * Revision 1.8  2002/07/28 22:59:53  mcr
 * 	clarified/expanded one comment.
 * Revision 1.7  2002/07/26 08:48:31  rgb
 * Added SA ref table code.
 * Revision 1.6  2002/05/31 17:27:48  rgb
 * Comment fix.
 * Revision 1.5  2002/05/27 18:55:03  rgb
 * Remove final vistiges of tdb references via IPSEC_KLIPS1_COMPAT.
 * Revision 1.4  2002/05/23 07:13:36  rgb
 * Convert "usecount" to "refcount" to remove ambiguity.
 * Revision 1.3  2002/04/24 07:36:47  mcr
 * Moved from ./klips/net/ipsec/ipsec_sa.h,v
 * Revision 1.2  2001/11/26 09:16:15  rgb
 * Merge MCR's ipsec_sa, eroute, proc and struct lifetime changes.
 * Revision  2001/09/25 02:24:58  mcr
 * 	struct tdb -> struct ipsec_sa.
 * 	sa(tdb) manipulation functions renamed and moved to ipsec_sa.c
 * 	ipsec_xform.c removed. header file still contains useful things.
 * Local variables:
 * c-file-style: "linux"
 * End: