Subject: [Design] changes to ipsec.conf # RCSID $Id: README.conf.V2,v 1.1 2004/03/15 20:35:27 as Exp $ We are changing ipsec.conf for the 2.0 series of FreeS/WAN. OE is enabled by default. This is accomplished by automatically defining a conn "OEself" UNLESS the sysadmin defines one with the same name: conn OEself # authby=rsasig # default left=%defaultroute leftrsasigkey=%dnsondemand # default right=%opportunistic rightrsasigkey=%dnsondemand # default keyingtries=3 ikelifetime=1h keylife=1h # default rekey=no # disablearrivalcheck=no # default auto=route This will only work if %defaultroute works. The leftid will be the resulting IP address (won't work if you haven't filled in the reverse DNS entry). Unlike other conns, nothing in this implicit conn is changed by conn %default. We'd like a better name. A conn name starting with % cannot be defined by the sysadmin, so that is out. Names that haven't grabbed us: OEhost, OElocalhost, OEthishost, OEforself, OE4self. There is no requirement to have /etc/ipsec.conf. If you do, the first significant line (non-blank, non-comment) must be (not indented): version 2.0 This signifies that the file was intended for FreeS/WAN version 2.0. The following table shows most changes. "-" means that the option doesn't exist. "Recent Boilerplate" shows the effect of the "conn %default" in the automatically installed /etc/ipsec.conf (not installed if you already had one). Option Old Default Recent Boilerplate New Default ====== =========== ================== =========== config setup: interfaces "" %defaultroute %defaultroute plutoload "" %search - [same as %search] plutostart "" %search - [same as %search] uniqueids no yes yes rp_filter - - 0 plutowait yes yes no dump no no - [use dumpdir] plutobackgroundload ignored ignored - no_eroute_pass no no - [use packetdefault] conn %default: keyingtries 3 0 %forever [0 means this] disablearrivalcheck yes no no authby secret rsasig rsasig leftrsasigkey "" %dnsondemand %dnsondemand rightrsasigkey "" %dnsondemand %dnsondemand lifetime ==keylife ==keylife - [use keylife] rekeystart ==rekeymargin ==rekeymargin - [use rekeymargin] rekeytries ==keyingtries ==keyingtries - [use keyingtries] ====== =========== ================== =========== Option Old Default Recent Boilerplate New Default The auto= mechanism has been extended to support manual conns. If you specify auto=manual in a conn, an "ipsec manual" will be performed on it at startup (ipsec setup start). There is a new config setup option "rp_filter". It controls /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/PHYS/rp_filter for each PHYSical IP interface used by FreeS/WAN. Settings are: %unchanged do not touch (but warn if wrong) 0 set to 0; default; means: no filtering 1 set to 1; means: loose filter 2 set to 1; means: strict filter 0 is often necessary for FreeS/WAN to function. Some folks want other settings. Shutting down FreeS/WAN does not restore the original value. Currently ikelife defaults to 1 hour and keylife defaults to 8 hours. There have been some rumblings that these are the wrong defaults, but it isn't clear what would be best. Perhaps both should be closer. Any thoughts of what these should be? Any Road Warrior or OE conn should probably have carefully thought-out values explicitly specified. The settings don't matter much for VPN connections. keyingtries=%forever is the new improved notation for keyingtries=0. Eventually the 0 notation will be eliminated. Some options can now be set to %none to signify no setting. Otherwise there would be no way for the user to override a default setting: leftrsasigkey, rightrsasigkey [added in 1.98] interfaces Hugh Redelmeier voice: +1 416 482-8253