/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Reto Buerki * Copyright (C) 2012 Adrian-Ken Rueegsegger * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tkm.h" #include "tkm_nonceg.h" #include "tkm_diffie_hellman.h" #include "tkm_keymat.h" #include "tkm_types.h" START_TEST(test_derive_ike_keys) { proposal_t *proposal = proposal_create_from_string(PROTO_IKE, "aes256-sha512-modp4096"); fail_if(!proposal, "Unable to create proposal"); ike_sa_id_t *ike_sa_id = ike_sa_id_create(IKEV2_MAJOR_VERSION, 123912312312, 32312313122, TRUE); fail_if(!ike_sa_id, "Unable to create IKE SA ID"); tkm_keymat_t *keymat = tkm_keymat_create(TRUE); fail_if(!keymat, "Unable to create keymat"); fail_if(!keymat->get_isa_id(keymat), "Invalid ISA context id (0)"); chunk_t nonce; tkm_nonceg_t *ng = tkm_nonceg_create(); fail_if(!ng, "Unable to create nonce generator"); fail_unless(ng->nonce_gen.allocate_nonce(&ng->nonce_gen, 32, &nonce), "Unable to allocate nonce"); ng->nonce_gen.destroy(&ng->nonce_gen); tkm_diffie_hellman_t *dh = tkm_diffie_hellman_create(MODP_4096_BIT); fail_if(!dh, "Unable to create DH"); /* Use the same pubvalue for both sides */ chunk_t pubvalue; dh->dh.get_my_public_value(&dh->dh, &pubvalue); dh->dh.set_other_public_value(&dh->dh, pubvalue); fail_unless(keymat->keymat_v2.derive_ike_keys(&keymat->keymat_v2, proposal, &dh->dh, nonce, nonce, ike_sa_id, PRF_UNDEFINED, chunk_empty), "Key derivation failed"); chunk_free(&nonce); aead_t * const aead = keymat->keymat_v2.keymat.get_aead(&keymat->keymat_v2.keymat, TRUE); fail_if(!aead, "AEAD is NULL"); fail_if(aead->get_key_size(aead) != 96, "Key size mismatch %d", aead->get_key_size(aead)); fail_if(aead->get_block_size(aead) != 16, "Block size mismatch %d", aead->get_block_size(aead)); proposal->destroy(proposal); dh->dh.destroy(&dh->dh); ike_sa_id->destroy(ike_sa_id); keymat->keymat_v2.keymat.destroy(&keymat->keymat_v2.keymat); chunk_free(&pubvalue); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_derive_child_keys) { tkm_diffie_hellman_t *dh = tkm_diffie_hellman_create(MODP_4096_BIT); fail_if(!dh, "Unable to create DH object"); proposal_t *proposal = proposal_create_from_string(PROTO_ESP, "aes256-sha512-modp4096"); fail_if(!proposal, "Unable to create proposal"); proposal->set_spi(proposal, 42); tkm_keymat_t *keymat = tkm_keymat_create(TRUE); fail_if(!keymat, "Unable to create keymat"); chunk_t encr_i, encr_r, integ_i, integ_r; chunk_t nonce = chunk_from_chars("test chunk"); fail_unless(keymat->keymat_v2.derive_child_keys(&keymat->keymat_v2, proposal, (diffie_hellman_t *)dh, nonce, nonce, &encr_i, &integ_i, &encr_r, &integ_r), "Child key derivation failed"); esa_info_t *info = (esa_info_t *)encr_i.ptr; fail_if(!info, "encr_i does not contain esa information"); fail_if(info->isa_id != keymat->get_isa_id(keymat), "Isa context id mismatch (encr_i)"); fail_if(info->spi_r != 42, "SPI mismatch (encr_i)"); fail_unless(chunk_equals(info->nonce_i, nonce), "nonce_i mismatch (encr_i)"); fail_unless(chunk_equals(info->nonce_r, nonce), "nonce_r mismatch (encr_i)"); fail_if(info->is_encr_r, "Flag is_encr_r set for encr_i"); fail_if(info->dh_id != dh->get_id(dh), "DH context id mismatch (encr_i)"); chunk_free(&info->nonce_i); chunk_free(&info->nonce_r); info = (esa_info_t *)encr_r.ptr; fail_if(!info, "encr_r does not contain esa information"); fail_if(info->isa_id != keymat->get_isa_id(keymat), "Isa context id mismatch (encr_r)"); fail_if(info->spi_r != 42, "SPI mismatch (encr_r)"); fail_unless(chunk_equals(info->nonce_i, nonce), "nonce_i mismatch (encr_r)"); fail_unless(chunk_equals(info->nonce_r, nonce), "nonce_r mismatch (encr_r)"); fail_unless(info->is_encr_r, "Flag is_encr_r set for encr_r"); fail_if(info->dh_id != dh->get_id(dh), "DH context id mismatch (encr_i)"); chunk_free(&info->nonce_i); chunk_free(&info->nonce_r); proposal->destroy(proposal); dh->dh.destroy(&dh->dh); keymat->keymat_v2.keymat.destroy(&keymat->keymat_v2.keymat); chunk_free(&encr_i); chunk_free(&encr_r); } END_TEST Suite *make_keymat_tests() { Suite *s; TCase *tc; s = suite_create("keymat"); tc = tcase_create("derive IKE keys"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_derive_ike_keys); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("derive CHILD keys"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_derive_child_keys); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); return s; }