/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * $Id: backend_manager.c 4134 2008-07-01 11:10:37Z martin $ */ #include "backend_manager.h" #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_backend_manager_t private_backend_manager_t; /** * Private data of an backend_manager_t object. */ struct private_backend_manager_t { /** * Public part of backend_manager_t object. */ backend_manager_t public; /** * list of registered backends */ linked_list_t *backends; /** * locking mutex */ mutex_t *mutex; }; /** * match of an ike_cfg */ typedef enum ike_cfg_match_t { MATCH_NONE = 0x00, MATCH_ANY = 0x01, MATCH_ME = 0x04, MATCH_OTHER = 0x08, } ike_cfg_match_t; /** * data to pass nested IKE enumerator */ typedef struct { private_backend_manager_t *this; host_t *me; host_t *other; } ike_data_t; /** * data to pass nested peer enumerator */ typedef struct { private_backend_manager_t *this; identification_t *me; identification_t *other; } peer_data_t; /** * destroy IKE enumerator data and unlock list */ static void ike_enum_destroy(ike_data_t *data) { data->this->mutex->unlock(data->this->mutex); free(data); } /** * destroy PEER enumerator data and unlock list */ static void peer_enum_destroy(peer_data_t *data) { data->this->mutex->unlock(data->this->mutex); free(data); } /** * inner enumerator constructor for IKE cfgs */ static enumerator_t *ike_enum_create(backend_t *backend, ike_data_t *data) { return backend->create_ike_cfg_enumerator(backend, data->me, data->other); } /** * inner enumerator constructor for Peer cfgs */ static enumerator_t *peer_enum_create(backend_t *backend, peer_data_t *data) { return backend->create_peer_cfg_enumerator(backend, data->me, data->other); } /** * inner enumerator constructor for all Peer cfgs */ static enumerator_t *peer_enum_create_all(backend_t *backend) { return backend->create_peer_cfg_enumerator(backend, NULL, NULL); } /** * get a match of a candidate ike_cfg for two hosts */ static ike_cfg_match_t get_match(ike_cfg_t *cand, host_t *me, host_t *other) { host_t *me_cand, *other_cand; ike_cfg_match_t match = MATCH_NONE; me_cand = host_create_from_dns(cand->get_my_addr(cand), me->get_family(me), 0); if (!me_cand) { return MATCH_NONE; } if (me_cand->ip_equals(me_cand, me)) { match += MATCH_ME; } else if (me_cand->is_anyaddr(me_cand)) { match += MATCH_ANY; } me_cand->destroy(me_cand); other_cand = host_create_from_dns(cand->get_other_addr(cand), other->get_family(other), 0); if (!other_cand) { return MATCH_NONE; } if (other_cand->ip_equals(other_cand, other)) { match += MATCH_OTHER; } else if (other_cand->is_anyaddr(other_cand)) { match += MATCH_ANY; } other_cand->destroy(other_cand); return match; } /** * implements backend_manager_t.get_ike_cfg. */ static ike_cfg_t *get_ike_cfg(private_backend_manager_t *this, host_t *me, host_t *other) { ike_cfg_t *current, *found = NULL; enumerator_t *enumerator; ike_cfg_match_t match, best = MATCH_ANY; ike_data_t *data; data = malloc_thing(ike_data_t); data->this = this; data->me = me; data->other = other; DBG2(DBG_CFG, "looking for a config for %H...%H", me, other); this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); enumerator = enumerator_create_nested( this->backends->create_enumerator(this->backends), (void*)ike_enum_create, data, (void*)ike_enum_destroy); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)¤t)) { match = get_match(current, me, other); if (match) { DBG2(DBG_CFG, " candidate: %s...%s, prio %d", current->get_my_addr(current), current->get_other_addr(current), match); if (match > best) { DESTROY_IF(found); found = current; found->get_ref(found); best = match; } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); return found; } static enumerator_t *create_peer_cfg_enumerator(private_backend_manager_t *this) { this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); return enumerator_create_nested( this->backends->create_enumerator(this->backends), (void*)peer_enum_create_all, this->mutex, (void*)this->mutex->unlock); } /** * implements backend_manager_t.get_peer_cfg. */ static peer_cfg_t *get_peer_cfg(private_backend_manager_t *this, host_t *me, host_t *other, identification_t *my_id, identification_t *other_id, auth_info_t *auth) { peer_cfg_t *current, *found = NULL; enumerator_t *enumerator; id_match_t best_peer = ID_MATCH_NONE; ike_cfg_match_t best_ike = MATCH_NONE; peer_data_t *data; DBG2(DBG_CFG, "looking for a config for %H[%D]...%H[%D]", me, my_id, other, other_id); data = malloc_thing(peer_data_t); data->this = this; data->me = my_id; data->other = other_id; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); enumerator = enumerator_create_nested( this->backends->create_enumerator(this->backends), (void*)peer_enum_create, data, (void*)peer_enum_destroy); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, ¤t)) { identification_t *my_cand, *other_cand; id_match_t m1, m2, match_peer; ike_cfg_match_t match_ike; my_cand = current->get_my_id(current); other_cand = current->get_other_id(current); /* own ID may have wildcards in both, config and request (missing IDr) */ m1 = my_cand->matches(my_cand, my_id); if (!m1) { m1 = my_id->matches(my_id, my_cand); } m2 = other_id->matches(other_id, other_cand); match_peer = m1 + m2; match_ike = get_match(current->get_ike_cfg(current), me, other); if (m1 && m2 && match_ike && auth->complies(auth, current->get_auth(current))) { DBG2(DBG_CFG, " candidate '%s': %D...%D, prio %d.%d", current->get_name(current), my_cand, other_cand, match_peer, match_ike); if (match_peer >= best_peer && match_ike > best_ike) { DESTROY_IF(found); found = current; found->get_ref(found); best_peer = match_peer; best_ike = match_ike; } } } if (found) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "found matching config \"%s\": %D...%D, prio %d.%d", found->get_name(found), found->get_my_id(found), found->get_other_id(found), best_peer, best_ike); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); return found; } /** * implements backend_manager_t.get_peer_cfg_by_name. */ static peer_cfg_t *get_peer_cfg_by_name(private_backend_manager_t *this, char *name) { backend_t *backend; peer_cfg_t *config = NULL; enumerator_t *enumerator; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); enumerator = this->backends->create_enumerator(this->backends); while (config == NULL && enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&backend)) { config = backend->get_peer_cfg_by_name(backend, name); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); return config; } /** * Implementation of backend_manager_t.remove_backend. */ static void remove_backend(private_backend_manager_t *this, backend_t *backend) { this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); this->backends->remove(this->backends, backend, NULL); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); } /** * Implementation of backend_manager_t.add_backend. */ static void add_backend(private_backend_manager_t *this, backend_t *backend) { this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); this->backends->insert_last(this->backends, backend); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); } /** * Implementation of backend_manager_t.destroy. */ static void destroy(private_backend_manager_t *this) { this->backends->destroy(this->backends); this->mutex->destroy(this->mutex); free(this); } /* * Described in header-file */ backend_manager_t *backend_manager_create() { private_backend_manager_t *this = malloc_thing(private_backend_manager_t); this->public.get_ike_cfg = (ike_cfg_t* (*)(backend_manager_t*, host_t*, host_t*))get_ike_cfg; this->public.get_peer_cfg = (peer_cfg_t* (*)(backend_manager_t*,host_t*,host_t*,identification_t*,identification_t*,auth_info_t*))get_peer_cfg; this->public.get_peer_cfg_by_name = (peer_cfg_t* (*)(backend_manager_t*,char*))get_peer_cfg_by_name; this->public.create_peer_cfg_enumerator = (enumerator_t* (*)(backend_manager_t*))create_peer_cfg_enumerator; this->public.add_backend = (void(*)(backend_manager_t*, backend_t *backend))add_backend; this->public.remove_backend = (void(*)(backend_manager_t*, backend_t *backend))remove_backend; this->public.destroy = (void (*)(backend_manager_t*))destroy; this->backends = linked_list_create(); this->mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_RECURSIVE); return &this->public; }