/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * $Id: scheduler.c 4799 2008-12-12 09:16:31Z martin $ */ #include #include #include #include "scheduler.h" #include #include #include #include /* the initial size of the heap */ #define HEAP_SIZE_DEFAULT 64 typedef struct event_t event_t; /** * Event containing a job and a schedule time */ struct event_t { /** * Time to fire the event. */ timeval_t time; /** * Every event has its assigned job. */ job_t *job; }; /** * destroy an event and its job */ static void event_destroy(event_t *event) { event->job->destroy(event->job); free(event); } typedef struct private_scheduler_t private_scheduler_t; /** * Private data of a scheduler_t object. */ struct private_scheduler_t { /** * Public part of a scheduler_t object. */ scheduler_t public; /** * Job which queues scheduled jobs to the processor. */ callback_job_t *job; /** * The heap in which the events are stored. */ event_t **heap; /** * The size of the heap. */ u_int heap_size; /** * The number of scheduled events. */ u_int event_count; /** * Exclusive access to list */ mutex_t *mutex; /** * Condvar to wait for next job. */ condvar_t *condvar; }; /** * Returns the difference of two timeval structs in milliseconds */ static long time_difference(timeval_t *end, timeval_t *start) { time_t s; suseconds_t us; s = end->tv_sec - start->tv_sec; us = end->tv_usec - start->tv_usec; return (s * 1000 + us/1000); } /** * Returns the top event without removing it. Returns NULL if the heap is empty. */ static event_t *peek_event(private_scheduler_t *this) { return this->event_count > 0 ? this->heap[1] : NULL; } /** * Removes the top event from the heap and returns it. Returns NULL if the heap * is empty. */ static event_t *remove_event(private_scheduler_t *this) { event_t *event, *top; if (!this->event_count) { return NULL; } /* store the value to return */ event = this->heap[1]; /* move the bottom event to the top */ top = this->heap[1] = this->heap[this->event_count]; if (--this->event_count > 1) { /* seep down the top event */ u_int position = 1; while ((position << 1) <= this->event_count) { u_int child = position << 1; if ((child + 1) <= this->event_count && time_difference(&this->heap[child + 1]->time, &this->heap[child]->time) < 0) { /* the "right" child is smaller */ child++; } if (time_difference(&top->time, &this->heap[child]->time) <= 0) { /* the top event fires before the smaller of the two children, stop */ break; } /* exchange with the smaller child */ this->heap[position] = this->heap[child]; position = child; } this->heap[position] = top; } return event; } /** * Get events from the queue and pass it to the processor */ static job_requeue_t schedule(private_scheduler_t * this) { timeval_t now; event_t *event; long difference; int oldstate; bool timed = FALSE; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if ((event = peek_event(this)) != NULL) { difference = time_difference(&now, &event->time); if (difference >= 0) { remove_event(this); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); DBG2(DBG_JOB, "got event, queuing job for execution"); charon->processor->queue_job(charon->processor, event->job); free(event); return JOB_REQUEUE_DIRECT; } DBG2(DBG_JOB, "next event in %ldms, waiting", -difference); timed = TRUE; } pthread_cleanup_push((void*)this->mutex->unlock, this->mutex); pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &oldstate); if (timed) { this->condvar->timed_wait_abs(this->condvar, this->mutex, event->time); } else { DBG2(DBG_JOB, "no events, waiting"); this->condvar->wait(this->condvar, this->mutex); } pthread_setcancelstate(oldstate, NULL); pthread_cleanup_pop(TRUE); return JOB_REQUEUE_DIRECT; } /** * Implements scheduler_t.get_job_load */ static u_int get_job_load(private_scheduler_t *this) { int count; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); count = this->event_count; this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); return count; } /** * Implements scheduler_t.schedule_job. */ static void schedule_job(private_scheduler_t *this, job_t *job, u_int32_t time) { timeval_t now; event_t *event; u_int position; time_t s; suseconds_t us; event = malloc_thing(event_t); event->job = job; /* calculate absolute time */ s = time / 1000; us = (time - s * 1000) * 1000; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); event->time.tv_usec = (now.tv_usec + us) % 1000000; event->time.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + (now.tv_usec + us)/1000000 + s; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); this->event_count++; if (this->event_count > this->heap_size) { /* double the size of the heap */ this->heap_size <<= 1; this->heap = (event_t**)realloc(this->heap, (this->heap_size + 1) * sizeof(event_t*)); } /* "put" the event to the bottom */ position = this->event_count; /* then bubble it up */ while (position > 1 && time_difference(&this->heap[position >> 1]->time, &event->time) > 0) { /* parent has to be fired after the new event, move up */ this->heap[position] = this->heap[position >> 1]; position >>= 1; } this->heap[position] = event; this->condvar->signal(this->condvar); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); } /** * Implementation of scheduler_t.destroy. */ static void destroy(private_scheduler_t *this) { event_t *event; this->job->cancel(this->job); this->condvar->destroy(this->condvar); this->mutex->destroy(this->mutex); while ((event = remove_event(this)) != NULL) { event_destroy(event); } free(this->heap); free(this); } /* * Described in header. */ scheduler_t * scheduler_create() { private_scheduler_t *this = malloc_thing(private_scheduler_t); this->public.get_job_load = (u_int (*) (scheduler_t *this)) get_job_load; this->public.schedule_job = (void (*) (scheduler_t *this, job_t *job, u_int32_t ms)) schedule_job; this->public.destroy = (void(*)(scheduler_t*)) destroy; /* Note: the root of the heap is at index 1 */ this->event_count = 0; this->heap_size = HEAP_SIZE_DEFAULT; this->heap = (event_t**)calloc(this->heap_size + 1, sizeof(event_t*)); this->mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_DEFAULT); this->condvar = condvar_create(CONDVAR_DEFAULT); this->job = callback_job_create((callback_job_cb_t)schedule, this, NULL, NULL); charon->processor->queue_job(charon->processor, (job_t*)this->job); return &this->public; }