/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details * * $Id: ike_auth.c 4051 2008-06-10 09:08:27Z tobias $ */ #include "ike_auth.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_ike_auth_t private_ike_auth_t; /** * Private members of a ike_auth_t task. */ struct private_ike_auth_t { /** * Public methods and task_t interface. */ ike_auth_t public; /** * Assigned IKE_SA. */ ike_sa_t *ike_sa; /** * Are we the initiator? */ bool initiator; /** * Nonce chosen by us in ike_init */ chunk_t my_nonce; /** * Nonce chosen by peer in ike_init */ chunk_t other_nonce; /** * IKE_SA_INIT message sent by us */ packet_t *my_packet; /** * IKE_SA_INIT message sent by peer */ packet_t *other_packet; /** * EAP authenticator when using EAP */ eap_authenticator_t *eap_auth; /** * EAP payload received and ready to process */ eap_payload_t *eap_payload; /** * has the peer been authenticated successfully? */ bool peer_authenticated; }; /** * check uniqueness and delete duplicates */ static bool check_uniqueness(private_ike_auth_t *this) { ike_sa_t *duplicate; unique_policy_t policy; status_t status = SUCCESS; peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg; bool cancel = FALSE; peer_cfg = this->ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa); policy = peer_cfg->get_unique_policy(peer_cfg); if (policy == UNIQUE_NO) { return FALSE; } duplicate = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout_duplicate( charon->ike_sa_manager, this->ike_sa); if (duplicate) { peer_cfg = duplicate->get_peer_cfg(duplicate); if (peer_cfg && peer_cfg->equals(peer_cfg, this->ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa))) { switch (duplicate->get_state(duplicate)) { case IKE_ESTABLISHED: case IKE_REKEYING: switch (policy) { case UNIQUE_REPLACE: DBG1(DBG_IKE, "deleting duplicate IKE_SA due " "uniqueness policy"); status = duplicate->delete(duplicate); break; case UNIQUE_KEEP: DBG1(DBG_IKE, "cancelling IKE_SA setup due " "uniqueness policy"); cancel = TRUE; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } if (status == DESTROY_ME) { charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin_and_destroy(charon->ike_sa_manager, duplicate); } else { charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, duplicate); } } return cancel; } /** * build the AUTH payload */ static status_t build_auth(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { authenticator_t *auth; auth_payload_t *auth_payload; peer_cfg_t *config; config_auth_method_t method; status_t status; /* create own authenticator and add auth payload */ config = this->ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa); if (!config) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "unable to authenticate, no peer config found"); return FAILED; } method = config->get_auth_method(config); auth = authenticator_create(this->ike_sa, method); if (auth == NULL) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "configured authentication method %N not supported", config_auth_method_names, method); return FAILED; } status = auth->build(auth, this->my_packet->get_data(this->my_packet), this->other_nonce, &auth_payload); auth->destroy(auth); if (status != SUCCESS) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "generating authentication data failed"); return FAILED; } message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)auth_payload); return SUCCESS; } /** * build ID payload(s) */ static status_t build_id(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { identification_t *me, *other; id_payload_t *id; peer_cfg_t *config; me = this->ike_sa->get_my_id(this->ike_sa); other = this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa); config = this->ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa); if (me->contains_wildcards(me)) { me = config->get_my_id(config); if (me->contains_wildcards(me)) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "negotiation of own ID failed"); return FAILED; } this->ike_sa->set_my_id(this->ike_sa, me->clone(me)); } id = id_payload_create_from_identification(this->initiator ? ID_INITIATOR : ID_RESPONDER, me); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)id); /* as initiator, include other ID if it does not contain wildcards */ if (this->initiator && !other->contains_wildcards(other)) { id = id_payload_create_from_identification(ID_RESPONDER, other); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)id); } return SUCCESS; } /** * process AUTH payload */ static status_t process_auth(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { auth_payload_t *auth_payload; authenticator_t *auth; auth_method_t auth_method; status_t status; auth_payload = (auth_payload_t*)message->get_payload(message, AUTHENTICATION); if (auth_payload == NULL) { /* AUTH payload is missing, client wants to use EAP authentication */ return NOT_FOUND; } auth_method = auth_payload->get_auth_method(auth_payload); auth = authenticator_create_from_auth_payload(this->ike_sa, auth_payload); if (auth == NULL) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "authentication method %N used by '%D' not " "supported", auth_method_names, auth_method, this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa)); return NOT_SUPPORTED; } status = auth->verify(auth, this->other_packet->get_data(this->other_packet), this->my_nonce, auth_payload); auth->destroy(auth); if (status != SUCCESS) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "authentication of '%D' with %N failed", this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa), auth_method_names, auth_method); return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } /** * process ID payload(s) */ static status_t process_id(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { identification_t *id, *req; id_payload_t *idr, *idi; idi = (id_payload_t*)message->get_payload(message, ID_INITIATOR); idr = (id_payload_t*)message->get_payload(message, ID_RESPONDER); if ((this->initiator && idr == NULL) || (!this->initiator && idi == NULL)) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "ID payload missing in message"); return FAILED; } if (this->initiator) { id = idr->get_identification(idr); req = this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa); if (!id->matches(id, req)) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "peer ID '%D' unacceptable, '%D' required", id, req); id->destroy(id); return FAILED; } this->ike_sa->set_other_id(this->ike_sa, id); } else { id = idi->get_identification(idi); this->ike_sa->set_other_id(this->ike_sa, id); if (idr) { id = idr->get_identification(idr); this->ike_sa->set_my_id(this->ike_sa, id); } } return SUCCESS; } /** * collect the needed information in the IKE_SA_INIT exchange from our message */ static status_t collect_my_init_data(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { nonce_payload_t *nonce; /* get the nonce that was generated in ike_init */ nonce = (nonce_payload_t*)message->get_payload(message, NONCE); if (nonce == NULL) { return FAILED; } this->my_nonce = nonce->get_nonce(nonce); /* pre-generate the message, so we can store it for us */ if (this->ike_sa->generate_message(this->ike_sa, message, &this->my_packet) != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } return NEED_MORE; } /** * collect the needed information in the IKE_SA_INIT exchange from others message */ static status_t collect_other_init_data(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { /* we collect the needed information in the IKE_SA_INIT exchange */ nonce_payload_t *nonce; /* get the nonce that was generated in ike_init */ nonce = (nonce_payload_t*)message->get_payload(message, NONCE); if (nonce == NULL) { return FAILED; } this->other_nonce = nonce->get_nonce(nonce); /* pre-generate the message, so we can store it for us */ this->other_packet = message->get_packet(message); return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.build to create AUTH payload from EAP data */ static status_t build_auth_eap(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { authenticator_t *auth; auth_payload_t *auth_payload; auth = (authenticator_t*)this->eap_auth; if (auth->build(auth, this->my_packet->get_data(this->my_packet), this->other_nonce, &auth_payload) != SUCCESS) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "generating authentication data failed"); if (!this->initiator) { message->add_notify(message, TRUE, AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, chunk_empty); } return FAILED; } message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)auth_payload); if (!this->initiator) { this->ike_sa->set_state(this->ike_sa, IKE_ESTABLISHED); SIG(IKE_UP_SUCCESS, "IKE_SA '%s' established between %H[%D]...[%D]%H", this->ike_sa->get_name(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_my_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa)); return SUCCESS; } return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.process to verify AUTH payload after EAP */ static status_t process_auth_eap(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { auth_payload_t *auth_payload; authenticator_t *auth; auth_payload = (auth_payload_t*)message->get_payload(message, AUTHENTICATION); this->peer_authenticated = FALSE; if (auth_payload) { auth = (authenticator_t*)this->eap_auth; if (auth->verify(auth, this->other_packet->get_data(this->other_packet), this->my_nonce, auth_payload) == SUCCESS) { this->peer_authenticated = TRUE; } } if (!this->peer_authenticated) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "authentication of '%D' with %N failed", this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa), auth_method_names, AUTH_EAP); if (this->initiator) { return FAILED; } return NEED_MORE; } if (this->initiator) { this->ike_sa->set_state(this->ike_sa, IKE_ESTABLISHED); SIG(IKE_UP_SUCCESS, "IKE_SA '%s' established between %H[%D]...[%D]%H", this->ike_sa->get_name(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_my_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa)); return SUCCESS; } return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.process for EAP exchanges */ static status_t process_eap_i(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { eap_payload_t *eap; eap = (eap_payload_t*)message->get_payload(message, EXTENSIBLE_AUTHENTICATION); if (eap == NULL) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "EAP payload missing"); return FAILED; } switch (this->eap_auth->process(this->eap_auth, eap, &eap)) { case NEED_MORE: this->eap_payload = eap; return NEED_MORE; case SUCCESS: /* EAP exchange completed, now create and process AUTH */ this->eap_payload = NULL; this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_auth_eap; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_auth_eap; return NEED_MORE; default: this->eap_payload = NULL; SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "failed to authenticate against '%D' using EAP", this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa)); return FAILED; } } /** * Implementation of task_t.process for EAP exchanges */ static status_t process_eap_r(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { this->eap_payload = (eap_payload_t*)message->get_payload(message, EXTENSIBLE_AUTHENTICATION); return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.build for EAP exchanges */ static status_t build_eap_i(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)this->eap_payload); return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.build for EAP exchanges */ static status_t build_eap_r(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { status_t status = NEED_MORE; eap_payload_t *eap; if (this->eap_payload == NULL) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "EAP payload missing"); return FAILED; } switch (this->eap_auth->process(this->eap_auth, this->eap_payload, &eap)) { case NEED_MORE: break; case SUCCESS: /* EAP exchange completed, now create and process AUTH */ this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_auth_eap; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_auth_eap; break; default: SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "authentication of '%D' with %N failed", this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa), auth_method_names, AUTH_EAP); status = FAILED; break; } message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)eap); return status; } /** * Implementation of task_t.build for initiator */ static status_t build_i(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { peer_cfg_t *config; if (message->get_exchange_type(message) == IKE_SA_INIT) { return collect_my_init_data(this, message); } if (build_id(this, message) != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } config = this->ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa); if (config->get_auth_method(config) == CONF_AUTH_EAP) { this->eap_auth = eap_authenticator_create(this->ike_sa); } else { if (build_auth(this, message) != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } } return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.process for responder */ static status_t process_r(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { peer_cfg_t *config; if (message->get_exchange_type(message) == IKE_SA_INIT) { return collect_other_init_data(this, message); } if (process_id(this, message) != SUCCESS) { return NEED_MORE; } switch (process_auth(this, message)) { case SUCCESS: this->peer_authenticated = TRUE; break; case NOT_FOUND: /* use EAP if no AUTH payload found */ this->ike_sa->set_condition(this->ike_sa, COND_EAP_AUTHENTICATED, TRUE); this->eap_auth = eap_authenticator_create(this->ike_sa); break; default: return NEED_MORE; } config = charon->backends->get_peer_cfg(charon->backends, this->ike_sa->get_my_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_auth(this->ike_sa)); if (config) { this->ike_sa->set_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa, config); config->destroy(config); } return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.build for responder */ static status_t build_r(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { peer_cfg_t *config; eap_type_t eap_type; u_int32_t eap_vendor; eap_payload_t *eap_payload; status_t status; if (message->get_exchange_type(message) == IKE_SA_INIT) { return collect_my_init_data(this, message); } if (!this->peer_authenticated && this->eap_auth == NULL) { /* peer not authenticated, nor does it want to use EAP */ message->add_notify(message, TRUE, AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, chunk_empty); return FAILED; } config = this->ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa); if (config == NULL) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "no matching config found for '%D'...'%D'", this->ike_sa->get_my_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa)); message->add_notify(message, TRUE, AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, chunk_empty); return FAILED; } if (build_id(this, message) != SUCCESS || build_auth(this, message) != SUCCESS) { message->add_notify(message, TRUE, AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, chunk_empty); return FAILED; } if (check_uniqueness(this)) { message->add_notify(message, TRUE, AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, chunk_empty); return FAILED; } /* use "traditional" authentication if we could authenticate peer */ if (this->peer_authenticated) { this->ike_sa->set_state(this->ike_sa, IKE_ESTABLISHED); SIG(IKE_UP_SUCCESS, "IKE_SA '%s' established between %H[%D]...[%D]%H", this->ike_sa->get_name(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_my_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa)); return SUCCESS; } /* initiate EAP authenitcation */ eap_type = config->get_eap_type(config, &eap_vendor); status = this->eap_auth->initiate(this->eap_auth, eap_type, eap_vendor, &eap_payload); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)eap_payload); if (status != NEED_MORE) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "unable to initiate EAP authentication"); return FAILED; } /* switch to EAP methods */ this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_eap_r; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_eap_r; return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.process for initiator */ static status_t process_i(private_ike_auth_t *this, message_t *message) { iterator_t *iterator; payload_t *payload; peer_cfg_t *config; auth_info_t *auth; if (message->get_exchange_type(message) == IKE_SA_INIT) { return collect_other_init_data(this, message); } iterator = message->get_payload_iterator(message); while (iterator->iterate(iterator, (void**)&payload)) { if (payload->get_type(payload) == NOTIFY) { notify_payload_t *notify = (notify_payload_t*)payload; notify_type_t type = notify->get_notify_type(notify); switch (type) { case NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN: case SINGLE_PAIR_REQUIRED: case NO_ADDITIONAL_SAS: case INTERNAL_ADDRESS_FAILURE: case FAILED_CP_REQUIRED: case TS_UNACCEPTABLE: case INVALID_SELECTORS: /* these are errors, but are not critical as only the * CHILD_SA won't get build, but IKE_SA establishes anyway */ break; case MOBIKE_SUPPORTED: case ADDITIONAL_IP4_ADDRESS: case ADDITIONAL_IP6_ADDRESS: /* handled in ike_mobike task */ break; case AUTH_LIFETIME: /* handled in ike_auth_lifetime task */ break; case ME_ENDPOINT: /* handled in ike_me task */ break; default: { if (type < 16383) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "received %N notify error", notify_type_names, type); iterator->destroy(iterator); return FAILED; } DBG2(DBG_IKE, "received %N notify", notify_type_names, type); break; } } } } iterator->destroy(iterator); if (process_id(this, message) != SUCCESS || process_auth(this, message) != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } if (this->eap_auth) { /* switch to EAP authentication methods */ this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_eap_i; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_eap_i; return process_eap_i(this, message); } config = this->ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa); auth = this->ike_sa->get_other_auth(this->ike_sa); if (!auth->complies(auth, config->get_auth(config))) { SIG(IKE_UP_FAILED, "authorization of '%D' for config %s failed", this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa), config->get_name(config)); return FAILED; } this->ike_sa->set_state(this->ike_sa, IKE_ESTABLISHED); SIG(IKE_UP_SUCCESS, "IKE_SA '%s' established between %H[%D]...[%D]%H", this->ike_sa->get_name(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_my_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_id(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa)); return SUCCESS; } /** * Implementation of task_t.get_type */ static task_type_t get_type(private_ike_auth_t *this) { return IKE_AUTHENTICATE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.migrate */ static void migrate(private_ike_auth_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa) { chunk_free(&this->my_nonce); chunk_free(&this->other_nonce); DESTROY_IF(this->my_packet); DESTROY_IF(this->other_packet); if (this->eap_auth) { this->eap_auth->authenticator_interface.destroy( &this->eap_auth->authenticator_interface); } this->my_packet = NULL; this->other_packet = NULL; this->peer_authenticated = FALSE; this->eap_auth = NULL; this->eap_payload = NULL; this->ike_sa = ike_sa; if (this->initiator) { this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_i; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_i; } else { this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_r; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_r; } } /** * Implementation of task_t.destroy */ static void destroy(private_ike_auth_t *this) { chunk_free(&this->my_nonce); chunk_free(&this->other_nonce); DESTROY_IF(this->my_packet); DESTROY_IF(this->other_packet); if (this->eap_auth) { this->eap_auth->authenticator_interface.destroy( &this->eap_auth->authenticator_interface); } free(this); } /* * Described in header. */ ike_auth_t *ike_auth_create(ike_sa_t *ike_sa, bool initiator) { private_ike_auth_t *this = malloc_thing(private_ike_auth_t); this->public.task.get_type = (task_type_t(*)(task_t*))get_type; this->public.task.migrate = (void(*)(task_t*,ike_sa_t*))migrate; this->public.task.destroy = (void(*)(task_t*))destroy; if (initiator) { this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_i; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_i; } else { this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_r; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_r; } this->ike_sa = ike_sa; this->initiator = initiator; this->my_nonce = chunk_empty; this->other_nonce = chunk_empty; this->my_packet = NULL; this->other_packet = NULL; this->peer_authenticated = FALSE; this->eap_auth = NULL; this->eap_payload = NULL; return &this->public; }