/** * @file ike_natd.c * * @brief Implementation of the ike_natd task. * */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2006 Tobias Brunner, Daniel Roethlisberger * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "ike_natd.h" #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_ike_natd_t private_ike_natd_t; /** * Private members of a ike_natd_t task. */ struct private_ike_natd_t { /** * Public methods and task_t interface. */ ike_natd_t public; /** * Assigned IKE_SA. */ ike_sa_t *ike_sa; /** * Are we the initiator? */ bool initiator; /** * Hasher used to build NAT detection hashes */ hasher_t *hasher; /** * Did we process any NAT detection notifys for a source address? */ bool src_seen; /** * Did we process any NAT detection notifys for a destination address? */ bool dst_seen; /** * Have we found a matching source address NAT hash? */ bool src_matched; /** * Have we found a matching destination address NAT hash? */ bool dst_matched; }; /** * Build NAT detection hash for a host */ static chunk_t generate_natd_hash(private_ike_natd_t *this, ike_sa_id_t *ike_sa_id, host_t *host) { chunk_t natd_chunk, spi_i_chunk, spi_r_chunk, addr_chunk, port_chunk; chunk_t natd_hash; u_int64_t spi_i, spi_r; u_int16_t port; /* prepare all requred chunks */ spi_i = ike_sa_id->get_initiator_spi(ike_sa_id); spi_r = ike_sa_id->get_responder_spi(ike_sa_id); spi_i_chunk.ptr = (void*)&spi_i; spi_i_chunk.len = sizeof(spi_i); spi_r_chunk.ptr = (void*)&spi_r; spi_r_chunk.len = sizeof(spi_r); port = htons(host->get_port(host)); port_chunk.ptr = (void*)&port; port_chunk.len = sizeof(port); addr_chunk = host->get_address(host); /* natd_hash = SHA1( spi_i | spi_r | address | port ) */ natd_chunk = chunk_cat("cccc", spi_i_chunk, spi_r_chunk, addr_chunk, port_chunk); this->hasher->allocate_hash(this->hasher, natd_chunk, &natd_hash); DBG3(DBG_IKE, "natd_chunk %B", &natd_chunk); DBG3(DBG_IKE, "natd_hash %B", &natd_hash); chunk_free(&natd_chunk); return natd_hash; } /** * Build a NAT detection notify payload. */ static notify_payload_t *build_natd_payload(private_ike_natd_t *this, notify_type_t type, host_t *host) { chunk_t hash; notify_payload_t *notify; ike_sa_id_t *ike_sa_id; ike_sa_id = this->ike_sa->get_id(this->ike_sa); notify = notify_payload_create(); notify->set_notify_type(notify, type); hash = generate_natd_hash(this, ike_sa_id, host); notify->set_notification_data(notify, hash); chunk_free(&hash); return notify; } /** * read notifys from message and evaluate them */ static void process_payloads(private_ike_natd_t *this, message_t *message) { iterator_t *iterator; payload_t *payload; notify_payload_t *notify; chunk_t hash, src_hash, dst_hash; ike_sa_id_t *ike_sa_id; host_t *me, *other; /* Precompute NAT-D hashes for incoming NAT notify comparison */ ike_sa_id = message->get_ike_sa_id(message); me = this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa); other = this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa); dst_hash = generate_natd_hash(this, ike_sa_id, me); src_hash = generate_natd_hash(this, ike_sa_id, other); DBG3(DBG_IKE, "precalculated src_hash %B", &src_hash); DBG3(DBG_IKE, "precalculated dst_hash %B", &dst_hash); iterator = message->get_payload_iterator(message); while (iterator->iterate(iterator, (void**)&payload)) { if (payload->get_type(payload) != NOTIFY) { continue; } notify = (notify_payload_t*)payload; switch (notify->get_notify_type(notify)) { case NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP: { this->dst_seen = TRUE; if (!this->dst_matched) { hash = notify->get_notification_data(notify); DBG3(DBG_IKE, "received dst_hash %B", &hash); if (chunk_equals(hash, dst_hash)) { this->dst_matched = TRUE; } } break; } case NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP: { this->src_seen = TRUE; if (!this->src_matched) { hash = notify->get_notification_data(notify); DBG3(DBG_IKE, "received src_hash %B", &hash); if (chunk_equals(hash, src_hash)) { this->src_matched = TRUE; } } break; } default: break; } } iterator->destroy(iterator); chunk_free(&src_hash); chunk_free(&dst_hash); if (this->src_seen && this->dst_seen) { if (!this->dst_matched) { this->ike_sa->enable_natt(this->ike_sa, TRUE); } if (!this->src_matched) { this->ike_sa->enable_natt(this->ike_sa, FALSE); } } } /** * Implementation of task_t.process for initiator */ static status_t process_i(private_ike_natd_t *this, message_t *message) { process_payloads(this, message); if (this->ike_sa->is_natt_enabled(this->ike_sa)) { host_t *me, *other; me = this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa); me->set_port(me, IKEV2_NATT_PORT); other = this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa); other->set_port(other, IKEV2_NATT_PORT); } return SUCCESS; } /** * Implementation of task_t.process for initiator */ static status_t build_i(private_ike_natd_t *this, message_t *message) { notify_payload_t *notify; linked_list_t *list; host_t *host; /* include one notify if our address is defined, all addresses otherwise */ host = this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa); if (host->is_anyaddr(host)) { /* TODO: we could get the src address from netlink!? */ list = charon->kernel_interface->create_address_list(charon->kernel_interface); while (list->remove_first(list, (void**)&host) == SUCCESS) { notify = build_natd_payload(this, NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP, host); host->destroy(host); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)notify); } list->destroy(list); } else { notify = build_natd_payload(this, NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP, host); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)notify); } host = this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa); notify = build_natd_payload(this, NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP, host); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)notify); return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.build for responder */ static status_t build_r(private_ike_natd_t *this, message_t *message) { notify_payload_t *notify; host_t *me, *other; /* only add notifies on successfull responses. */ if (message->get_payload(message, SECURITY_ASSOCIATION) == NULL) { return SUCCESS; } if (this->src_seen && this->dst_seen) { /* initiator seems to support NAT detection, add response */ me = this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa); notify = build_natd_payload(this, NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP, me); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)notify); other = this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa); notify = build_natd_payload(this, NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP, other); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)notify); } return SUCCESS; } /** * Implementation of task_t.process for responder */ static status_t process_r(private_ike_natd_t *this, message_t *message) { process_payloads(this, message); return NEED_MORE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.get_type */ static task_type_t get_type(private_ike_natd_t *this) { return IKE_NATD; } /** * Implementation of task_t.migrate */ static void migrate(private_ike_natd_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa) { this->ike_sa = ike_sa; this->src_seen = FALSE; this->dst_seen = FALSE; this->src_matched = FALSE; this->dst_matched = FALSE; } /** * Implementation of task_t.destroy */ static void destroy(private_ike_natd_t *this) { this->hasher->destroy(this->hasher); free(this); } /* * Described in header. */ ike_natd_t *ike_natd_create(ike_sa_t *ike_sa, bool initiator) { private_ike_natd_t *this = malloc_thing(private_ike_natd_t); this->public.task.get_type = (task_type_t(*)(task_t*))get_type; this->public.task.migrate = (void(*)(task_t*,ike_sa_t*))migrate; this->public.task.destroy = (void(*)(task_t*))destroy; if (initiator) { this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_i; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_i; } else { this->public.task.build = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))build_r; this->public.task.process = (status_t(*)(task_t*,message_t*))process_r; } this->ike_sa = ike_sa; this->initiator = initiator; this->hasher = hasher_create(HASH_SHA1); this->src_seen = FALSE; this->dst_seen = FALSE; this->src_matched = FALSE; this->dst_matched = FALSE; return &this->public; }