/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "child_cfg.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <daemon.h> ENUM(action_names, ACTION_NONE, ACTION_RESTART, "clear", "hold", "restart", ); /** Default replay window size, if not set using charon.replay_window */ #define DEFAULT_REPLAY_WINDOW 32 typedef struct private_child_cfg_t private_child_cfg_t; /** * Private data of an child_cfg_t object */ struct private_child_cfg_t { /** * Public part */ child_cfg_t public; /** * Number of references hold by others to this child_cfg */ refcount_t refcount; /** * Name of the child_cfg, used to query it */ char *name; /** * list for all proposals */ linked_list_t *proposals; /** * list for traffic selectors for my site */ linked_list_t *my_ts; /** * list for traffic selectors for others site */ linked_list_t *other_ts; /** * updown script */ char *updown; /** * allow host access */ bool hostaccess; /** * Mode to propose for a initiated CHILD: tunnel/transport */ ipsec_mode_t mode; /** * action to take to start CHILD_SA */ action_t start_action; /** * action to take on DPD */ action_t dpd_action; /** * action to take on CHILD_SA close */ action_t close_action; /** * CHILD_SA lifetime config */ lifetime_cfg_t lifetime; /** * enable IPComp */ bool use_ipcomp; /** * Inactivity timeout */ u_int32_t inactivity; /** * Reqid to install CHILD_SA with */ u_int32_t reqid; /** * Optional mark to install inbound CHILD_SA with */ mark_t mark_in; /** * Optional mark to install outbound CHILD_SA with */ mark_t mark_out; /** * Traffic Flow Confidentiality padding, if enabled */ u_int32_t tfc; /** * set up IPsec transport SA in MIPv6 proxy mode */ bool proxy_mode; /** * enable installation and removal of kernel IPsec policies */ bool install_policy; /** * anti-replay window size */ u_int32_t replay_window; }; METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_name, char*, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->name; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, add_proposal, void, private_child_cfg_t *this, proposal_t *proposal) { if (proposal) { this->proposals->insert_last(this->proposals, proposal); } } static bool match_proposal(proposal_t *item, proposal_t *proposal) { return item->equals(item, proposal); } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_proposals, linked_list_t*, private_child_cfg_t *this, bool strip_dh) { enumerator_t *enumerator; proposal_t *current; linked_list_t *proposals = linked_list_create(); enumerator = this->proposals->create_enumerator(this->proposals); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, ¤t)) { current = current->clone(current); if (strip_dh) { current->strip_dh(current, MODP_NONE); } if (proposals->find_first(proposals, (linked_list_match_t)match_proposal, NULL, current) == SUCCESS) { current->destroy(current); continue; } proposals->insert_last(proposals, current); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); DBG2(DBG_CFG, "configured proposals: %#P", proposals); return proposals; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, select_proposal, proposal_t*, private_child_cfg_t*this, linked_list_t *proposals, bool strip_dh, bool private) { enumerator_t *stored_enum, *supplied_enum; proposal_t *stored, *supplied, *selected = NULL; stored_enum = this->proposals->create_enumerator(this->proposals); supplied_enum = proposals->create_enumerator(proposals); /* compare all stored proposals with all supplied. Stored ones are preferred. */ while (stored_enum->enumerate(stored_enum, &stored)) { stored = stored->clone(stored); while (supplied_enum->enumerate(supplied_enum, &supplied)) { if (strip_dh) { stored->strip_dh(stored, MODP_NONE); } selected = stored->select(stored, supplied, private); if (selected) { DBG2(DBG_CFG, "received proposals: %#P", proposals); DBG2(DBG_CFG, "configured proposals: %#P", this->proposals); DBG2(DBG_CFG, "selected proposal: %P", selected); break; } } stored->destroy(stored); if (selected) { break; } supplied_enum->destroy(supplied_enum); supplied_enum = proposals->create_enumerator(proposals); } stored_enum->destroy(stored_enum); supplied_enum->destroy(supplied_enum); if (selected == NULL) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "received proposals: %#P", proposals); DBG1(DBG_CFG, "configured proposals: %#P", this->proposals); } return selected; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, add_traffic_selector, void, private_child_cfg_t *this, bool local, traffic_selector_t *ts) { if (local) { this->my_ts->insert_last(this->my_ts, ts); } else { this->other_ts->insert_last(this->other_ts, ts); } } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_traffic_selectors, linked_list_t*, private_child_cfg_t *this, bool local, linked_list_t *supplied, linked_list_t *hosts) { enumerator_t *e1, *e2; traffic_selector_t *ts1, *ts2, *selected; linked_list_t *result, *derived; host_t *host; result = linked_list_create(); derived = linked_list_create(); if (local) { e1 = this->my_ts->create_enumerator(this->my_ts); } else { e1 = this->other_ts->create_enumerator(this->other_ts); } /* In a first step, replace "dynamic" TS with the host list */ while (e1->enumerate(e1, &ts1)) { if (hosts && hosts->get_count(hosts) && ts1->is_dynamic(ts1)) { e2 = hosts->create_enumerator(hosts); while (e2->enumerate(e2, &host)) { ts2 = ts1->clone(ts1); ts2->set_address(ts2, host); derived->insert_last(derived, ts2); } e2->destroy(e2); } else { derived->insert_last(derived, ts1->clone(ts1)); } } e1->destroy(e1); DBG2(DBG_CFG, "%s traffic selectors for %s:", supplied ? "selecting" : "proposing", local ? "us" : "other"); if (supplied == NULL) { while (derived->remove_first(derived, (void**)&ts1) == SUCCESS) { DBG2(DBG_CFG, " %R", ts1); result->insert_last(result, ts1); } derived->destroy(derived); } else { e1 = derived->create_enumerator(derived); e2 = supplied->create_enumerator(supplied); /* enumerate all configured/derived selectors */ while (e1->enumerate(e1, &ts1)) { /* enumerate all supplied traffic selectors */ while (e2->enumerate(e2, &ts2)) { selected = ts1->get_subset(ts1, ts2); if (selected) { DBG2(DBG_CFG, " config: %R, received: %R => match: %R", ts1, ts2, selected); result->insert_last(result, selected); } else { DBG2(DBG_CFG, " config: %R, received: %R => no match", ts1, ts2); } } supplied->reset_enumerator(supplied, e2); } e1->destroy(e1); e2->destroy(e2); /* check if we/peer did any narrowing, raise alert */ e1 = derived->create_enumerator(derived); e2 = result->create_enumerator(result); while (e1->enumerate(e1, &ts1)) { if (!e2->enumerate(e2, &ts2) || !ts1->equals(ts1, ts2)) { charon->bus->alert(charon->bus, ALERT_TS_NARROWED, local, result, this); break; } } e1->destroy(e1); e2->destroy(e2); derived->destroy_offset(derived, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } /* remove any redundant traffic selectors in the list */ e1 = result->create_enumerator(result); e2 = result->create_enumerator(result); while (e1->enumerate(e1, &ts1)) { while (e2->enumerate(e2, &ts2)) { if (ts1 != ts2) { if (ts2->is_contained_in(ts2, ts1)) { result->remove_at(result, e2); ts2->destroy(ts2); result->reset_enumerator(result, e1); break; } if (ts1->is_contained_in(ts1, ts2)) { result->remove_at(result, e1); ts1->destroy(ts1); break; } } } result->reset_enumerator(result, e2); } e1->destroy(e1); e2->destroy(e2); return result; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_updown, char*, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->updown; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_hostaccess, bool, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->hostaccess; } /** * Applies jitter to the rekey value. Returns the new rekey value. * Note: The distribution of random values is not perfect, but it * should get the job done. */ static u_int64_t apply_jitter(u_int64_t rekey, u_int64_t jitter) { if (jitter == 0) { return rekey; } jitter = (jitter == UINT64_MAX) ? jitter : jitter + 1; return rekey - jitter * (random() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); } #define APPLY_JITTER(l) l.rekey = apply_jitter(l.rekey, l.jitter) METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_lifetime, lifetime_cfg_t*, private_child_cfg_t *this) { lifetime_cfg_t *lft = malloc_thing(lifetime_cfg_t); memcpy(lft, &this->lifetime, sizeof(lifetime_cfg_t)); APPLY_JITTER(lft->time); APPLY_JITTER(lft->bytes); APPLY_JITTER(lft->packets); return lft; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_mode, ipsec_mode_t, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->mode; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_start_action, action_t, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->start_action; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_dpd_action, action_t, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->dpd_action; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_close_action, action_t, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->close_action; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_dh_group, diffie_hellman_group_t, private_child_cfg_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; proposal_t *proposal; u_int16_t dh_group = MODP_NONE; enumerator = this->proposals->create_enumerator(this->proposals); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &proposal)) { if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, DIFFIE_HELLMAN_GROUP, &dh_group, NULL)) { break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return dh_group; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, use_ipcomp, bool, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->use_ipcomp; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_inactivity, u_int32_t, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->inactivity; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_reqid, u_int32_t, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->reqid; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_mark, mark_t, private_child_cfg_t *this, bool inbound) { return inbound ? this->mark_in : this->mark_out; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_tfc, u_int32_t, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->tfc; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_replay_window, u_int32_t, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->replay_window; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, set_replay_window, void, private_child_cfg_t *this, u_int32_t replay_window) { this->replay_window = replay_window; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, set_mipv6_options, void, private_child_cfg_t *this, bool proxy_mode, bool install_policy) { this->proxy_mode = proxy_mode; this->install_policy = install_policy; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, use_proxy_mode, bool, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->proxy_mode; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, install_policy, bool, private_child_cfg_t *this) { return this->install_policy; } #define LT_PART_EQUALS(a, b) ({ a.life == b.life && a.rekey == b.rekey && a.jitter == b.jitter; }) #define LIFETIME_EQUALS(a, b) ({ LT_PART_EQUALS(a.time, b.time) && LT_PART_EQUALS(a.bytes, b.bytes) && LT_PART_EQUALS(a.packets, b.packets); }) METHOD(child_cfg_t, equals, bool, private_child_cfg_t *this, child_cfg_t *other_pub) { private_child_cfg_t *other = (private_child_cfg_t*)other_pub; if (this == other) { return TRUE; } if (this->public.equals != other->public.equals) { return FALSE; } if (!this->proposals->equals_offset(this->proposals, other->proposals, offsetof(proposal_t, equals))) { return FALSE; } if (!this->my_ts->equals_offset(this->my_ts, other->my_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, equals))) { return FALSE; } if (!this->other_ts->equals_offset(this->other_ts, other->other_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, equals))) { return FALSE; } return this->hostaccess == other->hostaccess && this->mode == other->mode && this->start_action == other->start_action && this->dpd_action == other->dpd_action && this->close_action == other->close_action && LIFETIME_EQUALS(this->lifetime, other->lifetime) && this->use_ipcomp == other->use_ipcomp && this->inactivity == other->inactivity && this->reqid == other->reqid && this->mark_in.value == other->mark_in.value && this->mark_in.mask == other->mark_in.mask && this->mark_out.value == other->mark_out.value && this->mark_out.mask == other->mark_out.mask && this->tfc == other->tfc && this->replay_window == other->replay_window && this->proxy_mode == other->proxy_mode && this->install_policy == other->install_policy && streq(this->updown, other->updown); } METHOD(child_cfg_t, get_ref, child_cfg_t*, private_child_cfg_t *this) { ref_get(&this->refcount); return &this->public; } METHOD(child_cfg_t, destroy, void, private_child_cfg_t *this) { if (ref_put(&this->refcount)) { this->proposals->destroy_offset(this->proposals, offsetof(proposal_t, destroy)); this->my_ts->destroy_offset(this->my_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); this->other_ts->destroy_offset(this->other_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); if (this->updown) { free(this->updown); } free(this->name); free(this); } } /* * Described in header-file */ child_cfg_t *child_cfg_create(char *name, lifetime_cfg_t *lifetime, char *updown, bool hostaccess, ipsec_mode_t mode, action_t start_action, action_t dpd_action, action_t close_action, bool ipcomp, u_int32_t inactivity, u_int32_t reqid, mark_t *mark_in, mark_t *mark_out, u_int32_t tfc) { private_child_cfg_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .get_name = _get_name, .add_traffic_selector = _add_traffic_selector, .get_traffic_selectors = _get_traffic_selectors, .add_proposal = _add_proposal, .get_proposals = _get_proposals, .select_proposal = _select_proposal, .get_updown = _get_updown, .get_hostaccess = _get_hostaccess, .get_mode = _get_mode, .get_start_action = _get_start_action, .get_dpd_action = _get_dpd_action, .get_close_action = _get_close_action, .get_lifetime = _get_lifetime, .get_dh_group = _get_dh_group, .set_mipv6_options = _set_mipv6_options, .use_ipcomp = _use_ipcomp, .get_inactivity = _get_inactivity, .get_reqid = _get_reqid, .get_mark = _get_mark, .get_tfc = _get_tfc, .get_replay_window = _get_replay_window, .set_replay_window = _set_replay_window, .use_proxy_mode = _use_proxy_mode, .install_policy = _install_policy, .equals = _equals, .get_ref = _get_ref, .destroy = _destroy, }, .name = strdup(name), .updown = strdupnull(updown), .hostaccess = hostaccess, .mode = mode, .start_action = start_action, .dpd_action = dpd_action, .close_action = close_action, .use_ipcomp = ipcomp, .inactivity = inactivity, .reqid = reqid, .proxy_mode = FALSE, .install_policy = TRUE, .refcount = 1, .proposals = linked_list_create(), .my_ts = linked_list_create(), .other_ts = linked_list_create(), .tfc = tfc, .replay_window = lib->settings->get_int(lib->settings, "%s.replay_window", DEFAULT_REPLAY_WINDOW, lib->ns), ); if (mark_in) { this->mark_in = *mark_in; } if (mark_out) { this->mark_out = *mark_out; } memcpy(&this->lifetime, lifetime, sizeof(lifetime_cfg_t)); return &this->public; }