/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "ike_cfg.h" #include #include ENUM(ike_version_names, IKE_ANY, IKEV2, "IKEv1/2", "IKEv1", "IKEv2", ); typedef struct private_ike_cfg_t private_ike_cfg_t; /** * Private data of an ike_cfg_t object */ struct private_ike_cfg_t { /** * Public part */ ike_cfg_t public; /** * Number of references hold by others to this ike_cfg */ refcount_t refcount; /** * IKE version to use */ ike_version_t version; /** * Address list string for local host */ char *me; /** * Address list string for remote host */ char *other; /** * Local single host or DNS names, as allocated char* */ linked_list_t *my_hosts; /** * Remote single host or DNS names, as allocated char* */ linked_list_t *other_hosts; /** * Local ranges/subnets this config matches to, as traffic_selector_t* */ linked_list_t *my_ranges; /** * Remote ranges/subnets this config matches to, as traffic_selector_t* */ linked_list_t *other_ranges; /** * our source port */ u_int16_t my_port; /** * destination port */ u_int16_t other_port; /** * should we send a certificate request? */ bool certreq; /** * enforce UDP encapsulation */ bool force_encap; /** * use IKEv1 fragmentation */ fragmentation_t fragmentation; /** * DSCP value to use on sent IKE packets */ u_int8_t dscp; /** * List of proposals to use */ linked_list_t *proposals; }; METHOD(ike_cfg_t, get_version, ike_version_t, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { return this->version; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, send_certreq, bool, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { return this->certreq; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, force_encap_, bool, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { return this->force_encap; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, fragmentation, fragmentation_t, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { return this->fragmentation; } /** * Common function for resolve_me/other */ static host_t* resolve(linked_list_t *hosts, int family, u_int16_t port) { enumerator_t *enumerator; host_t *host = NULL; bool tried = FALSE; char *str; enumerator = hosts->create_enumerator(hosts); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &str)) { host = host_create_from_dns(str, family, port); if (host) { break; } tried = TRUE; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (!host && !tried) { /* we have no single host configured, return %any */ host = host_create_any(family ?: AF_INET); host->set_port(host, port); } return host; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, resolve_me, host_t*, private_ike_cfg_t *this, int family) { return resolve(this->my_hosts, family, this->my_port); } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, resolve_other, host_t*, private_ike_cfg_t *this, int family) { return resolve(this->other_hosts, family, this->other_port); } /** * Common function for match_me/other */ static u_int match(linked_list_t *hosts, linked_list_t *ranges, host_t *cand) { enumerator_t *enumerator; traffic_selector_t *ts; char *str; host_t *host; u_int8_t mask; u_int quality = 0; /* try single hosts first */ enumerator = hosts->create_enumerator(hosts); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &str)) { host = host_create_from_dns(str, cand->get_family(cand), 0); if (host) { if (host->ip_equals(host, cand)) { quality = max(quality, 128 + 1); } if (host->is_anyaddr(host)) { quality = max(quality, 1); } host->destroy(host); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); /* then ranges/subnets */ enumerator = ranges->create_enumerator(ranges); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &ts)) { if (ts->includes(ts, cand)) { if (ts->to_subnet(ts, &host, &mask)) { quality = max(quality, mask + 1); host->destroy(host); } else { quality = max(quality, 1); } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return quality; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, match_me, u_int, private_ike_cfg_t *this, host_t *host) { return match(this->my_hosts, this->my_ranges, host); } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, match_other, u_int, private_ike_cfg_t *this, host_t *host) { return match(this->other_hosts, this->other_ranges, host); } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, get_my_addr, char*, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { return this->me; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, get_other_addr, char*, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { return this->other; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, get_my_port, u_int16_t, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { return this->my_port; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, get_other_port, u_int16_t, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { return this->other_port; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, get_dscp, u_int8_t, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { return this->dscp; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, add_proposal, void, private_ike_cfg_t *this, proposal_t *proposal) { this->proposals->insert_last(this->proposals, proposal); } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, get_proposals, linked_list_t*, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; proposal_t *current; linked_list_t *proposals; proposals = linked_list_create(); enumerator = this->proposals->create_enumerator(this->proposals); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, ¤t)) { current = current->clone(current); proposals->insert_last(proposals, current); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); DBG2(DBG_CFG, "configured proposals: %#P", proposals); return proposals; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, select_proposal, proposal_t*, private_ike_cfg_t *this, linked_list_t *proposals, bool private) { enumerator_t *stored_enum, *supplied_enum; proposal_t *stored, *supplied, *selected; stored_enum = this->proposals->create_enumerator(this->proposals); supplied_enum = proposals->create_enumerator(proposals); /* compare all stored proposals with all supplied. Stored ones are preferred.*/ while (stored_enum->enumerate(stored_enum, (void**)&stored)) { proposals->reset_enumerator(proposals, supplied_enum); while (supplied_enum->enumerate(supplied_enum, (void**)&supplied)) { selected = stored->select(stored, supplied, private); if (selected) { /* they match, return */ stored_enum->destroy(stored_enum); supplied_enum->destroy(supplied_enum); DBG2(DBG_CFG, "received proposals: %#P", proposals); DBG2(DBG_CFG, "configured proposals: %#P", this->proposals); DBG2(DBG_CFG, "selected proposal: %P", selected); return selected; } } } /* no proposal match :-(, will result in a NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN... */ stored_enum->destroy(stored_enum); supplied_enum->destroy(supplied_enum); DBG1(DBG_CFG, "received proposals: %#P", proposals); DBG1(DBG_CFG, "configured proposals: %#P", this->proposals); return NULL; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, get_dh_group, diffie_hellman_group_t, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; proposal_t *proposal; u_int16_t dh_group = MODP_NONE; enumerator = this->proposals->create_enumerator(this->proposals); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &proposal)) { if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, DIFFIE_HELLMAN_GROUP, &dh_group, NULL)) { break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return dh_group; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, equals, bool, private_ike_cfg_t *this, ike_cfg_t *other_public) { private_ike_cfg_t *other = (private_ike_cfg_t*)other_public; enumerator_t *e1, *e2; proposal_t *p1, *p2; bool eq = TRUE; if (this == other) { return TRUE; } if (this->public.equals != other->public.equals) { return FALSE; } if (this->proposals->get_count(this->proposals) != other->proposals->get_count(other->proposals)) { return FALSE; } e1 = this->proposals->create_enumerator(this->proposals); e2 = this->proposals->create_enumerator(this->proposals); while (e1->enumerate(e1, &p1) && e2->enumerate(e2, &p2)) { if (!p1->equals(p1, p2)) { eq = FALSE; break; } } e1->destroy(e1); e2->destroy(e2); return (eq && this->version == other->version && this->certreq == other->certreq && this->force_encap == other->force_encap && this->fragmentation == other->fragmentation && streq(this->me, other->me) && streq(this->other, other->other) && this->my_port == other->my_port && this->other_port == other->other_port); } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, get_ref, ike_cfg_t*, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { ref_get(&this->refcount); return &this->public; } METHOD(ike_cfg_t, destroy, void, private_ike_cfg_t *this) { if (ref_put(&this->refcount)) { this->proposals->destroy_offset(this->proposals, offsetof(proposal_t, destroy)); free(this->me); free(this->other); this->my_hosts->destroy_function(this->my_hosts, free); this->other_hosts->destroy_function(this->other_hosts, free); this->my_ranges->destroy_offset(this->my_ranges, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); this->other_ranges->destroy_offset(this->other_ranges, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); free(this); } } /** * Try to parse a string as subnet */ static traffic_selector_t* make_subnet(char *str) { char *pos; pos = strchr(str, '/'); if (!pos) { return NULL; } return traffic_selector_create_from_cidr(str, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Try to parse a string as an IP range */ static traffic_selector_t* make_range(char *str) { traffic_selector_t *ts; ts_type_t type; char *pos; host_t *from, *to; pos = strchr(str, '-'); if (!pos) { return NULL; } to = host_create_from_string(pos + 1, 0); if (!to) { return NULL; } str = strndup(str, pos - str); from = host_create_from_string_and_family(str, to->get_family(to), 0); free(str); if (!from) { to->destroy(to); return NULL; } if (to->get_family(to) == AF_INET) { type = TS_IPV4_ADDR_RANGE; } else { type = TS_IPV6_ADDR_RANGE; } ts = traffic_selector_create_from_bytes(0, type, from->get_address(from), 0, to->get_address(to), 0); from->destroy(from); to->destroy(to); return ts; } /** * Parse address string into lists of single hosts and ranges/subnets */ static void parse_addresses(char *str, linked_list_t *hosts, linked_list_t *ranges) { enumerator_t *enumerator; traffic_selector_t *ts; enumerator = enumerator_create_token(str, ",", " "); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &str)) { ts = make_subnet(str); if (ts) { ranges->insert_last(ranges, ts); continue; } ts = make_range(str); if (ts) { ranges->insert_last(ranges, ts); continue; } hosts->insert_last(hosts, strdup(str)); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * Described in header. */ ike_cfg_t *ike_cfg_create(ike_version_t version, bool certreq, bool force_encap, char *me, u_int16_t my_port, char *other, u_int16_t other_port, fragmentation_t fragmentation, u_int8_t dscp) { private_ike_cfg_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .get_version = _get_version, .send_certreq = _send_certreq, .force_encap = _force_encap_, .fragmentation = _fragmentation, .resolve_me = _resolve_me, .resolve_other = _resolve_other, .match_me = _match_me, .match_other = _match_other, .get_my_addr = _get_my_addr, .get_other_addr = _get_other_addr, .get_my_port = _get_my_port, .get_other_port = _get_other_port, .get_dscp = _get_dscp, .add_proposal = _add_proposal, .get_proposals = _get_proposals, .select_proposal = _select_proposal, .get_dh_group = _get_dh_group, .equals = _equals, .get_ref = _get_ref, .destroy = _destroy, }, .refcount = 1, .version = version, .certreq = certreq, .force_encap = force_encap, .fragmentation = fragmentation, .me = strdup(me), .my_ranges = linked_list_create(), .my_hosts = linked_list_create(), .other = strdup(other), .other_ranges = linked_list_create(), .other_hosts = linked_list_create(), .my_port = my_port, .other_port = other_port, .dscp = dscp, .proposals = linked_list_create(), ); parse_addresses(me, this->my_hosts, this->my_ranges); parse_addresses(other, this->other_hosts, this->other_ranges); return &this->public; }