/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "cert_cache.h" #include #include #include #include #include /** cache size, a power of 2 for fast modulo */ #define CACHE_SIZE 32 /** attempts to acquire a cache lock */ #define REPLACE_TRIES 5 typedef struct private_cert_cache_t private_cert_cache_t; typedef struct relation_t relation_t; /** * A trusted relation between subject and issuer */ struct relation_t { /** * subject of this relation */ certificate_t *subject; /** * issuer of this relation */ certificate_t *issuer; /** * Cache hits */ u_int hits; /** * Lock for this relation */ rwlock_t *lock; }; /** * private data of cert_cache */ struct private_cert_cache_t { /** * public functions */ cert_cache_t public; /** * array of trusted subject-issuer relations */ relation_t relations[CACHE_SIZE]; }; /** * Cache relation in a free slot/replace an other */ static void cache(private_cert_cache_t *this, certificate_t *subject, certificate_t *issuer) { relation_t *rel; int i, offset, try; u_int total_hits = 0; /* check for a unused relation slot first */ for (i = 0; i < CACHE_SIZE; i++) { rel = &this->relations[i]; if (!rel->subject && rel->lock->try_write_lock(rel->lock)) { /* double-check having lock */ if (!rel->subject) { rel->subject = subject->get_ref(subject); rel->issuer = issuer->get_ref(issuer); return rel->lock->unlock(rel->lock); } rel->lock->unlock(rel->lock); } total_hits += rel->hits; } /* run several attempts to replace a random slot, never block. */ for (try = 0; try < REPLACE_TRIES; try++) { /* replace a random relation */ offset = random(); for (i = 0; i < CACHE_SIZE; i++) { rel = &this->relations[(i + offset) % CACHE_SIZE]; if (rel->hits > total_hits / CACHE_SIZE) { /* skip often used slots */ continue; } if (rel->lock->try_write_lock(rel->lock)) { if (rel->subject) { rel->subject->destroy(rel->subject); rel->issuer->destroy(rel->issuer); } rel->subject = subject->get_ref(subject); rel->issuer = issuer->get_ref(issuer); rel->hits = 0; return rel->lock->unlock(rel->lock); } } /* give other threads a chance to release locks */ sched_yield(); } } /** * Implementation of cert_cache_t.issued_by. */ static bool issued_by(private_cert_cache_t *this, certificate_t *subject, certificate_t *issuer) { relation_t *found = NULL, *current; int i; for (i = 0; i < CACHE_SIZE; i++) { current = &this->relations[i]; current->lock->read_lock(current->lock); if (current->subject) { /* check for equal issuer */ if (issuer->equals(issuer, current->issuer)) { /* reuse issuer instance in cache() */ issuer = current->issuer; if (subject->equals(subject, current->subject)) { /* write hit counter is not locked, but not critical */ current->hits++; found = current; } } } current->lock->unlock(current->lock); if (found) { return TRUE; } } /* no cache hit, check and cache signature */ if (subject->issued_by(subject, issuer)) { cache(this, subject, issuer); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * certificate enumerator implemenation */ typedef struct { /** implements enumerator_t interface */ enumerator_t public; /** type of requested certificate */ certificate_type_t cert; /** type of requested key */ key_type_t key; /** ID to get a cert for */ identification_t *id; /** cache */ relation_t *relations; /** current position in array cache */ int index; /** currently locked relation */ int locked; } cert_enumerator_t; /** * filter function for certs enumerator */ static bool cert_enumerate(cert_enumerator_t *this, certificate_t **out) { public_key_t *public; relation_t *rel; if (this->locked >= 0) { rel = &this->relations[this->locked]; rel->lock->unlock(rel->lock); this->locked = -1; } while (++this->index < CACHE_SIZE) { rel = &this->relations[this->index]; rel->lock->read_lock(rel->lock); this->locked = this->index; if (rel->subject) { /* CRL lookup is done using issuer/authkeyidentifier */ if (this->key == KEY_ANY && this->id && (this->cert == CERT_ANY || this->cert == CERT_X509_CRL) && rel->subject->get_type(rel->subject) == CERT_X509_CRL && rel->subject->has_issuer(rel->subject, this->id)) { *out = rel->subject; return TRUE; } if ((this->cert == CERT_ANY || rel->subject->get_type(rel->subject) == this->cert) && (!this->id || rel->subject->has_subject(rel->subject, this->id))) { if (this->key == KEY_ANY) { *out = rel->subject; return TRUE; } public = rel->subject->get_public_key(rel->subject); if (public) { if (public->get_type(public) == this->key) { public->destroy(public); *out = rel->subject; return TRUE; } public->destroy(public); } } } this->locked = -1; rel->lock->unlock(rel->lock); } return FALSE; } /** * clean up enumeration data */ static void cert_enumerator_destroy(cert_enumerator_t *this) { relation_t *rel; if (this->locked >= 0) { rel = &this->relations[this->locked]; rel->lock->unlock(rel->lock); } free(this); } /** * implementation of credential_set_t.create_cert_enumerator */ static enumerator_t *create_enumerator(private_cert_cache_t *this, certificate_type_t cert, key_type_t key, identification_t *id, bool trusted) { cert_enumerator_t *enumerator; if (trusted) { return NULL; } enumerator = malloc_thing(cert_enumerator_t); enumerator->public.enumerate = (void*)cert_enumerate; enumerator->public.destroy = (void*)cert_enumerator_destroy; enumerator->cert = cert; enumerator->key = key; enumerator->id = id; enumerator->relations = this->relations; enumerator->index = -1; enumerator->locked = -1; return &enumerator->public; } /** * Implementation of cert_cache_t.flush. */ static void flush(private_cert_cache_t *this, certificate_type_t type) { relation_t *rel; int i; for (i = 0; i < CACHE_SIZE; i++) { rel = &this->relations[i]; if (!rel->subject) { continue; } /* check with cheap read lock first */ if (type != CERT_ANY) { rel->lock->read_lock(rel->lock); if (!rel->subject || type != rel->subject->get_type(rel->subject)) { rel->lock->unlock(rel->lock); continue; } rel->lock->unlock(rel->lock); } /* double check in write lock */ rel->lock->write_lock(rel->lock); if (rel->subject) { if (type == CERT_ANY || type == rel->subject->get_type(rel->subject)) { rel->subject->destroy(rel->subject); rel->issuer->destroy(rel->issuer); rel->subject = NULL; rel->issuer = NULL; rel->hits = 0; } } rel->lock->unlock(rel->lock); } } /** * Implementation of cert_cache_t.destroy */ static void destroy(private_cert_cache_t *this) { relation_t *rel; int i; for (i = 0; i < CACHE_SIZE; i++) { rel = &this->relations[i]; if (rel->subject) { rel->subject->destroy(rel->subject); rel->issuer->destroy(rel->issuer); } rel->lock->destroy(rel->lock); } free(this); } /* * see header file */ cert_cache_t *cert_cache_create() { private_cert_cache_t *this; int i; this = malloc_thing(private_cert_cache_t); this->public.set.create_private_enumerator = (void*)return_null; this->public.set.create_cert_enumerator = (void*)create_enumerator; this->public.set.create_shared_enumerator = (void*)return_null; this->public.set.create_cdp_enumerator = (void*)return_null; this->public.set.cache_cert = (void*)nop; this->public.issued_by = (bool(*)(cert_cache_t*, certificate_t *subject, certificate_t *issuer))issued_by; this->public.flush = (void(*)(cert_cache_t*, certificate_type_t type))flush; this->public.destroy = (void(*)(cert_cache_t*))destroy; for (i = 0; i < CACHE_SIZE; i++) { this->relations[i].subject = NULL; this->relations[i].issuer = NULL; this->relations[i].hits = 0; this->relations[i].lock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); } return &this->public; }