/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include "parser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_parser_t private_parser_t; /** * Private data stored in a context. * * Contains pointers and counters to store current state. */ struct private_parser_t { /** * Public members, see parser_t. */ parser_t public; /** * Current bit for reading in input data. */ u_int8_t bit_pos; /** * Current byte for reading in input data. */ u_int8_t *byte_pos; /** * Input data to parse. */ u_int8_t *input; /** * Roof of input, used for length-checking. */ u_int8_t *input_roof; /** * Set of encoding rules for this parsing session. */ encoding_rule_t *rules; }; /** * Forward declaration */ static status_t parse_payload(private_parser_t *this, payload_type_t payload_type, payload_t **payload); /** * Log invalid length error */ static bool short_input(private_parser_t *this, int number) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, " not enough input to parse rule %d %N", number, encoding_type_names, this->rules[number].type); return FALSE; } /** * Log unaligned rules */ static bool bad_bitpos(private_parser_t *this, int number) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, " found rule %d %N on bitpos %d", number, encoding_type_names, this->rules[number].type, this->bit_pos); return FALSE; } /** * Parse a 4-Bit unsigned integer from the current parsing position. */ static bool parse_uint4(private_parser_t *this, int rule_number, u_int8_t *output_pos) { if (this->byte_pos + sizeof(u_int8_t) > this->input_roof) { return short_input(this, rule_number); } switch (this->bit_pos) { case 0: if (output_pos) { *output_pos = *(this->byte_pos) >> 4; } this->bit_pos = 4; break; case 4: if (output_pos) { *output_pos = *(this->byte_pos) & 0x0F; } this->bit_pos = 0; this->byte_pos++; break; default: return bad_bitpos(this, rule_number); } if (output_pos) { DBG3(DBG_ENC, " => %d", *output_pos); } return TRUE; } /** * Parse a 8-Bit unsigned integer from the current parsing position. */ static bool parse_uint8(private_parser_t *this, int rule_number, u_int8_t *output_pos) { if (this->byte_pos + sizeof(u_int8_t) > this->input_roof) { return short_input(this, rule_number); } if (this->bit_pos) { return bad_bitpos(this, rule_number); } if (output_pos) { *output_pos = *(this->byte_pos); DBG3(DBG_ENC, " => %d", *output_pos); } this->byte_pos++; return TRUE; } /** * Parse a 15-Bit unsigned integer from the current parsing position. */ static bool parse_uint15(private_parser_t *this, int rule_number, u_int16_t *output_pos) { if (this->byte_pos + sizeof(u_int16_t) > this->input_roof) { return short_input(this, rule_number); } if (this->bit_pos != 1) { return bad_bitpos(this, rule_number); } if (output_pos) { memcpy(output_pos, this->byte_pos, sizeof(u_int16_t)); *output_pos = ntohs(*output_pos) & ~0x8000; DBG3(DBG_ENC, " => %d", *output_pos); } this->byte_pos += sizeof(u_int16_t); this->bit_pos = 0; return TRUE; } /** * Parse a 16-Bit unsigned integer from the current parsing position. */ static bool parse_uint16(private_parser_t *this, int rule_number, u_int16_t *output_pos) { if (this->byte_pos + sizeof(u_int16_t) > this->input_roof) { return short_input(this, rule_number); } if (this->bit_pos) { return bad_bitpos(this, rule_number); } if (output_pos) { memcpy(output_pos, this->byte_pos, sizeof(u_int16_t)); *output_pos = ntohs(*output_pos); DBG3(DBG_ENC, " => %d", *output_pos); } this->byte_pos += sizeof(u_int16_t); return TRUE; } /** * Parse a 32-Bit unsigned integer from the current parsing position. */ static bool parse_uint32(private_parser_t *this, int rule_number, u_int32_t *output_pos) { if (this->byte_pos + sizeof(u_int32_t) > this->input_roof) { return short_input(this, rule_number); } if (this->bit_pos) { return bad_bitpos(this, rule_number); } if (output_pos) { memcpy(output_pos, this->byte_pos, sizeof(u_int32_t)); *output_pos = ntohl(*output_pos); DBG3(DBG_ENC, " => %d", *output_pos); } this->byte_pos += sizeof(u_int32_t); return TRUE; } /** * Parse a given amount of bytes and writes them to a specific location */ static bool parse_bytes(private_parser_t *this, int rule_number, u_int8_t *output_pos, int bytes) { if (this->byte_pos + bytes > this->input_roof) { return short_input(this, rule_number); } if (this->bit_pos) { return bad_bitpos(this, rule_number); } if (output_pos) { memcpy(output_pos, this->byte_pos, bytes); DBG3(DBG_ENC, " => %b", output_pos, bytes); } this->byte_pos += bytes; return TRUE; } /** * Parse a single Bit from the current parsing position */ static bool parse_bit(private_parser_t *this, int rule_number, bool *output_pos) { if (this->byte_pos + sizeof(u_int8_t) > this->input_roof) { return short_input(this, rule_number); } if (output_pos) { u_int8_t mask; mask = 0x01 << (7 - this->bit_pos); *output_pos = *this->byte_pos & mask; if (*output_pos) { /* set to a "clean", comparable true */ *output_pos = TRUE; } DBG3(DBG_ENC, " => %d", *output_pos); } this->bit_pos = (this->bit_pos + 1) % 8; if (this->bit_pos == 0) { this->byte_pos++; } return TRUE; } /** * Parse substructures in a list. */ static bool parse_list(private_parser_t *this, int rule_number, linked_list_t **output_pos, payload_type_t payload_type, int length) { linked_list_t *list = *output_pos; if (length < 0) { return short_input(this, rule_number); } if (this->bit_pos) { return bad_bitpos(this, rule_number); } while (length > 0) { u_int8_t *pos_before = this->byte_pos; payload_t *payload; DBG2(DBG_ENC, " %d bytes left, parsing recursively %N", length, payload_type_names, payload_type); if (parse_payload(this, payload_type, &payload) != SUCCESS) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, " parsing of a %N substructure failed", payload_type_names, payload_type); return FALSE; } list->insert_last(list, payload); length -= this->byte_pos - pos_before; } if (length != 0) { /* must yield exactly to zero */ DBG1(DBG_ENC, " length of %N substructure list invalid", payload_type_names, payload_type); return FALSE; } *output_pos = list; return TRUE; } /** * Parse data from current parsing position in a chunk. */ static bool parse_chunk(private_parser_t *this, int rule_number, chunk_t *output_pos, int length) { if (this->byte_pos + length > this->input_roof) { return short_input(this, rule_number); } if (this->bit_pos) { return bad_bitpos(this, rule_number); } if (output_pos) { *output_pos = chunk_alloc(length); memcpy(output_pos->ptr, this->byte_pos, length); DBG3(DBG_ENC, " => %b", output_pos->ptr, length); } this->byte_pos += length; return TRUE; } /** * Implementation of parser_t.parse_payload. */ static status_t parse_payload(private_parser_t *this, payload_type_t payload_type, payload_t **payload) { payload_t *pld; void *output; size_t rule_count; int payload_length = 0, spi_size = 0, attribute_length = 0; u_int16_t ts_type = 0; bool attribute_format = FALSE; int rule_number; encoding_rule_t *rule; /* create instance of the payload to parse */ pld = payload_create(payload_type); DBG2(DBG_ENC, "parsing %N payload, %d bytes left", payload_type_names, payload_type, this->input_roof - this->byte_pos); DBG3(DBG_ENC, "parsing payload from %b", this->byte_pos, this->input_roof - this->byte_pos); /* base pointer for output, avoids casting in every rule */ output = pld; /* parse the payload with its own rulse */ pld->get_encoding_rules(pld, &this->rules, &rule_count); for (rule_number = 0; rule_number < rule_count; rule_number++) { rule = &(this->rules[rule_number]); DBG2(DBG_ENC, " parsing rule %d %N", rule_number, encoding_type_names, rule->type); switch (rule->type) { case U_INT_4: { if (!parse_uint4(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case U_INT_8: case RESERVED_BYTE: { if (!parse_uint8(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case U_INT_16: { if (!parse_uint16(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case U_INT_32: case HEADER_LENGTH: { if (!parse_uint32(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case IKE_SPI: { if (!parse_bytes(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, 8)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case RESERVED_BIT: case FLAG: { if (!parse_bit(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case PAYLOAD_LENGTH: { if (!parse_uint16(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } /* parsed u_int16 should be aligned */ payload_length = *(u_int16_t*)(output + rule->offset); if (payload_length < UNKNOWN_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case SPI_SIZE: { if (!parse_uint8(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } spi_size = *(u_int8_t*)(output + rule->offset); break; } case SPI: { if (!parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, spi_size)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case PROPOSALS: { if (payload_length < SA_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_list(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, PROPOSAL_SUBSTRUCTURE, payload_length - SA_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case TRANSFORMS: { if (payload_length < spi_size + PROPOSAL_SUBSTRUCTURE_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_list(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, TRANSFORM_SUBSTRUCTURE, payload_length - spi_size - PROPOSAL_SUBSTRUCTURE_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTES: { if (payload_length < TRANSFORM_SUBSTRUCTURE_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_list(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, payload_length - TRANSFORM_SUBSTRUCTURE_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTES: { if (payload_length < CP_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_list(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTE, payload_length - CP_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT: { if (!parse_bit(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } attribute_format = *(bool*)(output + rule->offset); break; } case ATTRIBUTE_TYPE: { if (!parse_uint15(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH: { if (!parse_uint16(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } attribute_length = *(u_int16_t*)(output + rule->offset); break; } case ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH_OR_VALUE: { if (!parse_uint16(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } attribute_length = *(u_int16_t*)(output + rule->offset); break; } case ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: { if (attribute_format == FALSE && !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, attribute_length)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case NONCE_DATA: { if (payload_length < NONCE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - NONCE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case ID_DATA: { if (payload_length < ID_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - ID_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case AUTH_DATA: { if (payload_length < AUTH_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - AUTH_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case CERT_DATA: { if (payload_length < CERT_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - CERT_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case CERTREQ_DATA: { if (payload_length < CERTREQ_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - CERTREQ_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case EAP_DATA: { if (payload_length < EAP_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - EAP_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case SPIS: { if (payload_length < DELETE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - DELETE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case VID_DATA: { if (payload_length < VENDOR_ID_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - VENDOR_ID_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: { if (!parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, attribute_length)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case KEY_EXCHANGE_DATA: { if (payload_length < KE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - KE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case NOTIFICATION_DATA: { if (payload_length < NOTIFY_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH + spi_size || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - NOTIFY_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH - spi_size)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case ENCRYPTED_DATA: { if (payload_length < ENCRYPTION_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - ENCRYPTION_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case TS_TYPE: { if (!parse_uint8(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } ts_type = *(u_int8_t*)(output + rule->offset); break; } case ADDRESS: { int address_length = (ts_type == TS_IPV4_ADDR_RANGE) ? 4 : 16; if (!parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, address_length)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case TRAFFIC_SELECTORS: { if (payload_length < TS_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_list(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, TRAFFIC_SELECTOR_SUBSTRUCTURE, payload_length - TS_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } case UNKNOWN_DATA: { if (payload_length < UNKNOWN_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH || !parse_chunk(this, rule_number, output + rule->offset, payload_length - UNKNOWN_PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) { pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } break; } default: { DBG1(DBG_ENC, " no rule to parse rule %d %N", rule_number, encoding_type_names, rule->type); pld->destroy(pld); return PARSE_ERROR; } } /* process next rulue */ rule++; } *payload = pld; DBG2(DBG_ENC, "parsing %N payload finished", payload_type_names, payload_type); return SUCCESS; } /** * Implementation of parser_t.get_remaining_byte_count. */ static int get_remaining_byte_count (private_parser_t *this) { return this->input_roof - this->byte_pos; } /** * Implementation of parser_t.reset_context. */ static void reset_context (private_parser_t *this) { this->byte_pos = this->input; this->bit_pos = 0; } /** * Implementation of parser_t.destroy. */ static void destroy(private_parser_t *this) { free(this); } /* * Described in header. */ parser_t *parser_create(chunk_t data) { private_parser_t *this = malloc_thing(private_parser_t); this->public.parse_payload = (status_t(*)(parser_t*,payload_type_t,payload_t**))parse_payload; this->public.reset_context = (void(*)(parser_t*)) reset_context; this->public.get_remaining_byte_count = (int (*) (parser_t *))get_remaining_byte_count; this->public.destroy = (void(*)(parser_t*)) destroy; this->input = data.ptr; this->byte_pos = data.ptr; this->bit_pos = 0; this->input_roof = data.ptr + data.len; return &this->public; }