/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Willi, revosec AG * Copyright (C) 2010 Andreas Steffen, HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "eap_peap.h" #include "eap_peap_peer.h" #include "eap_peap_server.h" #include #include #include typedef struct private_eap_peap_t private_eap_peap_t; /** * Private data of an eap_peap_t object. */ struct private_eap_peap_t { /** * Public interface. */ eap_peap_t public; /** * TLS stack, wrapped by EAP helper */ tls_eap_t *tls_eap; }; /** Maximum number of EAP-PEAP messages/fragments allowed */ #define MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT 32 /** Default size of a EAP-PEAP fragment */ #define MAX_FRAGMENT_LEN 1024 METHOD(eap_method_t, initiate, status_t, private_eap_peap_t *this, eap_payload_t **out) { chunk_t data; if (this->tls_eap->initiate(this->tls_eap, &data) == NEED_MORE) { *out = eap_payload_create_data(data); free(data.ptr); return NEED_MORE; } return FAILED; } METHOD(eap_method_t, process, status_t, private_eap_peap_t *this, eap_payload_t *in, eap_payload_t **out) { status_t status; chunk_t data; data = in->get_data(in); status = this->tls_eap->process(this->tls_eap, data, &data); if (status == NEED_MORE) { *out = eap_payload_create_data(data); free(data.ptr); } return status; } METHOD(eap_method_t, get_type, eap_type_t, private_eap_peap_t *this, u_int32_t *vendor) { *vendor = 0; return EAP_PEAP; } METHOD(eap_method_t, get_msk, status_t, private_eap_peap_t *this, chunk_t *msk) { *msk = this->tls_eap->get_msk(this->tls_eap); if (msk->len) { return SUCCESS; } return FAILED; } METHOD(eap_method_t, get_identifier, u_int8_t, private_eap_peap_t *this) { return this->tls_eap->get_identifier(this->tls_eap); } METHOD(eap_method_t, set_identifier, void, private_eap_peap_t *this, u_int8_t identifier) { this->tls_eap->set_identifier(this->tls_eap, identifier); } METHOD(eap_method_t, is_mutual, bool, private_eap_peap_t *this) { return TRUE; } METHOD(eap_method_t, destroy, void, private_eap_peap_t *this) { this->tls_eap->destroy(this->tls_eap); free(this); } /** * Create an empty private eap_peap_t object */ static private_eap_peap_t *eap_peap_create_empty(void) { private_eap_peap_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .eap_method = { .initiate = _initiate, .process = _process, .get_type = _get_type, .is_mutual = _is_mutual, .get_msk = _get_msk, .get_identifier = _get_identifier, .set_identifier = _set_identifier, .destroy = _destroy, }, }, ); return this; } /** * Generic private constructor */ static eap_peap_t *eap_peap_create(private_eap_peap_t * this, identification_t *server, identification_t *peer, bool is_server, tls_application_t *application) { size_t frag_size; int max_msg_count; bool include_length; tls_t *tls; if (is_server && !lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.eap-peap.request_peer_auth", FALSE, charon->name)) { peer = NULL; } frag_size = lib->settings->get_int(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.eap-peap.fragment_size", MAX_FRAGMENT_LEN, charon->name); max_msg_count = lib->settings->get_int(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.eap-peap.max_message_count", MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT, charon->name); include_length = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.eap-peap.include_length", FALSE, charon->name); tls = tls_create(is_server, server, peer, TLS_PURPOSE_EAP_PEAP, application, NULL); this->tls_eap = tls_eap_create(EAP_PEAP, tls, frag_size, max_msg_count, include_length); if (!this->tls_eap) { application->destroy(application); free(this); return NULL; } return &this->public; } eap_peap_t *eap_peap_create_server(identification_t *server, identification_t *peer) { private_eap_peap_t *eap_peap; eap_method_t *eap_method; eap_peap_server_t *eap_peap_server; tls_application_t *application; /* the tunneled application needs a reference to the outer EAP-PEAP method */ eap_peap = eap_peap_create_empty(); eap_method = &eap_peap->public.eap_method; eap_peap_server = eap_peap_server_create(server, peer, eap_method); application = &eap_peap_server->application; return eap_peap_create(eap_peap, server, peer, TRUE, application); } eap_peap_t *eap_peap_create_peer(identification_t *server, identification_t *peer) { private_eap_peap_t *eap_peap; eap_method_t *eap_method; eap_peap_peer_t *eap_peap_peer; tls_application_t *application; /* the tunneled application needs a reference to the outer EAP-PEAP method */ eap_peap = eap_peap_create_empty(); eap_method = &eap_peap->public.eap_method; eap_peap_peer = eap_peap_peer_create(server, peer, eap_method); application = &eap_peap_peer->application; return eap_peap_create(eap_peap, server, peer, FALSE, application); }