/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2012 revosec AG * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "eap_radius_accounting.h" #include "eap_radius_plugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_eap_radius_accounting_t private_eap_radius_accounting_t; /** * Private data of an eap_radius_accounting_t object. */ struct private_eap_radius_accounting_t { /** * Public eap_radius_accounting_t interface. */ eap_radius_accounting_t public; /** * Hashtable with sessions, ike_sa_id_t => entry_t */ hashtable_t *sessions; /** * Mutex to lock sessions */ mutex_t *mutex; /** * Session ID prefix */ u_int32_t prefix; /** * Format string we use for Called/Calling-Station-Id for a host */ char *station_id_fmt; /** * Disable accounting unless IKE_SA has at least one virtual IP */ bool acct_req_vip; }; /** * Singleton instance of accounting */ static private_eap_radius_accounting_t *singleton = NULL; /** * Acct-Terminate-Cause */ typedef enum { ACCT_CAUSE_USER_REQUEST = 1, ACCT_CAUSE_LOST_CARRIER = 2, ACCT_CAUSE_LOST_SERVICE = 3, ACCT_CAUSE_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 4, ACCT_CAUSE_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 5, ACCT_CAUSE_ADMIN_RESET = 6, ACCT_CAUSE_ADMIN_REBOOT = 7, ACCT_CAUSE_PORT_ERROR = 8, ACCT_CAUSE_NAS_ERROR = 9, ACCT_CAUSE_NAS_REQUEST = 10, ACCT_CAUSE_NAS_REBOOT = 11, ACCT_CAUSE_PORT_UNNEEDED = 12, ACCT_CAUSE_PORT_PREEMPTED = 13, ACCT_CAUSE_PORT_SUSPENDED = 14, ACCT_CAUSE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 15, ACCT_CAUSE_CALLBACK = 16, ACCT_CAUSE_USER_ERROR = 17, ACCT_CAUSE_HOST_REQUEST = 18, } radius_acct_terminate_cause_t; /** * Hashtable entry with usage stats */ typedef struct { /** IKE_SA identifier this entry is stored under */ ike_sa_id_t *id; /** RADIUS accounting session ID */ char sid[24]; /** number of sent/received octets/packets */ struct { u_int64_t sent; u_int64_t received; } bytes, packets; /** session creation time */ time_t created; /** terminate cause */ radius_acct_terminate_cause_t cause; /* interim interval and timestamp of last update */ struct { u_int32_t interval; time_t last; } interim; /** did we send Accounting-Start */ bool start_sent; } entry_t; /** * Destroy an entry_t */ static void destroy_entry(entry_t *this) { this->id->destroy(this->id); free(this); } /** * Accounting message status types */ typedef enum { ACCT_STATUS_START = 1, ACCT_STATUS_STOP = 2, ACCT_STATUS_INTERIM_UPDATE = 3, ACCT_STATUS_ACCOUNTING_ON = 7, ACCT_STATUS_ACCOUNTING_OFF = 8, } radius_acct_status_t; /** * Hashtable hash function */ static u_int hash(ike_sa_id_t *key) { return key->get_responder_spi(key); } /** * Hashtable equals function */ static bool equals(ike_sa_id_t *a, ike_sa_id_t *b) { return a->equals(a, b); } /** * Update usage counter when a CHILD_SA rekeys/goes down */ static void update_usage(private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, child_sa_t *child_sa) { u_int64_t bytes_in, bytes_out, packets_in, packets_out; entry_t *entry; child_sa->get_usestats(child_sa, FALSE, NULL, &bytes_out, &packets_out); child_sa->get_usestats(child_sa, TRUE, NULL, &bytes_in, &packets_in); this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); entry = this->sessions->get(this->sessions, ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa)); if (entry) { entry->bytes.sent += bytes_out; entry->bytes.received += bytes_in; entry->packets.sent += packets_out; entry->packets.received += packets_in; } this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); } /** * Send a RADIUS message, wait for response */ static bool send_message(private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, radius_message_t *request) { radius_message_t *response; radius_client_t *client; bool ack = FALSE; client = eap_radius_create_client(); if (client) { response = client->request(client, request); if (response) { ack = response->get_code(response) == RMC_ACCOUNTING_RESPONSE; response->destroy(response); } client->destroy(client); } return ack; } /** * Add common IKE_SA parameters to RADIUS account message */ static void add_ike_sa_parameters(private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, radius_message_t *message, ike_sa_t *ike_sa) { enumerator_t *enumerator; host_t *vip, *host; char buf[MAX_RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE + 1]; chunk_t data; u_int32_t value; /* virtual NAS-Port-Type */ value = htonl(5); message->add(message, RAT_NAS_PORT_TYPE, chunk_from_thing(value)); /* framed ServiceType */ value = htonl(2); message->add(message, RAT_SERVICE_TYPE, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa)); message->add(message, RAT_NAS_PORT, chunk_from_thing(value)); message->add(message, RAT_NAS_PORT_ID, chunk_from_str(ike_sa->get_name(ike_sa))); host = ike_sa->get_my_host(ike_sa); data = host->get_address(host); switch (host->get_family(host)) { case AF_INET: message->add(message, RAT_NAS_IP_ADDRESS, data); break; case AF_INET6: message->add(message, RAT_NAS_IPV6_ADDRESS, data); default: break; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), this->station_id_fmt, host); message->add(message, RAT_CALLED_STATION_ID, chunk_from_str(buf)); host = ike_sa->get_other_host(ike_sa); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), this->station_id_fmt, host); message->add(message, RAT_CALLING_STATION_ID, chunk_from_str(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y", ike_sa->get_other_eap_id(ike_sa)); message->add(message, RAT_USER_NAME, chunk_from_str(buf)); enumerator = ike_sa->create_virtual_ip_enumerator(ike_sa, FALSE); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &vip)) { switch (vip->get_family(vip)) { case AF_INET: message->add(message, RAT_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS, vip->get_address(vip)); break; case AF_INET6: /* we currently assign /128 prefixes, only (reserved, length) */ data = chunk_from_chars(0, 128); data = chunk_cata("cc", data, vip->get_address(vip)); message->add(message, RAT_FRAMED_IPV6_PREFIX, data); break; default: break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * Get an existing or create a new entry from the locked session table */ static entry_t* get_or_create_entry(private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa) { ike_sa_id_t *id; entry_t *entry; time_t now; entry = this->sessions->get(this->sessions, ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa)); if (!entry) { now = time_monotonic(NULL); id = ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa); INIT(entry, .id = id->clone(id), .created = now, .interim = { .last = now, }, /* default terminate cause, if none other catched */ .cause = ACCT_CAUSE_USER_REQUEST, ); snprintf(entry->sid, sizeof(entry->sid), "%u-%u", this->prefix, ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa)); this->sessions->put(this->sessions, entry->id, entry); } return entry; } /* forward declaration */ static void schedule_interim(private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, entry_t *entry); /** * Data passed to send_interim() using callback job */ typedef struct { /** reference to radius accounting */ private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this; /** IKE_SA identifier to send interim update to */ ike_sa_id_t *id; } interim_data_t; /** * Clean up interim data */ void destroy_interim_data(interim_data_t *this) { this->id->destroy(this->id); free(this); } /** * Send an interim update for entry of given IKE_SA identifier */ static job_requeue_t send_interim(interim_data_t *data) { private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this = data->this; u_int64_t bytes_in = 0, bytes_out = 0, packets_in = 0, packets_out = 0; u_int64_t bytes, packets; radius_message_t *message = NULL; enumerator_t *enumerator; child_sa_t *child_sa; ike_sa_t *ike_sa; entry_t *entry; u_int32_t value; ike_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager, data->id); if (!ike_sa) { return JOB_REQUEUE_NONE; } enumerator = ike_sa->create_child_sa_enumerator(ike_sa); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &child_sa)) { child_sa->get_usestats(child_sa, FALSE, NULL, &bytes, &packets); bytes_out += bytes; packets_out += packets; child_sa->get_usestats(child_sa, TRUE, NULL, &bytes, &packets); bytes_in += bytes; packets_in += packets; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, ike_sa); /* avoid any races by returning IKE_SA before acquiring lock */ this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); entry = this->sessions->get(this->sessions, data->id); if (entry) { entry->interim.last = time_monotonic(NULL); bytes_in += entry->bytes.received; bytes_out += entry->bytes.sent; packets_in += entry->packets.received; packets_out += entry->packets.sent; message = radius_message_create(RMC_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST); value = htonl(ACCT_STATUS_INTERIM_UPDATE); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE, chunk_from_thing(value)); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_SESSION_ID, chunk_create(entry->sid, strlen(entry->sid))); add_ike_sa_parameters(this, message, ike_sa); value = htonl(bytes_out); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_OUTPUT_OCTETS, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(bytes_out >> 32); if (value) { message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_OUTPUT_GIGAWORDS, chunk_from_thing(value)); } value = htonl(packets_out); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_OUTPUT_PACKETS, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(bytes_in); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_INPUT_OCTETS, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(bytes_in >> 32); if (value) { message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_INPUT_GIGAWORDS, chunk_from_thing(value)); } value = htonl(packets_in); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_INPUT_PACKETS, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(entry->interim.last - entry->created); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_SESSION_TIME, chunk_from_thing(value)); schedule_interim(this, entry); } this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); if (message) { if (!send_message(this, message)) { if (lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.eap-radius.accounting_close_on_timeout", TRUE, lib->ns)) { eap_radius_handle_timeout(data->id); } } message->destroy(message); } return JOB_REQUEUE_NONE; } /** * Schedule interim update for given entry */ static void schedule_interim(private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, entry_t *entry) { if (entry->interim.interval) { interim_data_t *data; timeval_t tv = { .tv_sec = entry->interim.last + entry->interim.interval, }; INIT(data, .this = this, .id = entry->id->clone(entry->id), ); lib->scheduler->schedule_job_tv(lib->scheduler, (job_t*)callback_job_create_with_prio( (callback_job_cb_t)send_interim, data, (void*)destroy_interim_data, (callback_job_cancel_t)return_false, JOB_PRIO_CRITICAL), tv); } } /** * Check if an IKE_SA has assigned a virtual IP (to peer) */ static bool has_vip(ike_sa_t *ike_sa) { enumerator_t *enumerator; host_t *host; bool found; enumerator = ike_sa->create_virtual_ip_enumerator(ike_sa, FALSE); found = enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &host); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return found; } /** * Send an accounting start message */ static void send_start(private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa) { radius_message_t *message; entry_t *entry; u_int32_t value; if (this->acct_req_vip && !has_vip(ike_sa)) { return; } this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); entry = get_or_create_entry(this, ike_sa); entry->start_sent = TRUE; message = radius_message_create(RMC_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST); value = htonl(ACCT_STATUS_START); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE, chunk_from_thing(value)); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_SESSION_ID, chunk_create(entry->sid, strlen(entry->sid))); if (!entry->interim.interval) { entry->interim.interval = lib->settings->get_time(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.eap-radius.accounting_interval", 0, lib->ns); if (entry->interim.interval) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "scheduling RADIUS Interim-Updates every %us", entry->interim.interval); } } schedule_interim(this, entry); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); add_ike_sa_parameters(this, message, ike_sa); if (!send_message(this, message)) { eap_radius_handle_timeout(ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa)); } message->destroy(message); } /** * Send an account stop message */ static void send_stop(private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa) { radius_message_t *message; entry_t *entry; u_int32_t value; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); entry = this->sessions->remove(this->sessions, ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa)); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); if (entry) { if (!entry->start_sent) { /* we tried to authenticate this peer, but never sent a start */ destroy_entry(entry); return; } message = radius_message_create(RMC_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST); value = htonl(ACCT_STATUS_STOP); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE, chunk_from_thing(value)); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_SESSION_ID, chunk_create(entry->sid, strlen(entry->sid))); add_ike_sa_parameters(this, message, ike_sa); value = htonl(entry->bytes.sent); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_OUTPUT_OCTETS, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(entry->bytes.sent >> 32); if (value) { message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_OUTPUT_GIGAWORDS, chunk_from_thing(value)); } value = htonl(entry->packets.sent); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_OUTPUT_PACKETS, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(entry->bytes.received); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_INPUT_OCTETS, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(entry->bytes.received >> 32); if (value) { message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_INPUT_GIGAWORDS, chunk_from_thing(value)); } value = htonl(entry->packets.received); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_INPUT_PACKETS, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(time_monotonic(NULL) - entry->created); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_SESSION_TIME, chunk_from_thing(value)); value = htonl(entry->cause); message->add(message, RAT_ACCT_TERMINATE_CAUSE, chunk_from_thing(value)); if (!send_message(this, message)) { eap_radius_handle_timeout(NULL); } message->destroy(message); destroy_entry(entry); } } METHOD(listener_t, alert, bool, private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, alert_t alert, va_list args) { radius_acct_terminate_cause_t cause; entry_t *entry; switch (alert) { case ALERT_IKE_SA_EXPIRED: cause = ACCT_CAUSE_SESSION_TIMEOUT; break; case ALERT_RETRANSMIT_SEND_TIMEOUT: cause = ACCT_CAUSE_LOST_SERVICE; break; default: return TRUE; } this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); entry = this->sessions->get(this->sessions, ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa)); if (entry) { entry->cause = cause; } this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); return TRUE; } METHOD(listener_t, ike_updown, bool, private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, bool up) { if (!up) { enumerator_t *enumerator; child_sa_t *child_sa; /* update usage for all children just before sending stop */ enumerator = ike_sa->create_child_sa_enumerator(ike_sa); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &child_sa)) { update_usage(this, ike_sa, child_sa); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); send_stop(this, ike_sa); } return TRUE; } METHOD(listener_t, message_hook, bool, private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, message_t *message, bool incoming, bool plain) { /* start accounting here, virtual IP now is set */ if (plain && ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa) == IKE_ESTABLISHED && !incoming && !message->get_request(message)) { if (ike_sa->get_version(ike_sa) == IKEV1 && message->get_exchange_type(message) == TRANSACTION) { send_start(this, ike_sa); } if (ike_sa->get_version(ike_sa) == IKEV2 && message->get_exchange_type(message) == IKE_AUTH) { send_start(this, ike_sa); } } return TRUE; } METHOD(listener_t, ike_rekey, bool, private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *old, ike_sa_t *new) { entry_t *entry; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); entry = this->sessions->remove(this->sessions, old->get_id(old)); if (entry) { /* update IKE_SA identifier */ entry->id->destroy(entry->id); entry->id = new->get_id(new); entry->id = entry->id->clone(entry->id); /* fire new interim update job, old gets invalid */ schedule_interim(this, entry); entry = this->sessions->put(this->sessions, entry->id, entry); if (entry) { destroy_entry(entry); } } this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); return TRUE; } METHOD(listener_t, child_rekey, bool, private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, child_sa_t *old, child_sa_t *new) { update_usage(this, ike_sa, old); return TRUE; } METHOD(listener_t, child_updown, bool, private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, child_sa_t *child_sa, bool up) { if (!up && ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa) == IKE_ESTABLISHED) { update_usage(this, ike_sa, child_sa); } return TRUE; } METHOD(eap_radius_accounting_t, destroy, void, private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this) { charon->bus->remove_listener(charon->bus, &this->public.listener); singleton = NULL; this->mutex->destroy(this->mutex); this->sessions->destroy(this->sessions); free(this); } /** * See header */ eap_radius_accounting_t *eap_radius_accounting_create() { private_eap_radius_accounting_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .listener = { .alert = _alert, .ike_updown = _ike_updown, .ike_rekey = _ike_rekey, .message = _message_hook, .child_updown = _child_updown, .child_rekey = _child_rekey, }, .destroy = _destroy, }, /* use system time as Session ID prefix */ .prefix = (u_int32_t)time(NULL), .sessions = hashtable_create((hashtable_hash_t)hash, (hashtable_equals_t)equals, 32), .mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT), ); if (lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.eap-radius.station_id_with_port", TRUE, lib->ns)) { this->station_id_fmt = "%#H"; } else { this->station_id_fmt = "%H"; } if (lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.eap-radius.accounting", FALSE, lib->ns)) { singleton = this; charon->bus->add_listener(charon->bus, &this->public.listener); } this->acct_req_vip = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.eap-radius.accounting_requires_vip", FALSE, lib->ns); return &this->public; } /** * See header */ void eap_radius_accounting_start_interim(ike_sa_t *ike_sa, u_int32_t interval) { if (singleton) { entry_t *entry; DBG1(DBG_CFG, "scheduling RADIUS Interim-Updates every %us", interval); singleton->mutex->lock(singleton->mutex); entry = get_or_create_entry(singleton, ike_sa); entry->interim.interval = interval; singleton->mutex->unlock(singleton->mutex); } }