/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Martin Willi * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010 secunet Security Networks AG * Copyright (C) 2010 Thomas Egerer * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_FIB_RULES_H #include #endif #include "kernel_netlink_net.h" #include "kernel_netlink_shared.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** delay before firing roam events (ms) */ #define ROAM_DELAY 100 /** delay before reinstalling routes (ms) */ #define ROUTE_DELAY 100 /** maximum recursion when searching for addresses in get_route() */ #define MAX_ROUTE_RECURSION 2 #ifndef ROUTING_TABLE #define ROUTING_TABLE 0 #endif #ifndef ROUTING_TABLE_PRIO #define ROUTING_TABLE_PRIO 0 #endif /** multicast groups (for groups > 31 setsockopt has to be used) */ #define nl_group(group) (1 << (group - 1)) ENUM(rt_msg_names, RTM_NEWLINK, RTM_GETRULE, "RTM_NEWLINK", "RTM_DELLINK", "RTM_GETLINK", "RTM_SETLINK", "RTM_NEWADDR", "RTM_DELADDR", "RTM_GETADDR", "31", "RTM_NEWROUTE", "RTM_DELROUTE", "RTM_GETROUTE", "35", "RTM_NEWNEIGH", "RTM_DELNEIGH", "RTM_GETNEIGH", "RTM_NEWRULE", "RTM_DELRULE", "RTM_GETRULE", ); typedef struct addr_entry_t addr_entry_t; /** * IP address in an iface_entry_t */ struct addr_entry_t { /** the ip address */ host_t *ip; /** address flags */ u_char flags; /** scope of the address */ u_char scope; /** number of times this IP is used, if virtual (i.e. managed by us) */ u_int refcount; /** TRUE once it is installed, if virtual */ bool installed; }; /** * destroy a addr_entry_t object */ static void addr_entry_destroy(addr_entry_t *this) { this->ip->destroy(this->ip); free(this); } typedef struct iface_entry_t iface_entry_t; /** * A network interface on this system, containing addr_entry_t's */ struct iface_entry_t { /** interface index */ int ifindex; /** name of the interface */ char ifname[IFNAMSIZ]; /** interface flags, as in netdevice(7) SIOCGIFFLAGS */ u_int flags; /** list of addresses as host_t */ linked_list_t *addrs; /** TRUE if usable by config */ bool usable; }; /** * destroy an interface entry */ static void iface_entry_destroy(iface_entry_t *this) { this->addrs->destroy_function(this->addrs, (void*)addr_entry_destroy); free(this); } CALLBACK(iface_entry_by_index, bool, iface_entry_t *this, va_list args) { int ifindex; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, ifindex); return this->ifindex == ifindex; } CALLBACK(iface_entry_by_name, bool, iface_entry_t *this, va_list args) { char *ifname; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, ifname); return streq(this->ifname, ifname); } /** * check if an interface is up */ static inline bool iface_entry_up(iface_entry_t *iface) { return (iface->flags & IFF_UP) == IFF_UP; } /** * check if an interface is up and usable */ static inline bool iface_entry_up_and_usable(iface_entry_t *iface) { return iface->usable && iface_entry_up(iface); } typedef struct addr_map_entry_t addr_map_entry_t; /** * Entry that maps an IP address to an interface entry */ struct addr_map_entry_t { /** The IP address */ host_t *ip; /** The address entry for this IP address */ addr_entry_t *addr; /** The interface this address is installed on */ iface_entry_t *iface; }; /** * Hash a addr_map_entry_t object, all entries with the same IP address * are stored in the same bucket */ static u_int addr_map_entry_hash(addr_map_entry_t *this) { return chunk_hash(this->ip->get_address(this->ip)); } /** * Compare two addr_map_entry_t objects, two entries are equal if they are * installed on the same interface */ static bool addr_map_entry_equals(addr_map_entry_t *a, addr_map_entry_t *b) { return a->iface->ifindex == b->iface->ifindex && a->ip->ip_equals(a->ip, b->ip); } /** * Used with get_match this finds an address entry if it is installed on * an up and usable interface */ static bool addr_map_entry_match_up_and_usable(addr_map_entry_t *a, addr_map_entry_t *b) { return iface_entry_up_and_usable(b->iface) && a->ip->ip_equals(a->ip, b->ip); } /** * Used with get_match this finds an address entry if it is installed on * any active local interface */ static bool addr_map_entry_match_up(addr_map_entry_t *a, addr_map_entry_t *b) { return iface_entry_up(b->iface) && a->ip->ip_equals(a->ip, b->ip); } /** * Used with get_match this finds an address entry if it is installed on * any local interface */ static bool addr_map_entry_match(addr_map_entry_t *a, addr_map_entry_t *b) { return a->ip->ip_equals(a->ip, b->ip); } typedef struct route_entry_t route_entry_t; /** * Installed routing entry */ struct route_entry_t { /** Name of the interface the route is bound to */ char *if_name; /** Source ip of the route */ host_t *src_ip; /** Gateway for this route */ host_t *gateway; /** Destination net */ chunk_t dst_net; /** Destination net prefixlen */ uint8_t prefixlen; }; /** * Clone a route_entry_t object. */ static route_entry_t *route_entry_clone(route_entry_t *this) { route_entry_t *route; INIT(route, .if_name = strdup(this->if_name), .src_ip = this->src_ip->clone(this->src_ip), .gateway = this->gateway ? this->gateway->clone(this->gateway) : NULL, .dst_net = chunk_clone(this->dst_net), .prefixlen = this->prefixlen, ); return route; } /** * Destroy a route_entry_t object */ static void route_entry_destroy(route_entry_t *this) { free(this->if_name); DESTROY_IF(this->src_ip); DESTROY_IF(this->gateway); chunk_free(&this->dst_net); free(this); } /** * Hash a route_entry_t object */ static u_int route_entry_hash(route_entry_t *this) { return chunk_hash_inc(chunk_from_thing(this->prefixlen), chunk_hash(this->dst_net)); } /** * Compare two route_entry_t objects */ static bool route_entry_equals(route_entry_t *a, route_entry_t *b) { if (a->if_name && b->if_name && streq(a->if_name, b->if_name) && a->src_ip->ip_equals(a->src_ip, b->src_ip) && chunk_equals(a->dst_net, b->dst_net) && a->prefixlen == b->prefixlen) { return (!a->gateway && !b->gateway) || (a->gateway && b->gateway && a->gateway->ip_equals(a->gateway, b->gateway)); } return FALSE; } typedef struct net_change_t net_change_t; /** * Queued network changes */ struct net_change_t { /** Name of the interface that got activated (or an IP appeared on) */ char *if_name; }; /** * Destroy a net_change_t object */ static void net_change_destroy(net_change_t *this) { free(this->if_name); free(this); } /** * Hash a net_change_t object */ static u_int net_change_hash(net_change_t *this) { return chunk_hash(chunk_create(this->if_name, strlen(this->if_name))); } /** * Compare two net_change_t objects */ static bool net_change_equals(net_change_t *a, net_change_t *b) { return streq(a->if_name, b->if_name); } typedef struct private_kernel_netlink_net_t private_kernel_netlink_net_t; /** * Private variables and functions of kernel_netlink_net class. */ struct private_kernel_netlink_net_t { /** * Public part of the kernel_netlink_net_t object. */ kernel_netlink_net_t public; /** * lock to access various lists and maps */ rwlock_t *lock; /** * condition variable to signal virtual IP add/removal */ rwlock_condvar_t *condvar; /** * Cached list of interfaces and its addresses (iface_entry_t) */ linked_list_t *ifaces; /** * Map for IP addresses to iface_entry_t objects (addr_map_entry_t) */ hashtable_t *addrs; /** * Map for virtual IP addresses to iface_entry_t objects (addr_map_entry_t) */ hashtable_t *vips; /** * netlink rt socket (routing) */ netlink_socket_t *socket; /** * Netlink rt socket to receive address change events */ int socket_events; /** * earliest time of the next roam event */ timeval_t next_roam; /** * roam event due to address change */ bool roam_address; /** * lock to check and update roam event time */ spinlock_t *roam_lock; /** * routing table to install routes */ int routing_table; /** * priority of used routing table */ int routing_table_prio; /** * installed routes */ hashtable_t *routes; /** * mutex for routes */ mutex_t *routes_lock; /** * interface changes which may trigger route reinstallation */ hashtable_t *net_changes; /** * mutex for route reinstallation triggers */ mutex_t *net_changes_lock; /** * time of last route reinstallation */ timeval_t last_route_reinstall; /** * whether to react to RTM_NEWROUTE or RTM_DELROUTE events */ bool process_route; /** * whether to react to RTM_NEWRULE or RTM_DELRULE events */ bool process_rules; /** * whether to trigger roam events */ bool roam_events; /** * whether to install IPsec policy routes */ bool install_routes; /** * whether to actually install virtual IPs */ bool install_virtual_ip; /** * the name of the interface virtual IP addresses are installed on */ char *install_virtual_ip_on; /** * whether preferred source addresses can be specified for IPv6 routes */ bool rta_prefsrc_for_ipv6; /** * whether marks can be used in route lookups */ bool rta_mark; /** * the mark excluded from the routing rule used for virtual IPs */ mark_t routing_mark; /** * whether to prefer temporary IPv6 addresses over public ones */ bool prefer_temporary_addrs; /** * list with routing tables to be excluded from route lookup */ linked_list_t *rt_exclude; /** * MTU to set on installed routes */ uint32_t mtu; /** * MSS to set on installed routes */ uint32_t mss; }; /** * Forward declaration */ static status_t manage_srcroute(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int nlmsg_type, int flags, chunk_t dst_net, uint8_t prefixlen, host_t *gateway, host_t *src_ip, char *if_name); /** * Clear the queued network changes. */ static void net_changes_clear(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; net_change_t *change; enumerator = this->net_changes->create_enumerator(this->net_changes); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, NULL, (void**)&change)) { this->net_changes->remove_at(this->net_changes, enumerator); net_change_destroy(change); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * Act upon queued network changes. */ static job_requeue_t reinstall_routes(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; route_entry_t *route; this->net_changes_lock->lock(this->net_changes_lock); this->routes_lock->lock(this->routes_lock); enumerator = this->routes->create_enumerator(this->routes); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, NULL, (void**)&route)) { net_change_t *change, lookup = { .if_name = route->if_name, }; /* check if a change for the outgoing interface is queued */ change = this->net_changes->get(this->net_changes, &lookup); if (!change) { /* in case src_ip is not on the outgoing interface */ if (this->public.interface.get_interface(&this->public.interface, route->src_ip, &lookup.if_name)) { if (!streq(lookup.if_name, route->if_name)) { change = this->net_changes->get(this->net_changes, &lookup); } free(lookup.if_name); } } if (change) { manage_srcroute(this, RTM_NEWROUTE, NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_EXCL, route->dst_net, route->prefixlen, route->gateway, route->src_ip, route->if_name); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->routes_lock->unlock(this->routes_lock); net_changes_clear(this); this->net_changes_lock->unlock(this->net_changes_lock); return JOB_REQUEUE_NONE; } /** * Queue route reinstallation caused by network changes for a given interface. * * The route reinstallation is delayed for a while and only done once for * several calls during this delay, in order to avoid doing it too often. * The interface name is freed. */ static void queue_route_reinstall(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, char *if_name) { net_change_t *update, *found; timeval_t now; job_t *job; INIT(update, .if_name = if_name ); this->net_changes_lock->lock(this->net_changes_lock); found = this->net_changes->put(this->net_changes, update, update); if (found) { net_change_destroy(found); } time_monotonic(&now); if (timercmp(&now, &this->last_route_reinstall, >)) { timeval_add_ms(&now, ROUTE_DELAY); this->last_route_reinstall = now; job = (job_t*)callback_job_create((callback_job_cb_t)reinstall_routes, this, NULL, NULL); lib->scheduler->schedule_job_ms(lib->scheduler, job, ROUTE_DELAY); } this->net_changes_lock->unlock(this->net_changes_lock); } /** * check if the given IP is known as virtual IP and currently installed * * this function will also return TRUE if the virtual IP entry disappeared. * in that case the returned entry will be NULL. * * this->lock must be held when calling this function */ static bool is_vip_installed_or_gone(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, host_t *ip, addr_map_entry_t **entry) { addr_map_entry_t lookup = { .ip = ip, }; *entry = this->vips->get_match(this->vips, &lookup, (void*)addr_map_entry_match); if (*entry == NULL) { /* the virtual IP disappeared */ return TRUE; } return (*entry)->addr->installed; } /** * check if the given IP is known as virtual IP * * this->lock must be held when calling this function */ static bool is_known_vip(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, host_t *ip) { addr_map_entry_t lookup = { .ip = ip, }; return this->vips->get_match(this->vips, &lookup, (void*)addr_map_entry_match) != NULL; } /** * Add an address map entry */ static void addr_map_entry_add(hashtable_t *map, addr_entry_t *addr, iface_entry_t *iface) { addr_map_entry_t *entry; INIT(entry, .ip = addr->ip, .addr = addr, .iface = iface, ); entry = map->put(map, entry, entry); free(entry); } /** * Remove an address map entry */ static void addr_map_entry_remove(hashtable_t *map, addr_entry_t *addr, iface_entry_t *iface) { addr_map_entry_t *entry, lookup = { .ip = addr->ip, .addr = addr, .iface = iface, }; entry = map->remove(map, &lookup); free(entry); } /** * Check if an address or net (addr with prefix net bits) is in * subnet (net with net_len net bits) */ static bool addr_in_subnet(chunk_t addr, int prefix, chunk_t net, int net_len) { static const u_char mask[] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe }; int byte = 0; if (net_len == 0) { /* any address matches a /0 network */ return TRUE; } if (addr.len != net.len || net_len > 8 * net.len || prefix < net_len) { return FALSE; } /* scan through all bytes in network order */ while (net_len > 0) { if (net_len < 8) { return (mask[net_len] & addr.ptr[byte]) == (mask[net_len] & net.ptr[byte]); } else { if (addr.ptr[byte] != net.ptr[byte]) { return FALSE; } byte++; net_len -= 8; } } return TRUE; } /** * Check if the given address is in subnet (net with net_len net bits) */ static bool host_in_subnet(host_t *host, chunk_t net, int net_len) { chunk_t addr; addr = host->get_address(host); return addr_in_subnet(addr, addr.len * 8, net, net_len); } /** * Determine the type or scope of the given unicast IP address. This is not * the same thing returned in rtm_scope/ifa_scope. * * We use return values as defined in RFC 6724 (referring to RFC 4291). */ static u_char get_scope(host_t *ip) { chunk_t addr; addr = ip->get_address(ip); switch (addr.len) { case 4: /* we use the mapping defined in RFC 6724, 3.2 */ if (addr.ptr[0] == 127) { /* link-local, same as the IPv6 loopback address */ return 2; } if (addr.ptr[0] == 169 && addr.ptr[1] == 254) { /* link-local */ return 2; } break; case 16: if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK((struct in6_addr*)addr.ptr)) { /* link-local, according to RFC 4291, 2.5.3 */ return 2; } if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL((struct in6_addr*)addr.ptr)) { return 2; } if (IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL((struct in6_addr*)addr.ptr)) { /* deprecated, according to RFC 4291, 2.5.7 */ return 5; } break; default: break; } /* global */ return 14; } /** * Determine the label of the given unicast IP address. * * We currently only support the default table given in RFC 6724: * * Prefix Precedence Label * ::1/128 50 0 * ::/0 40 1 * ::ffff:0:0/96 35 4 * 2002::/16 30 2 * 2001::/32 5 5 * fc00::/7 3 13 * ::/96 1 3 * fec0::/10 1 11 * 3ffe::/16 1 12 */ static u_char get_label(host_t *ip) { struct { chunk_t net; u_char prefix; u_char label; } priorities[] = { /* priority table ordered by prefix */ /* ::1/128 */ { chunk_from_chars(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01), 128, 0 }, /* ::ffff:0:0/96 */ { chunk_from_chars(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 96, 4 }, /* ::/96 */ { chunk_from_chars(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 96, 3 }, /* 2001::/32 */ { chunk_from_chars(0x20, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 32, 5 }, /* 2002::/16 */ { chunk_from_chars(0x20, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 16, 2 }, /* 3ffe::/16 */ { chunk_from_chars(0x3f, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 16, 12 }, /* fec0::/10 */ { chunk_from_chars(0xfe, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 10, 11 }, /* fc00::/7 */ { chunk_from_chars(0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 7, 13 }, }; int i; for (i = 0; i < countof(priorities); i++) { if (host_in_subnet(ip, priorities[i].net, priorities[i].prefix)) { return priorities[i].label; } } /* ::/0 */ return 1; } /** * Returns the length of the common prefix in bits up to the length of a's * prefix, defined by RFC 6724 as the portion of the address not including the * interface ID, which is 64-bit for most unicast addresses (see RFC 4291). */ static u_char common_prefix(host_t *a, host_t *b) { chunk_t aa, ba; u_char byte, bits = 0, match; aa = a->get_address(a); ba = b->get_address(b); for (byte = 0; byte < 8; byte++) { if (aa.ptr[byte] != ba.ptr[byte]) { match = aa.ptr[byte] ^ ba.ptr[byte]; for (bits = 8; match; match >>= 1) { bits--; } break; } } return byte * 8 + bits; } /** * Compare two IP addresses and return TRUE if the second address is the better * choice of the two to reach the destination. * For IPv6 we approximately follow RFC 6724. */ static bool is_address_better(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, addr_entry_t *a, addr_entry_t *b, host_t *d) { u_char sa, sb, sd, la, lb, ld, pa, pb; /* rule 2: prefer appropriate scope */ if (d) { sa = get_scope(a->ip); sb = get_scope(b->ip); sd = get_scope(d); if (sa < sb) { return sa < sd; } else if (sb < sa) { return sb >= sd; } } if (a->ip->get_family(a->ip) == AF_INET) { /* stop here for IPv4, default to addresses found earlier */ return FALSE; } /* rule 3: avoid deprecated addresses (RFC 4862) */ if ((a->flags & IFA_F_DEPRECATED) != (b->flags & IFA_F_DEPRECATED)) { return a->flags & IFA_F_DEPRECATED; } /* rule 4 is not applicable as we don't know if an address is a home or * care-of addresses. * rule 5 does not apply as we only compare addresses from one interface */ /* rule 6: prefer matching label */ if (d) { la = get_label(a->ip); lb = get_label(b->ip); ld = get_label(d); if (la == ld && lb != ld) { return FALSE; } else if (lb == ld && la != ld) { return TRUE; } } /* rule 7: prefer temporary addresses (WE REVERSE THIS BY DEFAULT!) */ if ((a->flags & IFA_F_TEMPORARY) != (b->flags & IFA_F_TEMPORARY)) { if (this->prefer_temporary_addrs) { return b->flags & IFA_F_TEMPORARY; } return a->flags & IFA_F_TEMPORARY; } /* rule 8: use longest matching prefix */ if (d) { pa = common_prefix(a->ip, d); pb = common_prefix(b->ip, d); if (pa != pb) { return pb > pa; } } /* default to addresses found earlier */ return FALSE; } /** * Get a non-virtual IP address on the given interfaces and optionally in a * given subnet. * * If a candidate address is given, we first search for that address and if not * found return the address as above. * Returned host is a clone, has to be freed by caller. * * this->lock must be held when calling this function. */ static host_t *get_matching_address(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int *ifindex, int family, chunk_t net, uint8_t mask, host_t *dest, host_t *candidate) { enumerator_t *ifaces, *addrs; iface_entry_t *iface; addr_entry_t *addr, *best = NULL; bool candidate_matched = FALSE; ifaces = this->ifaces->create_enumerator(this->ifaces); while (ifaces->enumerate(ifaces, &iface)) { if (iface->usable && (!ifindex || iface->ifindex == *ifindex)) { /* only use matching interfaces not excluded by config */ addrs = iface->addrs->create_enumerator(iface->addrs); while (addrs->enumerate(addrs, &addr)) { if (addr->refcount || addr->ip->get_family(addr->ip) != family) { /* ignore virtual IP addresses and ensure family matches */ continue; } if (net.ptr && !host_in_subnet(addr->ip, net, mask)) { /* optionally match a subnet */ continue; } if (candidate && candidate->ip_equals(candidate, addr->ip)) { /* stop if we find the candidate */ best = addr; candidate_matched = TRUE; break; } else if (!best || is_address_better(this, best, addr, dest)) { best = addr; } } addrs->destroy(addrs); if (ifindex || candidate_matched) { break; } } } ifaces->destroy(ifaces); return best ? best->ip->clone(best->ip) : NULL; } /** * Get a non-virtual IP address on the given interface. * * If a candidate address is given, we first search for that address and if not * found return the address as above. * Returned host is a clone, has to be freed by caller. * * this->lock must be held when calling this function. */ static host_t *get_interface_address(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int ifindex, int family, host_t *dest, host_t *candidate) { return get_matching_address(this, &ifindex, family, chunk_empty, 0, dest, candidate); } /** * Get a non-virtual IP address in the given subnet. * * If a candidate address is given, we first search for that address and if not * found return the address as above. * Returned host is a clone, has to be freed by caller. * * this->lock must be held when calling this function. */ static host_t *get_subnet_address(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int family, chunk_t net, uint8_t mask, host_t *dest, host_t *candidate) { return get_matching_address(this, NULL, family, net, mask, dest, candidate); } /** * callback function that raises the delayed roam event */ static job_requeue_t roam_event(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this) { bool address; this->roam_lock->lock(this->roam_lock); address = this->roam_address; this->roam_address = FALSE; this->roam_lock->unlock(this->roam_lock); charon->kernel->roam(charon->kernel, address); return JOB_REQUEUE_NONE; } /** * fire a roaming event. we delay it for a bit and fire only one event * for multiple calls. otherwise we would create too many events. */ static void fire_roam_event(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, bool address) { timeval_t now; job_t *job; if (!this->roam_events) { return; } time_monotonic(&now); this->roam_lock->lock(this->roam_lock); this->roam_address |= address; if (!timercmp(&now, &this->next_roam, >)) { this->roam_lock->unlock(this->roam_lock); return; } timeval_add_ms(&now, ROAM_DELAY); this->next_roam = now; this->roam_lock->unlock(this->roam_lock); job = (job_t*)callback_job_create((callback_job_cb_t)roam_event, this, NULL, NULL); lib->scheduler->schedule_job_ms(lib->scheduler, job, ROAM_DELAY); } /** * check if an interface with a given index is up and usable * * this->lock must be locked when calling this function */ static bool is_interface_up_and_usable(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int index) { iface_entry_t *iface; if (this->ifaces->find_first(this->ifaces, iface_entry_by_index, (void**)&iface, index)) { return iface_entry_up_and_usable(iface); } return FALSE; } /** * unregister the current addr_entry_t from the hashtable it is stored in * * this->lock must be locked when calling this function */ CALLBACK(addr_entry_unregister, void, addr_entry_t *addr, va_list args) { private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this; iface_entry_t *iface; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, iface, this); if (addr->refcount) { addr_map_entry_remove(this->vips, addr, iface); this->condvar->broadcast(this->condvar); return; } addr_map_entry_remove(this->addrs, addr, iface); } /** * process RTM_NEWLINK/RTM_DELLINK from kernel */ static void process_link(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, struct nlmsghdr *hdr, bool event) { struct ifinfomsg* msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); struct rtattr *rta = IFLA_RTA(msg); size_t rtasize = IFLA_PAYLOAD (hdr); enumerator_t *enumerator; iface_entry_t *current, *entry = NULL; char *name = NULL; bool update = FALSE, update_routes = FALSE; while (RTA_OK(rta, rtasize)) { switch (rta->rta_type) { case IFLA_IFNAME: name = RTA_DATA(rta); break; } rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, rtasize); } if (!name) { name = "(unknown)"; } this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); switch (hdr->nlmsg_type) { case RTM_NEWLINK: { if (!this->ifaces->find_first(this->ifaces, iface_entry_by_index, (void**)&entry, msg->ifi_index)) { INIT(entry, .ifindex = msg->ifi_index, .addrs = linked_list_create(), ); this->ifaces->insert_last(this->ifaces, entry); } strncpy(entry->ifname, name, IFNAMSIZ); entry->ifname[IFNAMSIZ-1] = '\0'; entry->usable = charon->kernel->is_interface_usable(charon->kernel, name); if (event && entry->usable) { if (!(entry->flags & IFF_UP) && (msg->ifi_flags & IFF_UP)) { update = update_routes = TRUE; DBG1(DBG_KNL, "interface %s activated", name); } if ((entry->flags & IFF_UP) && !(msg->ifi_flags & IFF_UP)) { update = TRUE; DBG1(DBG_KNL, "interface %s deactivated", name); } } entry->flags = msg->ifi_flags; break; } case RTM_DELLINK: { enumerator = this->ifaces->create_enumerator(this->ifaces); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, ¤t)) { if (current->ifindex == msg->ifi_index) { if (event && current->usable) { update = TRUE; DBG1(DBG_KNL, "interface %s deleted", current->ifname); } /* TODO: move virtual IPs installed on this interface to * another interface? */ this->ifaces->remove_at(this->ifaces, enumerator); current->addrs->invoke_function(current->addrs, addr_entry_unregister, current, this); iface_entry_destroy(current); break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); break; } } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); if (update_routes && event) { queue_route_reinstall(this, strdup(name)); } if (update && event) { fire_roam_event(this, TRUE); } } /** * process RTM_NEWADDR/RTM_DELADDR from kernel */ static void process_addr(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, struct nlmsghdr *hdr, bool event) { struct ifaddrmsg* msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); struct rtattr *rta = IFA_RTA(msg); size_t rtasize = IFA_PAYLOAD (hdr); host_t *host = NULL; iface_entry_t *iface; chunk_t local = chunk_empty, address = chunk_empty; char *route_ifname = NULL; bool update = FALSE, found = FALSE, changed = FALSE; while (RTA_OK(rta, rtasize)) { switch (rta->rta_type) { case IFA_LOCAL: local.ptr = RTA_DATA(rta); local.len = RTA_PAYLOAD(rta); break; case IFA_ADDRESS: address.ptr = RTA_DATA(rta); address.len = RTA_PAYLOAD(rta); break; } rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, rtasize); } /* For PPP interfaces, we need the IFA_LOCAL address, * IFA_ADDRESS is the peers address. But IFA_LOCAL is * not included in all cases (IPv6?), so fallback to IFA_ADDRESS. */ if (local.ptr) { host = host_create_from_chunk(msg->ifa_family, local, 0); } else if (address.ptr) { host = host_create_from_chunk(msg->ifa_family, address, 0); } if (host == NULL) { /* bad family? */ return; } this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); if (this->ifaces->find_first(this->ifaces, iface_entry_by_index, (void**)&iface, msg->ifa_index)) { addr_map_entry_t *entry, lookup = { .ip = host, .iface = iface, }; addr_entry_t *addr; entry = this->vips->get(this->vips, &lookup); if (entry) { if (hdr->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWADDR) { /* mark as installed and signal waiting threads */ entry->addr->installed = TRUE; } else { /* the address was already marked as uninstalled */ addr = entry->addr; iface->addrs->remove(iface->addrs, addr, NULL); addr_map_entry_remove(this->vips, addr, iface); addr_entry_destroy(addr); } /* no roam events etc. for virtual IPs */ this->condvar->broadcast(this->condvar); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); host->destroy(host); return; } entry = this->addrs->get(this->addrs, &lookup); if (entry) { if (hdr->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELADDR) { found = TRUE; addr = entry->addr; iface->addrs->remove(iface->addrs, addr, NULL); if (iface->usable) { changed = TRUE; DBG1(DBG_KNL, "%H disappeared from %s", host, iface->ifname); } addr_map_entry_remove(this->addrs, addr, iface); addr_entry_destroy(addr); } } else { if (hdr->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWADDR) { found = TRUE; changed = TRUE; route_ifname = strdup(iface->ifname); INIT(addr, .ip = host->clone(host), .flags = msg->ifa_flags, .scope = msg->ifa_scope, ); iface->addrs->insert_last(iface->addrs, addr); addr_map_entry_add(this->addrs, addr, iface); if (event && iface->usable) { DBG1(DBG_KNL, "%H appeared on %s", host, iface->ifname); } } } if (found && (iface->flags & IFF_UP)) { update = TRUE; } if (!iface->usable) { /* ignore events for interfaces excluded by config */ update = changed = FALSE; } } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); if (update && event && route_ifname) { queue_route_reinstall(this, route_ifname); } else { free(route_ifname); } host->destroy(host); /* send an update to all IKE_SAs */ if (update && event && changed) { fire_roam_event(this, TRUE); } } /** * process RTM_NEWROUTE and RTM_DELROUTE from kernel */ static void process_route(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, struct nlmsghdr *hdr) { struct rtmsg* msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); struct rtattr *rta = RTM_RTA(msg); size_t rtasize = RTM_PAYLOAD(hdr); uint32_t rta_oif = 0; host_t *host = NULL; /* ignore routes added by us or in the local routing table (local addrs) */ if (msg->rtm_table && (msg->rtm_table == this->routing_table || msg->rtm_table == RT_TABLE_LOCAL)) { return; } else if (msg->rtm_flags & RTM_F_CLONED) { /* ignore cached routes, seem to be created a lot for IPv6 */ return; } while (RTA_OK(rta, rtasize)) { switch (rta->rta_type) { case RTA_PREFSRC: DESTROY_IF(host); host = host_create_from_chunk(msg->rtm_family, chunk_create(RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_PAYLOAD(rta)), 0); break; case RTA_OIF: if (RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) == sizeof(rta_oif)) { rta_oif = *(uint32_t*)RTA_DATA(rta); } break; } rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, rtasize); } this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); if (rta_oif && !is_interface_up_and_usable(this, rta_oif)) { /* ignore route changes for interfaces that are ignored or down */ this->lock->unlock(this->lock); DESTROY_IF(host); return; } if (!host && rta_oif) { host = get_interface_address(this, rta_oif, msg->rtm_family, NULL, NULL); } if (!host || is_known_vip(this, host)) { /* ignore routes added for virtual IPs */ this->lock->unlock(this->lock); DESTROY_IF(host); return; } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); fire_roam_event(this, FALSE); host->destroy(host); } /** * process RTM_NEW|DELRULE from kernel */ static void process_rule(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, struct nlmsghdr *hdr) { #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_FIB_RULES_H struct rtmsg* msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); struct rtattr *rta = RTM_RTA(msg); size_t rtasize = RTM_PAYLOAD(hdr); uint32_t table = 0; /* ignore rules added by us or in the local routing table (local addrs) */ if (msg->rtm_table && (msg->rtm_table == this->routing_table || msg->rtm_table == RT_TABLE_LOCAL)) { return; } while (RTA_OK(rta, rtasize)) { switch (rta->rta_type) { case FRA_TABLE: if (RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) == sizeof(table)) { table = *(uint32_t*)RTA_DATA(rta); } break; } rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, rtasize); } if (table && table == this->routing_table) { /* also check against extended table ID */ return; } fire_roam_event(this, FALSE); #endif } /** * Receives events from kernel */ static bool receive_events(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int fd, watcher_event_t event) { char response[1536]; struct nlmsghdr *hdr = (struct nlmsghdr*)response; struct sockaddr_nl addr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr); int len; len = recvfrom(this->socket_events, response, sizeof(response), MSG_DONTWAIT, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addr_len); if (len < 0) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: /* interrupted, try again */ return TRUE; case EAGAIN: /* no data ready, select again */ return TRUE; default: DBG1(DBG_KNL, "unable to receive from RT event socket %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); sleep(1); return TRUE; } } if (addr.nl_pid != 0) { /* not from kernel. not interested, try another one */ return TRUE; } while (NLMSG_OK(hdr, len)) { /* looks good so far, dispatch netlink message */ switch (hdr->nlmsg_type) { case RTM_NEWADDR: case RTM_DELADDR: process_addr(this, hdr, TRUE); break; case RTM_NEWLINK: case RTM_DELLINK: process_link(this, hdr, TRUE); break; case RTM_NEWROUTE: case RTM_DELROUTE: if (this->process_route) { process_route(this, hdr); } break; case RTM_NEWRULE: case RTM_DELRULE: if (this->process_rules) { process_rule(this, hdr); } break; default: break; } hdr = NLMSG_NEXT(hdr, len); } return TRUE; } /** enumerator over addresses */ typedef struct { private_kernel_netlink_net_t* this; /** which addresses to enumerate */ kernel_address_type_t which; } address_enumerator_t; CALLBACK(address_enumerator_destroy, void, address_enumerator_t *data) { data->this->lock->unlock(data->this->lock); free(data); } CALLBACK(filter_addresses, bool, address_enumerator_t *data, enumerator_t *orig, va_list args) { addr_entry_t *addr; host_t **out; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, out); while (orig->enumerate(orig, &addr)) { if (!(data->which & ADDR_TYPE_VIRTUAL) && addr->refcount) { /* skip virtual interfaces added by us */ continue; } if (!(data->which & ADDR_TYPE_REGULAR) && !addr->refcount) { /* address is regular, but not requested */ continue; } if (addr->scope >= RT_SCOPE_LINK) { /* skip addresses with a unusable scope */ continue; } *out = addr->ip; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * enumerator constructor for interfaces */ static enumerator_t *create_iface_enumerator(iface_entry_t *iface, address_enumerator_t *data) { return enumerator_create_filter( iface->addrs->create_enumerator(iface->addrs), filter_addresses, data, NULL); } CALLBACK(filter_interfaces, bool, address_enumerator_t *data, enumerator_t *orig, va_list args) { iface_entry_t *iface, **out; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, out); while (orig->enumerate(orig, &iface)) { if (!(data->which & ADDR_TYPE_IGNORED) && !iface->usable) { /* skip interfaces excluded by config */ continue; } if (!(data->which & ADDR_TYPE_LOOPBACK) && (iface->flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) { /* ignore loopback devices */ continue; } if (!(data->which & ADDR_TYPE_DOWN) && !(iface->flags & IFF_UP)) { /* skip interfaces not up */ continue; } *out = iface; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } METHOD(kernel_net_t, create_address_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, kernel_address_type_t which) { address_enumerator_t *data; INIT(data, .this = this, .which = which, ); this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); return enumerator_create_nested( enumerator_create_filter( this->ifaces->create_enumerator(this->ifaces), filter_interfaces, data, NULL), (void*)create_iface_enumerator, data, address_enumerator_destroy); } METHOD(kernel_net_t, get_interface_name, bool, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, host_t* ip, char **name) { addr_map_entry_t *entry, lookup = { .ip = ip, }; if (ip->is_anyaddr(ip)) { return FALSE; } this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); /* first try to find it on an up and usable interface */ entry = this->addrs->get_match(this->addrs, &lookup, (void*)addr_map_entry_match_up_and_usable); if (entry) { if (name) { *name = strdup(entry->iface->ifname); DBG2(DBG_KNL, "%H is on interface %s", ip, *name); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return TRUE; } /* in a second step, consider virtual IPs installed by us */ entry = this->vips->get_match(this->vips, &lookup, (void*)addr_map_entry_match_up_and_usable); if (entry) { if (name) { *name = strdup(entry->iface->ifname); DBG2(DBG_KNL, "virtual IP %H is on interface %s", ip, *name); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return TRUE; } /* maybe it is installed on an ignored interface */ entry = this->addrs->get_match(this->addrs, &lookup, (void*)addr_map_entry_match_up); if (!entry) { DBG2(DBG_KNL, "%H is not a local address or the interface is down", ip); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return FALSE; } /** * get the index of an interface by name */ static int get_interface_index(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, char* name) { iface_entry_t *iface; int ifindex = 0; DBG2(DBG_KNL, "getting iface index for %s", name); this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); if (this->ifaces->find_first(this->ifaces, iface_entry_by_name, (void**)&iface, name)) { ifindex = iface->ifindex; } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); if (ifindex == 0) { DBG1(DBG_KNL, "unable to get interface index for %s", name); } return ifindex; } /** * get the name of an interface by index (allocated) */ static char *get_interface_name_by_index(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int index) { iface_entry_t *iface; char *name = NULL; DBG2(DBG_KNL, "getting iface name for index %d", index); this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); if (this->ifaces->find_first(this->ifaces, iface_entry_by_index, (void**)&iface, index)) { name = strdup(iface->ifname); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); if (!name) { DBG1(DBG_KNL, "unable to get interface name for %d", index); } return name; } /** * Store information about a route retrieved via RTNETLINK */ typedef struct { chunk_t gtw; chunk_t pref_src; chunk_t dst; chunk_t src; host_t *src_host; uint8_t dst_len; uint8_t src_len; uint32_t table; uint32_t oif; uint32_t priority; } rt_entry_t; /** * Free a route entry */ static void rt_entry_destroy(rt_entry_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->src_host); free(this); } /** * Check if the route received with RTM_NEWROUTE is usable based on its type. */ static bool route_usable(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, bool allow_local) { struct rtmsg *msg; msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); switch (msg->rtm_type) { case RTN_BLACKHOLE: case RTN_UNREACHABLE: case RTN_PROHIBIT: case RTN_THROW: return FALSE; case RTN_LOCAL: return allow_local; default: return TRUE; } } /** * Parse route received with RTM_NEWROUTE. The given rt_entry_t object will be * reused if not NULL. * * Returned chunks point to internal data of the Netlink message. */ static rt_entry_t *parse_route(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, rt_entry_t *route) { struct rtattr *rta; struct rtmsg *msg; size_t rtasize; msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); rta = RTM_RTA(msg); rtasize = RTM_PAYLOAD(hdr); if (route) { *route = (rt_entry_t){ .dst_len = msg->rtm_dst_len, .src_len = msg->rtm_src_len, .table = msg->rtm_table, }; } else { INIT(route, .dst_len = msg->rtm_dst_len, .src_len = msg->rtm_src_len, .table = msg->rtm_table, ); } while (RTA_OK(rta, rtasize)) { switch (rta->rta_type) { case RTA_PREFSRC: route->pref_src = chunk_create(RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_PAYLOAD(rta)); break; case RTA_GATEWAY: route->gtw = chunk_create(RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_PAYLOAD(rta)); break; case RTA_DST: route->dst = chunk_create(RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_PAYLOAD(rta)); break; case RTA_SRC: route->src = chunk_create(RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_PAYLOAD(rta)); break; case RTA_OIF: if (RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) == sizeof(route->oif)) { route->oif = *(uint32_t*)RTA_DATA(rta); } break; case RTA_PRIORITY: if (RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) == sizeof(route->priority)) { route->priority = *(uint32_t*)RTA_DATA(rta); } break; #ifdef HAVE_RTA_TABLE case RTA_TABLE: if (RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) == sizeof(route->table)) { route->table = *(uint32_t*)RTA_DATA(rta); } break; #endif /* HAVE_RTA_TABLE*/ } rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, rtasize); } return route; } /** * Get a route: If "nexthop", the nexthop is returned. source addr otherwise. */ static host_t *get_route(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, host_t *dest, int prefix, bool nexthop, host_t *candidate, char **iface, u_int recursion) { netlink_buf_t request; struct nlmsghdr *hdr, *out, *current; struct rtmsg *msg; chunk_t chunk; size_t len; linked_list_t *routes; rt_entry_t *route = NULL, *best = NULL; enumerator_t *enumerator; host_t *addr = NULL; bool match_net; int family; if (recursion > MAX_ROUTE_RECURSION) { return NULL; } chunk = dest->get_address(dest); len = chunk.len * 8; prefix = prefix < 0 ? len : min(prefix, len); match_net = prefix != len; memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); family = dest->get_family(dest); hdr = &request.hdr; hdr->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST; hdr->nlmsg_type = RTM_GETROUTE; hdr->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct rtmsg)); msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); msg->rtm_family = family; if (!match_net && this->rta_mark && this->routing_mark.value) { /* if our routing rule excludes packets with a certain mark we can * get the preferred route without having to dump all routes */ chunk = chunk_from_thing(this->routing_mark.value); netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_MARK, chunk, sizeof(request)); } else if (family == AF_INET || this->rta_prefsrc_for_ipv6 || this->routing_table || match_net) { /* kernels prior to 3.0 do not support RTA_PREFSRC for IPv6 routes. * as we want to ignore routes with virtual IPs we cannot use DUMP * if these routes are not installed in a separate table */ if (this->install_routes) { hdr->nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_DUMP; } } if (candidate) { chunk = candidate->get_address(candidate); if (hdr->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP) { netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_PREFSRC, chunk, sizeof(request)); } else { netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_SRC, chunk, sizeof(request)); } } /* we use this below to match against the routes */ chunk = dest->get_address(dest); if (!match_net) { netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_DST, chunk, sizeof(request)); } if (this->socket->send(this->socket, hdr, &out, &len) != SUCCESS) { DBG2(DBG_KNL, "getting %s to reach %H/%d failed", nexthop ? "nexthop" : "address", dest, prefix); return NULL; } routes = linked_list_create(); this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); for (current = out; NLMSG_OK(current, len); current = NLMSG_NEXT(current, len)) { switch (current->nlmsg_type) { case NLMSG_DONE: break; case RTM_NEWROUTE: { rt_entry_t *other; uintptr_t table; if (!route_usable(current, TRUE)) { continue; } route = parse_route(current, route); table = (uintptr_t)route->table; if (this->rt_exclude->find_first(this->rt_exclude, NULL, (void**)&table)) { /* route is from an excluded routing table */ continue; } if (this->routing_table != 0 && route->table == this->routing_table) { /* route is from our own ipsec routing table */ continue; } if (route->oif && !is_interface_up_and_usable(this, route->oif)) { /* interface is down */ continue; } if (!addr_in_subnet(chunk, prefix, route->dst, route->dst_len)) { /* route destination does not contain dest */ continue; } if (route->pref_src.ptr) { /* verify source address, if any */ host_t *src = host_create_from_chunk(msg->rtm_family, route->pref_src, 0); if (src && is_known_vip(this, src)) { /* ignore routes installed by us */ src->destroy(src); continue; } route->src_host = src; } /* insert route, sorted by network prefix and priority */ enumerator = routes->create_enumerator(routes); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &other)) { if (route->dst_len > other->dst_len) { break; } if (route->dst_len == other->dst_len && route->priority < other->priority) { break; } } routes->insert_before(routes, enumerator, route); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); route = NULL; continue; } default: continue; } break; } if (route) { rt_entry_destroy(route); } /* now we have a list of routes matching dest, sorted by net prefix. * we will look for source addresses for these routes and select the one * with the preferred source address, if possible */ enumerator = routes->create_enumerator(routes); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &route)) { if (route->src_host) { /* got a source address with the route, if no preferred source * is given or it matches we are done, as this is the best route */ if (!candidate || candidate->ip_equals(candidate, route->src_host)) { best = route; break; } else if (route->oif) { /* no match yet, maybe it is assigned to the same interface */ host_t *src = get_interface_address(this, route->oif, msg->rtm_family, dest, candidate); if (src && src->ip_equals(src, candidate)) { route->src_host->destroy(route->src_host); route->src_host = src; best = route; break; } DESTROY_IF(src); } /* no luck yet with the source address. if this is the best (first) * route we store it as fallback in case we don't find a route with * the preferred source */ best = best ?: route; continue; } if (route->src.ptr) { /* no src, but a source selector, try to find a matching address */ route->src_host = get_subnet_address(this, msg->rtm_family, route->src, route->src_len, dest, candidate); if (route->src_host) { /* we handle this address the same as the one above */ if (!candidate || candidate->ip_equals(candidate, route->src_host)) { best = route; break; } best = best ?: route; continue; } } if (route->oif) { /* no src, but an interface - get address from it */ route->src_host = get_interface_address(this, route->oif, msg->rtm_family, dest, candidate); if (route->src_host) { /* more of the same */ if (!candidate || candidate->ip_equals(candidate, route->src_host)) { best = route; break; } best = best ?: route; continue; } } if (route->gtw.ptr) { /* no src, no iface, but a gateway - lookup src to reach gtw */ host_t *gtw; gtw = host_create_from_chunk(msg->rtm_family, route->gtw, 0); if (gtw && !gtw->ip_equals(gtw, dest)) { route->src_host = get_route(this, gtw, -1, FALSE, candidate, iface, recursion + 1); } DESTROY_IF(gtw); if (route->src_host) { /* more of the same */ if (!candidate || candidate->ip_equals(candidate, route->src_host)) { best = route; break; } best = best ?: route; } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (nexthop) { /* nexthop lookup, return gateway and oif if any */ if (iface) { *iface = NULL; } if (best || routes->get_first(routes, (void**)&best) == SUCCESS) { addr = host_create_from_chunk(msg->rtm_family, best->gtw, 0); if (iface && best->oif) { *iface = get_interface_name_by_index(this, best->oif); } } if (!addr && !match_net) { /* fallback to destination address */ addr = dest->clone(dest); } } else { if (best) { addr = best->src_host->clone(best->src_host); } } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); routes->destroy_function(routes, (void*)rt_entry_destroy); free(out); if (addr) { if (nexthop && iface && *iface) { DBG2(DBG_KNL, "using %H as nexthop and %s as dev to reach %H/%d", addr, *iface, dest, prefix); } else { DBG2(DBG_KNL, "using %H as %s to reach %H/%d", addr, nexthop ? "nexthop" : "address", dest, prefix); } } else if (!recursion) { DBG2(DBG_KNL, "no %s found to reach %H/%d", nexthop ? "nexthop" : "address", dest, prefix); } return addr; } METHOD(kernel_net_t, get_source_addr, host_t*, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, host_t *dest, host_t *src) { return get_route(this, dest, -1, FALSE, src, NULL, 0); } METHOD(kernel_net_t, get_nexthop, host_t*, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, host_t *dest, int prefix, host_t *src, char **iface) { return get_route(this, dest, prefix, TRUE, src, iface, 0); } /** enumerator over subnets */ typedef struct { enumerator_t public; private_kernel_netlink_net_t *private; /** message from the kernel */ struct nlmsghdr *msg; /** current message from the kernel */ struct nlmsghdr *current; /** remaining length */ size_t len; /** last subnet enumerated */ host_t *net; /** interface of current net */ char ifname[IFNAMSIZ]; } subnet_enumerator_t; METHOD(enumerator_t, destroy_subnet_enumerator, void, subnet_enumerator_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->net); free(this->msg); free(this); } METHOD(enumerator_t, enumerate_subnets, bool, subnet_enumerator_t *this, va_list args) { host_t **net; uint8_t *mask; char **ifname; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, net, mask, ifname); if (!this->current) { this->current = this->msg; } else { this->current = NLMSG_NEXT(this->current, this->len); DESTROY_IF(this->net); this->net = NULL; } while (NLMSG_OK(this->current, this->len)) { switch (this->current->nlmsg_type) { case NLMSG_DONE: break; case RTM_NEWROUTE: { rt_entry_t route; if (!route_usable(this->current, FALSE)) { break; } parse_route(this->current, &route); if (route.table && ( route.table == RT_TABLE_LOCAL || route.table == this->private->routing_table)) { /* ignore our own and the local routing tables */ break; } else if (route.gtw.ptr) { /* ignore routes via gateway/next hop */ break; } if (route.dst.ptr && route.oif && if_indextoname(route.oif, this->ifname)) { this->net = host_create_from_chunk(AF_UNSPEC, route.dst, 0); *net = this->net; *mask = route.dst_len; *ifname = this->ifname; return TRUE; } break; } default: break; } this->current = NLMSG_NEXT(this->current, this->len); } return FALSE; } METHOD(kernel_net_t, create_local_subnet_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this) { netlink_buf_t request; struct nlmsghdr *hdr, *out; struct rtmsg *msg; size_t len; subnet_enumerator_t *enumerator; memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); hdr = &request.hdr; hdr->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST; hdr->nlmsg_type = RTM_GETROUTE; hdr->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct rtmsg)); hdr->nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_DUMP; msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); msg->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_LINK; if (this->socket->send(this->socket, hdr, &out, &len) != SUCCESS) { DBG2(DBG_KNL, "enumerating local subnets failed"); return enumerator_create_empty(); } INIT(enumerator, .public = { .enumerate = enumerator_enumerate_default, .venumerate = _enumerate_subnets, .destroy = _destroy_subnet_enumerator, }, .private = this, .msg = out, .len = len, ); return &enumerator->public; } /** * Manages the creation and deletion of ip addresses on an interface. * By setting the appropriate nlmsg_type, the ip will be set or unset. */ static status_t manage_ipaddr(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int nlmsg_type, int flags, int if_index, host_t *ip, int prefix) { netlink_buf_t request; struct nlmsghdr *hdr; struct ifaddrmsg *msg; chunk_t chunk; memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); chunk = ip->get_address(ip); hdr = &request.hdr; hdr->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK | flags; hdr->nlmsg_type = nlmsg_type; hdr->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg)); msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); msg->ifa_family = ip->get_family(ip); msg->ifa_flags = 0; msg->ifa_prefixlen = prefix < 0 ? chunk.len * 8 : prefix; msg->ifa_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE; msg->ifa_index = if_index; netlink_add_attribute(hdr, IFA_LOCAL, chunk, sizeof(request)); if (ip->get_family(ip) == AF_INET6) { #ifdef IFA_F_NODAD msg->ifa_flags |= IFA_F_NODAD; #endif if (this->rta_prefsrc_for_ipv6) { /* if source routes are possible we let the virtual IP get * deprecated immediately (but mark it as valid forever) so it gets * only used if forced by our route, and not by the default IPv6 * address selection */ struct ifa_cacheinfo cache = { .ifa_valid = 0xFFFFFFFF, .ifa_prefered = 0, }; netlink_add_attribute(hdr, IFA_CACHEINFO, chunk_from_thing(cache), sizeof(request)); } } return this->socket->send_ack(this->socket, hdr); } METHOD(kernel_net_t, add_ip, status_t, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, host_t *virtual_ip, int prefix, char *iface_name) { addr_map_entry_t *entry, lookup = { .ip = virtual_ip, }; iface_entry_t *iface = NULL; if (!this->install_virtual_ip) { /* disabled by config */ return SUCCESS; } this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); /* the virtual IP might actually be installed as regular IP, in which case * we don't track it as virtual IP */ entry = this->addrs->get_match(this->addrs, &lookup, (void*)addr_map_entry_match); if (!entry) { /* otherwise it might already be installed as virtual IP */ entry = this->vips->get_match(this->vips, &lookup, (void*)addr_map_entry_match); if (entry) { /* the vip we found can be in one of three states: 1) installed and * ready, 2) just added by another thread, but not yet confirmed to * be installed by the kernel, 3) just deleted, but not yet gone. * Then while we wait below, several things could happen (as we * release the lock). For instance, the interface could disappear, * or the IP is finally deleted, and it reappears on a different * interface. All these cases are handled by the call below. */ while (!is_vip_installed_or_gone(this, virtual_ip, &entry)) { this->condvar->wait(this->condvar, this->lock); } if (entry) { entry->addr->refcount++; } } } if (entry) { DBG2(DBG_KNL, "virtual IP %H is already installed on %s", virtual_ip, entry->iface->ifname); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return SUCCESS; } /* try to find the target interface, either by config or via src ip */ if (!this->install_virtual_ip_on || !this->ifaces->find_first(this->ifaces, iface_entry_by_name, (void**)&iface, this->install_virtual_ip_on)) { if (!this->ifaces->find_first(this->ifaces, iface_entry_by_name, (void**)&iface, iface_name)) { /* if we don't find the requested interface we just use the first */ this->ifaces->get_first(this->ifaces, (void**)&iface); } } if (iface) { addr_entry_t *addr; char *ifname; int ifi; INIT(addr, .ip = virtual_ip->clone(virtual_ip), .refcount = 1, .scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, ); iface->addrs->insert_last(iface->addrs, addr); addr_map_entry_add(this->vips, addr, iface); ifi = iface->ifindex; this->lock->unlock(this->lock); if (manage_ipaddr(this, RTM_NEWADDR, NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_EXCL, ifi, virtual_ip, prefix) == SUCCESS) { this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); while (!is_vip_installed_or_gone(this, virtual_ip, &entry)) { /* wait until address appears */ this->condvar->wait(this->condvar, this->lock); } if (entry) { /* we fail if the interface got deleted in the meantime */ ifname = strdup(entry->iface->ifname); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); DBG2(DBG_KNL, "virtual IP %H installed on %s", virtual_ip, ifname); /* during IKEv1 reauthentication, children get moved from * old the new SA before the virtual IP is available. This * kills the route for our virtual IP, reinstall. */ queue_route_reinstall(this, ifname); return SUCCESS; } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); } DBG1(DBG_KNL, "adding virtual IP %H failed", virtual_ip); return FAILED; } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); DBG1(DBG_KNL, "no interface available, unable to install virtual IP %H", virtual_ip); return FAILED; } METHOD(kernel_net_t, del_ip, status_t, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, host_t *virtual_ip, int prefix, bool wait) { addr_map_entry_t *entry, lookup = { .ip = virtual_ip, }; if (!this->install_virtual_ip) { /* disabled by config */ return SUCCESS; } DBG2(DBG_KNL, "deleting virtual IP %H", virtual_ip); this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); entry = this->vips->get_match(this->vips, &lookup, (void*)addr_map_entry_match); if (!entry) { /* we didn't install this IP as virtual IP */ entry = this->addrs->get_match(this->addrs, &lookup, (void*)addr_map_entry_match); if (entry) { DBG2(DBG_KNL, "not deleting existing IP %H on %s", virtual_ip, entry->iface->ifname); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return SUCCESS; } DBG2(DBG_KNL, "virtual IP %H not cached, unable to delete", virtual_ip); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return FAILED; } if (entry->addr->refcount == 1) { status_t status; int ifi; /* we set this flag so that threads calling add_ip will block and wait * until the entry is gone, also so we can wait below */ entry->addr->installed = FALSE; ifi = entry->iface->ifindex; this->lock->unlock(this->lock); status = manage_ipaddr(this, RTM_DELADDR, 0, ifi, virtual_ip, prefix); if (status == SUCCESS && wait) { /* wait until the address is really gone */ this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); while (is_known_vip(this, virtual_ip)) { this->condvar->wait(this->condvar, this->lock); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); } return status; } else { entry->addr->refcount--; } DBG2(DBG_KNL, "virtual IP %H used by other SAs, not deleting", virtual_ip); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return SUCCESS; } /** * Manages source routes in the routing table. * By setting the appropriate nlmsg_type, the route gets added or removed. */ static status_t manage_srcroute(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int nlmsg_type, int flags, chunk_t dst_net, uint8_t prefixlen, host_t *gateway, host_t *src_ip, char *if_name) { netlink_buf_t request; struct nlmsghdr *hdr; struct rtmsg *msg; struct rtattr *rta; int ifindex; chunk_t chunk; /* if route is, we can't install it, as it would * overwrite the default route. Instead, we add two routes: * and */ if (this->routing_table == 0 && prefixlen == 0) { chunk_t half_net; uint8_t half_prefixlen; status_t status; half_net = chunk_alloca(dst_net.len); memset(half_net.ptr, 0, half_net.len); half_prefixlen = 1; status = manage_srcroute(this, nlmsg_type, flags, half_net, half_prefixlen, gateway, src_ip, if_name); half_net.ptr[0] |= 0x80; status = manage_srcroute(this, nlmsg_type, flags, half_net, half_prefixlen, gateway, src_ip, if_name); return status; } memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); hdr = &request.hdr; hdr->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK | flags; hdr->nlmsg_type = nlmsg_type; hdr->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct rtmsg)); msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); msg->rtm_family = src_ip->get_family(src_ip); msg->rtm_dst_len = prefixlen; msg->rtm_table = this->routing_table; msg->rtm_protocol = RTPROT_STATIC; msg->rtm_type = RTN_UNICAST; msg->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE; netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_DST, dst_net, sizeof(request)); chunk = src_ip->get_address(src_ip); netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_PREFSRC, chunk, sizeof(request)); if (gateway && gateway->get_family(gateway) == src_ip->get_family(src_ip)) { chunk = gateway->get_address(gateway); netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_GATEWAY, chunk, sizeof(request)); } ifindex = get_interface_index(this, if_name); chunk.ptr = (char*)&ifindex; chunk.len = sizeof(ifindex); netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_OIF, chunk, sizeof(request)); if (this->mtu || this->mss) { chunk = chunk_alloca(RTA_LENGTH((sizeof(struct rtattr) + sizeof(uint32_t)) * 2)); chunk.len = 0; rta = (struct rtattr*)chunk.ptr; if (this->mtu) { rta->rta_type = RTAX_MTU; rta->rta_len = RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(uint32_t)); memcpy(RTA_DATA(rta), &this->mtu, sizeof(uint32_t)); chunk.len = rta->rta_len; } if (this->mss) { rta = (struct rtattr*)(chunk.ptr + RTA_ALIGN(chunk.len)); rta->rta_type = RTAX_ADVMSS; rta->rta_len = RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(uint32_t)); memcpy(RTA_DATA(rta), &this->mss, sizeof(uint32_t)); chunk.len = RTA_ALIGN(chunk.len) + rta->rta_len; } netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_METRICS, chunk, sizeof(request)); } return this->socket->send_ack(this->socket, hdr); } /** * Helper struct used to check routes */ typedef struct { /** the entry we look for */ route_entry_t route; /** kernel interface */ private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this; } route_entry_lookup_t; /** * Check if a matching route entry has a VIP associated */ static bool route_with_vip(route_entry_lookup_t *a, route_entry_t *b) { if (chunk_equals(a->route.dst_net, b->dst_net) && a->route.prefixlen == b->prefixlen && is_known_vip(a->this, b->src_ip)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Check if there is any route entry with a matching destination */ static bool route_with_dst(route_entry_lookup_t *a, route_entry_t *b) { if (chunk_equals(a->route.dst_net, b->dst_net) && a->route.prefixlen == b->prefixlen) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } METHOD(kernel_net_t, add_route, status_t, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, chunk_t dst_net, uint8_t prefixlen, host_t *gateway, host_t *src_ip, char *if_name) { status_t status; route_entry_t *found; route_entry_lookup_t lookup = { .route = { .dst_net = dst_net, .prefixlen = prefixlen, .gateway = gateway, .src_ip = src_ip, .if_name = if_name, }, .this = this, }; this->routes_lock->lock(this->routes_lock); found = this->routes->get(this->routes, &lookup.route); if (found) { this->routes_lock->unlock(this->routes_lock); return ALREADY_DONE; } /* don't replace the route if we already have one with a VIP installed, * but keep track of it in case that other route is uninstalled */ this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); if (!is_known_vip(this, src_ip)) { found = this->routes->get_match(this->routes, &lookup, (void*)route_with_vip); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); if (found) { status = SUCCESS; } else { status = manage_srcroute(this, RTM_NEWROUTE, NLM_F_CREATE|NLM_F_REPLACE, dst_net, prefixlen, gateway, src_ip, if_name); } if (status == SUCCESS) { found = route_entry_clone(&lookup.route); this->routes->put(this->routes, found, found); } this->routes_lock->unlock(this->routes_lock); return status; } METHOD(kernel_net_t, del_route, status_t, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, chunk_t dst_net, uint8_t prefixlen, host_t *gateway, host_t *src_ip, char *if_name) { status_t status; route_entry_t *found; route_entry_lookup_t lookup = { .route = { .dst_net = dst_net, .prefixlen = prefixlen, .gateway = gateway, .src_ip = src_ip, .if_name = if_name, }, .this = this, }; this->routes_lock->lock(this->routes_lock); found = this->routes->remove(this->routes, &lookup.route); if (!found) { this->routes_lock->unlock(this->routes_lock); return NOT_FOUND; } route_entry_destroy(found); /* check if there are any other routes for the same destination and if * so update the route, otherwise uninstall it */ this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); found = this->routes->get_match(this->routes, &lookup, (void*)route_with_vip); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); if (!found) { found = this->routes->get_match(this->routes, &lookup, (void*)route_with_dst); } if (found) { status = manage_srcroute(this, RTM_NEWROUTE, NLM_F_CREATE|NLM_F_REPLACE, found->dst_net, found->prefixlen, found->gateway, found->src_ip, found->if_name); } else { status = manage_srcroute(this, RTM_DELROUTE, 0, dst_net, prefixlen, gateway, src_ip, if_name); } this->routes_lock->unlock(this->routes_lock); return status; } /** * Initialize a list of local addresses. */ static status_t init_address_list(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this) { netlink_buf_t request; struct nlmsghdr *out, *current, *in; struct rtgenmsg *msg; size_t len; enumerator_t *ifaces, *addrs; iface_entry_t *iface; addr_entry_t *addr; DBG2(DBG_KNL, "known interfaces and IP addresses:"); memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); in = &request.hdr; in->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct rtgenmsg)); in->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_MATCH | NLM_F_ROOT; msg = NLMSG_DATA(in); msg->rtgen_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* get all links */ in->nlmsg_type = RTM_GETLINK; if (this->socket->send(this->socket, in, &out, &len) != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } current = out; while (NLMSG_OK(current, len)) { switch (current->nlmsg_type) { case NLMSG_DONE: break; case RTM_NEWLINK: process_link(this, current, FALSE); /* fall through */ default: current = NLMSG_NEXT(current, len); continue; } break; } free(out); /* get all interface addresses */ in->nlmsg_type = RTM_GETADDR; if (this->socket->send(this->socket, in, &out, &len) != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } current = out; while (NLMSG_OK(current, len)) { switch (current->nlmsg_type) { case NLMSG_DONE: break; case RTM_NEWADDR: process_addr(this, current, FALSE); /* fall through */ default: current = NLMSG_NEXT(current, len); continue; } break; } free(out); this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); ifaces = this->ifaces->create_enumerator(this->ifaces); while (ifaces->enumerate(ifaces, &iface)) { if (iface_entry_up_and_usable(iface)) { DBG2(DBG_KNL, " %s", iface->ifname); addrs = iface->addrs->create_enumerator(iface->addrs); while (addrs->enumerate(addrs, (void**)&addr)) { DBG2(DBG_KNL, " %H", addr->ip); } addrs->destroy(addrs); } } ifaces->destroy(ifaces); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return SUCCESS; } /** * create or delete a rule to use our routing table */ static status_t manage_rule(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this, int nlmsg_type, int family, uint32_t table, uint32_t prio) { netlink_buf_t request; struct nlmsghdr *hdr; struct rtmsg *msg; chunk_t chunk; char *fwmark; memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); hdr = &request.hdr; hdr->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK; hdr->nlmsg_type = nlmsg_type; if (nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWRULE) { hdr->nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_EXCL; } hdr->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct rtmsg)); msg = NLMSG_DATA(hdr); msg->rtm_table = table; msg->rtm_family = family; msg->rtm_protocol = RTPROT_BOOT; msg->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE; msg->rtm_type = RTN_UNICAST; chunk = chunk_from_thing(prio); netlink_add_attribute(hdr, RTA_PRIORITY, chunk, sizeof(request)); fwmark = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.kernel-netlink.fwmark", NULL, lib->ns); if (fwmark) { #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_FIB_RULES_H mark_t mark; if (fwmark[0] == '!') { msg->rtm_flags |= FIB_RULE_INVERT; fwmark++; } if (mark_from_string(fwmark, &mark)) { chunk = chunk_from_thing(mark.value); netlink_add_attribute(hdr, FRA_FWMARK, chunk, sizeof(request)); chunk = chunk_from_thing(mark.mask); netlink_add_attribute(hdr, FRA_FWMASK, chunk, sizeof(request)); if (msg->rtm_flags & FIB_RULE_INVERT) { this->routing_mark = mark; } } #else DBG1(DBG_KNL, "setting firewall mark on routing rule is not supported"); #endif } return this->socket->send_ack(this->socket, hdr); } /** * check for kernel features (currently only via version number) */ static void check_kernel_features(private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this) { struct utsname utsname; int a, b, c; if (uname(&utsname) == 0) { switch(sscanf(utsname.release, "%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c)) { case 3: if (a == 2) { if (b == 6 && c >= 36) { this->rta_mark = TRUE; } DBG2(DBG_KNL, "detected Linux %d.%d.%d, no support for " "RTA_PREFSRC for IPv6 routes", a, b, c); break; } /* fall-through */ case 2: /* only 3.x+ uses two part version numbers */ this->rta_prefsrc_for_ipv6 = TRUE; this->rta_mark = TRUE; break; default: break; } } } /** * Destroy an address to iface map */ static void addr_map_destroy(hashtable_t *map) { enumerator_t *enumerator; addr_map_entry_t *addr; enumerator = map->create_enumerator(map); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, NULL, (void**)&addr)) { free(addr); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); map->destroy(map); } METHOD(kernel_net_t, destroy, void, private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; route_entry_t *route; if (this->routing_table) { manage_rule(this, RTM_DELRULE, AF_INET, this->routing_table, this->routing_table_prio); manage_rule(this, RTM_DELRULE, AF_INET6, this->routing_table, this->routing_table_prio); } if (this->socket_events > 0) { lib->watcher->remove(lib->watcher, this->socket_events); close(this->socket_events); } enumerator = this->routes->create_enumerator(this->routes); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, NULL, (void**)&route)) { manage_srcroute(this, RTM_DELROUTE, 0, route->dst_net, route->prefixlen, route->gateway, route->src_ip, route->if_name); route_entry_destroy(route); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->routes->destroy(this->routes); this->routes_lock->destroy(this->routes_lock); DESTROY_IF(this->socket); net_changes_clear(this); this->net_changes->destroy(this->net_changes); this->net_changes_lock->destroy(this->net_changes_lock); addr_map_destroy(this->addrs); addr_map_destroy(this->vips); this->ifaces->destroy_function(this->ifaces, (void*)iface_entry_destroy); this->rt_exclude->destroy(this->rt_exclude); this->roam_lock->destroy(this->roam_lock); this->condvar->destroy(this->condvar); this->lock->destroy(this->lock); free(this); } /* * Described in header. */ kernel_netlink_net_t *kernel_netlink_net_create() { private_kernel_netlink_net_t *this; enumerator_t *enumerator; bool register_for_events = TRUE; char *exclude; INIT(this, .public = { .interface = { .get_interface = _get_interface_name, .create_address_enumerator = _create_address_enumerator, .create_local_subnet_enumerator = _create_local_subnet_enumerator, .get_source_addr = _get_source_addr, .get_nexthop = _get_nexthop, .add_ip = _add_ip, .del_ip = _del_ip, .add_route = _add_route, .del_route = _del_route, .destroy = _destroy, }, }, .socket = netlink_socket_create(NETLINK_ROUTE, rt_msg_names, lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.kernel-netlink.parallel_route", FALSE, lib->ns)), .rt_exclude = linked_list_create(), .routes = hashtable_create((hashtable_hash_t)route_entry_hash, (hashtable_equals_t)route_entry_equals, 16), .net_changes = hashtable_create( (hashtable_hash_t)net_change_hash, (hashtable_equals_t)net_change_equals, 16), .addrs = hashtable_create( (hashtable_hash_t)addr_map_entry_hash, (hashtable_equals_t)addr_map_entry_equals, 16), .vips = hashtable_create((hashtable_hash_t)addr_map_entry_hash, (hashtable_equals_t)addr_map_entry_equals, 16), .routes_lock = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT), .net_changes_lock = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT), .ifaces = linked_list_create(), .lock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT), .condvar = rwlock_condvar_create(), .roam_lock = spinlock_create(), .routing_table = lib->settings->get_int(lib->settings, "%s.routing_table", ROUTING_TABLE, lib->ns), .routing_table_prio = lib->settings->get_int(lib->settings, "%s.routing_table_prio", ROUTING_TABLE_PRIO, lib->ns), .process_route = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.process_route", TRUE, lib->ns), .install_routes = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.install_routes", TRUE, lib->ns), .install_virtual_ip = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.install_virtual_ip", TRUE, lib->ns), .install_virtual_ip_on = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "%s.install_virtual_ip_on", NULL, lib->ns), .prefer_temporary_addrs = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.prefer_temporary_addrs", FALSE, lib->ns), .roam_events = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.kernel-netlink.roam_events", TRUE, lib->ns), .process_rules = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.kernel-netlink.process_rules", FALSE, lib->ns), .mtu = lib->settings->get_int(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.kernel-netlink.mtu", 0, lib->ns), .mss = lib->settings->get_int(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.kernel-netlink.mss", 0, lib->ns), ); timerclear(&this->last_route_reinstall); timerclear(&this->next_roam); check_kernel_features(this); if (streq(lib->ns, "starter")) { /* starter has no threads, so we do not register for kernel events */ register_for_events = FALSE; } exclude = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "%s.ignore_routing_tables", NULL, lib->ns); if (exclude) { char *token; uintptr_t table; enumerator = enumerator_create_token(exclude, " ", " "); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &token)) { errno = 0; table = strtoul(token, NULL, 10); if (errno == 0) { this->rt_exclude->insert_last(this->rt_exclude, (void*)table); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } if (register_for_events) { struct sockaddr_nl addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; /* create and bind RT socket for events (address/interface/route changes) */ this->socket_events = socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_ROUTE); if (this->socket_events < 0) { DBG1(DBG_KNL, "unable to create RT event socket: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); destroy(this); return NULL; } addr.nl_groups = nl_group(RTNLGRP_IPV4_IFADDR) | nl_group(RTNLGRP_IPV6_IFADDR) | nl_group(RTNLGRP_LINK); if (this->process_route) { addr.nl_groups |= nl_group(RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE) | nl_group(RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE); } if (this->process_rules) { addr.nl_groups |= nl_group(RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE) | nl_group(RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE); } if (bind(this->socket_events, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr))) { DBG1(DBG_KNL, "unable to bind RT event socket: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); destroy(this); return NULL; } lib->watcher->add(lib->watcher, this->socket_events, WATCHER_READ, (watcher_cb_t)receive_events, this); } if (init_address_list(this) != SUCCESS) { DBG1(DBG_KNL, "unable to get interface list"); destroy(this); return NULL; } if (this->routing_table) { if (manage_rule(this, RTM_NEWRULE, AF_INET, this->routing_table, this->routing_table_prio) != SUCCESS) { DBG1(DBG_KNL, "unable to create IPv4 routing table rule"); } if (manage_rule(this, RTM_NEWRULE, AF_INET6, this->routing_table, this->routing_table_prio) != SUCCESS) { DBG1(DBG_KNL, "unable to create IPv6 routing table rule"); } } return &this->public; }