/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2010 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include "sql_config.h" #include typedef struct private_sql_config_t private_sql_config_t; /** * Private data of an sql_config_t object */ struct private_sql_config_t { /** * Public part */ sql_config_t public; /** * database connection */ database_t *db; }; /** * Forward declaration */ static peer_cfg_t *build_peer_cfg(private_sql_config_t *this, enumerator_t *e, identification_t *me, identification_t *other); /** * Build a traffic selector from an SQL query */ static traffic_selector_t *build_traffic_selector(private_sql_config_t *this, enumerator_t *e, bool *local) { int type, protocol, start_port, end_port; chunk_t start_addr, end_addr; traffic_selector_t *ts; enum { TS_LOCAL = 0, TS_REMOTE = 1, TS_LOCAL_DYNAMIC = 2, TS_REMOTE_DYNAMIC = 3, } kind; while (e->enumerate(e, &kind, &type, &protocol, &start_addr, &end_addr, &start_port, &end_port)) { *local = FALSE; switch (kind) { case TS_LOCAL: *local = TRUE; /* FALL */ case TS_REMOTE: ts = traffic_selector_create_from_bytes(protocol, type, start_addr, start_port, end_addr, end_port); break; case TS_LOCAL_DYNAMIC: *local = TRUE; /* FALL */ case TS_REMOTE_DYNAMIC: ts = traffic_selector_create_dynamic(protocol, start_port, end_port); break; default: continue; } if (ts) { return ts; } } return NULL; } /** * Add traffic selectors to a child config */ static void add_traffic_selectors(private_sql_config_t *this, child_cfg_t *child, int id) { enumerator_t *e; traffic_selector_t *ts; bool local; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT ct.kind, t.type, t.protocol, " "t.start_addr, t.end_addr, t.start_port, t.end_port " "FROM traffic_selectors AS t " "JOIN child_config_traffic_selector AS ct " "ON t.id = ct.traffic_selector WHERE ct.child_cfg = ?", DB_INT, id, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_INT); if (e) { while ((ts = build_traffic_selector(this, e, &local))) { child->add_traffic_selector(child, local, ts); } e->destroy(e); } } /** * Add ESP proposals to a child config */ static void add_esp_proposals(private_sql_config_t *this, child_cfg_t *child, int id) { enumerator_t *e; proposal_t *proposal; char *prop; bool use_default = TRUE; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT p.proposal " "FROM proposals AS p JOIN child_config_proposal AS cp " "ON p.id = cp.prop WHERE cp.child_cfg = ? ORDER BY cp.prio", DB_INT, id, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &prop)) { proposal = proposal_create_from_string(PROTO_ESP, prop); if (!proposal) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "could not create ESP proposal from '%s'", prop); break; } child->add_proposal(child, proposal); use_default = FALSE; } e->destroy(e); } if (use_default) { child->add_proposal(child, proposal_create_default(PROTO_ESP)); child->add_proposal(child, proposal_create_default_aead(PROTO_ESP)); } } /** * Build a child config from an SQL query */ static child_cfg_t *build_child_cfg(private_sql_config_t *this, enumerator_t *e) { int id, lifetime, rekeytime, jitter, hostaccess, mode, ipcomp, reqid; int start, dpd, close; char *name, *updown; child_cfg_t *child_cfg; if (e->enumerate(e, &id, &name, &lifetime, &rekeytime, &jitter, &updown, &hostaccess, &mode, &start, &dpd, &close, &ipcomp, &reqid)) { child_cfg_create_t child = { .mode = mode, .reqid = reqid, .options = (ipcomp ? OPT_IPCOMP : 0) | (hostaccess ? OPT_HOSTACCESS : 0), .lifetime = { .time = { .life = lifetime, .rekey = rekeytime, .jitter = jitter }, }, .start_action = start, .dpd_action = dpd, .close_action = close, .updown = updown, }; child_cfg = child_cfg_create(name, &child); add_esp_proposals(this, child_cfg, id); add_traffic_selectors(this, child_cfg, id); return child_cfg; } return NULL; } /** * Add child configs to peer config */ static void add_child_cfgs(private_sql_config_t *this, peer_cfg_t *peer, int id) { enumerator_t *e; child_cfg_t *child_cfg; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.lifetime, c.rekeytime, c.jitter, c.updown, " "c.hostaccess, c.mode, c.start_action, c.dpd_action, " "c.close_action, c.ipcomp, c.reqid " "FROM child_configs AS c JOIN peer_config_child_config AS pc " "ON c.id = pc.child_cfg WHERE pc.peer_cfg = ?", DB_INT, id, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT); if (e) { while ((child_cfg = build_child_cfg(this, e))) { peer->add_child_cfg(peer, child_cfg); } e->destroy(e); } } /** * Add IKE proposals to an IKE config */ static void add_ike_proposals(private_sql_config_t *this, ike_cfg_t *ike_cfg, int id) { enumerator_t *e; proposal_t *proposal; char *prop; bool use_default = TRUE; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT p.proposal " "FROM proposals AS p " "JOIN ike_config_proposal AS ip ON p.id = ip.prop " "WHERE ip.ike_cfg = ? ORDER BY ip.prio", DB_INT, id, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &prop)) { proposal = proposal_create_from_string(PROTO_IKE, prop); if (!proposal) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "could not create IKE proposal from '%s'", prop); break; } ike_cfg->add_proposal(ike_cfg, proposal); use_default = FALSE; } e->destroy(e); } if (use_default) { ike_cfg->add_proposal(ike_cfg, proposal_create_default(PROTO_IKE)); ike_cfg->add_proposal(ike_cfg, proposal_create_default_aead(PROTO_IKE)); } } /** * Build an IKE config from an SQL query */ static ike_cfg_t *build_ike_cfg(private_sql_config_t *this, enumerator_t *e, host_t *my_host, host_t *other_host) { int id, certreq, force_encap; char *local, *remote; while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &certreq, &force_encap, &local, &remote)) { ike_cfg_t *ike_cfg; ike_cfg = ike_cfg_create(IKEV2, certreq, force_encap, local, charon->socket->get_port(charon->socket, FALSE), remote, IKEV2_UDP_PORT, FRAGMENTATION_NO, 0); add_ike_proposals(this, ike_cfg, id); return ike_cfg; } return NULL; } /** * Query an IKE config by its id */ static ike_cfg_t* get_ike_cfg_by_id(private_sql_config_t *this, int id) { enumerator_t *e; ike_cfg_t *ike_cfg = NULL; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT c.id, c.certreq, c.force_encap, c.local, c.remote " "FROM ike_configs AS c WHERE c.id = ?", DB_INT, id, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { ike_cfg = build_ike_cfg(this, e, NULL, NULL); e->destroy(e); } return ike_cfg; } #ifdef ME /** * Query a peer config by its id */ static peer_cfg_t *get_peer_cfg_by_id(private_sql_config_t *this, int id) { enumerator_t *e; peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg = NULL; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.ike_cfg, l.type, l.data, r.type, r.data, " "c.cert_policy, c.uniqueid, c.auth_method, c.eap_type, " "c.eap_vendor, c.keyingtries, c.rekeytime, c.reauthtime, c.jitter, " "c.overtime, c.mobike, c.dpd_delay, c.virtual, c.pool, " "c.mediation, c.mediated_by, COALESCE(p.type, 0), p.data " "FROM peer_configs AS c " "JOIN identities AS l ON c.local_id = l.id " "JOIN identities AS r ON c.remote_id = r.id " "LEFT JOIN identities AS p ON c.peer_id = p.id " "WHERE c.id = ?", DB_INT, id, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB); if (e) { peer_cfg = build_peer_cfg(this, e, NULL, NULL); e->destroy(e); } return peer_cfg; } #endif /* ME */ /** * Check if the two IDs match (the first one is optional) */ static inline bool id_matches(identification_t *id, identification_t *sql_id) { return !id || id->matches(id, sql_id) || sql_id->matches(sql_id, id); } /** * Build a peer config from an SQL query */ static peer_cfg_t *build_peer_cfg(private_sql_config_t *this, enumerator_t *e, identification_t *me, identification_t *other) { int id, ike_cfg, l_type, r_type, cert_policy, uniqueid, auth_method, eap_type, eap_vendor, keyingtries, rekeytime, reauthtime, jitter, overtime, mobike, dpd_delay, mediation, mediated_by, p_type; chunk_t l_data, r_data, p_data; char *name, *virtual, *pool; enumerator_t *enumerator; while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &name, &ike_cfg, &l_type, &l_data, &r_type, &r_data, &cert_policy, &uniqueid, &auth_method, &eap_type, &eap_vendor, &keyingtries, &rekeytime, &reauthtime, &jitter, &overtime, &mobike, &dpd_delay, &virtual, &pool, &mediation, &mediated_by, &p_type, &p_data)) { identification_t *local_id, *remote_id, *peer_id = NULL; peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg, *mediated_cfg = NULL; ike_cfg_t *ike; host_t *vip = NULL; auth_cfg_t *auth; local_id = identification_create_from_encoding(l_type, l_data); remote_id = identification_create_from_encoding(r_type, r_data); if (!id_matches(me, local_id) || !id_matches(other, remote_id)) { local_id->destroy(local_id); remote_id->destroy(remote_id); continue; } ike = get_ike_cfg_by_id(this, ike_cfg); #ifdef ME mediated_cfg = mediated_by ? get_peer_cfg_by_id(this, mediated_by) : NULL; if (p_type) { peer_id = identification_create_from_encoding(p_type, p_data); } #endif /* ME */ if (virtual) { vip = host_create_from_string(virtual, 0); } if (ike) { peer_cfg_create_t peer = { .cert_policy = cert_policy, .unique = uniqueid, .keyingtries = keyingtries, .rekey_time = rekeytime, .reauth_time = reauthtime, .jitter_time = jitter, .over_time = overtime, .no_mobike = !mobike, .dpd = dpd_delay, #ifdef ME .mediation = mediation, .mediated_by = mediated_cfg ? mediated_cfg->get_name(mediated_cfg) : NULL, .peer_id = peer_id, #endif /* ME */ }; peer_cfg = peer_cfg_create(name, ike, &peer); if (vip) { peer_cfg->add_virtual_ip(peer_cfg, vip); } if (pool) { /* attr-sql used comma separated pools, but we now completely * support multiple pools directly. Support old SQL configs: */ enumerator = enumerator_create_token(pool, ",", " "); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &pool)) { peer_cfg->add_pool(peer_cfg, pool); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } auth = auth_cfg_create(); auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_AUTH_CLASS, auth_method); auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_IDENTITY, local_id); peer_cfg->add_auth_cfg(peer_cfg, auth, TRUE); auth = auth_cfg_create(); auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_IDENTITY, remote_id); if (eap_type) { auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_AUTH_CLASS, AUTH_CLASS_EAP); auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_EAP_TYPE, eap_type); if (eap_vendor) { auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_EAP_VENDOR, eap_vendor); } } peer_cfg->add_auth_cfg(peer_cfg, auth, FALSE); add_child_cfgs(this, peer_cfg, id); DESTROY_IF(mediated_cfg); return peer_cfg; } DESTROY_IF(ike); DESTROY_IF(mediated_cfg); DESTROY_IF(peer_id); DESTROY_IF(local_id); DESTROY_IF(remote_id); } return NULL; } METHOD(backend_t, get_peer_cfg_by_name, peer_cfg_t*, private_sql_config_t *this, char *name) { enumerator_t *e; peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg = NULL; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.ike_cfg, l.type, l.data, r.type, r.data, " "c.cert_policy, c.uniqueid, c.auth_method, c.eap_type, " "c.eap_vendor, c.keyingtries, c.rekeytime, c.reauthtime, c.jitter, " "c.overtime, c.mobike, c.dpd_delay, c.virtual, c.pool, " "c.mediation, c.mediated_by, COALESCE(p.type, 0), p.data " "FROM peer_configs AS c " "JOIN identities AS l ON c.local_id = l.id " "JOIN identities AS r ON c.remote_id = r.id " "LEFT JOIN identities AS p ON c.peer_id = p.id " "WHERE c.ike_version = ? AND c.name = ?", DB_INT, 2, DB_TEXT, name, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB); if (e) { peer_cfg = build_peer_cfg(this, e, NULL, NULL); e->destroy(e); } return peer_cfg; } typedef struct { /** implements enumerator */ enumerator_t public; /** reference to context */ private_sql_config_t *this; /** filtering own host */ host_t *me; /** filtering remote host */ host_t *other; /** inner SQL enumerator */ enumerator_t *inner; /** currently enumerated peer config */ ike_cfg_t *current; } ike_enumerator_t; METHOD(enumerator_t, ike_enumerator_enumerate, bool, ike_enumerator_t *this, va_list args) { ike_cfg_t **cfg; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, cfg); DESTROY_IF(this->current); this->current = build_ike_cfg(this->this, this->inner, this->me, this->other); if (this->current) { *cfg = this->current; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } METHOD(enumerator_t, ike_enumerator_destroy, void, ike_enumerator_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->current); this->inner->destroy(this->inner); free(this); } METHOD(backend_t, create_ike_cfg_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_sql_config_t *this, host_t *me, host_t *other) { ike_enumerator_t *e; INIT(e, .public = { .enumerate = enumerator_enumerate_default, .venumerate = _ike_enumerator_enumerate, .destroy = _ike_enumerator_destroy, }, .this = this, .me = me, .other = other, ); e->inner = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT c.id, c.certreq, c.force_encap, " "c.local, c.remote FROM ike_configs AS c", DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_TEXT); if (!e->inner) { free(e); return NULL; } return &e->public; } typedef struct { /** implements enumerator */ enumerator_t public; /** reference to context */ private_sql_config_t *this; /** filtering own identity */ identification_t *me; /** filtering remote identity */ identification_t *other; /** inner SQL enumerator */ enumerator_t *inner; /** currently enumerated peer config */ peer_cfg_t *current; } peer_enumerator_t; METHOD(enumerator_t, peer_enumerator_enumerate, bool, peer_enumerator_t *this, va_list args) { peer_cfg_t **cfg; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, cfg); DESTROY_IF(this->current); this->current = build_peer_cfg(this->this, this->inner, this->me, this->other); if (this->current) { *cfg = this->current; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } METHOD(enumerator_t, peer_enumerator_destroy, void, peer_enumerator_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->current); this->inner->destroy(this->inner); free(this); } METHOD(backend_t, create_peer_cfg_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_sql_config_t *this, identification_t *me, identification_t *other) { peer_enumerator_t *e; INIT(e, .public = { .enumerate = enumerator_enumerate_default, .venumerate = _peer_enumerator_enumerate, .destroy = _peer_enumerator_destroy, }, .this = this, .me = me, .other = other, ); /* TODO: only get configs whose IDs match exactly or contain wildcards */ e->inner = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.ike_cfg, l.type, l.data, r.type, r.data, " "c.cert_policy, c.uniqueid, c.auth_method, c.eap_type, " "c.eap_vendor, c.keyingtries, c.rekeytime, c.reauthtime, c.jitter, " "c.overtime, c.mobike, c.dpd_delay, c.virtual, c.pool, " "c.mediation, c.mediated_by, COALESCE(p.type, 0), p.data " "FROM peer_configs AS c " "JOIN identities AS l ON c.local_id = l.id " "JOIN identities AS r ON c.remote_id = r.id " "LEFT JOIN identities AS p ON c.peer_id = p.id " "WHERE c.ike_version = ?", DB_INT, 2, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB); if (!e->inner) { free(e); return NULL; } return &e->public; } METHOD(sql_config_t, destroy, void, private_sql_config_t *this) { free(this); } /** * Described in header. */ sql_config_t *sql_config_create(database_t *db) { private_sql_config_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .backend = { .create_peer_cfg_enumerator = _create_peer_cfg_enumerator, .create_ike_cfg_enumerator = _create_ike_cfg_enumerator, .get_peer_cfg_by_name = _get_peer_cfg_by_name, }, .destroy = _destroy, }, .db = db ); return &this->public; }