/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "stroke_list.h" #include <inttypes.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/utsname.h> #ifdef HAVE_MALLINFO #include <malloc.h> #endif /* HAVE_MALLINFO */ #include <hydra.h> #include <daemon.h> #include <collections/linked_list.h> #include <plugins/plugin.h> #include <credentials/certificates/x509.h> #include <credentials/certificates/ac.h> #include <credentials/certificates/crl.h> #include <credentials/certificates/pgp_certificate.h> #include <config/peer_cfg.h> #include <asn1/asn1.h> #include <asn1/oid.h> /* warning intervals for list functions */ #define CERT_WARNING_INTERVAL 30 /* days */ #define CRL_WARNING_INTERVAL 7 /* days */ #define AC_WARNING_INTERVAL 1 /* day */ typedef struct private_stroke_list_t private_stroke_list_t; /** * private data of stroke_list */ struct private_stroke_list_t { /** * public functions */ stroke_list_t public; /** * Kind of *swan we run */ char *swan; /** * timestamp of daemon start */ time_t uptime; /** * strokes attribute provider */ stroke_attribute_t *attribute; }; /** * Log tasks of a specific queue to out */ static void log_task_q(FILE *out, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, task_queue_t q, char *name) { enumerator_t *enumerator; bool has = FALSE; task_t *task; enumerator = ike_sa->create_task_enumerator(ike_sa, q); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &task)) { if (!has) { fprintf(out, "%12s[%d]: Tasks %s: ", ike_sa->get_name(ike_sa), ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa), name); has = TRUE; } fprintf(out, "%N ", task_type_names, task->get_type(task)); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (has) { fprintf(out, "\n"); } } /** * log an IKE_SA to out */ static void log_ike_sa(FILE *out, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, bool all) { ike_sa_id_t *id = ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa); time_t now = time_monotonic(NULL); fprintf(out, "%12s[%d]: %N", ike_sa->get_name(ike_sa), ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa), ike_sa_state_names, ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa)); if (ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa) == IKE_ESTABLISHED) { time_t established; established = ike_sa->get_statistic(ike_sa, STAT_ESTABLISHED); fprintf(out, " %V ago", &now, &established); } fprintf(out, ", %H[%Y]...%H[%Y]\n", ike_sa->get_my_host(ike_sa), ike_sa->get_my_id(ike_sa), ike_sa->get_other_host(ike_sa), ike_sa->get_other_id(ike_sa)); if (all) { proposal_t *ike_proposal; identification_t *eap_id; eap_id = ike_sa->get_other_eap_id(ike_sa); if (!eap_id->equals(eap_id, ike_sa->get_other_id(ike_sa))) { fprintf(out, "%12s[%d]: Remote %s identity: %Y\n", ike_sa->get_name(ike_sa), ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa), ike_sa->get_version(ike_sa) == IKEV1 ? "XAuth" : "EAP", eap_id); } ike_proposal = ike_sa->get_proposal(ike_sa); fprintf(out, "%12s[%d]: %N SPIs: %.16"PRIx64"_i%s %.16"PRIx64"_r%s", ike_sa->get_name(ike_sa), ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa), ike_version_names, ike_sa->get_version(ike_sa), id->get_initiator_spi(id), id->is_initiator(id) ? "*" : "", id->get_responder_spi(id), id->is_initiator(id) ? "" : "*"); if (ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa) == IKE_ESTABLISHED) { time_t rekey, reauth; peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg; rekey = ike_sa->get_statistic(ike_sa, STAT_REKEY); reauth = ike_sa->get_statistic(ike_sa, STAT_REAUTH); peer_cfg = ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(ike_sa); if (rekey) { fprintf(out, ", rekeying in %V", &rekey, &now); } if (reauth) { bool first = TRUE; enumerator_t *enumerator; auth_cfg_t *auth; fprintf(out, ", "); enumerator = peer_cfg->create_auth_cfg_enumerator(peer_cfg, TRUE); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &auth)) { if (!first) { fprintf(out, "+"); } first = FALSE; fprintf(out, "%N", auth_class_names, auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_AUTH_CLASS)); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, " reauthentication in %V", &reauth, &now); } if (!rekey && !reauth) { fprintf(out, ", rekeying disabled"); } } fprintf(out, "\n"); if (ike_proposal) { char buf[BUF_LEN]; snprintf(buf, BUF_LEN, "%P", ike_proposal); fprintf(out, "%12s[%d]: IKE proposal: %s\n", ike_sa->get_name(ike_sa), ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa), buf+4); } log_task_q(out, ike_sa, TASK_QUEUE_QUEUED, "queued"); log_task_q(out, ike_sa, TASK_QUEUE_ACTIVE, "active"); log_task_q(out, ike_sa, TASK_QUEUE_PASSIVE, "passive"); } } /** * log an CHILD_SA to out */ static void log_child_sa(FILE *out, child_sa_t *child_sa, bool all) { time_t use_in, use_out, rekey, now; u_int64_t bytes_in, bytes_out, packets_in, packets_out; proposal_t *proposal; linked_list_t *my_ts, *other_ts; child_cfg_t *config; config = child_sa->get_config(child_sa); now = time_monotonic(NULL); fprintf(out, "%12s{%d}: %N, %N%s, reqid %u", child_sa->get_name(child_sa), child_sa->get_unique_id(child_sa), child_sa_state_names, child_sa->get_state(child_sa), ipsec_mode_names, child_sa->get_mode(child_sa), config->use_proxy_mode(config) ? "_PROXY" : "", child_sa->get_reqid(child_sa)); if (child_sa->get_state(child_sa) == CHILD_INSTALLED) { fprintf(out, ", %N%s SPIs: %.8x_i %.8x_o", protocol_id_names, child_sa->get_protocol(child_sa), child_sa->has_encap(child_sa) ? " in UDP" : "", ntohl(child_sa->get_spi(child_sa, TRUE)), ntohl(child_sa->get_spi(child_sa, FALSE))); if (child_sa->get_ipcomp(child_sa) != IPCOMP_NONE) { fprintf(out, ", IPCOMP CPIs: %.4x_i %.4x_o", ntohs(child_sa->get_cpi(child_sa, TRUE)), ntohs(child_sa->get_cpi(child_sa, FALSE))); } if (all) { fprintf(out, "\n%12s{%d}: ", child_sa->get_name(child_sa), child_sa->get_unique_id(child_sa)); proposal = child_sa->get_proposal(child_sa); if (proposal) { u_int16_t encr_alg = ENCR_UNDEFINED, int_alg = AUTH_UNDEFINED; u_int16_t encr_size = 0, int_size = 0; u_int16_t esn = NO_EXT_SEQ_NUMBERS; bool first = TRUE; proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, &encr_alg, &encr_size); proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM, &int_alg, &int_size); proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, EXTENDED_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS, &esn, NULL); if (encr_alg != ENCR_UNDEFINED) { fprintf(out, "%N", encryption_algorithm_names, encr_alg); first = FALSE; if (encr_size) { fprintf(out, "_%u", encr_size); } } if (int_alg != AUTH_UNDEFINED) { if (!first) { fprintf(out, "/"); } fprintf(out, "%N", integrity_algorithm_names, int_alg); if (int_size) { fprintf(out, "_%u", int_size); } } if (esn == EXT_SEQ_NUMBERS) { fprintf(out, "/ESN"); } } child_sa->get_usestats(child_sa, TRUE, &use_in, &bytes_in, &packets_in); fprintf(out, ", %" PRIu64 " bytes_i", bytes_in); if (use_in) { fprintf(out, " (%" PRIu64 " pkt%s, %" PRIu64 "s ago)", packets_in, (packets_in == 1) ? "": "s", (u_int64_t)(now - use_in)); } child_sa->get_usestats(child_sa, FALSE, &use_out, &bytes_out, &packets_out); fprintf(out, ", %" PRIu64 " bytes_o", bytes_out); if (use_out) { fprintf(out, " (%" PRIu64 " pkt%s, %" PRIu64 "s ago)", packets_out, (packets_out == 1) ? "": "s", (u_int64_t)(now - use_out)); } fprintf(out, ", rekeying "); rekey = child_sa->get_lifetime(child_sa, FALSE); if (rekey) { if (now > rekey) { fprintf(out, "active"); } else { fprintf(out, "in %V", &now, &rekey); } } else { fprintf(out, "disabled"); } } } else if (child_sa->get_state(child_sa) == CHILD_REKEYING || child_sa->get_state(child_sa) == CHILD_REKEYED) { rekey = child_sa->get_lifetime(child_sa, TRUE); fprintf(out, ", expires in %V", &now, &rekey); } my_ts = linked_list_create_from_enumerator( child_sa->create_ts_enumerator(child_sa, TRUE)); other_ts = linked_list_create_from_enumerator( child_sa->create_ts_enumerator(child_sa, FALSE)); fprintf(out, "\n%12s{%d}: %#R === %#R\n", child_sa->get_name(child_sa), child_sa->get_unique_id(child_sa), my_ts, other_ts); my_ts->destroy(my_ts); other_ts->destroy(other_ts); } /** * Log a configs local or remote authentication config to out */ static void log_auth_cfgs(FILE *out, peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg, bool local) { enumerator_t *enumerator, *rules; auth_rule_t rule; auth_cfg_t *auth; auth_class_t auth_class; identification_t *id; certificate_t *cert; cert_validation_t valid; char *name; name = peer_cfg->get_name(peer_cfg); enumerator = peer_cfg->create_auth_cfg_enumerator(peer_cfg, local); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &auth)) { fprintf(out, "%12s: %s", name, local ? "local: " : "remote:"); id = auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_IDENTITY); if (id) { fprintf(out, " [%Y]", id); } fprintf(out, " uses "); auth_class = (uintptr_t)auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_AUTH_CLASS); if (auth_class == AUTH_CLASS_EAP) { if ((uintptr_t)auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_EAP_TYPE) == EAP_NAK) { fprintf(out, "EAP authentication"); } else { if ((uintptr_t)auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_EAP_VENDOR)) { fprintf(out, "EAP_%" PRIuPTR "-%" PRIuPTR " authentication", (uintptr_t)auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_EAP_TYPE), (uintptr_t)auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_EAP_VENDOR)); } else { fprintf(out, "%N authentication", eap_type_names, (uintptr_t)auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_EAP_TYPE)); } } id = auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_EAP_IDENTITY); if (id) { fprintf(out, " with EAP identity '%Y'", id); } fprintf(out, "\n"); } else if (auth_class == AUTH_CLASS_XAUTH) { fprintf(out, "%N authentication: %s", auth_class_names, auth_class, auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_XAUTH_BACKEND) ?: "any"); id = auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_XAUTH_IDENTITY); if (id) { fprintf(out, " with XAuth identity '%Y'", id); } fprintf(out, "\n"); } else { fprintf(out, "%N authentication\n", auth_class_names, auth_class); } cert = auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_CA_CERT); if (cert) { fprintf(out, "%12s: ca: \"%Y\"\n", name, cert->get_subject(cert)); } cert = auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_IM_CERT); if (cert) { fprintf(out, "%12s: im-ca: \"%Y\"\n", name, cert->get_subject(cert)); } cert = auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_SUBJECT_CERT); if (cert) { fprintf(out, "%12s: cert: \"%Y\"\n", name, cert->get_subject(cert)); } valid = (uintptr_t)auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_OCSP_VALIDATION); if (valid != VALIDATION_FAILED) { fprintf(out, "%12s: ocsp: status must be GOOD%s\n", name, (valid == VALIDATION_SKIPPED) ? " or SKIPPED" : ""); } valid = (uintptr_t)auth->get(auth, AUTH_RULE_CRL_VALIDATION); if (valid != VALIDATION_FAILED) { fprintf(out, "%12s: crl: status must be GOOD%s\n", name, (valid == VALIDATION_SKIPPED) ? " or SKIPPED" : ""); } rules = auth->create_enumerator(auth); while (rules->enumerate(rules, &rule, &id)) { if (rule == AUTH_RULE_GROUP) { fprintf(out, "%12s: group: %Y\n", name, id); } } rules->destroy(rules); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } METHOD(stroke_list_t, status, void, private_stroke_list_t *this, stroke_msg_t *msg, FILE *out, bool all, bool wait) { enumerator_t *enumerator, *children; ike_cfg_t *ike_cfg; child_cfg_t *child_cfg; child_sa_t *child_sa; ike_sa_t *ike_sa; linked_list_t *my_ts, *other_ts; bool first, found = FALSE; char *name = msg->status.name; u_int half_open; if (all) { peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg; ike_version_t ike_version; char *pool; host_t *host; u_int32_t dpd; time_t since, now; u_int size, online, offline, i; struct utsname utsname; now = time_monotonic(NULL); since = time(NULL) - (now - this->uptime); fprintf(out, "Status of IKE charon daemon (%sSwan "VERSION, this->swan); if (uname(&utsname) == 0) { fprintf(out, ", %s %s, %s", utsname.sysname, utsname.release, utsname.machine); } fprintf(out, "):\n uptime: %V, since %T\n", &now, &this->uptime, &since, FALSE); #ifdef HAVE_MALLINFO { struct mallinfo mi = mallinfo(); fprintf(out, " malloc: sbrk %u, mmap %u, used %u, free %u\n", mi.arena, mi.hblkhd, mi.uordblks, mi.fordblks); } #endif /* HAVE_MALLINFO */ fprintf(out, " worker threads: %d of %d idle, ", lib->processor->get_idle_threads(lib->processor), lib->processor->get_total_threads(lib->processor)); for (i = 0; i < JOB_PRIO_MAX; i++) { fprintf(out, "%s%d", i == 0 ? "" : "/", lib->processor->get_working_threads(lib->processor, i)); } fprintf(out, " working, job queue: "); for (i = 0; i < JOB_PRIO_MAX; i++) { fprintf(out, "%s%d", i == 0 ? "" : "/", lib->processor->get_job_load(lib->processor, i)); } fprintf(out, ", scheduled: %d\n", lib->scheduler->get_job_load(lib->scheduler)); fprintf(out, " loaded plugins: %s\n", lib->plugins->loaded_plugins(lib->plugins)); first = TRUE; enumerator = this->attribute->create_pool_enumerator(this->attribute); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &pool, &size, &online, &offline)) { if (name && !streq(name, pool)) { continue; } if (first) { first = FALSE; fprintf(out, "Virtual IP pools (size/online/offline):\n"); } fprintf(out, " %s: %u/%u/%u\n", pool, size, online, offline); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); enumerator = hydra->kernel_interface->create_address_enumerator( hydra->kernel_interface, ADDR_TYPE_REGULAR); fprintf(out, "Listening IP addresses:\n"); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&host)) { fprintf(out, " %H\n", host); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "Connections:\n"); enumerator = charon->backends->create_peer_cfg_enumerator( charon->backends, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, IKE_ANY); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &peer_cfg)) { char *my_addr, *other_addr; if (name && !streq(name, peer_cfg->get_name(peer_cfg))) { continue; } ike_cfg = peer_cfg->get_ike_cfg(peer_cfg); ike_version = peer_cfg->get_ike_version(peer_cfg); my_addr = ike_cfg->get_my_addr(ike_cfg); other_addr = ike_cfg->get_other_addr(ike_cfg); fprintf(out, "%12s: %s...%s %N", peer_cfg->get_name(peer_cfg), my_addr, other_addr, ike_version_names, ike_version); if (ike_version == IKEV1 && peer_cfg->use_aggressive(peer_cfg)) { fprintf(out, " Aggressive"); } dpd = peer_cfg->get_dpd(peer_cfg); if (dpd) { fprintf(out, ", dpddelay=%us", dpd); } fprintf(out, "\n"); log_auth_cfgs(out, peer_cfg, TRUE); log_auth_cfgs(out, peer_cfg, FALSE); children = peer_cfg->create_child_cfg_enumerator(peer_cfg); while (children->enumerate(children, &child_cfg)) { my_ts = child_cfg->get_traffic_selectors(child_cfg, TRUE, NULL, NULL); other_ts = child_cfg->get_traffic_selectors(child_cfg, FALSE, NULL, NULL); fprintf(out, "%12s: child: %#R === %#R %N", child_cfg->get_name(child_cfg), my_ts, other_ts, ipsec_mode_names, child_cfg->get_mode(child_cfg)); my_ts->destroy_offset(my_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); other_ts->destroy_offset(other_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); if (dpd) { fprintf(out, ", dpdaction=%N", action_names, child_cfg->get_dpd_action(child_cfg)); } fprintf(out, "\n"); } children->destroy(children); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /* Enumerate shunt policies */ first = TRUE; enumerator = charon->shunts->create_enumerator(charon->shunts); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &child_cfg)) { if (name && !streq(name, child_cfg->get_name(child_cfg))) { continue; } if (first) { fprintf(out, "Shunted Connections:\n"); first = FALSE; } my_ts = child_cfg->get_traffic_selectors(child_cfg, TRUE, NULL, NULL); other_ts = child_cfg->get_traffic_selectors(child_cfg, FALSE, NULL, NULL); fprintf(out, "%12s: %#R === %#R %N\n", child_cfg->get_name(child_cfg), my_ts, other_ts, ipsec_mode_names, child_cfg->get_mode(child_cfg)); my_ts->destroy_offset(my_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); other_ts->destroy_offset(other_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); /* Enumerate traps */ first = TRUE; enumerator = charon->traps->create_enumerator(charon->traps); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, NULL, &child_sa)) { if (name && !streq(name, child_sa->get_name(child_sa))) { continue; } if (first) { fprintf(out, "Routed Connections:\n"); first = FALSE; } log_child_sa(out, child_sa, all); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); half_open = charon->ike_sa_manager->get_half_open_count( charon->ike_sa_manager, NULL, FALSE); fprintf(out, "Security Associations (%u up, %u connecting):\n", charon->ike_sa_manager->get_count(charon->ike_sa_manager) - half_open, half_open); enumerator = charon->controller->create_ike_sa_enumerator( charon->controller, wait); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &ike_sa) && ferror(out) == 0) { bool ike_printed = FALSE; enumerator_t *children = ike_sa->create_child_sa_enumerator(ike_sa); if (name == NULL || streq(name, ike_sa->get_name(ike_sa))) { log_ike_sa(out, ike_sa, all); found = TRUE; ike_printed = TRUE; } while (children->enumerate(children, (void**)&child_sa)) { if (name == NULL || streq(name, child_sa->get_name(child_sa))) { if (!ike_printed) { log_ike_sa(out, ike_sa, all); found = TRUE; ike_printed = TRUE; } log_child_sa(out, child_sa, all); } } children->destroy(children); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (!found) { if (name) { fprintf(out, " no match\n"); } else { fprintf(out, " none\n"); } } } /** * create a unique certificate list without duplicates * certicates having the same issuer are grouped together. */ static linked_list_t* create_unique_cert_list(certificate_type_t type) { linked_list_t *list = linked_list_create(); enumerator_t *enumerator = lib->credmgr->create_cert_enumerator( lib->credmgr, type, KEY_ANY, NULL, FALSE); certificate_t *cert; while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&cert)) { enumerator_t *added = list->create_enumerator(list); identification_t *issuer = cert->get_issuer(cert); bool previous_same, same = FALSE, found = FALSE; certificate_t *list_cert; while (added->enumerate(added, (void**)&list_cert)) { if (list_cert->equals(list_cert, cert)) { /* stop if we found a duplicate*/ found = TRUE; break; } previous_same = same; same = list_cert->has_issuer(list_cert, issuer); if (previous_same && !same) { /* group certificates with same issuer */ break; } } if (!found) { list->insert_before(list, added, cert->get_ref(cert)); } added->destroy(added); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return list; } /** * Print a single public key. */ static void list_public_key(public_key_t *public, FILE *out) { private_key_t *private = NULL; chunk_t keyid; identification_t *id; if (public->get_fingerprint(public, KEYID_PUBKEY_SHA1, &keyid)) { id = identification_create_from_encoding(ID_KEY_ID, keyid); private = lib->credmgr->get_private(lib->credmgr, public->get_type(public), id, NULL); id->destroy(id); } fprintf(out, " pubkey: %N %d bits%s\n", key_type_names, public->get_type(public), public->get_keysize(public), private ? ", has private key" : ""); if (public->get_fingerprint(public, KEYID_PUBKEY_INFO_SHA1, &keyid)) { fprintf(out, " keyid: %#B\n", &keyid); } if (public->get_fingerprint(public, KEYID_PUBKEY_SHA1, &keyid)) { fprintf(out, " subjkey: %#B\n", &keyid); } DESTROY_IF(private); } /** * list all raw public keys */ static void stroke_list_pubkeys(linked_list_t *list, bool utc, FILE *out) { bool first = TRUE; time_t now = time(NULL), notBefore, notAfter; enumerator_t *enumerator; certificate_t *cert; enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&cert)) { identification_t *subject = cert->get_subject(cert); public_key_t *public = cert->get_public_key(cert); if (public) { if (first) { fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "List of Raw Public Keys:\n"); first = FALSE; } fprintf(out, "\n"); /* list subject if available */ if (subject->get_type(subject) != ID_KEY_ID) { fprintf(out, " subject: %#Y\n", subject); } /* list validity if available*/ cert->get_validity(cert, &now, ¬Before, ¬After); if (notBefore != UNDEFINED_TIME && notAfter != UNDEFINED_TIME) { fprintf(out, " validity: not before %T, ", ¬Before, utc); if (now < notBefore) { fprintf(out, "not valid yet (valid in %V)\n", &now, ¬Before); } else { fprintf(out, "ok\n"); } fprintf(out, " not after %T, ", ¬After, utc); if (now > notAfter) { fprintf(out, "expired (%V ago)\n", &now, ¬After); } else { fprintf(out, "ok"); if (now > notAfter - CERT_WARNING_INTERVAL * 60 * 60 * 24) { fprintf(out, " (expires in %V)", &now, ¬After); } fprintf(out, " \n"); } } list_public_key(public, out); public->destroy(public); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * list OpenPGP certificates */ static void stroke_list_pgp(linked_list_t *list,bool utc, FILE *out) { bool first = TRUE; time_t now = time(NULL); enumerator_t *enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); certificate_t *cert; while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&cert)) { time_t created, until; public_key_t *public; pgp_certificate_t *pgp_cert = (pgp_certificate_t*)cert; chunk_t fingerprint = pgp_cert->get_fingerprint(pgp_cert); if (first) { fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "List of PGP End Entity Certificates:\n"); first = FALSE; } fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " userid: '%Y'\n", cert->get_subject(cert)); fprintf(out, " digest: %#B\n", &fingerprint); /* list validity */ cert->get_validity(cert, &now, &created, &until); fprintf(out, " created: %T\n", &created, utc); fprintf(out, " until: %T%s\n", &until, utc, (until == TIME_32_BIT_SIGNED_MAX) ? " (expires never)":""); public = cert->get_public_key(cert); if (public) { list_public_key(public, out); public->destroy(public); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * list all X.509 certificates matching the flags */ static void stroke_list_certs(linked_list_t *list, char *label, x509_flag_t flags, bool utc, FILE *out) { bool first = TRUE; time_t now = time(NULL); enumerator_t *enumerator; certificate_t *cert; x509_flag_t flag_mask; /* mask all auxiliary flags */ flag_mask = ~(X509_SERVER_AUTH | X509_CLIENT_AUTH | X509_IKE_INTERMEDIATE | X509_SELF_SIGNED | X509_IP_ADDR_BLOCKS); enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&cert)) { x509_t *x509 = (x509_t*)cert; x509_flag_t x509_flags = x509->get_flags(x509) & flag_mask; /* list only if flag is set or flag == 0 */ if ((x509_flags & flags) || (x509_flags == flags)) { enumerator_t *enumerator; identification_t *altName; bool first_altName = TRUE; u_int pathlen; chunk_t serial, authkey; time_t notBefore, notAfter; public_key_t *public; if (first) { fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "List of %s:\n", label); first = FALSE; } fprintf(out, "\n"); /* list subjectAltNames */ enumerator = x509->create_subjectAltName_enumerator(x509); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&altName)) { if (first_altName) { fprintf(out, " altNames: "); first_altName = FALSE; } else { fprintf(out, ", "); } fprintf(out, "%Y", altName); } if (!first_altName) { fprintf(out, "\n"); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, " subject: \"%Y\"\n", cert->get_subject(cert)); fprintf(out, " issuer: \"%Y\"\n", cert->get_issuer(cert)); serial = chunk_skip_zero(x509->get_serial(x509)); fprintf(out, " serial: %#B\n", &serial); /* list validity */ cert->get_validity(cert, &now, ¬Before, ¬After); fprintf(out, " validity: not before %T, ", ¬Before, utc); if (now < notBefore) { fprintf(out, "not valid yet (valid in %V)\n", &now, ¬Before); } else { fprintf(out, "ok\n"); } fprintf(out, " not after %T, ", ¬After, utc); if (now > notAfter) { fprintf(out, "expired (%V ago)\n", &now, ¬After); } else { fprintf(out, "ok"); if (now > notAfter - CERT_WARNING_INTERVAL * 60 * 60 * 24) { fprintf(out, " (expires in %V)", &now, ¬After); } fprintf(out, " \n"); } public = cert->get_public_key(cert); if (public) { list_public_key(public, out); public->destroy(public); } /* list optional authorityKeyIdentifier */ authkey = x509->get_authKeyIdentifier(x509); if (authkey.ptr) { fprintf(out, " authkey: %#B\n", &authkey); } /* list optional pathLenConstraint */ pathlen = x509->get_constraint(x509, X509_PATH_LEN); if (pathlen != X509_NO_CONSTRAINT) { fprintf(out, " pathlen: %u\n", pathlen); } /* list optional ipAddrBlocks */ if (x509->get_flags(x509) & X509_IP_ADDR_BLOCKS) { traffic_selector_t *ipAddrBlock; bool first_ipAddrBlock = TRUE; fprintf(out, " addresses: "); enumerator = x509->create_ipAddrBlock_enumerator(x509); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &ipAddrBlock)) { if (first_ipAddrBlock) { first_ipAddrBlock = FALSE; } else { fprintf(out, ", "); } fprintf(out, "%R", ipAddrBlock); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "\n"); } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * list all X.509 attribute certificates */ static void stroke_list_acerts(linked_list_t *list, bool utc, FILE *out) { bool first = TRUE; time_t notBefore, notAfter, now = time(NULL); enumerator_t *enumerator; certificate_t *cert; enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &cert)) { ac_t *ac = (ac_t*)cert; ac_group_type_t type; identification_t *id; enumerator_t *groups; chunk_t chunk; bool firstgroup = TRUE; if (first) { fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "List of X.509 Attribute Certificates:\n"); first = FALSE; } fprintf(out, "\n"); id = cert->get_subject(cert); if (id) { fprintf(out, " holder: \"%Y\"\n", id); } id = ac->get_holderIssuer(ac); if (id) { fprintf(out, " hissuer: \"%Y\"\n", id); } chunk = chunk_skip_zero(ac->get_holderSerial(ac)); if (chunk.ptr) { fprintf(out, " hserial: %#B\n", &chunk); } groups = ac->create_group_enumerator(ac); while (groups->enumerate(groups, &type, &chunk)) { int oid; char *str; if (firstgroup) { fprintf(out, " groups: "); firstgroup = FALSE; } else { fprintf(out, " "); } switch (type) { case AC_GROUP_TYPE_STRING: fprintf(out, "%.*s", (int)chunk.len, chunk.ptr); break; case AC_GROUP_TYPE_OID: oid = asn1_known_oid(chunk); if (oid == OID_UNKNOWN) { str = asn1_oid_to_string(chunk); if (str) { fprintf(out, "%s", str); free(str); } else { fprintf(out, "OID:%#B", &chunk); } } else { fprintf(out, "%s", oid_names[oid].name); } break; case AC_GROUP_TYPE_OCTETS: fprintf(out, "%#B", &chunk); break; } fprintf(out, "\n"); } groups->destroy(groups); fprintf(out, " issuer: \"%Y\"\n", cert->get_issuer(cert)); chunk = chunk_skip_zero(ac->get_serial(ac)); fprintf(out, " serial: %#B\n", &chunk); /* list validity */ cert->get_validity(cert, &now, ¬Before, ¬After); fprintf(out, " validity: not before %T, ", ¬Before, utc); if (now < notBefore) { fprintf(out, "not valid yet (valid in %V)\n", &now, ¬Before); } else { fprintf(out, "ok\n"); } fprintf(out, " not after %T, ", ¬After, utc); if (now > notAfter) { fprintf(out, "expired (%V ago)\n", &now, ¬After); } else { fprintf(out, "ok"); if (now > notAfter - AC_WARNING_INTERVAL * 60 * 60 * 24) { fprintf(out, " (expires in %V)", &now, ¬After); } fprintf(out, " \n"); } /* list optional authorityKeyIdentifier */ chunk = ac->get_authKeyIdentifier(ac); if (chunk.ptr) { fprintf(out, " authkey: %#B\n", &chunk); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * list all X.509 CRLs */ static void stroke_list_crls(linked_list_t *list, bool utc, FILE *out) { bool first = TRUE; time_t thisUpdate, nextUpdate, now = time(NULL); enumerator_t *enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); certificate_t *cert; while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&cert)) { crl_t *crl = (crl_t*)cert; chunk_t chunk; if (first) { fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "List of X.509 CRLs:\n"); first = FALSE; } fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " issuer: \"%Y\"\n", cert->get_issuer(cert)); /* list optional crlNumber */ chunk = chunk_skip_zero(crl->get_serial(crl)); if (chunk.ptr) { fprintf(out, " serial: %#B\n", &chunk); } if (crl->is_delta_crl(crl, &chunk)) { chunk = chunk_skip_zero(chunk); fprintf(out, " delta for: %#B\n", &chunk); } /* count the number of revoked certificates */ { int count = 0; enumerator_t *enumerator = crl->create_enumerator(crl); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { count++; } fprintf(out, " revoked: %d certificate%s\n", count, (count == 1)? "" : "s"); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /* list validity */ cert->get_validity(cert, &now, &thisUpdate, &nextUpdate); fprintf(out, " updates: this %T\n", &thisUpdate, utc); fprintf(out, " next %T, ", &nextUpdate, utc); if (now > nextUpdate) { fprintf(out, "expired (%V ago)\n", &now, &nextUpdate); } else { fprintf(out, "ok"); if (now > nextUpdate - CRL_WARNING_INTERVAL * 60 * 60 * 24) { fprintf(out, " (expires in %V)", &now, &nextUpdate); } fprintf(out, " \n"); } /* list optional authorityKeyIdentifier */ chunk = crl->get_authKeyIdentifier(crl); if (chunk.ptr) { fprintf(out, " authkey: %#B\n", &chunk); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * list all OCSP responses */ static void stroke_list_ocsp(linked_list_t* list, bool utc, FILE *out) { bool first = TRUE, ok; enumerator_t *enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); certificate_t *cert; time_t produced, usable, now = time(NULL); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&cert)) { if (first) { fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "List of OCSP responses:\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); first = FALSE; } fprintf(out, " signer: \"%Y\"\n", cert->get_issuer(cert)); /* check validity */ ok = cert->get_validity(cert, &now, &produced, &usable); fprintf(out, " validity: produced at %T\n", &produced, utc); fprintf(out, " usable till %T, ", &usable, utc); if (ok) { fprintf(out, "ok\n"); } else { fprintf(out, "expired (%V ago)\n", &now, &usable); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * Print the name of an algorithm plus the name of the plugin that registered it */ static void print_alg(FILE *out, int *len, enum_name_t *alg_names, int alg_type, const char *plugin_name) { char alg_name[BUF_LEN]; int alg_name_len; if (alg_names) { alg_name_len = sprintf(alg_name, " %N[%s]", alg_names, alg_type, plugin_name); } else { alg_name_len = sprintf(alg_name, " [%s]", plugin_name); } if (*len + alg_name_len > CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_LINE) { fprintf(out, "\n "); *len = 13; } fprintf(out, "%s", alg_name); *len += alg_name_len; } /** * List of registered cryptographical algorithms */ static void list_algs(FILE *out) { enumerator_t *enumerator; encryption_algorithm_t encryption; integrity_algorithm_t integrity; hash_algorithm_t hash; pseudo_random_function_t prf; diffie_hellman_group_t group; rng_quality_t quality; const char *plugin_name; int len; fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "List of registered IKE algorithms:\n"); fprintf(out, "\n encryption:"); len = 13; enumerator = lib->crypto->create_crypter_enumerator(lib->crypto); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &encryption, &plugin_name)) { print_alg(out, &len, encryption_algorithm_names, encryption, plugin_name); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "\n integrity: "); len = 13; enumerator = lib->crypto->create_signer_enumerator(lib->crypto); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &integrity, &plugin_name)) { print_alg(out, &len, integrity_algorithm_names, integrity, plugin_name); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "\n aead: "); len = 13; enumerator = lib->crypto->create_aead_enumerator(lib->crypto); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &encryption, &plugin_name)) { print_alg(out, &len, encryption_algorithm_names, encryption, plugin_name); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "\n hasher: "); len = 13; enumerator = lib->crypto->create_hasher_enumerator(lib->crypto); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &hash, &plugin_name)) { print_alg(out, &len, hash_algorithm_names, hash, plugin_name); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "\n prf: "); len = 13; enumerator = lib->crypto->create_prf_enumerator(lib->crypto); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &prf, &plugin_name)) { print_alg(out, &len, pseudo_random_function_names, prf, plugin_name); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "\n dh-group: "); len = 13; enumerator = lib->crypto->create_dh_enumerator(lib->crypto); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &group, &plugin_name)) { print_alg(out, &len, diffie_hellman_group_names, group, plugin_name); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "\n random-gen:"); len = 13; enumerator = lib->crypto->create_rng_enumerator(lib->crypto); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &quality, &plugin_name)) { print_alg(out, &len, rng_quality_names, quality, plugin_name); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "\n nonce-gen: "); len = 13; enumerator = lib->crypto->create_nonce_gen_enumerator(lib->crypto); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &plugin_name)) { print_alg(out, &len, NULL, 0, plugin_name); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); fprintf(out, "\n"); } /** * List loaded plugin information */ static void list_plugins(FILE *out) { plugin_feature_t *features, *fp; enumerator_t *enumerator; linked_list_t *list; plugin_t *plugin; int count, i; bool loaded; char *str; fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "List of loaded Plugins:\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); enumerator = lib->plugins->create_plugin_enumerator(lib->plugins); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &plugin, &list)) { fprintf(out, "%s:\n", plugin->get_name(plugin)); if (plugin->get_features) { count = plugin->get_features(plugin, &features); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { str = plugin_feature_get_string(&features[i]); switch (features[i].kind) { case FEATURE_PROVIDE: fp = &features[i]; loaded = list->find_first(list, NULL, (void**)&fp) == SUCCESS; fprintf(out, " %s%s\n", str, loaded ? "" : " (not loaded)"); break; case FEATURE_DEPENDS: fprintf(out, " %s\n", str); break; case FEATURE_SDEPEND: fprintf(out, " %s (soft)\n", str); break; default: break; } free(str); } } list->destroy(list); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } METHOD(stroke_list_t, list, void, private_stroke_list_t *this, stroke_msg_t *msg, FILE *out) { linked_list_t *cert_list = NULL; if (msg->list.flags & LIST_PUBKEYS) { linked_list_t *pubkey_list = create_unique_cert_list(CERT_TRUSTED_PUBKEY); stroke_list_pubkeys(pubkey_list, msg->list.utc, out); pubkey_list->destroy_offset(pubkey_list, offsetof(certificate_t, destroy)); } if (msg->list.flags & LIST_CERTS) { linked_list_t *pgp_list = create_unique_cert_list(CERT_GPG); stroke_list_pgp(pgp_list, msg->list.utc, out); pgp_list->destroy_offset(pgp_list, offsetof(certificate_t, destroy)); } if (msg->list.flags & (LIST_CERTS | LIST_CACERTS | LIST_OCSPCERTS | LIST_AACERTS)) { cert_list = create_unique_cert_list(CERT_X509); } if (msg->list.flags & LIST_CERTS) { stroke_list_certs(cert_list, "X.509 End Entity Certificates", X509_NONE, msg->list.utc, out); } if (msg->list.flags & LIST_CACERTS) { stroke_list_certs(cert_list, "X.509 CA Certificates", X509_CA, msg->list.utc, out); } if (msg->list.flags & LIST_OCSPCERTS) { stroke_list_certs(cert_list, "X.509 OCSP Signer Certificates", X509_OCSP_SIGNER, msg->list.utc, out); } if (msg->list.flags & LIST_AACERTS) { stroke_list_certs(cert_list, "X.509 AA Certificates", X509_AA, msg->list.utc, out); } DESTROY_OFFSET_IF(cert_list, offsetof(certificate_t, destroy)); if (msg->list.flags & LIST_ACERTS) { linked_list_t *ac_list = create_unique_cert_list(CERT_X509_AC); stroke_list_acerts(ac_list, msg->list.utc, out); ac_list->destroy_offset(ac_list, offsetof(certificate_t, destroy)); } if (msg->list.flags & LIST_CRLS) { linked_list_t *crl_list = create_unique_cert_list(CERT_X509_CRL); stroke_list_crls(crl_list, msg->list.utc, out); crl_list->destroy_offset(crl_list, offsetof(certificate_t, destroy)); } if (msg->list.flags & LIST_OCSP) { linked_list_t *ocsp_list = create_unique_cert_list(CERT_X509_OCSP_RESPONSE); stroke_list_ocsp(ocsp_list, msg->list.utc, out); ocsp_list->destroy_offset(ocsp_list, offsetof(certificate_t, destroy)); } if (msg->list.flags & LIST_ALGS) { list_algs(out); } if (msg->list.flags & LIST_PLUGINS) { list_plugins(out); } } /** * Print leases of a single pool */ static void pool_leases(private_stroke_list_t *this, FILE *out, char *pool, host_t *address, u_int size, u_int online, u_int offline) { enumerator_t *enumerator; identification_t *id; host_t *lease; bool on; int found = 0; fprintf(out, "Leases in pool '%s', usage: %u/%u, %u online\n", pool, online + offline, size, online); enumerator = this->attribute->create_lease_enumerator(this->attribute, pool); while (enumerator && enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &id, &lease, &on)) { if (!address || address->ip_equals(address, lease)) { fprintf(out, " %15H %s '%Y'\n", lease, on ? "online" : "offline", id); found++; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (!found) { fprintf(out, " no matching leases found\n"); } } METHOD(stroke_list_t, leases, void, private_stroke_list_t *this, stroke_msg_t *msg, FILE *out) { enumerator_t *enumerator; u_int size, offline, online; host_t *address = NULL; char *pool; int found = 0; if (msg->leases.address) { address = host_create_from_string(msg->leases.address, 0); } enumerator = this->attribute->create_pool_enumerator(this->attribute); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &pool, &size, &online, &offline)) { if (!msg->leases.pool || streq(msg->leases.pool, pool)) { pool_leases(this, out, pool, address, size, online, offline); found++; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (!found) { if (msg->leases.pool) { fprintf(out, "pool '%s' not found\n", msg->leases.pool); } else { fprintf(out, "no pools found\n"); } } DESTROY_IF(address); } METHOD(stroke_list_t, destroy, void, private_stroke_list_t *this) { free(this); } /* * see header file */ stroke_list_t *stroke_list_create(stroke_attribute_t *attribute) { private_stroke_list_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .list = _list, .status = _status, .leases = _leases, .destroy = _destroy, }, .uptime = time_monotonic(NULL), .swan = "strong", .attribute = attribute, ); if (lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "charon.i_dont_care_about_security_and_use_aggressive_mode_psk", FALSE)) { this->swan = "weak"; } return &this->public; }