/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Tobias Brunner * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2014 revosec AG * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "vici_message.h" #include "vici_builder.h" #include #include #include typedef struct private_vici_message_t private_vici_message_t; /** * Private data of an vici_message_t object. */ struct private_vici_message_t { /** * Public vici_message_t interface. */ vici_message_t public; /** * Message encoding */ chunk_t encoding; /** * Free encoding during destruction? */ bool cleanup; /** * Allocated strings we maintain for get_str() */ linked_list_t *strings; }; ENUM(vici_type_names, VICI_START, VICI_END, "start", "section-start", "section-end", "key-value", "list-start", "list-item", "list-end", "end" ); /** * See header. */ bool vici_stringify(chunk_t chunk, char *buf, size_t size) { if (!chunk_printable(chunk, NULL, 0)) { return FALSE; } snprintf(buf, size, "%.*s", (int)chunk.len, chunk.ptr); return TRUE; } /** * See header. */ bool vici_verify_type(vici_type_t type, u_int section, bool list) { if (list) { if (type != VICI_LIST_END && type != VICI_LIST_ITEM) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, "'%N' within list", vici_type_names, type); return FALSE; } } else { if (type == VICI_LIST_ITEM || type == VICI_LIST_END) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, "'%N' outside list", vici_type_names, type); return FALSE; } } if (type == VICI_SECTION_END && section == 0) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, "'%N' outside of section", vici_type_names, type); return FALSE; } if (type == VICI_END) { if (section) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, "'%N' within section", vici_type_names, type); return FALSE; } if (list) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, "'%N' within list", vici_type_names, type); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Enumerator parsing message */ typedef struct { /* implements enumerator */ enumerator_t public; /** reader to parse from */ bio_reader_t *reader; /** section nesting level */ int section; /** currently parsing list? */ bool list; /** string currently enumerating */ char name[257]; } parse_enumerator_t; METHOD(enumerator_t, parse_enumerate, bool, parse_enumerator_t *this, vici_type_t *out, char **name, chunk_t *value) { u_int8_t type; chunk_t data; if (!this->reader->remaining(this->reader) || !this->reader->read_uint8(this->reader, &type)) { *out = VICI_END; return TRUE; } if (!vici_verify_type(type, this->section, this->list)) { return FALSE; } switch (type) { case VICI_SECTION_START: if (!this->reader->read_data8(this->reader, &data) || !vici_stringify(data, this->name, sizeof(this->name))) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, "invalid '%N' encoding", vici_type_names, type); return FALSE; } *name = this->name; this->section++; break; case VICI_SECTION_END: this->section--; break; case VICI_KEY_VALUE: if (!this->reader->read_data8(this->reader, &data) || !vici_stringify(data, this->name, sizeof(this->name)) || !this->reader->read_data16(this->reader, value)) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, "invalid '%N' encoding", vici_type_names, type); return FALSE; } *name = this->name; break; case VICI_LIST_START: if (!this->reader->read_data8(this->reader, &data) || !vici_stringify(data, this->name, sizeof(this->name))) { DBG1(DBG_ENC, "invalid '%N' encoding", vici_type_names, type); return FALSE; } *name = this->name; this->list = TRUE; break; case VICI_LIST_ITEM: this->reader->read_data16(this->reader, value); break; case VICI_LIST_END: this->list = FALSE; break; case VICI_END: return TRUE; default: DBG1(DBG_ENC, "unknown encoding type: %u", type); return FALSE; } *out = type; return TRUE; } METHOD(enumerator_t, parse_destroy, void, parse_enumerator_t *this) { this->reader->destroy(this->reader); free(this); } METHOD(vici_message_t, create_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_vici_message_t *this) { parse_enumerator_t *enumerator; INIT(enumerator, .public = { .enumerate = (void*)_parse_enumerate, .destroy = _parse_destroy, }, .reader = bio_reader_create(this->encoding), ); return &enumerator->public; } /** * Find a value for given vararg key */ static bool find_value(private_vici_message_t *this, chunk_t *value, char *fmt, va_list args) { enumerator_t *enumerator; char buf[128], *name, *key, *dot, *next; int section = 0, keysection = 0; bool found = FALSE; chunk_t current; vici_type_t type; vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); next = buf; enumerator = create_enumerator(this); /* descent into section */ while (TRUE) { dot = strchr(next, '.'); if (!dot) { key = next; break; } *dot = '\0'; key = next; next = dot + 1; keysection++; while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &type, &name, ¤t)) { switch (type) { case VICI_SECTION_START: section++; if (section == keysection && streq(name, key)) { break; } continue; case VICI_SECTION_END: section--; continue; case VICI_END: break; default: continue; } break; } } /* find key/value in current section */ while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &type, &name, ¤t)) { switch (type) { case VICI_KEY_VALUE: if (section == keysection && streq(key, name)) { *value = current; found = TRUE; break; } continue; case VICI_SECTION_START: section++; continue; case VICI_SECTION_END: section--; continue; case VICI_END: break; default: continue; } break; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return found; } METHOD(vici_message_t, vget_str, char*, private_vici_message_t *this, char *def, char *fmt, va_list args) { chunk_t value; bool found; char *str; found = find_value(this, &value, fmt, args); if (found) { if (chunk_printable(value, NULL, 0)) { str = strndup(value.ptr, value.len); /* keep a reference to string, so caller doesn't have to care */ this->strings->insert_last(this->strings, str); return str; } } return def; } METHOD(vici_message_t, get_str, char*, private_vici_message_t *this, char *def, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char *str; va_start(args, fmt); str = vget_str(this, def, fmt, args); va_end(args); return str; } METHOD(vici_message_t, vget_int, int, private_vici_message_t *this, int def, char *fmt, va_list args) { chunk_t value; bool found; char buf[32], *pos; int ret; found = find_value(this, &value, fmt, args); if (found) { if (value.len == 0) { return def; } if (chunk_printable(value, NULL, 0)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s", (int)value.len, value.ptr); errno = 0; ret = strtol(buf, &pos, 0); if (errno == 0 && pos == buf + strlen(buf)) { return ret; } } } return def; } METHOD(vici_message_t, get_int, int, private_vici_message_t *this, int def, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; int val; va_start(args, fmt); val = vget_int(this, def, fmt, args); va_end(args); return val; } METHOD(vici_message_t, vget_bool, bool, private_vici_message_t *this, bool def, char *fmt, va_list args) { chunk_t value; bool found; char buf[16]; found = find_value(this, &value, fmt, args); if (found) { if (value.len == 0) { return def; } if (chunk_printable(value, NULL, 0)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s", (int)value.len, value.ptr); return settings_value_as_bool(buf, def); } } return def; } METHOD(vici_message_t, get_bool, bool, private_vici_message_t *this, bool def, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; bool val; va_start(args, fmt); val = vget_bool(this, def, fmt, args); va_end(args); return val; } METHOD(vici_message_t, vget_value, chunk_t, private_vici_message_t *this, chunk_t def, char *fmt, va_list args) { chunk_t value; bool found; found = find_value(this, &value, fmt, args); if (found) { return value; } return def; } METHOD(vici_message_t, get_value, chunk_t, private_vici_message_t *this, chunk_t def, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; chunk_t value; va_start(args, fmt); value = vget_value(this, def, fmt, args); va_end(args); return value; } METHOD(vici_message_t, get_encoding, chunk_t, private_vici_message_t *this) { return this->encoding; } /** * Private parse context data */ struct vici_parse_context_t { /** current section nesting level */ int level; /** parse enumerator */ enumerator_t *e; }; METHOD(vici_message_t, parse, bool, private_vici_message_t *this, vici_parse_context_t *ctx, vici_section_cb_t section, vici_value_cb_t kv, vici_value_cb_t li, void *user) { vici_parse_context_t root = {}; char *name, *list = NULL; vici_type_t type; chunk_t value; int base; bool ok = TRUE; if (!ctx) { ctx = &root; root.e = create_enumerator(this); } base = ctx->level; while (ok) { ok = ctx->e->enumerate(ctx->e, &type, &name, &value); if (ok) { switch (type) { case VICI_START: /* should never occur */ continue; case VICI_KEY_VALUE: if (ctx->level == base && kv) { name = strdup(name); this->strings->insert_last(this->strings, name); ok = kv(user, &this->public, name, value); } continue; case VICI_LIST_START: if (ctx->level == base) { list = strdup(name); this->strings->insert_last(this->strings, list); } continue; case VICI_LIST_ITEM: if (list && li) { name = strdup(name); this->strings->insert_last(this->strings, name); ok = li(user, &this->public, list, value); } continue; case VICI_LIST_END: if (ctx->level == base) { list = NULL; } continue; case VICI_SECTION_START: if (ctx->level++ == base && section) { name = strdup(name); this->strings->insert_last(this->strings, name); ok = section(user, &this->public, ctx, name); } continue; case VICI_SECTION_END: if (ctx->level-- == base) { break; } continue; case VICI_END: break; } } break; } if (ctx == &root) { root.e->destroy(root.e); } return ok; } METHOD(vici_message_t, dump, bool, private_vici_message_t *this, char *label, bool pretty, FILE *out) { enumerator_t *enumerator; int ident = 0, delta; vici_type_t type, last_type = VICI_START; char *name, *term, *sep, *separ, *assign; chunk_t value; /* pretty print uses indentation on multiple lines */ if (pretty) { delta = 2; term = "\n"; separ = ""; assign = " = "; } else { delta = 0; term = ""; separ = " "; assign = "="; } fprintf(out, "%s {%s", label, term); ident += delta; enumerator = create_enumerator(this); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &type, &name, &value)) { switch (type) { case VICI_START: /* should never occur */ break; case VICI_SECTION_START: sep = (last_type != VICI_SECTION_START && last_type != VICI_START) ? separ : ""; fprintf(out, "%*s%s%s {%s", ident, "", sep, name, term); ident += delta; break; case VICI_SECTION_END: ident -= delta; fprintf(out, "%*s}%s", ident, "", term); break; case VICI_KEY_VALUE: sep = (last_type != VICI_SECTION_START && last_type != VICI_START) ? separ : ""; if (chunk_printable(value, NULL, ' ')) { fprintf(out, "%*s%s%s%s%.*s%s", ident, "", sep, name, assign, (int)value.len, value.ptr, term); } else { fprintf(out, "%*s%s%s%s0x%+#B%s", ident, "", sep, name, assign, &value, term); } break; case VICI_LIST_START: sep = (last_type != VICI_SECTION_START && last_type != VICI_START) ? separ : ""; fprintf(out, "%*s%s%s%s[%s", ident, "", sep, name, assign, term); ident += delta; break; case VICI_LIST_END: ident -= delta; fprintf(out, "%*s]%s", ident, "", term); break; case VICI_LIST_ITEM: sep = (last_type != VICI_LIST_START) ? separ : ""; if (chunk_printable(value, NULL, ' ')) { fprintf(out, "%*s%s%.*s%s", ident, "", sep, (int)value.len, value.ptr, term); } else { fprintf(out, "%*s%s0x%+#B%s", ident, "", sep, &value, term); } break; case VICI_END: fprintf(out, "}\n"); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return TRUE; } last_type = type; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return FALSE; } METHOD(vici_message_t, destroy, void, private_vici_message_t *this) { if (this->cleanup) { chunk_clear(&this->encoding); } this->strings->destroy_function(this->strings, free); free(this); } /** * See header */ vici_message_t *vici_message_create_from_data(chunk_t data, bool cleanup) { private_vici_message_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .create_enumerator = _create_enumerator, .get_str = _get_str, .vget_str = _vget_str, .get_int = _get_int, .vget_int = _vget_int, .get_bool = _get_bool, .vget_bool = _vget_bool, .get_value = _get_value, .vget_value = _vget_value, .get_encoding = _get_encoding, .parse = _parse, .dump = _dump, .destroy = _destroy, }, .strings = linked_list_create(), .encoding = data, .cleanup = cleanup, ); return &this->public; } /** * See header */ vici_message_t *vici_message_create_from_enumerator(enumerator_t *enumerator) { vici_builder_t *builder; vici_type_t type; char *name; chunk_t value; builder = vici_builder_create(); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &type, &name, &value)) { switch (type) { case VICI_SECTION_START: case VICI_LIST_START: builder->add(builder, type, name); continue; case VICI_KEY_VALUE: builder->add(builder, type, name, value); continue; case VICI_LIST_ITEM: builder->add(builder, type, value); continue; case VICI_SECTION_END: case VICI_LIST_END: default: builder->add(builder, type); continue; case VICI_END: break; } break; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return builder->finalize(builder); } /** * See header */ vici_message_t *vici_message_create_from_args(vici_type_t type, ...) { vici_builder_t *builder; va_list args; char *name; chunk_t value; builder = vici_builder_create(); va_start(args, type); while (type != VICI_END) { switch (type) { case VICI_LIST_START: case VICI_SECTION_START: name = va_arg(args, char*); builder->add(builder, type, name); break; case VICI_KEY_VALUE: name = va_arg(args, char*); value = va_arg(args, chunk_t); builder->add(builder, type, name, value); break; case VICI_LIST_ITEM: value = va_arg(args, chunk_t); builder->add(builder, type, value); break; case VICI_SECTION_END: case VICI_LIST_END: default: builder->add(builder, type); break; } type = va_arg(args, vici_type_t); } va_end(args); return builder->finalize(builder); }