/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2014 revosec AG * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "vici_socket.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_vici_socket_t private_vici_socket_t; /** * Private members of vici_socket_t */ struct private_vici_socket_t { /** * public functions */ vici_socket_t public; /** * Inbound message callback */ vici_inbound_cb_t inbound; /** * Client connect callback */ vici_connect_cb_t connect; /** * Client disconnect callback */ vici_disconnect_cb_t disconnect; /** * Next client connection identifier */ u_int nextid; /** * User data for callbacks */ void *user; /** * Service accepting vici connections */ stream_service_t *service; /** * Client connections, as entry_t */ linked_list_t *connections; /** * mutex for client connections */ mutex_t *mutex; }; /** * Data to securely reference an entry */ typedef struct { /* reference to socket instance */ private_vici_socket_t *this; /** connection identifier of entry */ u_int id; } entry_selector_t; /** * Partially processed message */ typedef struct { /** bytes of length header sent/received */ u_char hdrlen; /** bytes of length header */ char hdr[sizeof(u_int32_t)]; /** send/receive buffer on heap */ chunk_t buf; /** bytes sent/received in buffer */ u_int32_t done; } msg_buf_t; /** * Client connection entry */ typedef struct { /** reference to socket */ private_vici_socket_t *this; /** associated stream */ stream_t *stream; /** queued messages to send, as msg_buf_t pointers */ array_t *out; /** input message buffer */ msg_buf_t in; /** queued input messages to process, as chunk_t */ array_t *queue; /** do we have job processing input queue? */ bool has_processor; /** client connection identifier */ u_int id; /** any users reading over this connection? */ int readers; /** any users writing over this connection? */ int writers; /** condvar to wait for usage */ condvar_t *cond; } entry_t; /** * Destroy an connection entry */ CALLBACK(destroy_entry, void, entry_t *entry) { msg_buf_t *out; chunk_t chunk; entry->stream->destroy(entry->stream); entry->this->disconnect(entry->this->user, entry->id); entry->cond->destroy(entry->cond); while (array_remove(entry->out, ARRAY_TAIL, &out)) { chunk_clear(&out->buf); free(out); } array_destroy(entry->out); while (array_remove(entry->queue, ARRAY_TAIL, &chunk)) { chunk_clear(&chunk); } array_destroy(entry->queue); chunk_clear(&entry->in.buf); free(entry); } /** * Find entry by stream (if given) or id, claim use */ static entry_t* find_entry(private_vici_socket_t *this, stream_t *stream, u_int id, bool reader, bool writer) { enumerator_t *enumerator; entry_t *entry, *found = NULL; bool candidate = TRUE; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); while (candidate && !found) { candidate = FALSE; enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (stream) { if (entry->stream != stream) { continue; } } else { if (entry->id != id) { continue; } } candidate = TRUE; if ((reader && entry->readers) || (writer && entry->writers)) { entry->cond->wait(entry->cond, this->mutex); break; } if (reader) { entry->readers++; } if (writer) { entry->writers++; } found = entry; break; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); return found; } /** * Remove entry by id, claim use */ static entry_t* remove_entry(private_vici_socket_t *this, u_int id) { enumerator_t *enumerator; entry_t *entry, *found = NULL; bool candidate = TRUE; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); while (candidate && !found) { candidate = FALSE; enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (entry->id == id) { candidate = TRUE; if (entry->readers || entry->writers) { entry->cond->wait(entry->cond, this->mutex); break; } this->connections->remove_at(this->connections, enumerator); found = entry; break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); return found; } /** * Release a claimed entry */ static void put_entry(private_vici_socket_t *this, entry_t *entry, bool reader, bool writer) { this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); if (reader) { entry->readers--; } if (writer) { entry->writers--; } entry->cond->signal(entry->cond); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); } /** * Asynchronous callback to disconnect client */ CALLBACK(disconnect_async, job_requeue_t, entry_selector_t *sel) { entry_t *entry; entry = remove_entry(sel->this, sel->id); if (entry) { destroy_entry(entry); } return JOB_REQUEUE_NONE; } /** * Disconnect a connected client */ static void disconnect(private_vici_socket_t *this, u_int id) { entry_selector_t *sel; INIT(sel, .this = this, .id = id, ); lib->processor->queue_job(lib->processor, (job_t*)callback_job_create(disconnect_async, sel, free, NULL)); } /** * Write queued output data */ static bool do_write(private_vici_socket_t *this, entry_t *entry, stream_t *stream) { msg_buf_t *out; ssize_t len; while (array_get(entry->out, ARRAY_HEAD, &out)) { /* write header */ while (out->hdrlen < sizeof(out->hdr)) { len = stream->write(stream, out->hdr + out->hdrlen, sizeof(out->hdr) - out->hdrlen, FALSE); if (len == 0) { return FALSE; } if (len < 0) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { return TRUE; } DBG1(DBG_CFG, "vici header write error: %s", strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } out->hdrlen += len; } /* write buffer buffer */ while (out->buf.len > out->done) { len = stream->write(stream, out->buf.ptr + out->done, out->buf.len - out->done, FALSE); if (len == 0) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "premature vici disconnect"); return FALSE; } if (len < 0) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { return TRUE; } DBG1(DBG_CFG, "vici write error: %s", strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } out->done += len; } if (array_remove(entry->out, ARRAY_HEAD, &out)) { chunk_clear(&out->buf); free(out); } } return TRUE; } /** * Send pending messages */ CALLBACK(on_write, bool, private_vici_socket_t *this, stream_t *stream) { entry_t *entry; bool ret = FALSE; entry = find_entry(this, stream, 0, FALSE, TRUE); if (entry) { ret = do_write(this, entry, stream); if (ret) { /* unregister if we have no more messages to send */ ret = array_count(entry->out) != 0; } else { disconnect(entry->this, entry->id); } put_entry(this, entry, FALSE, TRUE); } return ret; } /** * Read in available header with data, non-blocking cumulating to buffer */ static bool do_read(private_vici_socket_t *this, entry_t *entry, stream_t *stream) { u_int32_t msglen; ssize_t len; /* assemble the length header first */ while (entry->in.hdrlen < sizeof(entry->in.hdr)) { len = stream->read(stream, entry->in.hdr + entry->in.hdrlen, sizeof(entry->in.hdr) - entry->in.hdrlen, FALSE); if (len == 0) { return FALSE; } if (len < 0) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { return TRUE; } DBG1(DBG_CFG, "vici header read error: %s", strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } entry->in.hdrlen += len; if (entry->in.hdrlen == sizeof(entry->in.hdr)) { msglen = untoh32(entry->in.hdr); if (msglen > VICI_MESSAGE_SIZE_MAX) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "vici message length %u exceeds %u bytes limit, " "ignored", msglen, VICI_MESSAGE_SIZE_MAX); return FALSE; } /* header complete, continue with data */ entry->in.buf = chunk_alloc(msglen); } } /* assemble buffer */ while (entry->in.buf.len > entry->in.done) { len = stream->read(stream, entry->in.buf.ptr + entry->in.done, entry->in.buf.len - entry->in.done, FALSE); if (len == 0) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "premature vici disconnect"); return FALSE; } if (len < 0) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { return TRUE; } DBG1(DBG_CFG, "vici read error: %s", strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } entry->in.done += len; } return TRUE; } /** * Callback processing incoming requestes in strict order */ CALLBACK(process_queue, job_requeue_t, entry_selector_t *sel) { entry_t *entry; chunk_t chunk; bool found; u_int id; while (TRUE) { entry = find_entry(sel->this, NULL, sel->id, TRUE, FALSE); if (!entry) { break; } found = array_remove(entry->queue, ARRAY_HEAD, &chunk); if (!found) { entry->has_processor = FALSE; } id = entry->id; put_entry(sel->this, entry, TRUE, FALSE); if (!found) { break; } thread_cleanup_push(free, chunk.ptr); sel->this->inbound(sel->this->user, id, chunk); thread_cleanup_pop(TRUE); } return JOB_REQUEUE_NONE; } /** * Process incoming messages */ CALLBACK(on_read, bool, private_vici_socket_t *this, stream_t *stream) { entry_selector_t *sel; entry_t *entry; bool ret = FALSE; entry = find_entry(this, stream, 0, TRUE, FALSE); if (entry) { ret = do_read(this, entry, stream); if (!ret) { disconnect(this, entry->id); } else if (entry->in.hdrlen == sizeof(entry->in.hdr) && entry->in.buf.len == entry->in.done) { array_insert(entry->queue, ARRAY_TAIL, &entry->in.buf); entry->in.buf = chunk_empty; entry->in.hdrlen = entry->in.done = 0; if (!entry->has_processor) { INIT(sel, .this = this, .id = entry->id, ); lib->processor->queue_job(lib->processor, (job_t*)callback_job_create(process_queue, sel, free, NULL)); entry->has_processor = TRUE; } } put_entry(this, entry, TRUE, FALSE); } return ret; } /** * Process connection request */ CALLBACK(on_accept, bool, private_vici_socket_t *this, stream_t *stream) { entry_t *entry; u_int id; id = ref_get(&this->nextid); INIT(entry, .this = this, .stream = stream, .id = id, .out = array_create(0, 0), .queue = array_create(sizeof(chunk_t), 0), .cond = condvar_create(CONDVAR_TYPE_DEFAULT), .readers = 1, ); this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); this->connections->insert_last(this->connections, entry); this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); stream->on_read(stream, on_read, this); put_entry(this, entry, TRUE, FALSE); this->connect(this->user, id); return TRUE; } /** * Async callback to enable writer */ CALLBACK(enable_writer, job_requeue_t, entry_selector_t *sel) { entry_t *entry; entry = find_entry(sel->this, NULL, sel->id, FALSE, TRUE); if (entry) { entry->stream->on_write(entry->stream, on_write, sel->this); put_entry(sel->this, entry, FALSE, TRUE); } return JOB_REQUEUE_NONE; } METHOD(vici_socket_t, send_, void, private_vici_socket_t *this, u_int id, chunk_t msg) { if (msg.len <= VICI_MESSAGE_SIZE_MAX) { entry_selector_t *sel; msg_buf_t *out; entry_t *entry; entry = find_entry(this, NULL, id, FALSE, TRUE); if (entry) { INIT(out, .buf = msg, ); htoun32(out->hdr, msg.len); array_insert(entry->out, ARRAY_TAIL, out); if (array_count(entry->out) == 1) { /* asynchronously re-enable on_write callback when we get data */ INIT(sel, .this = this, .id = entry->id, ); lib->processor->queue_job(lib->processor, (job_t*)callback_job_create(enable_writer, sel, free, NULL)); } put_entry(this, entry, FALSE, TRUE); } else { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "vici connection %u unknown", id); chunk_clear(&msg); } } else { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "vici message size %zu exceeds maximum size of %u, " "discarded", msg.len, VICI_MESSAGE_SIZE_MAX); chunk_clear(&msg); } } METHOD(vici_socket_t, destroy, void, private_vici_socket_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->service); this->connections->destroy_function(this->connections, destroy_entry); this->mutex->destroy(this->mutex); free(this); } /* * see header file */ vici_socket_t *vici_socket_create(char *uri, vici_inbound_cb_t inbound, vici_connect_cb_t connect, vici_disconnect_cb_t disconnect, void *user) { private_vici_socket_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .send = _send_, .destroy = _destroy, }, .mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT), .connections = linked_list_create(), .inbound = inbound, .connect = connect, .disconnect = disconnect, .user = user, ); this->service = lib->streams->create_service(lib->streams, uri, 3); if (!this->service) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "creating vici socket failed"); destroy(this); return NULL; } this->service->on_accept(this->service, on_accept, this, JOB_PRIO_CRITICAL, 0); return &this->public; }