/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Tobias Brunner * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2012 revosec AG * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "adopt_children_job.h" #include #include #include typedef struct private_adopt_children_job_t private_adopt_children_job_t; /** * Private data of an adopt_children_job_t object. */ struct private_adopt_children_job_t { /** * Public adopt_children_job_t interface. */ adopt_children_job_t public; /** * IKE_SA id to adopt children from */ ike_sa_id_t *id; /** * Tasks queued for execution */ array_t *tasks; }; METHOD(job_t, destroy, void, private_adopt_children_job_t *this) { array_destroy_offset(this->tasks, offsetof(task_t, destroy)); this->id->destroy(this->id); free(this); } METHOD(job_t, execute, job_requeue_t, private_adopt_children_job_t *this) { identification_t *my_id, *other_id, *xauth; host_t *me, *other, *vip; peer_cfg_t *cfg; linked_list_t *children, *vips; enumerator_t *enumerator, *subenum; ike_sa_id_t *id; ike_sa_t *ike_sa; child_sa_t *child_sa; u_int32_t unique; ike_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager, this->id); if (ike_sa) { /* get what we need from new SA */ unique = ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa); me = ike_sa->get_my_host(ike_sa); me = me->clone(me); other = ike_sa->get_other_host(ike_sa); other = other->clone(other); my_id = ike_sa->get_my_id(ike_sa); my_id = my_id->clone(my_id); other_id = ike_sa->get_other_id(ike_sa); other_id = other_id->clone(other_id); xauth = ike_sa->get_other_eap_id(ike_sa); xauth = xauth->clone(xauth); cfg = ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(ike_sa); cfg->get_ref(cfg); charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, ike_sa); /* find old SA to adopt children and virtual IPs from */ vips = linked_list_create(); children = linked_list_create(); enumerator = charon->ike_sa_manager->create_id_enumerator( charon->ike_sa_manager, my_id, xauth, other->get_family(other)); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &id)) { if (id->equals(id, this->id)) { /* not from self */ continue; } ike_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager, id); if (ike_sa) { if ((ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa) == IKE_ESTABLISHED || ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa) == IKE_PASSIVE) && me->equals(me, ike_sa->get_my_host(ike_sa)) && other->equals(other, ike_sa->get_other_host(ike_sa)) && other_id->equals(other_id, ike_sa->get_other_id(ike_sa)) && cfg->equals(cfg, ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(ike_sa))) { charon->bus->children_migrate(charon->bus, this->id, unique); subenum = ike_sa->create_child_sa_enumerator(ike_sa); while (subenum->enumerate(subenum, &child_sa)) { ike_sa->remove_child_sa(ike_sa, subenum); children->insert_last(children, child_sa); } subenum->destroy(subenum); subenum = ike_sa->create_virtual_ip_enumerator(ike_sa, FALSE); while (subenum->enumerate(subenum, &vip)) { vips->insert_last(vips, vip->clone(vip)); } subenum->destroy(subenum); /* this does not release the addresses, which is good, but * it does trigger an assign_vips(FALSE) event, so we also * trigger one below */ ike_sa->clear_virtual_ips(ike_sa, FALSE); if (children->get_count(children) || vips->get_count(vips)) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "detected reauth of existing IKE_SA, " "adopting %d children and %d virtual IPs", children->get_count(children), vips->get_count(vips)); } if (ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa) == IKE_PASSIVE) { charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin_and_destroy( charon->ike_sa_manager, ike_sa); } else { lib->scheduler->schedule_job(lib->scheduler, (job_t*) delete_ike_sa_job_create(ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa), TRUE), 10); charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin( charon->ike_sa_manager, ike_sa); } } else { charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin( charon->ike_sa_manager, ike_sa); } if (children->get_count(children) || vips->get_count(vips)) { break; } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); me->destroy(me); other->destroy(other); my_id->destroy(my_id); other_id->destroy(other_id); xauth->destroy(xauth); cfg->destroy(cfg); if (children->get_count(children) || vips->get_count(vips)) { /* adopt children by new SA */ ike_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager, this->id); if (ike_sa) { while (children->remove_last(children, (void**)&child_sa) == SUCCESS) { ike_sa->add_child_sa(ike_sa, child_sa); } if (vips->get_count(vips)) { while (vips->remove_first(vips, (void**)&vip) == SUCCESS) { ike_sa->add_virtual_ip(ike_sa, FALSE, vip); vip->destroy(vip); } charon->bus->assign_vips(charon->bus, ike_sa, TRUE); } charon->bus->children_migrate(charon->bus, NULL, 0); charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, ike_sa); } } children->destroy_offset(children, offsetof(child_sa_t, destroy)); /* FIXME: If we still have addresses here it means we weren't able to * find the new SA anymore (while not very likely during a proper * reauthentication, this theoretically could happen because the SA is * not locked while we search for the old one). So the addresses here * should be released properly to avoid leaking these leases. This is * currently not possible, though, due to the changed interface of * release_address(), which now takes a complete IKE_SA object. */ vips->destroy_offset(vips, offsetof(host_t, destroy)); if (array_count(this->tasks)) { ike_sa = charon->ike_sa_manager->checkout(charon->ike_sa_manager, this->id); if (ike_sa) { task_t *task; while (array_remove(this->tasks, ARRAY_HEAD, &task)) { task->migrate(task, ike_sa); ike_sa->queue_task(ike_sa, task); } if (ike_sa->initiate(ike_sa, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) == DESTROY_ME) { charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin_and_destroy( charon->ike_sa_manager, ike_sa); } else { charon->ike_sa_manager->checkin(charon->ike_sa_manager, ike_sa); } } } } return JOB_REQUEUE_NONE; } METHOD(job_t, get_priority, job_priority_t, private_adopt_children_job_t *this) { return JOB_PRIO_HIGH; } METHOD(adopt_children_job_t, queue_task, void, private_adopt_children_job_t *this, task_t *task) { array_insert_create(&this->tasks, ARRAY_TAIL, task); } /** * See header */ adopt_children_job_t *adopt_children_job_create(ike_sa_id_t *id) { private_adopt_children_job_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .job_interface = { .execute = _execute, .get_priority = _get_priority, .destroy = _destroy, }, .queue_task = _queue_task, }, .id = id->clone(id), ); return &this->public; }