 * Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Willi
 * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.  See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.

 * @defgroup task_manager task_manager
 * @{ @ingroup sa


typedef struct task_manager_t task_manager_t;
typedef enum task_queue_t task_queue_t;

#include <limits.h>

#include <library.h>
#include <encoding/message.h>
#include <sa/ike_sa.h>
#include <sa/tasks/task.h>

 * First retransmit timeout in seconds.

 * Base which is raised to the power of the retransmission try.

 * Number of retransmits done before giving up.

 * Interval for mobike routability checks in ms.

 * Number of routability checks before giving up

 * Type of task queues the task manager uses to handle tasks
enum task_queue_t {
	/** tasks currently active, initiated by us */
	/** passive tasks initiated by the remote peer */
	/** tasks queued for initiated, but not yet activated */

 * The task manager, juggles task and handles message exchanges.
 * On incoming requests, the task manager creates new tasks on demand and
 * juggles the request through all available tasks. Each task inspects the
 * request and adds payloads as necessary to the response.
 * On outgoing requests, the task manager delivers the request through the tasks
 * to build it, the response gets processed by each task to complete.
 * The task manager has an internal Queue to store task which should get
 * completed.
 * For the initial IKE_SA setup, several tasks are queued: One for the
 * unauthenticated IKE_SA setup, one for authentication, one for CHILD_SA setup
 * and maybe one for virtual IP assignement.
 * The task manager is also responsible for retransmission. It uses a backoff
 * algorithm. The timeout is calculated using
 * When try reaches RETRANSMIT_TRIES, retransmission is given up.
 * Using an initial TIMEOUT of 4s, a BASE of 1.8, and 5 TRIES gives us:
 * @verbatim
                   | relative | absolute
   4s * (1.8 ** 0) =    4s         4s
   4s * (1.8 ** 1) =    7s        11s
   4s * (1.8 ** 2) =   13s        24s
   4s * (1.8 ** 3) =   23s        47s
   4s * (1.8 ** 4) =   42s        89s
   4s * (1.8 ** 5) =   76s       165s

 * The peer is considered dead after 2min 45s when no reply comes in.
struct task_manager_t {

	 * Process an incoming message.
	 * @param message		message to add payloads to
	 * @return
	 *						- DESTROY_ME if IKE_SA must be closed
	 *						- SUCCESS otherwise
	status_t (*process_message) (task_manager_t *this, message_t *message);

	 * Initiate an exchange with the currently queued tasks.
	status_t (*initiate) (task_manager_t *this);

	 * Queue a task in the manager.
	 * @param task			task to queue
	void (*queue_task) (task_manager_t *this, task_t *task);

	 * Retransmit a request if it hasn't been acknowledged yet.
	 * A return value of INVALID_STATE means that the message was already
	 * acknowledged and has not to be retransmitted. A return value of SUCCESS
	 * means retransmission was required and the message has been resent.
	 * @param message_id	ID of the message to retransmit
	 * @return
	 *						- INVALID_STATE if retransmission not required
	 *						- SUCCESS if retransmission sent
	status_t (*retransmit) (task_manager_t *this, u_int32_t message_id);

	 * Migrate all tasks from other to this.
	 * To rekey or reestablish an IKE_SA completely, all queued or active
	 * tasks should get migrated to the new IKE_SA.
	 * @param other			manager which gives away its tasks
	void (*adopt_tasks) (task_manager_t *this, task_manager_t *other);

	 * Increment a message ID counter, in- or outbound.
	 * If a message is processed outside of the manager, this call increments
	 * the message ID counters of the task manager.
	 * @param inititate		TRUE to increment the initiating ID
	void (*incr_mid)(task_manager_t *this, bool initiate);

	 * Reset message ID counters of the task manager.
	 * The IKEv2 protocol requires to restart exchanges with message IDs
	 * reset to zero (INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD, COOKIES, ...). The reset() method
	 * resets the message IDs and resets all active tasks using the migrate()
	 * method.
	 * Use a value of UINT_MAX to keep the current message ID.
	 * @param initiate		message ID to initiate exchanges (send)
	 * @param respond		message ID to respond to exchanges (expect)
	void (*reset) (task_manager_t *this, u_int32_t initiate, u_int32_t respond);

	 * Check if we are currently waiting for a reply.
	 * @return				TRUE if we are waiting, FALSE otherwise
	bool (*busy) (task_manager_t *this);

	 * Create an enumerator over tasks in a specific queue.
	 * @param queue			queue to create an enumerator over
	 * @return				enumerator over task_t
	enumerator_t* (*create_task_enumerator)(task_manager_t *this,
											task_queue_t queue);

	 * Destroy the task_manager_t.
	void (*destroy) (task_manager_t *this);

 * Create an instance of the task manager.
 * @param ike_sa		IKE_SA to manage.
task_manager_t *task_manager_create(ike_sa_t *ike_sa);

#endif /** TASK_MANAGER_H_ @}*/