/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Tobias Brunner * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "test_suite.h" #include static struct { char *self; char *other; char *expected; } select_data[] = { { "aes128", "aes128", "aes128" }, { "aes128", "aes256", NULL }, { "aes128-aes256", "aes256-aes128", "aes128" }, { "aes256-aes128", "aes128-aes256", "aes256" }, { "aes128-aes256-sha1-sha256", "aes256-aes128-sha256-sha1", "aes128-sha1" }, { "aes256-aes128-sha256-sha1", "aes128-aes256-sha1-sha256", "aes256-sha256" }, { "aes128-sha256-modp3072", "aes128-sha256", NULL }, { "aes128-sha256", "aes128-sha256-modp3072", NULL }, { "aes128-sha256-modp3072", "aes128-sha256-modpnone", NULL }, { "aes128-sha256-modpnone", "aes128-sha256-modp3072", NULL }, { "aes128-sha256-modp3072-modpnone", "aes128-sha256", "aes128-sha256" }, { "aes128-sha256", "aes128-sha256-modp3072-modpnone", "aes128-sha256" }, { "aes128-sha256-modp3072-modpnone", "aes128-sha256-modpnone-modp3072", "aes128-sha256-modp3072" }, { "aes128-sha256-modpnone-modp3072", "aes128-sha256-modp3072-modpnone", "aes128-sha256-modpnone" }, }; START_TEST(test_select) { proposal_t *self, *other, *selected, *expected; self = proposal_create_from_string(PROTO_ESP, select_data[_i].self); other = proposal_create_from_string(PROTO_ESP, select_data[_i].other); selected = self->select(self, other, FALSE); if (select_data[_i].expected) { expected = proposal_create_from_string(PROTO_ESP, select_data[_i].expected); ck_assert(selected); ck_assert_msg(expected->equals(expected, selected), "proposal %P does " "not match expected %P", selected, expected); expected->destroy(expected); } else { ck_assert(!selected); } DESTROY_IF(selected); other->destroy(other); self->destroy(self); } END_TEST Suite *proposal_suite_create() { Suite *s; TCase *tc; s = suite_create("proposal"); tc = tcase_create("select"); tcase_add_loop_test(tc, test_select, 0, countof(select_data)); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); return s; }