/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "mem_pool.h" #include #include #include #define POOL_LIMIT (sizeof(uintptr_t)*8) typedef struct private_mem_pool_t private_mem_pool_t; /** * private data of mem_pool_t */ struct private_mem_pool_t { /** * public interface */ mem_pool_t public; /** * name of the pool */ char *name; /** * base address of the pool */ host_t *base; /** * size of the pool */ u_int size; /** * next unused address */ u_int unused; /** * hashtable [identity => offset], for online leases */ hashtable_t *online; /** * hashtable [identity => offset], for offline leases */ hashtable_t *offline; /** * hashtable [identity => identity], handles identity references */ hashtable_t *ids; /** * lock to safely access the pool */ rwlock_t *lock; }; /** * hashtable hash function for identities */ static u_int id_hash(identification_t *id) { return chunk_hash(id->get_encoding(id)); } /** * hashtable equals function for identities */ static bool id_equals(identification_t *a, identification_t *b) { return a->equals(a, b); } /** * convert a pool offset to an address */ static host_t* offset2host(private_mem_pool_t *pool, int offset) { chunk_t addr; host_t *host; u_int32_t *pos; offset--; if (offset > pool->size) { return NULL; } addr = chunk_clone(pool->base->get_address(pool->base)); if (pool->base->get_family(pool->base) == AF_INET6) { pos = (u_int32_t*)(addr.ptr + 12); } else { pos = (u_int32_t*)addr.ptr; } *pos = htonl(offset + ntohl(*pos)); host = host_create_from_chunk(pool->base->get_family(pool->base), addr, 0); free(addr.ptr); return host; } /** * convert a host to a pool offset */ static int host2offset(private_mem_pool_t *pool, host_t *addr) { chunk_t host, base; u_int32_t hosti, basei; if (addr->get_family(addr) != pool->base->get_family(pool->base)) { return -1; } host = addr->get_address(addr); base = pool->base->get_address(pool->base); if (addr->get_family(addr) == AF_INET6) { /* only look at last /32 block */ if (!memeq(host.ptr, base.ptr, 12)) { return -1; } host = chunk_skip(host, 12); base = chunk_skip(base, 12); } hosti = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(host.ptr)); basei = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(base.ptr)); if (hosti > basei + pool->size) { return -1; } return hosti - basei + 1; } METHOD(mem_pool_t, get_name, const char*, private_mem_pool_t *this) { return this->name; } METHOD(mem_pool_t, get_size, u_int, private_mem_pool_t *this) { return this->size; } METHOD(mem_pool_t, get_online, u_int, private_mem_pool_t *this) { u_int count; this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); count = this->online->get_count(this->online); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return count; } METHOD(mem_pool_t, get_offline, u_int, private_mem_pool_t *this) { u_int count; this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); count = this->offline->get_count(this->offline); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return count; } METHOD(mem_pool_t, acquire_address, host_t*, private_mem_pool_t *this, identification_t *id, host_t *requested) { uintptr_t offset = 0; enumerator_t *enumerator; identification_t *old_id; /* if the pool is empty (e.g. in the %config case) we simply return the * requested address */ if (this->size == 0) { return requested->clone(requested); } if (!requested->is_anyaddr(requested) && requested->get_family(requested) != this->base->get_family(this->base)) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "IP pool address family mismatch"); return NULL; } this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); while (TRUE) { /* check for a valid offline lease, refresh */ offset = (uintptr_t)this->offline->remove(this->offline, id); if (offset) { id = this->ids->get(this->ids, id); if (id) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "reassigning offline lease to '%Y'", id); this->online->put(this->online, id, (void*)offset); break; } } /* check for a valid online lease, reassign */ offset = (uintptr_t)this->online->get(this->online, id); if (offset && offset == host2offset(this, requested)) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "reassigning online lease to '%Y'", id); break; } if (this->unused < this->size) { /* assigning offset, starting by 1. Handling 0 in hashtable * is difficult. */ offset = ++this->unused; id = id->clone(id); this->ids->put(this->ids, id, id); this->online->put(this->online, id, (void*)offset); DBG1(DBG_CFG, "assigning new lease to '%Y'", id); break; } /* no more addresses, replace the first found offline lease */ enumerator = this->offline->create_enumerator(this->offline); if (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &old_id, &offset)) { offset = (uintptr_t)this->offline->remove(this->offline, old_id); if (offset) { /* destroy reference to old ID */ old_id = this->ids->remove(this->ids, old_id); DBG1(DBG_CFG, "reassigning existing offline lease by '%Y'" " to '%Y'", old_id, id); if (old_id) { old_id->destroy(old_id); } id = id->clone(id); this->ids->put(this->ids, id, id); this->online->put(this->online, id, (void*)offset); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); DBG1(DBG_CFG, "pool '%s' is full, unable to assign address", this->name); break; } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); if (offset) { return offset2host(this, offset); } return NULL; } METHOD(mem_pool_t, release_address, bool, private_mem_pool_t *this, host_t *address, identification_t *id) { bool found = FALSE; if (this->size != 0) { uintptr_t offset; this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); offset = (uintptr_t)this->online->remove(this->online, id); if (offset) { id = this->ids->get(this->ids, id); if (id) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "lease %H by '%Y' went offline", address, id); this->offline->put(this->offline, id, (void*)offset); found = TRUE; } } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); } return found; } /** * lease enumerator */ typedef struct { /** implemented enumerator interface */ enumerator_t public; /** inner hash-table enumerator */ enumerator_t *inner; /** enumerated pool */ private_mem_pool_t *pool; /** currently enumerated lease address */ host_t *current; } lease_enumerator_t; METHOD(enumerator_t, lease_enumerate, bool, lease_enumerator_t *this, identification_t **id_out, host_t **addr_out, bool *online) { identification_t *id; uintptr_t offset; DESTROY_IF(this->current); this->current = NULL; if (this->inner->enumerate(this->inner, &id, NULL)) { offset = (uintptr_t)this->pool->online->get(this->pool->online, id); if (offset) { *id_out = id; *addr_out = this->current = offset2host(this->pool, offset); *online = TRUE; return TRUE; } offset = (uintptr_t)this->pool->offline->get(this->pool->offline, id); if (offset) { *id_out = id; *addr_out = this->current = offset2host(this->pool, offset); *online = FALSE; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } METHOD(enumerator_t, lease_enumerator_destroy, void, lease_enumerator_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->current); this->inner->destroy(this->inner); this->pool->lock->unlock(this->pool->lock); free(this); } METHOD(mem_pool_t, create_lease_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_mem_pool_t *this) { lease_enumerator_t *enumerator; this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); INIT(enumerator, .public = { .enumerate = (void*)_lease_enumerate, .destroy = (void*)_lease_enumerator_destroy, }, .pool = this, .inner = this->ids->create_enumerator(this->ids), ); return &enumerator->public; } METHOD(mem_pool_t, destroy, void, private_mem_pool_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; identification_t *id; enumerator = this->ids->create_enumerator(this->ids); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &id, NULL)) { id->destroy(id); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->ids->destroy(this->ids); this->online->destroy(this->online); this->offline->destroy(this->offline); this->lock->destroy(this->lock); DESTROY_IF(this->base); free(this->name); free(this); } /** * Described in header */ mem_pool_t *mem_pool_create(char *name, host_t *base, int bits) { private_mem_pool_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .get_name = _get_name, .get_size = _get_size, .get_online = _get_online, .get_offline = _get_offline, .acquire_address = _acquire_address, .release_address = _release_address, .create_lease_enumerator = _create_lease_enumerator, .destroy = _destroy, }, .name = strdup(name), .online = hashtable_create((hashtable_hash_t)id_hash, (hashtable_equals_t)id_equals, 16), .offline = hashtable_create((hashtable_hash_t)id_hash, (hashtable_equals_t)id_equals, 16), .ids = hashtable_create((hashtable_hash_t)id_hash, (hashtable_equals_t)id_equals, 16), .lock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT), ); if (base) { int addr_bits = base->get_family(base) == AF_INET ? 32 : 128; /* net bits -> host bits */ bits = addr_bits - bits; if (bits > POOL_LIMIT) { bits = POOL_LIMIT; DBG1(DBG_CFG, "virtual IP pool too large, limiting to %H/%d", base, addr_bits - bits); } this->size = 1 << (bits); if (this->size > 2) { /* do not use first and last addresses of a block */ this->unused++; this->size--; } this->base = base->clone(base); } return &this->public; }