/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel Roethlisberger * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ /** * @defgroup kernel_interface kernel_interface * @{ @ingroup hkernel */ #ifndef KERNEL_INTERFACE_H_ #define KERNEL_INTERFACE_H_ typedef struct kernel_interface_t kernel_interface_t; #include <utils/host.h> #include <crypto/prf_plus.h> #include <kernel/kernel_listener.h> #include <kernel/kernel_ipsec.h> #include <kernel/kernel_net.h> /** * Constructor function for ipsec kernel interface */ typedef kernel_ipsec_t* (*kernel_ipsec_constructor_t)(void); /** * Constructor function for network kernel interface */ typedef kernel_net_t* (*kernel_net_constructor_t)(void); /** * Manager and wrapper for different kernel interfaces. * * The kernel interface handles the communication with the kernel * for SA and policy management and interface and IP address management. */ struct kernel_interface_t { /** * Get a SPI from the kernel. * * @param src source address of SA * @param dst destination address of SA * @param protocol protocol for SA (ESP/AH) * @param reqid unique ID for this SA * @param spi allocated spi * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*get_spi)(kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst, u_int8_t protocol, u_int32_t reqid, u_int32_t *spi); /** * Get a Compression Parameter Index (CPI) from the kernel. * * @param src source address of SA * @param dst destination address of SA * @param reqid unique ID for the corresponding SA * @param cpi allocated cpi * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*get_cpi)(kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst, u_int32_t reqid, u_int16_t *cpi); /** * Add an SA to the SAD. * * add_sa() may update an already allocated * SPI (via get_spi). In this case, the replace * flag must be set. * This function does install a single SA for a * single protocol in one direction. * * @param src source address for this SA * @param dst destination address for this SA * @param spi SPI allocated by us or remote peer * @param protocol protocol for this SA (ESP/AH) * @param reqid unique ID for this SA * @param mark optional mark for this SA <<<<<<< HEAD ======= * @param tfc Traffic Flow Confidentiality padding for this SA >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 * @param lifetime lifetime_cfg_t for this SA * @param enc_alg Algorithm to use for encryption (ESP only) * @param enc_key key to use for encryption * @param int_alg Algorithm to use for integrity protection * @param int_key key to use for integrity protection * @param mode mode of the SA (tunnel, transport) * @param ipcomp IPComp transform to use * @param cpi CPI for IPComp * @param encap enable UDP encapsulation for NAT traversal * @param inbound TRUE if this is an inbound SA * @param src_ts traffic selector with BEET source address * @param dst_ts traffic selector with BEET destination address * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*add_sa) (kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst, u_int32_t spi, u_int8_t protocol, u_int32_t reqid, mark_t mark, <<<<<<< HEAD lifetime_cfg_t *lifetime, ======= u_int32_t tfc, lifetime_cfg_t *lifetime, >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 u_int16_t enc_alg, chunk_t enc_key, u_int16_t int_alg, chunk_t int_key, ipsec_mode_t mode, u_int16_t ipcomp, u_int16_t cpi, bool encap, bool inbound, traffic_selector_t *src_ts, traffic_selector_t *dst_ts); /** * Update the hosts on an installed SA. * * We cannot directly update the destination address as the kernel * requires the spi, the protocol AND the destination address (and family) * to identify SAs. Therefore if the destination address changed we * create a new SA and delete the old one. * * @param spi SPI of the SA * @param protocol protocol for this SA (ESP/AH) * @param cpi CPI for IPComp, 0 if no IPComp is used * @param src current source address * @param dst current destination address * @param new_src new source address * @param new_dst new destination address * @param encap current use of UDP encapsulation * @param new_encap new use of UDP encapsulation * @param mark optional mark for this SA * @return SUCCESS if operation completed, NOT_SUPPORTED if * the kernel interface can't update the SA */ status_t (*update_sa)(kernel_interface_t *this, u_int32_t spi, u_int8_t protocol, u_int16_t cpi, host_t *src, host_t *dst, host_t *new_src, host_t *new_dst, bool encap, bool new_encap, mark_t mark); /** * Query the number of bytes processed by an SA from the SAD. * * @param src source address for this SA * @param dst destination address for this SA * @param spi SPI allocated by us or remote peer * @param protocol protocol for this SA (ESP/AH) * @param mark optional mark for this SA * @param[out] bytes the number of bytes processed by SA * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*query_sa) (kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst, u_int32_t spi, u_int8_t protocol, mark_t mark, u_int64_t *bytes); /** * Delete a previously installed SA from the SAD. * * @param src source address for this SA * @param dst destination address for this SA * @param spi SPI allocated by us or remote peer * @param protocol protocol for this SA (ESP/AH) * @param cpi CPI for IPComp or 0 * @param mark optional mark for this SA * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*del_sa) (kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst, u_int32_t spi, u_int8_t protocol, u_int16_t cpi, mark_t mark); /** * Add a policy to the SPD. * * A policy is always associated to an SA. Traffic which matches a * policy is handled by the SA with the same reqid. * * @param src source address of SA * @param dst dest address of SA * @param src_ts traffic selector to match traffic source * @param dst_ts traffic selector to match traffic dest * @param direction direction of traffic, POLICY_(IN|OUT|FWD) * @param type type of policy, POLICY_(IPSEC|PASS|DROP) * @param sa details about the SA(s) tied to this policy * @param mark mark for this policy * @param routed TRUE, if this policy is routed in the kernel * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*add_policy) (kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst, traffic_selector_t *src_ts, traffic_selector_t *dst_ts, policy_dir_t direction, policy_type_t type, ipsec_sa_cfg_t *sa, mark_t mark, bool routed); /** * Query the use time of a policy. * * The use time of a policy is the time the policy was used * for the last time. * * @param src_ts traffic selector to match traffic source * @param dst_ts traffic selector to match traffic dest * @param direction direction of traffic, POLICY_(IN|OUT|FWD) * @param mark optional mark * @param[out] use_time the time of this SA's last use * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*query_policy) (kernel_interface_t *this, traffic_selector_t *src_ts, traffic_selector_t *dst_ts, policy_dir_t direction, mark_t mark, u_int32_t *use_time); /** * Remove a policy from the SPD. * * The kernel interface implements reference counting for policies. * If the same policy is installed multiple times (in the case of rekeying), * the reference counter is increased. del_policy() decreases the ref counter * and removes the policy only when no more references are available. * * @param src_ts traffic selector to match traffic source * @param dst_ts traffic selector to match traffic dest * @param direction direction of traffic, POLICY_(IN|OUT|FWD) * @param mark optional mark * @param unrouted TRUE, if this policy is unrouted from the kernel * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*del_policy) (kernel_interface_t *this, traffic_selector_t *src_ts, traffic_selector_t *dst_ts, policy_dir_t direction, mark_t mark, bool unrouted); /** * Get our outgoing source address for a destination. * * Does a route lookup to get the source address used to reach dest. * The returned host is allocated and must be destroyed. * An optional src address can be used to check if a route is available * for given source to dest. * * @param dest target destination address * @param src source address to check, or NULL * @return outgoing source address, NULL if unreachable */ host_t* (*get_source_addr)(kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *dest, host_t *src); /** * Get the next hop for a destination. * * Does a route lookup to get the next hop used to reach dest. * The returned host is allocated and must be destroyed. * * @param dest target destination address * @return next hop address, NULL if unreachable */ host_t* (*get_nexthop)(kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *dest); /** * Get the interface name of a local address. * * @param host address to get interface name from * @return allocated interface name, or NULL if not found */ char* (*get_interface) (kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *host); /** * Creates an enumerator over all local addresses. * * This function blocks an internal cached address list until the * enumerator gets destroyed. * The hosts are read-only, do not modify of free. * * @param include_down_ifaces TRUE to enumerate addresses from down interfaces * @param include_virtual_ips TRUE to enumerate virtual ip addresses * @return enumerator over host_t's */ enumerator_t *(*create_address_enumerator) (kernel_interface_t *this, bool include_down_ifaces, bool include_virtual_ips); /** * Add a virtual IP to an interface. * * Virtual IPs are attached to an interface. If an IP is added multiple * times, the IP is refcounted and not removed until del_ip() was called * as many times as add_ip(). * The virtual IP is attached to the interface where the iface_ip is found. * * @param virtual_ip virtual ip address to assign * @param iface_ip IP of an interface to attach virtual IP * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*add_ip) (kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *virtual_ip, host_t *iface_ip); /** * Remove a virtual IP from an interface. * * The kernel interface uses refcounting, see add_ip(). * * @param virtual_ip virtual ip address to assign * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*del_ip) (kernel_interface_t *this, host_t *virtual_ip); /** * Add a route. * * @param dst_net destination net * @param prefixlen destination net prefix length * @param gateway gateway for this route * @param src_ip sourc ip of the route * @param if_name name of the interface the route is bound to * @return SUCCESS if operation completed * ALREADY_DONE if the route already exists */ status_t (*add_route) (kernel_interface_t *this, chunk_t dst_net, u_int8_t prefixlen, host_t *gateway, host_t *src_ip, char *if_name); /** * Delete a route. * * @param dst_net destination net * @param prefixlen destination net prefix length * @param gateway gateway for this route * @param src_ip sourc ip of the route * @param if_name name of the interface the route is bound to * @return SUCCESS if operation completed */ status_t (*del_route) (kernel_interface_t *this, chunk_t dst_net, u_int8_t prefixlen, host_t *gateway, host_t *src_ip, char *if_name); /** * Set up a bypass policy for a given socket. * * @param fd socket file descriptor to setup policy for * @param family protocol family of the socket * @return TRUE of policy set up successfully */ bool (*bypass_socket)(kernel_interface_t *this, int fd, int family); /** * manager methods */ /** * Tries to find an ip address of a local interface that is included in the * supplied traffic selector. * * @param ts traffic selector * @param ip returned ip (has to be destroyed) * @return SUCCESS if address found */ status_t (*get_address_by_ts)(kernel_interface_t *this, traffic_selector_t *ts, host_t **ip); /** * Register an ipsec kernel interface constructor on the manager. * * @param create constructor to register */ void (*add_ipsec_interface)(kernel_interface_t *this, kernel_ipsec_constructor_t create); /** * Unregister an ipsec kernel interface constructor. * * @param create constructor to unregister */ void (*remove_ipsec_interface)(kernel_interface_t *this, kernel_ipsec_constructor_t create); /** * Register a network kernel interface constructor on the manager. * * @param create constructor to register */ void (*add_net_interface)(kernel_interface_t *this, kernel_net_constructor_t create); /** * Unregister a network kernel interface constructor. * * @param create constructor to unregister */ void (*remove_net_interface)(kernel_interface_t *this, kernel_net_constructor_t create); /** * Add a listener to the kernel interface. * * @param listener listener to add */ void (*add_listener)(kernel_interface_t *this, kernel_listener_t *listener); /** * Remove a listener from the kernel interface. * * @param listener listener to remove */ void (*remove_listener)(kernel_interface_t *this, kernel_listener_t *listener); /** * Raise an acquire event. * * @param reqid reqid of the policy to acquire * @param src_ts source traffic selector * @param dst_ts destination traffic selector */ void (*acquire)(kernel_interface_t *this, u_int32_t reqid, traffic_selector_t *src_ts, traffic_selector_t *dst_ts); /** * Raise an expire event. * * @param reqid reqid of the expired SA * @param protocol protocol of the expired SA * @param spi spi of the expired SA * @param hard TRUE if it is a hard expire, FALSE otherwise */ void (*expire)(kernel_interface_t *this, u_int32_t reqid, u_int8_t protocol, u_int32_t spi, bool hard); /** * Raise a mapping event. * * @param reqid reqid of the SA * @param spi spi of the SA * @param remote new remote host */ void (*mapping)(kernel_interface_t *this, u_int32_t reqid, u_int32_t spi, host_t *remote); /** * Raise a migrate event. * * @param reqid reqid of the policy * @param src_ts source traffic selector * @param dst_ts destination traffic selector * @param direction direction of the policy (in|out) * @param local local host address to be used in the IKE_SA * @param remote remote host address to be used in the IKE_SA */ void (*migrate)(kernel_interface_t *this, u_int32_t reqid, traffic_selector_t *src_ts, traffic_selector_t *dst_ts, policy_dir_t direction, host_t *local, host_t *remote); /** * Raise a roam event. * * @param address TRUE if address list, FALSE if routing changed */ void (*roam)(kernel_interface_t *this, bool address); /** * Destroys a kernel_interface_manager_t object. */ void (*destroy) (kernel_interface_t *this); }; /** * Creates an object of type kernel_interface_t. */ kernel_interface_t *kernel_interface_create(void); #endif /** KERNEL_INTERFACE_H_ @}*/