/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Andreas Steffen * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include "pool_attributes.h" #include "pool_usage.h" /** * global database handle */ extern database_t *db; #define UNITY_NETWORK_LEN 14 ENUM(value_type_names, VALUE_HEX, VALUE_SUBNET, "hex", "string", "addr", "subnet" ); typedef struct attr_info_t attr_info_t; struct attr_info_t { char* keyword; value_type_t value_type; configuration_attribute_type_t type; configuration_attribute_type_t type_ip6; }; static const attr_info_t attr_info[] = { { "internal_ip4_netmask", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK, 0 }, { "internal_ip6_netmask", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP6_NETMASK, 0 }, { "netmask", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK, INTERNAL_IP6_NETMASK }, { "internal_ip4_dns", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_DNS, 0 }, { "internal_ip6_dns", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP6_DNS, 0 }, { "dns", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_DNS, INTERNAL_IP6_DNS }, { "internal_ip4_nbns", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_NBNS, 0 }, { "internal_ip6_nbns", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP6_NBNS, 0 }, { "nbns", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_NBNS, INTERNAL_IP6_NBNS }, { "wins", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_NBNS, INTERNAL_IP6_NBNS }, { "internal_ip4_dhcp", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_DHCP, 0 }, { "internal_ip6_dhcp", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP6_DHCP, 0 }, { "dhcp", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_DHCP, INTERNAL_IP6_DHCP }, { "internal_ip4_server", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_SERVER, 0 }, { "internal_ip6_server", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP6_SERVER, 0 }, { "server", VALUE_ADDR, INTERNAL_IP4_SERVER, INTERNAL_IP6_SERVER }, { "application_version", VALUE_STRING, APPLICATION_VERSION, 0 }, { "version", VALUE_STRING, APPLICATION_VERSION, 0 }, { "unity_banner", VALUE_STRING, UNITY_BANNER, 0 }, { "banner", VALUE_STRING, UNITY_BANNER, 0 }, { "unity_def_domain", VALUE_STRING, UNITY_DEF_DOMAIN, 0 }, { "unity_splitdns_name", VALUE_STRING, UNITY_SPLITDNS_NAME, 0 }, { "unity_split_include", VALUE_SUBNET, UNITY_SPLIT_INCLUDE, 0 }, { "unity_local_lan", VALUE_SUBNET, UNITY_LOCAL_LAN, 0 }, }; /** * Determine the type of the attribute and its value */ static bool parse_attributes(char *name, char *value, value_type_t *value_type, configuration_attribute_type_t *type, configuration_attribute_type_t *type_ip6, chunk_t *blob) { host_t *addr = NULL, *mask = NULL; chunk_t addr_chunk, mask_chunk, blob_next; char *text = "", *pos_addr, *pos_mask, *pos_next, *endptr; int i; switch (*value_type) { case VALUE_STRING: *blob = chunk_create(value, strlen(value)); *blob = chunk_clone(*blob); break; case VALUE_HEX: *blob = chunk_from_hex(chunk_create(value, strlen(value)), NULL); break; case VALUE_ADDR: addr = host_create_from_string(value, 0); if (addr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid IP address: '%s'.\n", value); return FALSE; } addr_chunk = addr->get_address(addr); *blob = chunk_clone(addr_chunk); break; case VALUE_SUBNET: *blob = chunk_empty; pos_next = value; do { pos_addr = pos_next; pos_next = strchr(pos_next, ','); if (pos_next) { *pos_next = '\0'; pos_next += 1; } pos_mask = strchr(pos_addr, '/'); if (pos_mask == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid IPv4 subnet: '%s'.\n", pos_addr); free(blob->ptr); return FALSE; } *pos_mask = '\0'; pos_mask += 1; addr = host_create_from_string(pos_addr, 0); mask = host_create_from_string(pos_mask, 0); if (addr == NULL || addr->get_family(addr) != AF_INET || mask == NULL || mask->get_family(addr) != AF_INET) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid IPv4 subnet: '%s/%s'.\n", pos_addr, pos_mask); DESTROY_IF(addr); DESTROY_IF(mask); free(blob->ptr); return FALSE; } addr_chunk = addr->get_address(addr); mask_chunk = mask->get_address(mask); blob_next = chunk_alloc(blob->len + UNITY_NETWORK_LEN); memcpy(blob_next.ptr, blob->ptr, blob->len); pos_addr = blob_next.ptr + blob->len; memset(pos_addr, 0x00, UNITY_NETWORK_LEN); memcpy(pos_addr, addr_chunk.ptr, 4); memcpy(pos_addr + 4, mask_chunk.ptr, 4); addr->destroy(addr); mask->destroy(mask); chunk_free(blob); *blob = blob_next; } while (pos_next); break; case VALUE_NONE: *blob = chunk_empty; break; } /* init the attribute type */ *type = 0; *type_ip6 = 0; for (i = 0; i < countof(attr_info); i++) { if (strcaseeq(name, attr_info[i].keyword)) { *type = attr_info[i].type; *type_ip6 = attr_info[i].type_ip6; if (*value_type == VALUE_NONE) { *value_type = attr_info[i].value_type; return TRUE; } if (*value_type != attr_info[i].value_type && *value_type != VALUE_HEX) { switch (attr_info[i].value_type) { case VALUE_STRING: text = "a string"; break; case VALUE_HEX: text = "a hex"; break; case VALUE_ADDR: text = "an IP address"; break; case VALUE_SUBNET: text = "a subnet"; break; case VALUE_NONE: text = "no"; break; } fprintf(stderr, "the %s attribute requires %s value.\n", name, text); DESTROY_IF(addr); free(blob->ptr); return FALSE; } if (*value_type == VALUE_ADDR) { *type = (addr->get_family(addr) == AF_INET) ? attr_info[i].type : attr_info[i].type_ip6; addr->destroy(addr); } else if (*value_type == VALUE_HEX) { *value_type = attr_info[i].value_type; if (*value_type == VALUE_ADDR) { if (blob->len == 16) { *type = attr_info[i].type_ip6; } else if (blob->len != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "the %s attribute requires " "a valid IP address.\n", name); free(blob->ptr); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } } /* clean up */ DESTROY_IF(addr); /* is the attribute type numeric? */ *type = strtol(name, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "the %s attribute is not recognized.\n", name); free(blob->ptr); return FALSE; } if (*type < 1 || *type > 32767) { fprintf(stderr, "the attribute type must lie in the range 1..32767.\n"); free(blob->ptr); return FALSE; } if (*value_type == VALUE_NONE) { *value_type = VALUE_HEX; } return TRUE; } /** * Lookup/insert an attribute pool by name */ static u_int get_attr_pool(char *name) { enumerator_t *e; u_int row = 0; /* look for an existing attribute pool in the table */ e = db->query(db, "SELECT id FROM attribute_pools WHERE name = ?", DB_TEXT, name, DB_UINT); if (e && e->enumerate(e, &row)) { e->destroy(e); return row; } DESTROY_IF(e); /* not found, insert new one */ if (db->execute(db, &row, "INSERT INTO attribute_pools (name) VALUES (?)", DB_TEXT, name) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "creating attribute pool '%s' failed.\n", name); return 0; } return row; } /** * Lookup/insert an identity */ u_int get_identity(identification_t *id) { enumerator_t *e; u_int row; /* look for peer identity in the identities table */ e = db->query(db, "SELECT id FROM identities WHERE type = ? AND data = ?", DB_INT, id->get_type(id), DB_BLOB, id->get_encoding(id), DB_UINT); if (e && e->enumerate(e, &row)) { e->destroy(e); return row; } DESTROY_IF(e); /* not found, insert new one */ if (db->execute(db, &row, "INSERT INTO identities (type,data) VALUES (?,?)", DB_INT, id->get_type(id), DB_BLOB, id->get_encoding(id)) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "creating id '%Y' failed.\n", id); return 0; } return row; } /** * ipsec pool --addattr - add attribute entry */ void add_attr(char *name, char *pool, char *identity, char *value, value_type_t value_type) { configuration_attribute_type_t type, type_ip6; u_int pool_id = 0, identity_id = 0; char id_pool_str[128] = ""; chunk_t blob; bool success; if (pool) { pool_id = get_attr_pool(pool); if (pool_id == 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (identity) { identification_t *id; id = identification_create_from_string(identity); identity_id = get_identity(id); id->destroy(id); if (identity_id == 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } snprintf(id_pool_str, sizeof(id_pool_str), " for '%s' in pool '%s'", identity, pool); } else { snprintf(id_pool_str, sizeof(id_pool_str), " in pool '%s'", pool); } } if (value_type == VALUE_NONE) { fprintf(stderr, "the value of the %s attribute is missing.\n", name); usage(); } if (!parse_attributes(name, value, &value_type, &type, &type_ip6, &blob)) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } success = db->execute(db, NULL, "INSERT INTO attributes (identity, pool, type, value) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", DB_UINT, identity_id, DB_UINT, pool_id, DB_INT, type, DB_BLOB, blob) == 1; free(blob.ptr); if (success) { printf("added %s attribute (%N)%s.\n", name, configuration_attribute_type_names, type, id_pool_str); } else { fprintf(stderr, "adding %s attribute (%N)%s failed.\n", name, configuration_attribute_type_names, type, id_pool_str); } } /** * ipsec pool --delattr - delete attribute entry */ void del_attr(char *name, char *pool, char *identity, char *value, value_type_t value_type) { configuration_attribute_type_t type, type_ip6, type_db; u_int pool_id = 0, identity_id = 0; char id_pool_str[128] = ""; chunk_t blob, blob_db; u_int id; enumerator_t *query; bool found = FALSE; if (pool) { pool_id = get_attr_pool(pool); if (pool_id == 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (identity) { identification_t *id; id = identification_create_from_string(identity); identity_id = get_identity(id); id->destroy(id); if (identity_id == 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } snprintf(id_pool_str, sizeof(id_pool_str), " for '%s' in pool '%s'", identity, pool); } else { snprintf(id_pool_str, sizeof(id_pool_str), " in pool '%s'", pool); } } if (!parse_attributes(name, value, &value_type, &type, &type_ip6, &blob)) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (blob.len > 0) { query = db->query(db, "SELECT id, type, value FROM attributes " "WHERE identity = ? AND pool = ? AND type = ? AND value = ?", DB_UINT, identity_id, DB_UINT, pool_id, DB_INT, type, DB_BLOB, blob, DB_UINT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB); } else if (type_ip6 == 0) { query = db->query(db, "SELECT id, type, value FROM attributes " "WHERE identity = ? AND pool = ? AND type = ?", DB_UINT, identity_id, DB_UINT, pool_id, DB_INT, type, DB_UINT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB); } else { query = db->query(db, "SELECT id, type, value FROM attributes " "WHERE identity = ? AND pool = ? AND (type = ? OR type = ?)", DB_UINT, identity_id, DB_UINT, pool_id, DB_INT, type, DB_INT, type_ip6, DB_UINT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB); } if (!query) { fprintf(stderr, "deleting '%s' attribute (%N)%s failed.\n", name, configuration_attribute_type_names, type, id_pool_str); free(blob.ptr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (query->enumerate(query, &id, &type_db, &blob_db)) { host_t *server = NULL; found = TRUE; if (value_type == VALUE_ADDR) { int family = (type_db == type_ip6) ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET; server = host_create_from_chunk(family, blob_db, 0); } if (db->execute(db, NULL, "DELETE FROM attributes WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, id) != 1) { if (server) { fprintf(stderr, "deleting %s server %H%s failed\n", name, server, id_pool_str); server->destroy(server); } else if (value_type == VALUE_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "deleting %s attribute (%N) with value '%.*s'%s failed.\n", name, configuration_attribute_type_names, type, (int)blob_db.len, blob_db.ptr, id_pool_str); } else { fprintf(stderr, "deleting %s attribute (%N) with value %#B%s failed.\n", name, configuration_attribute_type_names, type, &blob_db, id_pool_str); } query->destroy(query); free(blob.ptr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (server) { printf("deleted %s server %H%s\n", name, server, id_pool_str); server->destroy(server); } else if (value_type == VALUE_STRING) { printf("deleted %s attribute (%N) with value '%.*s'%s.\n", name, configuration_attribute_type_names, type, (int)blob_db.len, blob_db.ptr, id_pool_str); } else { printf("deleted %s attribute (%N) with value %#B%s.\n", name, configuration_attribute_type_names, type, &blob_db, id_pool_str); } } query->destroy(query); if (!found) { if (blob.len == 0) { if (type_ip6 == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "no %s attribute (%N) was found%s.\n", name, configuration_attribute_type_names, type, id_pool_str); } else { fprintf(stderr, "no %s attribute%s was found.\n", name, id_pool_str); } } else { if (value_type == VALUE_ADDR) { host_t *server = host_create_from_chunk(AF_UNSPEC, blob, 0); fprintf(stderr, "the %s server %H%s was not found.\n", name, server, id_pool_str); server->destroy(server); } else { fprintf(stderr, "the %s attribute (%N) with value '%.*s'%s " "was not found.\n", name, configuration_attribute_type_names, type, (int)blob.len, blob.ptr, id_pool_str); } } } free(blob.ptr); } /** * ipsec pool --statusattr - show all attribute entries */ void status_attr(bool hexout) { configuration_attribute_type_t type; value_type_t value_type; chunk_t value, addr_chunk, mask_chunk, identity_chunk; identification_t *identity; enumerator_t *enumerator; host_t *addr, *mask; char type_name[30]; bool first = TRUE; int i, identity_type; char *pool_name; /* enumerate over all attributes */ enumerator = db->query(db, "SELECT attributes.type, attribute_pools.name, " "identities.type, identities.data, attributes.value " "FROM attributes " "LEFT OUTER JOIN identities " "ON attributes.identity = identities.id " "LEFT OUTER JOIN attribute_pools " "ON attributes.pool = attribute_pools.id " "ORDER BY attributes.type, attribute_pools.name, " "identities.type, identities.data, attributes.value", DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_BLOB); if (enumerator) { while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &type,&pool_name, &identity_type, &identity_chunk, &value)) { if (first) { printf(" type description pool " " identity value\n"); first = FALSE; } snprintf(type_name, sizeof(type_name), "%N", configuration_attribute_type_names, type); if (type_name[0] == '(') { type_name[0] = '\0'; } printf("%5d %-20s ",type, type_name); printf(" %-10s ", (pool_name ? pool_name : "")); if (identity_type) { identity = identification_create_from_encoding(identity_type, identity_chunk); printf(" %-20.20Y ", identity); identity->destroy(identity); } else { printf(" "); } value_type = VALUE_HEX; if (!hexout) { for (i = 0; i < countof(attr_info); i++) { if (type == attr_info[i].type) { value_type = attr_info[i].value_type; break; } } } switch (value_type) { case VALUE_ADDR: addr = host_create_from_chunk(AF_UNSPEC, value, 0); if (addr) { printf(" %H\n", addr); addr->destroy(addr); } else { /* value cannot be represented as an IP address */ printf(" %#B\n", &value); } break; case VALUE_SUBNET: if (value.len % UNITY_NETWORK_LEN == 0) { for (i = 0; i < value.len / UNITY_NETWORK_LEN; i++) { addr_chunk = chunk_create(value.ptr + i*UNITY_NETWORK_LEN, 4); addr = host_create_from_chunk(AF_INET, addr_chunk, 0); mask_chunk = chunk_create(addr_chunk.ptr + 4, 4); mask = host_create_from_chunk(AF_INET, mask_chunk, 0); printf("%s%H/%H", (i > 0) ? "," : " ", addr, mask); addr->destroy(addr); mask->destroy(mask); } printf("\n"); } else { /* value cannot be represented as a list of subnets */ printf(" %#B\n", &value); } break; case VALUE_STRING: printf("\"%.*s\"\n", (int)value.len, value.ptr); break; case VALUE_HEX: default: printf(" %#B\n", &value); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } } /** * ipsec pool --showattr - show all supported attribute keywords */ void show_attr(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < countof(attr_info); i++) { char value_name[10]; snprintf(value_name, sizeof(value_name), "%N", value_type_names, attr_info[i].value_type); printf("%-20s --%-6s (%N", attr_info[i].keyword, value_name, configuration_attribute_type_names, attr_info[i].type); if (attr_info[i].type_ip6) { printf(", %N)\n", configuration_attribute_type_names, attr_info[i].type_ip6); } else { printf(")\n"); } } }