/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "imcv.h" #include "imv_agent.h" #include "ietf/ietf_attr_assess_result.h" #include #include #include typedef struct private_imv_agent_t private_imv_agent_t; /** * Private data of an imv_agent_t object. */ struct private_imv_agent_t { /** * Public members of imv_agent_t */ imv_agent_t public; /** * name of IMV */ const char *name; /** * message vendor ID of IMV */ TNC_VendorID vendor_id; /** * message subtype of IMV */ TNC_MessageSubtype subtype; /** * Maximum PA-TNC Message size */ size_t max_msg_len; /** * ID of IMV as assigned by TNCS */ TNC_IMVID id; /** * List of additional IMV IDs assigned by TNCS */ linked_list_t *additional_ids; /** * list of TNCS connection entries */ linked_list_t *connections; /** * rwlock to lock TNCS connection entries */ rwlock_t *connection_lock; /** * Inform a TNCS about the set of message types the IMV is able to receive * * @param imv_id IMV ID assigned by TNCS * @param supported_types list of supported message types * @param type_count number of list elements * @return TNC result code */ TNC_Result (*report_message_types)(TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_MessageTypeList supported_types, TNC_UInt32 type_count); /** * Inform a TNCS about the set of message types the IMV is able to receive * * @param imv_id IMV ID assigned by TNCS * @param supported_vids list of supported message vendor IDs * @param supported_subtypes list of supported message subtypes * @param type_count number of list elements * @return TNC result code */ TNC_Result (*report_message_types_long)(TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_VendorIDList supported_vids, TNC_MessageSubtypeList supported_subtypes, TNC_UInt32 type_count); /** * Call when an IMV-IMC message is to be sent * * @param imv_id IMV ID assigned by TNCS * @param connection_id network connection ID assigned by TNCS * @param msg message to send * @param msg_len message length in bytes * @param msg_type message type * @return TNC result code */ TNC_Result (*send_message)(TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_BufferReference msg, TNC_UInt32 msg_len, TNC_MessageType msg_type); /** * Call when an IMV-IMC message is to be sent with long message types * * @param imv_id IMV ID assigned by TNCS * @param connection_id network connection ID assigned by TNCS * @param msg_flags message flags * @param msg message to send * @param msg_len message length in bytes * @param msg_vid message vendor ID * @param msg_subtype message subtype * @param dst_imc_id destination IMC ID * @return TNC result code */ TNC_Result (*send_message_long)(TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_UInt32 msg_flags, TNC_BufferReference msg, TNC_UInt32 msg_len, TNC_VendorID msg_vid, TNC_MessageSubtype msg_subtype, TNC_UInt32 dst_imc_id); /** * Deliver IMV Action Recommendation and IMV Evaluation Results to the TNCS * * @param imv_id IMV ID assigned by TNCS # @param connection_id network connection ID assigned by TNCS * @param rec IMV action recommendation * @param eval IMV evaluation result * @return TNC result code */ TNC_Result (*provide_recommendation)(TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation rec, TNC_IMV_Evaluation_Result eval); /** * Get the value of an attribute associated with a connection * or with the TNCS as a whole. * * @param imv_id IMV ID assigned by TNCS * @param connection_id network connection ID assigned by TNCS * @param attribute_id attribute ID * @param buffer_len length of buffer in bytes * @param buffer buffer * @param out_value_len size in bytes of attribute stored in buffer * @return TNC result code */ TNC_Result (*get_attribute)(TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_AttributeID attribute_id, TNC_UInt32 buffer_len, TNC_BufferReference buffer, TNC_UInt32 *out_value_len); /** * Set the value of an attribute associated with a connection * or with the TNCS as a whole. * * @param imv_id IMV ID assigned by TNCS * @param connection_id network connection ID assigned by TNCS * @param attribute_id attribute ID * @param buffer_len length of buffer in bytes * @param buffer buffer * @return TNC result code */ TNC_Result (*set_attribute)(TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_AttributeID attribute_id, TNC_UInt32 buffer_len, TNC_BufferReference buffer); /** * Reserve an additional IMV ID * * @param imv_id primary IMV ID assigned by TNCS * @param out_imv_id additional IMV ID assigned by TNCS * @return TNC result code */ TNC_Result (*reserve_additional_id)(TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_UInt32 *out_imv_id); }; METHOD(imv_agent_t, bind_functions, TNC_Result, private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_TNCS_BindFunctionPointer bind_function) { if (!bind_function) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "TNC server failed to provide bind function"); return TNC_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (bind_function(this->id, "TNC_TNCS_ReportMessageTypes", (void**)&this->report_message_types) != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this->report_message_types = NULL; } if (bind_function(this->id, "TNC_TNCS_ReportMessageTypesLong", (void**)&this->report_message_types_long) != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this->report_message_types_long = NULL; } if (bind_function(this->id, "TNC_TNCS_RequestHandshakeRetry", (void**)&this->public.request_handshake_retry) != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this->public.request_handshake_retry = NULL; } if (bind_function(this->id, "TNC_TNCS_SendMessage", (void**)&this->send_message) != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this->send_message = NULL; } if (bind_function(this->id, "TNC_TNCS_SendMessageLong", (void**)&this->send_message_long) != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this->send_message_long = NULL; } if (bind_function(this->id, "TNC_TNCS_ProvideRecommendation", (void**)&this->provide_recommendation) != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this->provide_recommendation = NULL; } if (bind_function(this->id, "TNC_TNCS_GetAttribute", (void**)&this->get_attribute) != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this->get_attribute = NULL; } if (bind_function(this->id, "TNC_TNCS_SetAttribute", (void**)&this->set_attribute) != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this->set_attribute = NULL; } if (bind_function(this->id, "TNC_TNCC_ReserveAdditionalIMVID", (void**)&this->reserve_additional_id) != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this->reserve_additional_id = NULL; } DBG2(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" provided with bind function", this->id, this->name); if (this->report_message_types_long) { this->report_message_types_long(this->id, &this->vendor_id, &this->subtype, 1); } else if (this->report_message_types && this->vendor_id <= TNC_VENDORID_ANY && this->subtype <= TNC_SUBTYPE_ANY) { TNC_MessageType type; type = (this->vendor_id << 8) | this->subtype; this->report_message_types(this->id, &type, 1); } return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } /** * finds a connection state based on its Connection ID */ static imv_state_t* find_connection(private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID id) { enumerator_t *enumerator; imv_state_t *state, *found = NULL; this->connection_lock->read_lock(this->connection_lock); enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &state)) { if (id == state->get_connection_id(state)) { found = state; break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); return found; } /** * delete a connection state with a given Connection ID */ static bool delete_connection(private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID id) { enumerator_t *enumerator; imv_state_t *state; bool found = FALSE; this->connection_lock->write_lock(this->connection_lock); enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &state)) { if (id == state->get_connection_id(state)) { found = TRUE; state->destroy(state); this->connections->remove_at(this->connections, enumerator); break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); return found; } /** * Read a boolean attribute */ static bool get_bool_attribute(private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID id, TNC_AttributeID attribute_id) { TNC_UInt32 len; char buf[4]; return this->get_attribute && this->get_attribute(this->id, id, attribute_id, 4, buf, &len) == TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS && len == 1 && *buf == 0x01; } /** * Read a string attribute */ static char* get_str_attribute(private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID id, TNC_AttributeID attribute_id) { TNC_UInt32 len; char buf[BUF_LEN]; if (this->get_attribute && this->get_attribute(this->id, id, attribute_id, BUF_LEN, buf, &len) == TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS && len <= BUF_LEN) { return strdup(buf); } return NULL; } /** * Read an UInt32 attribute */ static u_int32_t get_uint_attribute(private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID id, TNC_AttributeID attribute_id) { TNC_UInt32 len; char buf[4]; if (this->get_attribute && this->get_attribute(this->id, id, attribute_id, 4, buf, &len) == TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS && len == 4) { return untoh32(buf); } return 0; } METHOD(imv_agent_t, create_state, TNC_Result, private_imv_agent_t *this, imv_state_t *state) { TNC_ConnectionID conn_id; char *tnccs_p = NULL, *tnccs_v = NULL, *t_p = NULL, *t_v = NULL; bool has_long = FALSE, has_excl = FALSE, has_soh = FALSE; u_int32_t max_msg_len; conn_id = state->get_connection_id(state); if (find_connection(this, conn_id)) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" already created a state for Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, conn_id); state->destroy(state); return TNC_RESULT_OTHER; } /* Get and display attributes from TNCS via IF-IMV */ has_long = get_bool_attribute(this, conn_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_HAS_LONG_TYPES); has_excl = get_bool_attribute(this, conn_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_HAS_EXCLUSIVE); has_soh = get_bool_attribute(this, conn_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_HAS_SOH); tnccs_p = get_str_attribute(this, conn_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_IFTNCCS_PROTOCOL); tnccs_v = get_str_attribute(this, conn_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_IFTNCCS_VERSION); t_p = get_str_attribute(this, conn_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_IFT_PROTOCOL); t_v = get_str_attribute(this, conn_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_IFT_VERSION); max_msg_len = get_uint_attribute(this, conn_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE); state->set_flags(state, has_long, has_excl); state->set_max_msg_len(state, max_msg_len); DBG2(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" created a state for %s %s Connection ID %u: " "%slong %sexcl %ssoh", this->id, this->name, tnccs_p ? tnccs_p:"?", tnccs_v ? tnccs_v:"?", conn_id, has_long ? "+":"-", has_excl ? "+":"-", has_soh ? "+":"-"); DBG2(DBG_IMV, " over %s %s with maximum PA-TNC message size of %u bytes", t_p ? t_p:"?", t_v ? t_v :"?", max_msg_len); free(tnccs_p); free(tnccs_v); free(t_p); free(t_v); this->connection_lock->write_lock(this->connection_lock); this->connections->insert_last(this->connections, state); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } METHOD(imv_agent_t, delete_state, TNC_Result, private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id) { if (!delete_connection(this, connection_id)) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" has no state for Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } DBG2(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" deleted the state of Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id); return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } METHOD(imv_agent_t, change_state, TNC_Result, private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_ConnectionState new_state, imv_state_t **state_p) { imv_state_t *state; switch (new_state) { case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_HANDSHAKE: case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED: case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_ACCESS_ISOLATED: case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_ACCESS_NONE: state = find_connection(this, connection_id); if (!state) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" has no state for Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } state->change_state(state, new_state); DBG2(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" changed state of Connection ID %u to '%N'", this->id, this->name, connection_id, TNC_Connection_State_names, new_state); if (state_p) { *state_p = state; } break; case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_CREATE: DBG1(DBG_IMV, "state '%N' should be handled by create_state()", TNC_Connection_State_names, new_state); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_DELETE: DBG1(DBG_IMV, "state '%N' should be handled by delete_state()", TNC_Connection_State_names, new_state); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; default: DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" was notified of unknown state %u " "for Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, new_state, connection_id); return TNC_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } METHOD(imv_agent_t, get_state, bool, private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, imv_state_t **state) { *state = find_connection(this, connection_id); if (!*state) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" has no state for Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } METHOD(imv_agent_t, send_message, TNC_Result, private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, bool excl, TNC_UInt32 src_imv_id, TNC_UInt32 dst_imc_id, linked_list_t *attr_list) { TNC_MessageType type; TNC_UInt32 msg_flags; TNC_Result result = TNC_RESULT_FATAL; imv_state_t *state; pa_tnc_attr_t *attr; pa_tnc_msg_t *pa_tnc_msg; chunk_t msg; enumerator_t *enumerator; bool attr_added; state = find_connection(this, connection_id); if (!state) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" has no state for Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } while (attr_list->get_count(attr_list)) { pa_tnc_msg = pa_tnc_msg_create(this->max_msg_len); attr_added = FALSE; enumerator = attr_list->create_enumerator(attr_list); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &attr)) { if (pa_tnc_msg->add_attribute(pa_tnc_msg, attr)) { attr_added = TRUE; } else { if (attr_added) { break; } else { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "PA-TNC attribute too large to send, deleted"); attr->destroy(attr); } } attr_list->remove_at(attr_list, enumerator); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); /* build and send the PA-TNC message via the IF-IMV interface */ if (!pa_tnc_msg->build(pa_tnc_msg)) { pa_tnc_msg->destroy(pa_tnc_msg); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } msg = pa_tnc_msg->get_encoding(pa_tnc_msg); if (state->has_long(state) && this->send_message_long) { if (!src_imv_id) { src_imv_id = this->id; } msg_flags = excl ? TNC_MESSAGE_FLAGS_EXCLUSIVE : 0; result = this->send_message_long(src_imv_id, connection_id, msg_flags, msg.ptr, msg.len, this->vendor_id, this->subtype, dst_imc_id); } else if (this->send_message) { type = (this->vendor_id << 8) | this->subtype; result = this->send_message(this->id, connection_id, msg.ptr, msg.len, type); } pa_tnc_msg->destroy(pa_tnc_msg); if (result != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { break; } } return result; } METHOD(imv_agent_t, set_recommendation, TNC_Result, private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation rec, TNC_IMV_Evaluation_Result eval) { imv_state_t *state; state = find_connection(this, connection_id); if (!state) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" has no state for Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } state->set_recommendation(state, rec, eval); return this->provide_recommendation(this->id, connection_id, rec, eval); } METHOD(imv_agent_t, receive_message, TNC_Result, private_imv_agent_t *this, imv_state_t *state, chunk_t msg, TNC_VendorID msg_vid, TNC_MessageSubtype msg_subtype, TNC_UInt32 src_imc_id, TNC_UInt32 dst_imv_id, pa_tnc_msg_t **pa_tnc_msg) { pa_tnc_msg_t *pa_msg; pa_tnc_attr_t *error_attr; linked_list_t *error_attr_list; enumerator_t *enumerator; TNC_UInt32 src_imv_id, dst_imc_id; TNC_ConnectionID connection_id; TNC_Result result; connection_id = state->get_connection_id(state); if (state->has_long(state)) { if (dst_imv_id != TNC_IMVID_ANY) { DBG2(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" received message for Connection ID %u " "from IMC %u to IMV %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id, src_imc_id, dst_imv_id); } else { DBG2(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" received message for Connection ID %u " "from IMC %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id, src_imc_id); } } else { DBG2(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" received message for Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id); } *pa_tnc_msg = NULL; pa_msg = pa_tnc_msg_create_from_data(msg); switch (pa_msg->process(pa_msg)) { case SUCCESS: *pa_tnc_msg = pa_msg; break; case VERIFY_ERROR: /* extract and copy by refence all error attributes */ error_attr_list = linked_list_create(); enumerator = pa_msg->create_error_enumerator(pa_msg); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &error_attr)) { error_attr_list->insert_last(error_attr_list, error_attr->get_ref(error_attr)); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); src_imv_id = (dst_imv_id == TNC_IMVID_ANY) ? this->id : dst_imv_id; dst_imc_id = state->has_excl(state) ? src_imc_id : TNC_IMCID_ANY; result = send_message(this, connection_id, state->has_excl(state), src_imv_id, dst_imc_id, error_attr_list); error_attr_list->destroy(error_attr_list); pa_msg->destroy(pa_msg); return result; case FAILED: default: pa_msg->destroy(pa_msg); state->set_recommendation(state, TNC_IMV_ACTION_RECOMMENDATION_NO_RECOMMENDATION, TNC_IMV_EVALUATION_RESULT_ERROR); return this->provide_recommendation(this->id, connection_id, TNC_IMV_ACTION_RECOMMENDATION_NO_RECOMMENDATION, TNC_IMV_EVALUATION_RESULT_ERROR); } return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } METHOD(imv_agent_t, provide_recommendation, TNC_Result, private_imv_agent_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_UInt32 dst_imc_id) { imv_state_t *state; linked_list_t *attr_list; pa_tnc_attr_t *attr; TNC_Result result; TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation rec; TNC_IMV_Evaluation_Result eval; TNC_UInt32 lang_len; char buf[BUF_LEN]; chunk_t pref_lang = { buf, 0 }, reason_string, reason_lang; state = find_connection(this, connection_id); if (!state) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" has no state for Connection ID %u", this->id, this->name, connection_id); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } state->get_recommendation(state, &rec, &eval); /* send a reason string if action recommendation is not allow */ if (rec != TNC_IMV_ACTION_RECOMMENDATION_ALLOW) { /* check if there a preferred language has been requested */ if (this->get_attribute && this->get_attribute(this->id, connection_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE, BUF_LEN, buf, &lang_len) == TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS && lang_len <= BUF_LEN) { pref_lang.len = lang_len; DBG2(DBG_IMV, "preferred language is '%.*s'", (int)pref_lang.len, pref_lang.ptr); } /* find a reason string for the preferred or default language and set it */ if (this->set_attribute && state->get_reason_string(state, pref_lang, &reason_string, &reason_lang)) { this->set_attribute(this->id, connection_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_REASON_STRING, reason_string.len, reason_string.ptr); this->set_attribute(this->id, connection_id, TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_REASON_LANGUAGE, reason_lang.len, reason_lang.ptr); } } /* Send an IETF Assessment Result attribute if enabled */ if (lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "libimcv.assessment_result", TRUE)) { attr = ietf_attr_assess_result_create(eval); attr_list = linked_list_create(); attr_list->insert_last(attr_list, attr); result = send_message(this, connection_id, FALSE, this->id, dst_imc_id, attr_list); attr_list->destroy(attr_list); if (result != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { return result; } } return this->provide_recommendation(this->id, connection_id, rec, eval); } METHOD(imv_agent_t, reserve_additional_ids, TNC_Result, private_imv_agent_t *this, int count) { TNC_Result result; TNC_UInt32 id; void *pointer; if (!this->reserve_additional_id) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" did not detect the capability to reserve " "additional IMV IDs from the TNCS", this->id, this->name); return TNC_RESULT_ILLEGAL_OPERATION; } while (count > 0) { result = this->reserve_additional_id(this->id, &id); if (result != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" failed to reserve %d additional IMV IDs", this->id, this->name, count); return result; } count--; /* store the scalar value in the pointer */ pointer = (void*)id; this->additional_ids->insert_last(this->additional_ids, pointer); DBG2(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" reserved additional ID %u", this->id, this->name, id); } return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } METHOD(imv_agent_t, count_additional_ids, int, private_imv_agent_t *this) { return this->additional_ids->get_count(this->additional_ids); } METHOD(imv_agent_t, create_id_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_imv_agent_t *this) { return this->additional_ids->create_enumerator(this->additional_ids); } METHOD(imv_agent_t, destroy, void, private_imv_agent_t *this) { DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" terminated", this->id, this->name); this->additional_ids->destroy(this->additional_ids); this->connections->destroy_offset(this->connections, offsetof(imv_state_t, destroy)); this->connection_lock->destroy(this->connection_lock); free(this); /* decrease the reference count or terminate */ libimcv_deinit(); } /** * Described in header. */ imv_agent_t *imv_agent_create(const char *name, pen_t vendor_id, u_int32_t subtype, TNC_IMVID id, TNC_Version *actual_version) { private_imv_agent_t *this; /* initialize or increase the reference count */ if (!libimcv_init()) { return NULL; } INIT(this, .public = { .bind_functions = _bind_functions, .create_state = _create_state, .delete_state = _delete_state, .change_state = _change_state, .get_state = _get_state, .send_message = _send_message, .receive_message = _receive_message, .set_recommendation = _set_recommendation, .provide_recommendation = _provide_recommendation, .reserve_additional_ids = _reserve_additional_ids, .count_additional_ids = _count_additional_ids, .create_id_enumerator = _create_id_enumerator, .destroy = _destroy, }, .name = name, .vendor_id = vendor_id, .subtype = subtype, .max_msg_len = 65490, .id = id, .additional_ids = linked_list_create(), .connections = linked_list_create(), .connection_lock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT), ); *actual_version = TNC_IFIMV_VERSION_1; DBG1(DBG_IMV, "IMV %u \"%s\" initialized", this->id, this->name); return &this->public; }