/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "imv_policy_manager_usage.h" #include "imv_workitem.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* The default policy group #1 is assumed to always exist */ #define DEFAULT_GROUP_ID 1 /** * global debug output variables */ static int debug_level = 1; static bool stderr_quiet = FALSE; /** * attest dbg function */ static void stderr_dbg(debug_t group, level_t level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; if (level <= debug_level) { if (!stderr_quiet) { va_start(args, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(args); } } } /** * Collect all enforcements by iterating up through parent groups */ static bool iterate_enforcements(database_t *db, int device_id, int session_id, int group_id) { int id, type, file, dir, arg_int, parent, policy, max_age; int p_rec_fail, p_rec_noresult, e_rec_fail, e_rec_noresult, latest_rec; bool latest_success; char *argument; time_t now; enumerator_t *e, *e1, *e2; now = time(NULL); while (group_id) { e1 = db->query(db, "SELECT e.id, p.type, p.argument, p.file, p.dir, p.rec_fail, " "p.rec_noresult, e.policy, e.max_age, e.rec_fail, e.rec_noresult " "FROM enforcements AS e JOIN policies as p ON e.policy = p.id " "WHERE e.group_id = ?", DB_INT, group_id, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT); if (!e1) { return FALSE; } while (e1->enumerate(e1, &id, &type, &argument, &file, &dir, &p_rec_fail, &p_rec_noresult, &policy, &max_age, &e_rec_fail, &e_rec_noresult)) { /* check if the latest measurement of the device was successful */ latest_success = FALSE; if (device_id) { e2 = db->query(db, "SELECT r.rec FROM results AS r " "JOIN sessions AS s ON s.id = r.session " "WHERE r.policy = ? AND s.device = ? AND s.time > ? " "ORDER BY s.time DESC", DB_INT, policy, DB_INT, device_id, DB_UINT, now - max_age, DB_INT); if (!e2) { e1->destroy(e1); return FALSE; } if (e2->enumerate(e2, &latest_rec) && latest_rec == TNC_IMV_ACTION_RECOMMENDATION_ALLOW) { latest_success = TRUE; } e2->destroy(e2); } if (latest_success) { /*skipping enforcement */ printf("skipping enforcment %d\n", id); continue; } /* determine arg_int */ switch ((imv_workitem_type_t)type) { case IMV_WORKITEM_FILE_REF_MEAS: case IMV_WORKITEM_FILE_MEAS: case IMV_WORKITEM_FILE_META: arg_int = file; break; case IMV_WORKITEM_DIR_REF_MEAS: case IMV_WORKITEM_DIR_MEAS: case IMV_WORKITEM_DIR_META: arg_int = dir; break; default: arg_int = 0; } /* insert a workitem */ if (db->execute(db, NULL, "INSERT INTO workitems (session, enforcement, type, arg_str, " "arg_int, rec_fail, rec_noresult) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", DB_INT, session_id, DB_INT, id, DB_INT, type, DB_TEXT, argument, DB_INT, arg_int, DB_INT, e_rec_fail ? e_rec_fail : p_rec_fail, DB_INT, e_rec_noresult ? e_rec_noresult : p_rec_noresult) != 1) { e1->destroy(e1); fprintf(stderr, "could not insert workitem\n"); return FALSE; } } e1->destroy(e1); e = db->query(db, "SELECT parent FROM groups WHERE id = ?", DB_INT, group_id, DB_INT); if (!e) { return FALSE; } if (e->enumerate(e, &parent)) { group_id = parent; } else { fprintf(stderr, "group information not found\n"); group_id = 0; } e->destroy(e); } return TRUE; } static bool policy_start(database_t *db, int session_id) { enumerator_t *e; int device_id, product_id, gid, group_id = DEFAULT_GROUP_ID; u_int created; /* get session data */ e = db->query(db, "SELECT s.device, s.product, d.created FROM sessions AS s " "LEFT JOIN devices AS d ON s.device = d.id WHERE s.id = ?", DB_INT, session_id, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_UINT); if (!e || !e->enumerate(e, &device_id, &product_id, &created)) { DESTROY_IF(e); fprintf(stderr, "session %d not found\n", session_id); return FALSE; } e->destroy(e); /* if a device ID with a creation date exists, get all group memberships */ if (device_id & created) { e = db->query(db, "SELECT group_id FROM groups_members WHERE device_id = ?", DB_INT, device_id, DB_INT); if (!e) { return FALSE; } while (e->enumerate(e, &group_id)) { if (!iterate_enforcements(db, device_id, session_id, group_id)) { e->destroy(e); return FALSE; } } e->destroy(e); return TRUE; } /* determine if a default product group exists */ e = db->query(db, "SELECT group_id FROM groups_product_defaults " "WHERE product_id = ?", DB_INT, product_id, DB_INT); if (!e) { return FALSE; } if (e->enumerate(e, &gid)) { group_id = gid; } e->destroy(e); if (device_id && !created) { /* assign a newly created device to a default group */ if (db->execute(db, NULL, "INSERT INTO groups_members (device_id, group_id) " "VALUES (?, ?)", DB_INT, device_id, DB_INT, group_id) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "could not assign device to a default group\n"); return FALSE; } /* set the creation date if it hasn't been set yet */ if (db->execute(db, NULL, "UPDATE devices SET created = ? WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, time(NULL), DB_INT, device_id) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "creation date of device could not be set\n"); return FALSE; } } return iterate_enforcements(db, device_id, session_id, group_id); } static bool policy_stop(database_t *db, int session_id) { enumerator_t *e; int rec, policy; char *result; e = db->query(db, "SELECT w.rec_final, w.result, e.policy FROM workitems AS w " "JOIN enforcements AS e ON w.enforcement = e.id " "WHERE w.session = ? AND w.result IS NOT NULL", DB_INT, session_id, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &rec, &result, &policy)) { db->execute(db, NULL, "INSERT INTO results (session, policy, rec, result) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", DB_INT, session_id, DB_INT, policy, DB_INT, rec, DB_TEXT, result); } e->destroy(e); } return db->execute(db, NULL, "DELETE FROM workitems WHERE session = ?", DB_UINT, session_id) >= 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { database_t *db; char *uri, *tnc_session_id; int session_id; bool start, success; /* enable attest debugging hook */ dbg = stderr_dbg; atexit(library_deinit); /* initialize library */ if (!library_init(NULL)) { exit(SS_RC_LIBSTRONGSWAN_INTEGRITY); } if (!lib->plugins->load(lib->plugins, lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "imv_policy_manager.load", "sqlite"))) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } if (argc < 2) { usage(); exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } if (streq(argv[1], "start")) { start = TRUE; } else if (streq(argv[1], "stop")) { start = FALSE; } else { usage(); exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } /* get session ID */ tnc_session_id = getenv("TNC_SESSION_ID"); if (!tnc_session_id) { fprintf(stderr, "environment variable TNC_SESSION_ID is not defined\n"); exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } session_id = atoi(tnc_session_id); /* attach IMV database */ uri = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "libimcv.database", NULL); if (!uri) { fprintf(stderr, "database uri not defined.\n"); exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } db = lib->db->create(lib->db, uri); if (!db) { fprintf(stderr, "opening database failed.\n"); exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } if (start) { success = policy_start(db, session_id); } else { success = policy_stop(db, session_id); } db->destroy(db); fprintf(stderr, "imv_policy_manager %s %s\n", start ? "start" : "stop", success ? "successful" : "failed"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }