/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "imc_swima_state.h" #include #include #include "ietf/swima/ietf_swima_attr_req.h" #include "ietf/swima/ietf_swima_attr_sw_inv.h" #include "ietf/swima/ietf_swima_attr_sw_ev.h" #include "swima/swima_inventory.h" #include "swima/swima_collector.h" #include "swima/swima_error.h" #include "tcg/seg/tcg_seg_attr_max_size.h" #include "tcg/seg/tcg_seg_attr_seg_env.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef SW_COLLECTOR #define SW_COLLECTOR NULL #endif /* IMC definitions */ static const char imc_name[] = "SWIMA"; static pen_type_t msg_types[] = { { PEN_IETF, PA_SUBTYPE_IETF_SWIMA } }; static imc_agent_t *imc_swima; /** * see section 3.8.1 of TCG TNC IF-IMC Specification 1.3 */ TNC_Result TNC_IMC_Initialize(TNC_IMCID imc_id, TNC_Version min_version, TNC_Version max_version, TNC_Version *actual_version) { if (imc_swima) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "IMC \"%s\" has already been initialized", imc_name); return TNC_RESULT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } imc_swima = imc_agent_create(imc_name, msg_types, countof(msg_types), imc_id, actual_version); if (!imc_swima) { return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } if (min_version > TNC_IFIMC_VERSION_1 || max_version < TNC_IFIMC_VERSION_1) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "no common IF-IMC version"); return TNC_RESULT_NO_COMMON_VERSION; } return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } /** * Poll for IN_CLOSE_WRITE event on the apt history.log */ static bool poll_history_log(void) { int fd, wd, res; nfds_t nfds; struct pollfd fds[1]; char *history_path; bool success = FALSE; history_path = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "sw-collector.history", NULL); if (!history_path) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "sw-collector.history path not set"); return FALSE; } /* Create the file descriptor for accessing the inotify API */ fd = inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK); if (fd == -1) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "inotify file descriptor could not be created"); return FALSE; } /* Watch for CLOSE_WRITE events on history log */ wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, history_path, IN_CLOSE_WRITE); if (wd == -1) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "cannot watch '%s'", history_path); goto end; } /* Prepare for polling */ nfds = 1; /* Inotify input */ fds[0].fd = fd; fds[0].events = POLLIN; while (1) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, " waiting for write event on history.log ..."); res = poll(fds, nfds, -1); if (res == -1) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, " poll failed: %s", strerror(errno)); if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } goto end; } if (res > 0 && fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, " poll successful"); success = TRUE; break; } } end: close(fd); return success; } /** * see section 3.8.2 of TCG TNC IF-IMC Specification 1.3 */ TNC_Result TNC_IMC_NotifyConnectionChange(TNC_IMCID imc_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_ConnectionState new_state) { imc_state_t *state; imc_swima_state_t *swima_state; imc_swima_subscription_t *subscription; TNC_IMV_Evaluation_Result res; TNC_Result result; uint32_t eid, eid_epoch; if (!imc_swima) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "IMC \"%s\" has not been initialized", imc_name); return TNC_RESULT_NOT_INITIALIZED; } switch (new_state) { case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_CREATE: state = imc_swima_state_create(connection_id); return imc_swima->create_state(imc_swima, state); case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED: case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_ACCESS_ISOLATED: case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_ACCESS_NONE: /* get updated IMC state */ result = imc_swima->change_state(imc_swima, connection_id, new_state, &state); if (result != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } swima_state = (imc_swima_state_t*)state; /* do a handshake retry? */ if (swima_state->get_subscription(swima_state, &subscription)) { /* update earliest EID in subscription target */ if (state->get_result(state, imc_id, &res) && res == TNC_IMV_EVALUATION_RESULT_COMPLIANT) { eid = subscription->targets->get_eid(subscription->targets, &eid_epoch); if (eid > 0) { eid = swima_state->get_earliest_eid(swima_state); subscription->targets->set_eid(subscription->targets, eid, eid_epoch); } } DBG1(DBG_IMC, "SWIMA subscription %u:", subscription->request_id); if (!poll_history_log()) { return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } return imc_swima->request_handshake_retry(imc_id, connection_id, TNC_RETRY_REASON_IMC_PERIODIC); } return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; case TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_DELETE: return imc_swima->delete_state(imc_swima, connection_id); default: return imc_swima->change_state(imc_swima, connection_id, new_state, NULL); } } /** * Add SWID Inventory or Event attribute to the send queue */ static void fulfill_request(imc_state_t *state, imc_msg_t *msg, uint32_t request_id, bool sw_id_only, swima_inventory_t *targets) { pa_tnc_attr_t *attr; swima_collector_t *collector; size_t msg_len = 64; char error_msg[msg_len], *id_str; bool collect_inventory = TRUE; int items; collector = swima_collector_create(); id_str = sw_id_only ? " ID" : ""; if (targets->get_eid(targets, NULL) > 0) { swima_events_t *sw_ev; ietf_swima_attr_sw_ev_t *sw_ev_attr; imc_swima_state_t *swima_state; uint32_t eid_epoch, last_eid = 0; sw_ev = collector->collect_events(collector, sw_id_only, targets); if (!sw_ev) { snprintf(error_msg, msg_len, "failed to collect SW%s events, " "fallback to SW%s inventory", id_str, id_str); attr = swima_error_create(PA_ERROR_SWIMA, request_id, 0, error_msg); msg->add_attribute(msg, attr); } else { items = sw_ev->get_count(sw_ev); last_eid = sw_ev->get_eid(sw_ev, &eid_epoch, NULL); DBG1(DBG_IMC, "collected %d SW%s event%s at last eid %d of epoch 0x%08x", items, id_str, items == 1 ? "" : "s", last_eid, eid_epoch); /* Store the earliest EID for the next subscription round */ swima_state = (imc_swima_state_t*)state; swima_state->set_earliest_eid(swima_state, last_eid + 1); /* Send an IETF SW [Identity] Events attribute */ attr = ietf_swima_attr_sw_ev_create(IETF_SWIMA_ATTR_SW_INV_FLAG_NONE, request_id, sw_id_only); sw_ev_attr = (ietf_swima_attr_sw_ev_t*)attr; sw_ev_attr->set_events(sw_ev_attr, sw_ev); collect_inventory = FALSE; } } if (collect_inventory) { swima_inventory_t *sw_inv; ietf_swima_attr_sw_inv_t *sw_inv_attr; sw_inv = collector->collect_inventory(collector, sw_id_only, targets); if (!sw_inv) { snprintf(error_msg, msg_len, "failed to collect SW%s inventory", id_str); attr = swima_error_create(PA_ERROR_SWIMA, request_id, 0, error_msg); } else { items = sw_inv->get_count(sw_inv); DBG1(DBG_IMC, "collected %d SW%s record%s", items, id_str, items == 1 ? "" : "s"); /* Send an IETF SW [Identity] Inventory attribute */ attr = ietf_swima_attr_sw_inv_create(IETF_SWIMA_ATTR_SW_INV_FLAG_NONE, request_id, sw_id_only); sw_inv_attr = (ietf_swima_attr_sw_inv_t*)attr; sw_inv_attr->set_inventory(sw_inv_attr, sw_inv); } } msg->add_attribute(msg, attr); collector->destroy(collector); } /** * see section 3.8.3 of TCG TNC IF-IMC Specification 1.3 */ TNC_Result TNC_IMC_BeginHandshake(TNC_IMCID imc_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id) { imc_state_t *state; imc_swima_state_t *swima_state; imc_msg_t *out_msg; pa_tnc_attr_t *attr; seg_contract_t *contract; seg_contract_manager_t *contracts; imc_swima_subscription_t *subscription; size_t max_attr_size = SWIMA_MAX_ATTR_SIZE; size_t max_seg_size; char buf[BUF_LEN]; TNC_Result result = TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; if (!imc_swima) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "IMC \"%s\" has not been initialized", imc_name); return TNC_RESULT_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!imc_swima->get_state(imc_swima, connection_id, &state)) { return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } swima_state = (imc_swima_state_t*)state; if (swima_state->get_subscription(swima_state, &subscription)) { if (system(SW_COLLECTOR) != 0) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "calling %s failed", SW_COLLECTOR); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } out_msg = imc_msg_create(imc_swima, state, connection_id, imc_id, subscription->imv_id, msg_types[0]); fulfill_request(state, out_msg, subscription->request_id, subscription->sw_id_only, subscription->targets); } else { /* Determine maximum PA-TNC attribute segment size */ max_seg_size = state->get_max_msg_len(state) - PA_TNC_HEADER_SIZE - PA_TNC_ATTR_HEADER_SIZE - TCG_SEG_ATTR_SEG_ENV_HEADER; /* Announce support of PA-TNC segmentation to IMV */ contract = seg_contract_create(msg_types[0], max_attr_size, max_seg_size, TRUE, imc_id, TRUE); contract->get_info_string(contract, buf, BUF_LEN, TRUE); DBG2(DBG_IMC, "%s", buf); contracts = state->get_contracts(state); contracts->add_contract(contracts, contract); attr = tcg_seg_attr_max_size_create(max_attr_size, max_seg_size, TRUE); /* send PA-TNC message with the excl flag not set */ out_msg = imc_msg_create(imc_swima, state, connection_id, imc_id, TNC_IMVID_ANY, msg_types[0]); out_msg->add_attribute(out_msg, attr); } result = out_msg->send(out_msg, FALSE); out_msg->destroy(out_msg); return result; } static TNC_Result receive_message(imc_state_t *state, imc_msg_t *in_msg) { imc_msg_t *out_msg; imc_swima_state_t *swima_state; pa_tnc_attr_t *attr; enumerator_t *enumerator; pen_type_t type; TNC_Result result; bool fatal_error = FALSE; /* generate an outgoing PA-TNC message - we might need it */ out_msg = imc_msg_create_as_reply(in_msg); /* parse received PA-TNC message and handle local and remote errors */ result = in_msg->receive(in_msg, out_msg, &fatal_error); if (result != TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS) { out_msg->destroy(out_msg); return result; } /* analyze PA-TNC attributes */ enumerator = in_msg->create_attribute_enumerator(in_msg); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &attr)) { ietf_swima_attr_req_t *attr_req; uint8_t flags; uint32_t request_id; bool sw_id_only; swima_inventory_t *targets; type = attr->get_type(attr); if (type.vendor_id != PEN_IETF || type.type != IETF_ATTR_SWIMA_REQUEST) { continue; } attr_req = (ietf_swima_attr_req_t*)attr; flags = attr_req->get_flags(attr_req); request_id = attr_req->get_request_id(attr_req); targets = attr_req->get_targets(attr_req); sw_id_only = (flags & IETF_SWIMA_ATTR_REQ_FLAG_R); if (flags & (IETF_SWIMA_ATTR_REQ_FLAG_S | IETF_SWIMA_ATTR_REQ_FLAG_C)) { if (imc_swima->has_pt_tls(imc_swima) && lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.imc-swima.subscriptions", FALSE, lib->ns)) { imc_swima_subscription_t *subscription; swima_state = (imc_swima_state_t*)state; if (flags & IETF_SWIMA_ATTR_REQ_FLAG_C) { if (swima_state->get_subscription(swima_state, &subscription)) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "SWIMA subscription %u cleared", subscription->request_id); swima_state->set_subscription(swima_state, NULL, FALSE); } } else { INIT(subscription, .imv_id = in_msg->get_src_id(in_msg), .request_id = request_id, .targets = targets->get_ref(targets), .sw_id_only = sw_id_only, ); swima_state->set_subscription(swima_state, subscription, TRUE); DBG1(DBG_IMC, "SWIMA subscription %u established", subscription->request_id); if (system(SW_COLLECTOR) != 0) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "calling %s failed", SW_COLLECTOR); out_msg->destroy(out_msg); return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } } } else { attr = swima_error_create(PA_ERROR_SWIMA_SUBSCRIPTION_DENIED, request_id, 0, "subscriptions not enabled"); out_msg->add_attribute(out_msg, attr); } } fulfill_request(state, out_msg, request_id, sw_id_only, targets); break; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (fatal_error) { result = TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } else { /* send PA-TNC message with the EXCL flag set */ result = out_msg->send(out_msg, TRUE); } out_msg->destroy(out_msg); return result; } /** * see section 3.8.4 of TCG TNC IF-IMC Specification 1.3 */ TNC_Result TNC_IMC_ReceiveMessage(TNC_IMCID imc_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_BufferReference msg, TNC_UInt32 msg_len, TNC_MessageType msg_type) { imc_state_t *state; imc_msg_t *in_msg; TNC_Result result; if (!imc_swima) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "IMC \"%s\" has not been initialized", imc_name); return TNC_RESULT_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!imc_swima->get_state(imc_swima, connection_id, &state)) { return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } in_msg = imc_msg_create_from_data(imc_swima, state, connection_id, msg_type, chunk_create(msg, msg_len)); result = receive_message(state, in_msg); in_msg->destroy(in_msg); return result; } /** * see section 3.8.6 of TCG TNC IF-IMV Specification 1.3 */ TNC_Result TNC_IMC_ReceiveMessageLong(TNC_IMCID imc_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id, TNC_UInt32 msg_flags, TNC_BufferReference msg, TNC_UInt32 msg_len, TNC_VendorID msg_vid, TNC_MessageSubtype msg_subtype, TNC_UInt32 src_imv_id, TNC_UInt32 dst_imc_id) { imc_state_t *state; imc_msg_t *in_msg; TNC_Result result; if (!imc_swima) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "IMC \"%s\" has not been initialized", imc_name); return TNC_RESULT_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!imc_swima->get_state(imc_swima, connection_id, &state)) { return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } in_msg = imc_msg_create_from_long_data(imc_swima, state, connection_id, src_imv_id, dst_imc_id,msg_vid, msg_subtype, chunk_create(msg, msg_len)); result =receive_message(state, in_msg); in_msg->destroy(in_msg); return result; } /** * see section 3.8.7 of TCG TNC IF-IMC Specification 1.3 */ TNC_Result TNC_IMC_BatchEnding(TNC_IMCID imc_id, TNC_ConnectionID connection_id) { if (!imc_swima) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "IMC \"%s\" has not been initialized", imc_name); return TNC_RESULT_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } /** * see section 3.8.8 of TCG TNC IF-IMC Specification 1.3 */ TNC_Result TNC_IMC_Terminate(TNC_IMCID imc_id) { if (!imc_swima) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "IMC \"%s\" has not been initialized", imc_name); return TNC_RESULT_NOT_INITIALIZED; } imc_swima->destroy(imc_swima); imc_swima = NULL; return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } /** * see section of TCG TNC IF-IMC Specification 1.3 */ TNC_Result TNC_IMC_ProvideBindFunction(TNC_IMCID imc_id, TNC_TNCC_BindFunctionPointer bind_function) { if (!imc_swima) { DBG1(DBG_IMC, "IMC \"%s\" has not been initialized", imc_name); return TNC_RESULT_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return imc_swima->bind_functions(imc_swima, bind_function); }