/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "imv_os_state.h" #include "imv/imv_lang_string.h" #include "imv/imv_reason_string.h" #include "imv/imv_remediation_string.h" #include "imv/imv_os_info.h" #include #include #include typedef struct private_imv_os_state_t private_imv_os_state_t; typedef struct package_entry_t package_entry_t; typedef struct entry_t entry_t; typedef struct instruction_entry_t instruction_entry_t; /** * Private data of an imv_os_state_t object. */ struct private_imv_os_state_t { /** * Public members of imv_os_state_t */ imv_os_state_t public; /** * TNCCS connection ID */ TNC_ConnectionID connection_id; /** * TNCCS connection state */ TNC_ConnectionState state; /** * Does the TNCCS connection support long message types? */ bool has_long; /** * Does the TNCCS connection support exclusive delivery? */ bool has_excl; /** * Maximum PA-TNC message size for this TNCCS connection */ uint32_t max_msg_len; /** * Flags set for completed actions */ uint32_t action_flags; /** * IMV database session associated with TNCCS connection */ imv_session_t *session; /** * PA-TNC attribute segmentation contracts associated with TNCCS connection */ seg_contract_manager_t *contracts; /** * IMV action recommendation */ TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation rec; /** * IMV evaluation result */ TNC_IMV_Evaluation_Result eval; /** * IMV OS handshake state */ imv_os_handshake_state_t handshake_state; /** * List of blacklisted packages to be removed */ linked_list_t *remove_packages; /** h* List of vulnerable packages to be updated */ linked_list_t *update_packages; /** * TNC Reason String */ imv_reason_string_t *reason_string; /** * IETF Remediation Instructions String */ imv_remediation_string_t *remediation_string; /** * Number of processed packages */ int count; /** * Number of vulnerable packages */ int count_security; /** * Number of blacklisted packages */ int count_blacklist; /** * Number of whitelisted packages */ int count_ok; /** * OS Settings */ u_int os_settings; /** * Number of installed packages still missing */ uint16_t missing; }; /** * Supported languages */ static char* languages[] = { "en", "de", "pl" }; /** * Reason strings for "OS settings" */ static imv_lang_string_t reason_settings[] = { { "en", "Improper OS settings were detected" }, { "de", "Unzulässige OS Einstellungen wurden festgestellt" }, { "pl", "Stwierdzono niewłaściwe ustawienia OS" }, { NULL, NULL } }; /** * Reason strings for "installed software packages" */ static imv_lang_string_t reason_packages[] = { { "en", "Vulnerable or blacklisted software packages were found" }, { "de", "Schwachstellenbehaftete oder gesperrte Softwarepakete wurden gefunden" }, { "pl", "Znaleziono pakiety podatne na atak lub będące na czarnej liście" }, { NULL, NULL } }; /** * Instruction strings for "Software Security Updates" */ static imv_lang_string_t instr_update_packages_title[] = { { "en", "Software Security Updates" }, { "de", "Software Sicherheitsupdates" }, { "pl", "Aktualizacja softwaru zabezpieczającego" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static imv_lang_string_t instr_update_packages_descr[] = { { "en", "Packages with security vulnerabilities were found" }, { "de", "Softwarepakete mit Sicherheitsschwachstellen wurden gefunden" }, { "pl", "Znaleziono pakiety podatne na atak" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static imv_lang_string_t instr_update_packages_header[] = { { "en", "Please update the following software packages:" }, { "de", "Bitte updaten Sie die folgenden Softwarepakete:" }, { "pl", "Proszę zaktualizować następujące pakiety:" }, { NULL, NULL } }; /** * Instruction strings for "Blacklisted Software Packages" */ static imv_lang_string_t instr_remove_packages_title[] = { { "en", "Blacklisted Software Packages" }, { "de", "Gesperrte Softwarepakete" }, { "pl", "Pakiety będące na czarnej liście" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static imv_lang_string_t instr_remove_packages_descr[] = { { "en", "Dangerous software packages were found" }, { "de", "Gefährliche Softwarepakete wurden gefunden" }, { "pl", "Znaleziono niebezpieczne pakiety" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static imv_lang_string_t instr_remove_packages_header[] = { { "en", "Please remove the following software packages:" }, { "de", "Bitte entfernen Sie die folgenden Softwarepakete:" }, { "pl", "Proszę usunąć następujące pakiety:" }, { NULL, NULL } }; ;/** * Instruction strings for "Forwarding Enabled" */ static imv_lang_string_t instr_fwd_enabled_title[] = { { "en", "IP Packet Forwarding" }, { "de", "Weiterleitung von IP Paketen" }, { "pl", "Przekazywanie pakietów IP" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static imv_lang_string_t instr_fwd_enabled_descr[] = { { "en", "Please disable the forwarding of IP packets" }, { "de", "Bitte deaktivieren Sie das Forwarding von IP Paketen" }, { "pl", "Proszę zdezaktywować przekazywanie pakietów IP" }, { NULL, NULL } }; /** * Instruction strings for "Default Password Enabled" */ static imv_lang_string_t instr_default_pwd_enabled_title[] = { { "en", "Default Password" }, { "de", "Default Passwort" }, { "pl", "Hasło domyślne" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static imv_lang_string_t instr_default_pwd_enabled_descr[] = { { "en", "Please change the default password" }, { "de", "Bitte ändern Sie das Default Passwort" }, { "pl", "Proszę zmienić domyślne hasło" }, { NULL, NULL } }; /** * Instruction strings for "Unknown Source" */ static imv_lang_string_t instr_unknown_source_title[] = { { "en", "Unknown Software Origin" }, { "de", "Unbekannte Softwareherkunft" }, { "pl", "Nieznane pochodzenie softwaru" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static imv_lang_string_t instr_unknown_source_descr[] = { { "en", "Do not allow the installation of apps from unknown sources" }, { "de", "Erlauben Sie nicht die Installation von Apps aus unbekannten Quellen" }, { "pl", "Proszę nie dopuszczać do instalacji Apps z nieznanych źródeł" }, { NULL, NULL } }; METHOD(imv_state_t, get_connection_id, TNC_ConnectionID, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->connection_id; } METHOD(imv_state_t, has_long, bool, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->has_long; } METHOD(imv_state_t, has_excl, bool, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->has_excl; } METHOD(imv_state_t, set_flags, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, bool has_long, bool has_excl) { this->has_long = has_long; this->has_excl = has_excl; } METHOD(imv_state_t, set_max_msg_len, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, uint32_t max_msg_len) { this->max_msg_len = max_msg_len; } METHOD(imv_state_t, get_max_msg_len, uint32_t, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->max_msg_len; } METHOD(imv_state_t, set_action_flags, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, uint32_t flags) { this->action_flags |= flags; } METHOD(imv_state_t, get_action_flags, uint32_t, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->action_flags; } METHOD(imv_state_t, set_session, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, imv_session_t *session) { this->session = session; } METHOD(imv_state_t, get_session, imv_session_t*, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->session; } METHOD(imv_state_t, get_contracts, seg_contract_manager_t*, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->contracts; } METHOD(imv_state_t, get_recommendation, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation *rec, TNC_IMV_Evaluation_Result *eval) { *rec = this->rec; *eval = this->eval; } METHOD(imv_state_t, set_recommendation, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation rec, TNC_IMV_Evaluation_Result eval) { this->rec = rec; this->eval = eval; } METHOD(imv_state_t, update_recommendation, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation rec, TNC_IMV_Evaluation_Result eval) { this->rec = tncif_policy_update_recommendation(this->rec, rec); this->eval = tncif_policy_update_evaluation(this->eval, eval); } METHOD(imv_state_t, change_state, TNC_ConnectionState, private_imv_os_state_t *this, TNC_ConnectionState new_state) { TNC_ConnectionState old_state; old_state = this->state; this->state = new_state; return old_state; } METHOD(imv_state_t, get_reason_string, bool, private_imv_os_state_t *this, enumerator_t *language_enumerator, chunk_t *reason_string, char **reason_language) { if (!this->count_security && !this->count_blacklist & !this->os_settings) { return FALSE; } *reason_language = imv_lang_string_select_lang(language_enumerator, languages, countof(languages)); /* Instantiate a TNC Reason String object */ DESTROY_IF(this->reason_string); this->reason_string = imv_reason_string_create(*reason_language, "\n"); if (this->count_security || this->count_blacklist) { this->reason_string->add_reason(this->reason_string, reason_packages); } if (this->os_settings) { this->reason_string->add_reason(this->reason_string, reason_settings); } *reason_string = this->reason_string->get_encoding(this->reason_string); return TRUE; } METHOD(imv_state_t, get_remediation_instructions, bool, private_imv_os_state_t *this, enumerator_t *language_enumerator, chunk_t *string, char **lang_code, char **uri) { imv_os_info_t *os_info; bool as_xml = FALSE; if (!this->count_security && !this->count_blacklist & !this->os_settings) { return FALSE; } *lang_code = imv_lang_string_select_lang(language_enumerator, languages, countof(languages)); /* Instantiate an IETF Remediation Instructions String object */ DESTROY_IF(this->remediation_string); if (this->session) { os_info = this->session->get_os_info(this->session); as_xml = os_info->get_type(os_info) == OS_TYPE_ANDROID; } this->remediation_string = imv_remediation_string_create(as_xml, *lang_code); /* List of blacklisted packages to be removed, if any */ if (this->count_blacklist) { this->remediation_string->add_instruction(this->remediation_string, instr_remove_packages_title, instr_remove_packages_descr, instr_remove_packages_header, this->remove_packages); } /* List of packages in need of an update, if any */ if (this->count_security) { this->remediation_string->add_instruction(this->remediation_string, instr_update_packages_title, instr_update_packages_descr, instr_update_packages_header, this->update_packages); } /* Add instructions concerning improper OS settings */ if (this->os_settings & OS_SETTINGS_FWD_ENABLED) { this->remediation_string->add_instruction(this->remediation_string, instr_fwd_enabled_title, instr_fwd_enabled_descr, NULL, NULL); } if (this->os_settings & OS_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_PWD_ENABLED) { this->remediation_string->add_instruction(this->remediation_string, instr_default_pwd_enabled_title, instr_default_pwd_enabled_descr, NULL, NULL); } if (this->os_settings & OS_SETTINGS_UNKNOWN_SOURCE) { this->remediation_string->add_instruction(this->remediation_string, instr_unknown_source_title, instr_unknown_source_descr, NULL, NULL); } *string = this->remediation_string->get_encoding(this->remediation_string); *uri = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.imv-os.remediation_uri", NULL, lib->ns); return TRUE; } METHOD(imv_state_t, reset, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->reason_string); DESTROY_IF(this->remediation_string); this->reason_string = NULL; this->remediation_string = NULL; this->rec = TNC_IMV_ACTION_RECOMMENDATION_NO_RECOMMENDATION; this->eval = TNC_IMV_EVALUATION_RESULT_DONT_KNOW; this->action_flags = 0; this->handshake_state = IMV_OS_STATE_INIT; this->count = 0; this->count_security = 0; this->count_blacklist = 0; this->count_ok = 0; this->os_settings = 0; this->missing = 0; this->update_packages->destroy_function(this->update_packages, free); this->remove_packages->destroy_function(this->remove_packages, free); this->update_packages = linked_list_create(); this->remove_packages = linked_list_create(); } METHOD(imv_state_t, destroy, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->session); DESTROY_IF(this->reason_string); DESTROY_IF(this->remediation_string); this->contracts->destroy(this->contracts); this->update_packages->destroy_function(this->update_packages, free); this->remove_packages->destroy_function(this->remove_packages, free); free(this); } METHOD(imv_os_state_t, set_handshake_state, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, imv_os_handshake_state_t new_state) { this->handshake_state = new_state; } METHOD(imv_os_state_t, get_handshake_state, imv_os_handshake_state_t, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->handshake_state; } METHOD(imv_os_state_t, set_count, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, int count, int count_security, int count_blacklist, int count_ok) { this->count += count; this->count_security += count_security; this->count_blacklist += count_blacklist; this->count_ok += count_ok; } METHOD(imv_os_state_t, get_count, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, int *count, int *count_security, int *count_blacklist, int *count_ok) { if (count) { *count = this->count; } if (count_security) { *count_security = this->count_security; } if (count_blacklist) { *count_blacklist = this->count_blacklist; } if (count_ok) { *count_ok = this->count_ok; } } METHOD(imv_os_state_t, set_os_settings, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, u_int settings) { this->os_settings |= settings; } METHOD(imv_os_state_t, get_os_settings, u_int, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->os_settings; } METHOD(imv_os_state_t, set_missing, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, uint16_t missing) { this->missing = missing; } METHOD(imv_os_state_t, get_missing, uint16_t, private_imv_os_state_t *this) { return this->missing; } METHOD(imv_os_state_t, add_bad_package, void, private_imv_os_state_t *this, char *package, os_package_state_t package_state) { package = strdup(package); if (package_state == OS_PACKAGE_STATE_BLACKLIST) { this->remove_packages->insert_last(this->remove_packages, package); } else { this->update_packages->insert_last(this->update_packages, package); } } /** * Described in header. */ imv_state_t *imv_os_state_create(TNC_ConnectionID connection_id) { private_imv_os_state_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .interface = { .get_connection_id = _get_connection_id, .has_long = _has_long, .has_excl = _has_excl, .set_flags = _set_flags, .set_max_msg_len = _set_max_msg_len, .get_max_msg_len = _get_max_msg_len, .set_action_flags = _set_action_flags, .get_action_flags = _get_action_flags, .set_session = _set_session, .get_session = _get_session, .get_contracts = _get_contracts, .change_state = _change_state, .get_recommendation = _get_recommendation, .set_recommendation = _set_recommendation, .update_recommendation = _update_recommendation, .get_reason_string = _get_reason_string, .get_remediation_instructions = _get_remediation_instructions, .reset = _reset, .destroy = _destroy, }, .set_handshake_state = _set_handshake_state, .get_handshake_state = _get_handshake_state, .set_count = _set_count, .get_count = _get_count, .set_os_settings = _set_os_settings, .get_os_settings = _get_os_settings, .set_missing = _set_missing, .get_missing = _get_missing, .add_bad_package = _add_bad_package, }, .state = TNC_CONNECTION_STATE_CREATE, .rec = TNC_IMV_ACTION_RECOMMENDATION_NO_RECOMMENDATION, .eval = TNC_IMV_EVALUATION_RESULT_DONT_KNOW, .connection_id = connection_id, .contracts = seg_contract_manager_create(), .update_packages = linked_list_create(), .remove_packages = linked_list_create(), ); return &this->public.interface; }