/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Sansar Choinyambuu * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "pts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef TPM_TAG_QUOTE_INFO2 #define TPM_TAG_QUOTE_INFO2 0x0036 #endif #ifndef TPM_LOC_ZERO #define TPM_LOC_ZERO 0x01 #endif typedef struct private_pts_t private_pts_t; /** * Private data of a pts_t object. * */ struct private_pts_t { /** * Public pts_t interface. */ pts_t public; /** * PTS Protocol Capabilities */ pts_proto_caps_flag_t proto_caps; /** * PTS Measurement Algorithm */ pts_meas_algorithms_t algorithm; /** * DH Hash Algorithm */ pts_meas_algorithms_t dh_hash_algorithm; /** * PTS Diffie-Hellman Secret */ diffie_hellman_t *dh; /** * PTS Diffie-Hellman Initiator Nonce */ chunk_t initiator_nonce; /** * PTS Diffie-Hellman Responder Nonce */ chunk_t responder_nonce; /** * Secret assessment value to be used for TPM Quote as an external data */ chunk_t secret; /** * Primary key of platform entry in database */ int platform_id; /** * TRUE if IMC-PTS, FALSE if IMV-PTS */ bool is_imc; /** * Active TPM */ tpm_tss_t *tpm; /** * Contains a TPM_CAP_VERSION_INFO struct */ chunk_t tpm_version_info; /** * AIK object handle */ uint32_t aik_handle; /** * Contains an Attestation Identity Key Certificate */ certificate_t *aik_cert; /** * Primary key referening AIK in database */ int aik_id; /** * Shadow PCR set */ pts_pcr_t *pcrs; }; METHOD(pts_t, get_proto_caps, pts_proto_caps_flag_t, private_pts_t *this) { return this->proto_caps; } METHOD(pts_t, set_proto_caps, void, private_pts_t *this, pts_proto_caps_flag_t flags) { this->proto_caps = flags; DBG2(DBG_PTS, "supported PTS protocol capabilities: %s%s%s%s%s", flags & PTS_PROTO_CAPS_C ? "C" : ".", flags & PTS_PROTO_CAPS_V ? "V" : ".", flags & PTS_PROTO_CAPS_D ? "D" : ".", flags & PTS_PROTO_CAPS_T ? "T" : ".", flags & PTS_PROTO_CAPS_X ? "X" : "."); } METHOD(pts_t, get_meas_algorithm, pts_meas_algorithms_t, private_pts_t *this) { return this->algorithm; } METHOD(pts_t, set_meas_algorithm, void, private_pts_t *this, pts_meas_algorithms_t algorithm) { hash_algorithm_t hash_alg; hash_alg = pts_meas_algo_to_hash(algorithm); DBG2(DBG_PTS, "selected PTS measurement algorithm is %N", hash_algorithm_names, hash_alg); if (hash_alg != HASH_UNKNOWN) { this->algorithm = algorithm; } } METHOD(pts_t, get_dh_hash_algorithm, pts_meas_algorithms_t, private_pts_t *this) { return this->dh_hash_algorithm; } METHOD(pts_t, set_dh_hash_algorithm, void, private_pts_t *this, pts_meas_algorithms_t algorithm) { hash_algorithm_t hash_alg; hash_alg = pts_meas_algo_to_hash(algorithm); DBG2(DBG_PTS, "selected DH hash algorithm is %N", hash_algorithm_names, hash_alg); if (hash_alg != HASH_UNKNOWN) { this->dh_hash_algorithm = algorithm; } } METHOD(pts_t, create_dh_nonce, bool, private_pts_t *this, pts_dh_group_t group, int nonce_len) { diffie_hellman_group_t dh_group; chunk_t *nonce; rng_t *rng; dh_group = pts_dh_group_to_ike(group); DBG2(DBG_PTS, "selected PTS DH group is %N", diffie_hellman_group_names, dh_group); DESTROY_IF(this->dh); this->dh = lib->crypto->create_dh(lib->crypto, dh_group); rng = lib->crypto->create_rng(lib->crypto, RNG_STRONG); if (!rng) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "no rng available"); return FALSE; } DBG2(DBG_PTS, "nonce length is %d", nonce_len); nonce = this->is_imc ? &this->responder_nonce : &this->initiator_nonce; chunk_free(nonce); if (!rng->allocate_bytes(rng, nonce_len, nonce)) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "failed to allocate nonce"); rng->destroy(rng); return FALSE; } rng->destroy(rng); return TRUE; } METHOD(pts_t, get_my_public_value, bool, private_pts_t *this, chunk_t *value, chunk_t *nonce) { if (!this->dh->get_my_public_value(this->dh, value)) { return FALSE; } *nonce = this->is_imc ? this->responder_nonce : this->initiator_nonce; return TRUE; } METHOD(pts_t, set_peer_public_value, bool, private_pts_t *this, chunk_t value, chunk_t nonce) { if (!this->dh->set_other_public_value(this->dh, value)) { return FALSE; } nonce = chunk_clone(nonce); if (this->is_imc) { this->initiator_nonce = nonce; } else { this->responder_nonce = nonce; } return TRUE; } METHOD(pts_t, calculate_secret, bool, private_pts_t *this) { hasher_t *hasher; hash_algorithm_t hash_alg; chunk_t shared_secret; /* Check presence of nonces */ if (!this->initiator_nonce.len || !this->responder_nonce.len) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "initiator and/or responder nonce is not available"); return FALSE; } DBG3(DBG_PTS, "initiator nonce: %B", &this->initiator_nonce); DBG3(DBG_PTS, "responder nonce: %B", &this->responder_nonce); /* Calculate the DH secret */ if (!this->dh->get_shared_secret(this->dh, &shared_secret)) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "shared DH secret computation failed"); return FALSE; } DBG3(DBG_PTS, "shared DH secret: %B", &shared_secret); /* Calculate the secret assessment value */ hash_alg = pts_meas_algo_to_hash(this->dh_hash_algorithm); hasher = lib->crypto->create_hasher(lib->crypto, hash_alg); if (!hasher || !hasher->get_hash(hasher, chunk_from_chars('1'), NULL) || !hasher->get_hash(hasher, this->initiator_nonce, NULL) || !hasher->get_hash(hasher, this->responder_nonce, NULL) || !hasher->allocate_hash(hasher, shared_secret, &this->secret)) { DESTROY_IF(hasher); return FALSE; } hasher->destroy(hasher); /* The DH secret must be destroyed */ chunk_clear(&shared_secret); /* * Truncate the hash to 20 bytes to fit the ExternalData * argument of the TPM Quote command */ this->secret.len = min(this->secret.len, 20); DBG3(DBG_PTS, "secret assessment value: %B", &this->secret); return TRUE; } METHOD(pts_t, get_platform_id, int, private_pts_t *this) { return this->platform_id; } METHOD(pts_t, set_platform_id, void, private_pts_t *this, int pid) { this->platform_id = pid; } METHOD(pts_t, get_tpm_version_info, bool, private_pts_t *this, chunk_t *info) { *info = this->tpm ? this->tpm->get_version_info(this->tpm) : this->tpm_version_info; return info->len > 0; } METHOD(pts_t, set_tpm_version_info, void, private_pts_t *this, chunk_t info) { this->tpm_version_info = chunk_clone(info); /* print_tpm_version_info(this); */ } /** * Load an AIK handle and an optional AIK certificate and * in the case of a TPM 1.2 an AIK private key blob plus matching public key, * the certificate having precedence over the public key if both are present */ static void load_aik(private_pts_t *this) { char *handle_str, *cert_path, *key_path, *blob_path; chunk_t aik_pubkey = chunk_empty; handle_str = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.imc-attestation.aik_handle", NULL, lib->ns); cert_path = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.imc-attestation.aik_cert", NULL, lib->ns); key_path = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.imc-attestation.aik_pubkey", NULL, lib->ns); blob_path = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.imc-attestation.aik_blob", NULL, lib->ns); if (handle_str) { this->aik_handle = strtoll(handle_str, NULL, 16); } if (cert_path) { this->aik_cert = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_CERTIFICATE, CERT_X509, BUILD_FROM_FILE, cert_path, BUILD_END); if (this->aik_cert) { DBG2(DBG_PTS, "loaded AIK certificate from '%s'", cert_path); } } if (this->tpm->get_version(this->tpm) == TPM_VERSION_1_2) { tpm_tss_trousers_t *tpm_12; chunk_t aik_blob = chunk_empty; chunk_t *map; /* get AIK private key blob */ if (blob_path) { map = chunk_map(blob_path, FALSE); if (map) { DBG2(DBG_PTS, "loaded AIK Blob from '%s'", blob_path); DBG3(DBG_PTS, "AIK Blob: %B", map); aik_blob = chunk_clone(*map); chunk_unmap(map); } else { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "unable to map AIK Blob file '%s': %s", blob_path, strerror(errno)); } } else { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "AIK Blob is not available"); } /* get AIK public key if no AIK certificate is available */ if (!this->aik_cert) { if (key_path) { map = chunk_map(key_path, FALSE); if (map) { DBG2(DBG_PTS, "loaded AIK public key from '%s'", key_path); aik_pubkey = chunk_clone(*map); chunk_unmap(map); } else { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "unable to map AIK public key file '%s': %s", key_path, strerror(errno)); } } else { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "AIK public key is not available"); } } /* Load AIK item into TPM 1.2 object */ tpm_12 = (tpm_tss_trousers_t *)this->tpm; tpm_12->load_aik(tpm_12, aik_blob, aik_pubkey, this->aik_handle); } /* if no signed X.509 AIK certificate is available use public key instead */ if (!this->aik_cert) { aik_pubkey = this->tpm->get_public(this->tpm, this->aik_handle); if (aik_pubkey.len > 0) { this->aik_cert = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_CERTIFICATE, CERT_TRUSTED_PUBKEY, BUILD_BLOB, aik_pubkey, BUILD_END); chunk_free(&aik_pubkey); } else { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "neither AIK certificate nor public key is available"); } } } METHOD(pts_t, get_aik, certificate_t*, private_pts_t *this) { return this->aik_cert; } METHOD(pts_t, set_aik, void, private_pts_t *this, certificate_t *aik, int aik_id) { DESTROY_IF(this->aik_cert); this->aik_cert = aik->get_ref(aik); this->aik_id = aik_id; } METHOD(pts_t, get_aik_id, int, private_pts_t *this) { return this->aik_id; } METHOD(pts_t, is_path_valid, bool, private_pts_t *this, char *path, pts_error_code_t *error_code) { struct stat st; *error_code = 0; if (!stat(path, &st)) { return TRUE; } else if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "file/directory does not exist %s", path); *error_code = TCG_PTS_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } else if (errno == EFAULT) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "bad address %s", path); *error_code = TCG_PTS_INVALID_PATH; } else { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "error: %s occurred while validating path: %s", strerror(errno), path); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Obtain statistical information describing a file */ static bool file_metadata(char *pathname, pts_file_metadata_t **entry) { struct stat st; pts_file_metadata_t *this; this = malloc_thing(pts_file_metadata_t); if (stat(pathname, &st)) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "unable to obtain statistics about '%s'", pathname); free(this); return FALSE; } if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { this->type = PTS_FILE_REGULAR; } else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { this->type = PTS_FILE_DIRECTORY; } else if (S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)) { this->type = PTS_FILE_CHAR_SPEC; } else if (S_ISBLK(st.st_mode)) { this->type = PTS_FILE_BLOCK_SPEC; } else if (S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) { this->type = PTS_FILE_FIFO; } #ifndef WIN32 else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { this->type = PTS_FILE_SYM_LINK; } else if (S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode)) { this->type = PTS_FILE_SOCKET; } #endif /* WIN32 */ else { this->type = PTS_FILE_OTHER; } this->filesize = st.st_size; this->created = st.st_ctime; this->modified = st.st_mtime; this->accessed = st.st_atime; this->owner = st.st_uid; this->group = st.st_gid; *entry = this; return TRUE; } METHOD(pts_t, get_metadata, pts_file_meta_t*, private_pts_t *this, char *pathname, bool is_directory) { pts_file_meta_t *metadata; pts_file_metadata_t *entry; /* Create a metadata object */ metadata = pts_file_meta_create(); if (is_directory) { enumerator_t *enumerator; char *rel_name, *abs_name; struct stat st; enumerator = enumerator_create_directory(pathname); if (!enumerator) { DBG1(DBG_PTS," directory '%s' can not be opened, %s", pathname, strerror(errno)); metadata->destroy(metadata); return NULL; } while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &rel_name, &abs_name, &st)) { /* measure regular files only */ if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && *rel_name != '.') { if (!file_metadata(abs_name, &entry)) { enumerator->destroy(enumerator); metadata->destroy(metadata); return NULL; } entry->filename = strdup(rel_name); metadata->add(metadata, entry); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } else { if (!file_metadata(pathname, &entry)) { metadata->destroy(metadata); return NULL; } entry->filename = path_basename(pathname); metadata->add(metadata, entry); } return metadata; } METHOD(pts_t, read_pcr, bool, private_pts_t *this, uint32_t pcr_num, chunk_t *pcr_value, hash_algorithm_t alg) { return this->tpm ? this->tpm->read_pcr(this->tpm, pcr_num, pcr_value, alg) : FALSE; } METHOD(pts_t, extend_pcr, bool, private_pts_t *this, uint32_t pcr_num, chunk_t *pcr_value, chunk_t data, hash_algorithm_t alg) { if (!this->tpm->extend_pcr(this->tpm, pcr_num, pcr_value, data, alg)) { return FALSE; } DBG3(DBG_PTS, "PCR %d extended with: %#B", pcr_num, &data); DBG3(DBG_PTS, "PCR %d after extension: %#B", pcr_num, pcr_value); return TRUE; } METHOD(pts_t, quote, bool, private_pts_t *this, tpm_quote_mode_t *quote_mode, tpm_tss_quote_info_t **quote_info, chunk_t *quote_sig) { chunk_t pcr_value, pcr_computed; uint32_t pcr, pcr_sel = 0; enumerator_t *enumerator; /* select PCRs */ DBG2(DBG_PTS, "PCR values hashed into PCR Composite:"); enumerator = this->pcrs->create_enumerator(this->pcrs); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &pcr)) { if (this->tpm->read_pcr(this->tpm, pcr, &pcr_value, HASH_SHA1)) { pcr_computed = this->pcrs->get(this->pcrs, pcr); DBG2(DBG_PTS, "PCR %2d %#B %s", pcr, &pcr_value, chunk_equals(pcr_value, pcr_computed) ? "ok" : "differs"); chunk_free(&pcr_value); }; /* add PCR to selection list */ pcr_sel |= (1 << pcr); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); /* TPM Quote */ return this->tpm->quote(this->tpm, this->aik_handle, pcr_sel, HASH_SHA1, this->secret, quote_mode, quote_info, quote_sig); } METHOD(pts_t, get_quote, bool, private_pts_t *this, tpm_tss_quote_info_t *quote_info, chunk_t *quoted) { tpm_tss_pcr_composite_t *pcr_composite; bool success; if (!this->pcrs->get_count(this->pcrs)) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "No extended PCR entries available, " "unable to construct TPM Quote Info"); return FALSE; } if (!this->secret.ptr) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "Secret assessment value unavailable, ", "unable to construct TPM Quote Info"); return FALSE; } if (quote_info->get_quote_mode(quote_info) == TPM_QUOTE2_VERSION_INFO) { if (!this->tpm_version_info.ptr) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "TPM Version Information unavailable, ", "unable to construct TPM Quote Info2"); return FALSE; } quote_info->set_version_info(quote_info, this->tpm_version_info); } pcr_composite = this->pcrs->get_composite(this->pcrs); success = quote_info->get_quote(quote_info, this->secret, pcr_composite, quoted); chunk_free(&pcr_composite->pcr_select); chunk_free(&pcr_composite->pcr_composite); free(pcr_composite); return success; } METHOD(pts_t, verify_quote_signature, bool, private_pts_t *this, hash_algorithm_t digest_alg, chunk_t digest, chunk_t signature) { public_key_t *aik_pubkey; signature_scheme_t scheme; aik_pubkey = this->aik_cert->get_public_key(this->aik_cert); if (!aik_pubkey) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "failed to get public key from AIK certificate"); return FALSE; } /* Determine signing scheme */ switch (aik_pubkey->get_type(aik_pubkey)) { case KEY_RSA: switch (digest_alg) { case HASH_SHA1: scheme = SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA1; break; case HASH_SHA256: scheme = SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA2_256; break; case HASH_SHA384: scheme = SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA2_384; break; case HASH_SHA512: scheme = SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA2_512; break; case HASH_SHA3_256: scheme = SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA3_256; break; case HASH_SHA3_384: scheme = SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA3_384; break; case HASH_SHA3_512: scheme = SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA3_512; break; default: scheme = SIGN_UNKNOWN; } break; case KEY_ECDSA: switch (digest_alg) { case HASH_SHA256: scheme = SIGN_ECDSA_256; break; case HASH_SHA384: scheme = SIGN_ECDSA_384; break; case HASH_SHA512: scheme = SIGN_ECDSA_521; break; default: scheme = SIGN_UNKNOWN; } break; default: DBG1(DBG_PTS, "%N AIK key type not supported", key_type_names, aik_pubkey->get_type(aik_pubkey)); return FALSE; } if (!aik_pubkey->verify(aik_pubkey, scheme, NULL, digest, signature)) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "signature verification failed for TPM Quote Info"); DESTROY_IF(aik_pubkey); return FALSE; } aik_pubkey->destroy(aik_pubkey); return TRUE; } METHOD(pts_t, get_pcrs, pts_pcr_t*, private_pts_t *this) { return this->pcrs; } METHOD(pts_t, destroy, void, private_pts_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->tpm); DESTROY_IF(this->pcrs); DESTROY_IF(this->aik_cert); DESTROY_IF(this->dh); free(this->initiator_nonce.ptr); free(this->responder_nonce.ptr); free(this->secret.ptr); free(this->tpm_version_info.ptr); free(this); } /** * See header */ pts_t *pts_create(bool is_imc) { private_pts_t *this; pts_pcr_t *pcrs; pcrs = pts_pcr_create(); if (!pcrs) { DBG1(DBG_PTS, "shadow PCR set could not be created"); return NULL; } INIT(this, .public = { .get_proto_caps = _get_proto_caps, .set_proto_caps = _set_proto_caps, .get_meas_algorithm = _get_meas_algorithm, .set_meas_algorithm = _set_meas_algorithm, .get_dh_hash_algorithm = _get_dh_hash_algorithm, .set_dh_hash_algorithm = _set_dh_hash_algorithm, .create_dh_nonce = _create_dh_nonce, .get_my_public_value = _get_my_public_value, .set_peer_public_value = _set_peer_public_value, .calculate_secret = _calculate_secret, .get_platform_id = _get_platform_id, .set_platform_id = _set_platform_id, .get_tpm_version_info = _get_tpm_version_info, .set_tpm_version_info = _set_tpm_version_info, .get_aik = _get_aik, .set_aik = _set_aik, .get_aik_id = _get_aik_id, .is_path_valid = _is_path_valid, .get_metadata = _get_metadata, .read_pcr = _read_pcr, .extend_pcr = _extend_pcr, .quote = _quote, .get_pcrs = _get_pcrs, .get_quote = _get_quote, .verify_quote_signature = _verify_quote_signature, .destroy = _destroy, }, .is_imc = is_imc, .proto_caps = PTS_PROTO_CAPS_V, .algorithm = PTS_MEAS_ALGO_SHA256, .dh_hash_algorithm = PTS_MEAS_ALGO_SHA256, .pcrs = pcrs, ); if (is_imc) { this->tpm = tpm_tss_probe(TPM_VERSION_ANY); if (this->tpm) { this->proto_caps |= PTS_PROTO_CAPS_T | PTS_PROTO_CAPS_D; load_aik(this); } } else { this->proto_caps |= PTS_PROTO_CAPS_T | PTS_PROTO_CAPS_D; } return &this->public; }